Chapter Five: Tryouts

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Albus walked in to his dad's office.

"Hey, Dad? Do you know when the tryouts are?" He asked.

"Yeah. Today. In five minutes. You can use the broom Lily rode to get here," Harry said, without looking up.

Albus grabbed the broom and ran out to the pitch. Rose was already there.

"I want to try out for Chaser," he found himself saying.

"Eh...I think I will go for Keeper," Rose said.

The two of them mounted their brooms. When it was Albus's turn to try out, his cousin, Fred, tossed him the ball.

"Now go try to make as many goals as you can in under a minute," Fred said.

Albus darted across the pitch, amazed at the incredible speed at which he was traveling.

He flung the Quaffle in the hoop. Rose missed the chance to block it. He got the ball again and took another shot. This time, Rose blocked it. By the time the minute was up, Albus and Rose had each earned an even number of points. Fred stopped them as they dismounted.

"You're both on the team. First practice is tomorrow. Be there," he said.

They thanked him and walked back to the castle. They spotted Lina running toward the pitch with a broom in hand.

"Hey, Lina! Trying out for the Ravenclaw team?" Albus called.

Lina walked over to them.

"Yeah. Seeker," she said.

"Brilliant. Albus and I are on the Gryffindor team," Rose said.

They went in to the castle.

"Oh, shoot!" Rose said.

"What?" Albus asked.

"We have Parkinson's essay for homework. We'd best get working!" She said. She raced off to the common room.

Albus wrote a short, simple one-page essay. Rose read over it.

All she said was, "You misspelled 'Cauldron'."

They went to the Great Hall. Lina waved them over from the Ravenclaw table. They walked over.

"I'm the new Ravenclaw seeker!" Lina told them.

"That's great!" Rose said.

The two of them sat down at the Gryffindor table. McGonagall stood up and said:

"Good evening. Tomorrow is the first Gryffindor practice. Let dinner...Commence!" she said.

Plates of spaghetti and salad appeared on their tables. They began to eat. They looked around and saw bowls of ice cream. They began to eat those for desert.

Author's Note:
Don't forget to comment and vote, and I will follow you back!

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