Chapter Seven: Quidditch Practice

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Albus looked outside. His red Quidditch robes burned bright against the grey stone walls. Albus, Rose, and James went outside. It was time for practice. They strode quickly, carrying their great-quality brooms to the pitch.

"Who are we playing in the match this week?" Albus asked.

"The Hufflepuffs!" James replied.

Rose hopped on her broom and flew to the pitch. The others followed. They laughed in spite of themselves. They flew around the goal hoops a few times, then landed. The rest of the team was there.

"All right, team. This is Albus, our new chaser, and Rose, our keeper. And James, our beater!" Fred said.

The team introduced themselves. A short, blond boy waved at them. "Dan Flonx," he said.

"Jasmine Rivers."

"Sam Cabesa."

The team mounted the brooms. Jasmine, the seeker, rose higher than everyone else. Rose went to the goalposts. James and Dan, the beaters, grabbed their clubs. Apparently, they already knew each other.
Albus caught the Quaffle. He zoomed across the field and threw it through the hoop. Rose could not catch it.

After practice, the three of them went into the castle. Lorcan and Lysander had been making big towers out of slippary soap.

"We are going to knock it down as somebody is walking past!" They said.

"That's not nice!" Rose scolded. (@tinydancer1006).

They just flashed twin grins at her and pretended to tip their invisible hats. They went up to bed and went to sleeo immediately.

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