::Chapter 7:Detentions And Arguments::

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The group walked back to the school for their next lesson. They had history of magic next. Albus thought stared at the name of the professor on the piece of parent clutched in his hand. He didn't recognise it.
Professor Dreina
He scratched his chin thoughtfully when Scorpius nudged his shoulder. Albus looked up to see a frustrated Probus standing by the door of the class room. Albus gestured to the others to follow him and tried to slip by. He was almost through when Probus stuck out his arm.
"Well well well. Albus Potter everybody's least favourite Potter." He drawled
"Shut up! Come on Al!" Scorpius yelled trying to shove his way through.
"Now Scorpius don't make me tell your father,"
Scorpius turned pale.
"Leave him alone!" Dan yelled
"At least he's not a jerk!" Steptium shouted
"Yeah!" Rupert joined in trying to help. Probus looked like he was going to say something when the door swung open revealing a young woman dark woman with frizzy brown hair and electric blue eyes. She wore a set of square glasses that hung on the bridge of her nose. She looked at Albus, Probus and Scorpius who were all nose to nose.
"What is going on here?" She questioned with a slightly exasperated tone in her voice. Probus slinked away muttering something that sounded like 'squib' and 'nothing'
The professor raised her eyebrows at Probus but said nothing. Instead she gestured the group to enter the room. Ducking under her arm Albus sat next to Scorpius at a table near the window. Professor Dreina coughed a little to get their attention.
"My name is Professor Dreina and I will be your history of magic teacher and yes I know some of your older siblings had said Professor Binns teaches history but he finally realised he was dead when Peeves pointed out to him last year. So I will be you teacher as he is now sulking with moaning myrtle," she spoke clearly with a gentle tone in her voice. Albus thought her lesson was quite enjoyable. She cast charms on the little figures to represent the Goblin wars explaining in that gentle voice Al the way through. The only people who seemed to have a problem with Professor Dreina was Probus and his entourage. When the lesson ended Albus swung his bag over his shoulder and hurried out. He had defence against the dark arts now. His father being an Auror made him interested in that topic so his half ran down the corridor to the little class room dragging Scorpius, Dan, Rupert and Steptium with him. He reached the class room breathless. Scorpius glanced at Albus bewildered.
"You were excited to get to his class?" He asked shocked
His? Albus glanced at the name on his timetable stating the professor.
Professor Yaskin
Albus sighed the one lesson he was really interested in was the one with the teacher he hated. He completely forgot he taught them. Albus face palmed. He let out a groan of annoyance. Dan laughed and soon everyone was laughing except from Rupert who was utterly bewildered
"I don't get it? what's so funny?" He asked with a look of utmost confusion as if someone had confunded him. They waited outside until Professor Yaskin opened the classroom door and told everyone to get in. The curtains were shut and on the walls were ministry approved posters of defence against the dark arts topics. Albus sat at a desk trying to sit next to Scorpius but to his utmost surprise Rose plopped down next to him. She smiled slightly and mouthed h a hello. Albus grinned back. He had misses not having Rose around. It would be a change not to have Probus in his class and to be honest he was relieved that he wouldn't be there. Albus lost his trail of thought as a wand slammed in front of him. He looked up to see the eagel like eyes of Professor Yaskin.
"I asked you a question Potter" he said through gritted teeth spitting out his name like it was venom.
"Sorry?" Albus asked timidly completely lost.
"Ah so you were not listening. Class too good for you huh. Well what I said was what wizard clans are Quintapeds claimed to be?" He asked his right eye twitching slightly. That was easy he had heard his father talking about it to a coworker who came to their house.
"The Macboon clan," he said quickly glad that he could remember. Professor Yaskin frowned.
"And how would you know that?" He inquired his eye twitching even more.
"I heard my dad talking about it," Albus told him truthfully
"Oh your dad so can you tell me who invented the curse spetumsepra and its purpose?" He asked thinking that he had stumped Albus.
"It can create cuts in people and was made by Severus Snape. I mean I was named after him so I did some digging in case you were wondering," Albus replied answering his teacher's future question just in case
"Are you being smart with me? Detention 19:00 sharp my office," Yaskin replied coldly with the ghost of a smile on his face. Albus groaned and he slumped back in his chair his head in his hands. By the end of the lesson Professor Yaskin had picked on Albus a grand total of 7 times. When the group of boys left he was almost shaking with rage.
"You better keep your head down round Professor Yaskin," a voice said from behind them. Albus turned to face Rose. Her arms were folded and she had the 'don't do anything stupid' look on her face. Albus sighed.
"I don't get why I should have to cower in his class. Just because your not in Gryffindor," he told her coldly. Rose let out a small squeak. "Albus Severus Potter I know fully well I'm not in Gryffindor even though my entire family is, including my mother who was supposed to be the brightest witch of her age! So I don't need you reminding me!" Rose yelled. She looked like she wanted to slap Albus but decided against it. She turned round and began to walk away.
"See that's why she's not in Gryffindor," Albus told the group of boys. Rose froze. She shipped her head around. "Eat dung Potter!" She screeched
"In your dreams Weasley!" Albus retorted. With that Rose waved her wand ,which made all of Albus' books fall out from the bottom of his bag, and stormed away. Albus huffed.
"What's gotten into Rose?" Albus asked the group.
"More like what's gotten into you," Dan stated
"Yeah, jerk move Al," Steptium agreed
"I think you should apologise," Scorpius told him
"Yeah!" Rupert added. They walked away leaving Albus alone. He bent down to scoop up his books and thought about what just happened.
"Everyone has gone mad" he concluded.

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