Telling everyone

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I walked down to breakfast and sat the Gryffindor table because everyone was there. "Hey Al!" They all yelled.
"I have something to tell you guys." I said as I jogged over to the group. "Ok, so I have a time turner. Listen, I know. It was a shocker for me too. As Rosie knows a had a talk with my dad and Professor McGonagle. You guys can not tell anybody! You can only tell family that's it!" I told them. they all looked at me like I was crazy! They sat there frozen. They were to shocked. I gave them time to talk so they huddled in a group and started whispering. And when I mean everyone I mean by James, Rose, Fred and Justin. No Maddie though. I wonder why. As they were talking I heard things like, What, Lucky, and he's to young. I thought. Rose shook her head and stepped up. "Hey Al, you know how my mum said how she had a time turner? Well maybe you can talk to her." Rose suggested. I nodded. But then James stepped up. "Oh look Ickel, wuffy Albuskins has been growing up so fast! Mum must be SO proud." James said annoyed. I couldn't take it anymore. So I zoomed out of the Great Hall.

James' POV (A/N oh first change in POV!)

"Oh look Ickel, wuffy Albuskins has been growing up so fast! Mum must SO be proud." I said very annoyed of how much attention Albus gets. Mum must really proud of how smart he is. Rose stepped up to right in front of my face. "How could you!? Make your brother run off and cry about that! You should be ashamed James Sirius Potter!" Rose yelled in my face. "Shut up Weasley! I know what my dad called you over for and I bet the whole Great hall would want to hear it!"
"You wouldn't!"
"But I would. HEY! MY DAD CALLED OVER SCORPIUS MALFOY AND ROSE WEASLEY! THEY HaD THE SAME PATRONUS! SO THEY ARE SOUL MATES!" I yelled and I just rolled my eyes at her and sat down. Rose sat down and looked T the ground.

Albus POV

I ran off cry out into a Corridor. Until I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry!" The girl dropped her books. He went to pick them up until he saw her face. "Maddie? Why weren't you in the great hall?"
"I was in the Library. Hey you ok? Want to talk?" She asked.
I nodded and we headed back to the library.

A/N YEAH!! I updated!!!!!! Thanks for your support!!! And sorry if it's a bit on the short side!

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