Good Bye and Onto the Trian

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           Right After the talk I had with my dad it was time to say good bye. "Come on first year Albus!" James, my two year older brother yelled across the station. "Coming! Bye mum." I said. 

"Bye sweetie. We will write to you every 3 weeks." Mum said as she kissed me on the forehead. "Bye Dad. Bye Lily." I said as I hugged them both. As I went on the train I went to go sit next to James and my cousin, Rose Weasley the daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley. James was in Gryffindor. "Hey do think that Scorpios will be nice? My dad said his dad was mean when he was at Hogwarts." Rose exclaimed.

We were talking most of the time until the candy trolley came. "Anything off the trolley dears?" The old lady asked.
"I'll take some!" We all said at the same time.

"You first." She pointed at James.

"Can I have a chocolate frog and a liquor ice wand?" She handed him his candy and he payed.  "I'll have a chocolate frog and a pack of Bertie Bots Every Flavor Jelly Beans." I handed her some change. 

"Thank you.  Now you can go dear."

"I will have what they both got." Rose said. The trolley lady gave her what we have and then Rose payed and the lady walked on.

      "What house do you think I will get?" I asked.

"I think you will get into Gryffindor like your mum and dad." Rose stated.

"Well, I think you will get into Slytherin!" Said James.

"Why would I? I am nice I am not mean! I think you should have! YOU ARE THE MEAN ONE!!!" James glared at me as I was saying that. "Well dad said he almost got into Slytherin. Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron said he was nice!" James yelled back at me. As this was going on Rose was petting my owl and ferret as she was eating the candy. "Rose BACK ME UP HERE! I am going to ask to be in Gryffindor . Do you think I will, like it did for my dad?" I asked her. 

"Well I don't know! I mean, if it works for Uncle Harry then it should work for you.....I guess. Your Dad is Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived!  So ya, sure why not! But what do you think I will be sorted into? I'm thinking Gryffindor." Rose said.

"Gryffindor!" James and I yelled.

                                                                    2 and a half hours later

A Slytherin prefect came into our compartment and said, "All of you better be getting your robes on. We will be arriving shortly." After he said that he left. We then started to talk about our summers. 


"FIRST YE'RS THIS WAY! CLIMB INTO A BOAT! FOUR PER' BOAT!" Hagrid yelled. James turned to face Rosie and I. "Well this is where I leave you. Bye!" After that James walked off.  Rosie and I jumped into a boat with two other people. "Hi." I said. "I am Albus Potter."

"And I am Rose Weasley." Rose said. 

"Cool. I am Madison Finnigan. But you can call me Maddie and this is my brother Justin." The girl said. I thought for a moment and said, "I feel like I know that name from somewhere.....Oh I know your dad!  He and my dad used to be in the same house. Then they got into a fight in their 5th year! His name is Seamus. Right?"


"WE ARE HERE!" We all yelled.

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