::Chapter One: An Odd Apperance::

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The Potter's were not an ordinary family. Most unordinary families have something simple that is different about them, but the Potters were extraordinary. Why? They were wizards. Albus Potter was supposedly considered a hero. He was the son of the famous Harry Potter and the brother of James Potter, the genius prankster (the boy who seemed to make it his life ambition to wind Albus up). Though Albus Potter believed he was not a hero, he was the child who had received a sign he had magical ability last. When he was 9, he had shown no magical ability either on purpose or not. His sister Lily had discovered she had magic at the common age of 7. At Albus' 10th birthday party, he had Transfigured a tea cup into a puppy that he had so desired. Therefore, he was set to go to the best wizarding school in the world- Hogwarts. Even though he had never been there, he already knew some of the teachers. Professor Longbottom and Professor Hagrid were two of his parents' closest friends, who had helped them defeat Voldemort. Everyone was still frightened that he would come back (even though he had been dead for 19 years- or was he...?). Anyway, Albus was at home in number 12 Grimmauld Place. His mother, Ginny, had asked him to get ready to go to Diagon Alley to get his school supplies, no matter how he protested that his letter hadn't arrived and that he was a Squib. His mother smiled and continued to tell him  what items he should bring. She then turned away to finish cooking breakfast. He stared out the window in the kitchen, sighing to himself. Lily entered the room and pointed to the window dramatically. He looked towards where she was pointing and saw a black shape appear over the horizon, the shape of an owl. Albus leaped for joy, waving his hands in the air, whooping. Ginny placed her finger to her mouth but she was smiling. He waited patiently and tore the letter from the owl's leg. On the letter was the Hogwarts crest and his name in green writing.
Mr A Potter
12 Grimmauld place
The kitchen
He ripped open the letter with eager excitement. The writing was a bright green. He read it his heart thumping inside his chest
Dear Mr Potter,
We are sorry to inform you that your request to join Hogwarts has been denied.Your magical capabilities do not stand to Hogwarts standards so we suggest you apply for your local muggle school before it is too late.
Sincerest apologies,
Professor Flitwick,
Deputy head, head of Ravenclaw.
Albus face fell. He handed it to his sister and she covered her hand over her mouth with shock, the she gave it to Ginny who bit her lip. He trudged upstairs grumpily when a door opened and his brother James appeared. He smirked and poked his younger brother hard in the stomach. Albus gasped and rubbed his stomach angrily. "What was that for!" he gasped furiously. James said nothing and just walked by still smirking when he turned round again and whispered "Squib." Albus froze. He felt as though he had been pierced in the heart with the sword of Gryffindor. "Can't you be nice to me even once?! I just got my letter denied from Hogwarts I already know I'm a squib!" Screamed Albus in a rage of fury, he held his head up high and continued to make his journey up the crooked staircase. His sister Lily came out of her room and hugged her brother tight and said "Oh Al', don't listen to James he can be so cruel sometimes. He always forgets Uncle George gave me a set of extendable ears last Christmas, to mum's displeasure." Albus grinned his sister was always kind to him. Lily adored him. He continued to go upstairs, Lily following him, and he opened his door. He walked in to his room with an air of reluctance. It was a pale blue room with a moth eaten red carpet and posters of his favourite Quidditch team (Puddlemere United). He placed his new rucksack on his bed and began filling it. He placed some pocket money in it and a snekascope. As his father was the head of the Aurora office so they had to make sure they were safe. Lily watched as he did this and the thought that she should follow his example and slipped away to pack hers. When Albus turned to speak to her she was gone so slightly embarrassed he  slid the backpack onto his shoulders and walked back downstairs when something jerked his backpack and lifted him off his feet for two seconds. He turned around and saw James grinning. Albus pulled himself away and yanked the bag out of James' hands and continued his way down to the front door. Tears had filled his eyes. His brother had always tormented him and Albus finally broke. James shifted from side to side in an awkward manner. He pulled out a letter and murmured "It was a prank. I got Godric to take the letter from the school owl and switch it. I thought you wouldn't take it seriously. " Albus looked at him with eyes full of venom. James backed off, leaving the letter on the banister. Albus picked up the letter and tore it open in a rage. He read it quickly and relief filled him up like a balloon which rapidly turned to anxiety. What if he was in Slytherin? James would never let him forget it. He re- read the letter several times. There it was in green
Dear Mr Potter,
We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Term starts on the 1st of September. Your train ticket is inside along with your school supply list. We look forward to seeing you in school
Yours sincerely,
Professor Flitwick
Deputy Head and Head of Ravenclaw.
Albus ran down stairs waving the letter in the air. He ran to where his mother and Father where helping Lily put her coat on. (his mother had flaming red hair like Lily and Dark eyes. His father had scruffy black hair that stood up at the back, bright green eyes -exactly like Albus'-, round glasses and a thin lightning shaped scar across his fore-head.) Albus yelled "I got in. James pranked me but I don't care anymore I got into Hogwarts!" Ginny looked at James, her face turning red with anger. James shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. "James what do we tell you I come back from work to discover you have been tormenting your brother. Why can't you be nice to each other for once? You should know better," harry told him coolly. James stared at his feet. As they were about to leave there was a knock at the old oak door. Ginny opened it and Mundugus Fletcher stood soaking wet. He stepped inside and said "Alright 'arry I just been you know getting new stock and I was wondering if I could borrow some floo powder I need to get some stuff at Diagon Alley.""We're heading there now but we're pretty low on floo powder so we have to go in pairs if you would like I could go with you," Harry said giving Mundugus a dirty look. Mundugus shook his head and gestured to Albus who was the smallest of them all. Ginny looked at Harry and he nodded slowly whispering something into her ear, so Albus stood forward eyeing Mundugus. He smelt of whiskey and old tobacco. His coat was a muddy brown and torn with odd patches and what looked like a potion burn. He lent forward and scooped up the fine powdery dust from the pot above the fireplace. He sprinkled it into the flames and grabbed Albus by the scruff of his neck and pulled him into the bright green flames. As Albus opened his mouth to protest Mundugus shouted "Knockturn Alley!" Then before Albus could even gasp with shock he began choking on the smoke emitting from the flames.

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