Chapter 1

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Ok, I have had this idea for a while now and I have finally decided to do this! I love Shadowhunters and The Mortal Instruments, though I have not gotten to read the whole series and the details may not be correct by the book, so this is going to be based off of the Tv series Shadowhunters. I hope you like this s Note I don't update quickly so this is going to take a while.

Disclaimer: I don't own Shadowhunters or The Mortal Instruments. All rights of the charecters go to Cassandra Claire! Luna Lightwood is the only character that I created.


Don't be nervous. I tell myself as I approach the table where the people sitting there will decide if I get into my dream school or not. You see I am an artist but I also love writing, storytelling; it is something that has always made me happy and helped me throughout my life. I have trouble connecting with people, I prefer to stay in my own little shell and not come out to the world. I take out my art portfolio, place it on the table and start getting out my assigned art projects that are some of my personal favorites. The-um-judges lets call them, look at my assigned work and they seem to really like it; but a particular paper catches their eye and what is drawn on my portfolio. Oh no! That isn't supposed to be there! 

"What are these," one of the ladies ask.

"Some of the drawings for a novel that I am writing with a friend and my sister; the others are just some short stories that I'm thinking about making into a book," I pause, "I didn't mean for them to be in my portfolio, they were in their by accident.".

"The Brooklyn Academy of Art doesn't believe in accidents and your writing along with your art skills are captivating by the way," one of the judges say.

"She is right, welcome to the Brooklyn Academy of Art," the lead judge says as he signs the paper that allows me to start my future. I thank my new professors and take my paper happily; while collecting my artwork and walking out of the academy. 

Clary and Simon are already at Java Jones, so that's where I am heading now. Clary is my younger sister but only by about a year. Simon is my best friend, actually he is my only friend- god that sounds pathetic, anyway he has always been there for me no matter what happens in my crazy world. Today is Clary's eighteenth birthday and also her entrance exam for the Brooklyn Academy of Art, the school we have dreamed about going to since we were kids. So today is a big- no huge day for us; her more than I.

I am immediately hit with the smell of coffee as I enter Java Jones and walk towards Simon and Clary. They notice my huge smile and know that I got in. Clary and Simon hug me and congratulate me; Simon lets go but I hold on to Clary a little longer congratulating her as well. I know that she got in because she texted me when she got out of the academy, but she also told me of her little scheme to trick Simon. We stay there for a while before we each go home, Simon to his moms, Clary and I to our moms. 

We decide to stop at Dot's real quick to tell her that we got in, but as it turns out she already knew. She follows Simon. She is messing with some tarot cards and says that predicting the future is harder than she thought. She gives Clary her birthday present and tells Clary to be careful, she doesn't want to get in trouble with our mom. We talk to her a little longer before heading home to get ready for Simon's gig. Luke, who is like our  father to us, gave Clary spray paint and said that he would arrest us both if he found any of that paint on walls. Clary told him that it's for Simon's band van, she is insisting that they rename the band, and mom agrees with us.

 Mom gives Clary her birthday present ... weird she gave me something almost exactly like that for my birthday. She never explained to me what it was only that it was an heirloom... it's from my actual family even though I have no clue who they are or why they gave me up... Jocelyn said she was very close with my parents but other than that she didn't say much about them. Anyway I try searching online for what it was but nothing... I couldn't find anything on it. Clary and I go to our rooms to get ready for the gig and Clary's birthday 'party'. We are about to leave when mom tells us that there is something that she wants to tell us, she wants to stay home for the night saying that it isn't safe and Clary and I are going through big changes. That's weird I've never seen her act like this, and besides what big changes can be happening now, I've already gone through puberty. Luckily that is when Simon arrived, and we managed to convinced mom to tell us at breakfast tomorrow.

We arrive at Simon and Morine's gig, get them set up and listened to them play. Then we went outside and to Simon's van and went outside a club and we started to redecorate the bands van. Simon asks what a symbol means that I drew on the side of the van... that's weird I didn't even realize that I drew it and I certainly don't know what it means. That sparks a conversation that I honestly kind of tuned out of; I can't help but feel like I have seen that symbol somewhere that it means something very important. 

Clary bumping into me snaps me out of my thoughts. A blond man covered in tattoos bumped into her apparently because she asked him to watch where he's going. 

He looks at us astonished then says, "you can see me".

"Well ya we can see you, that's kind of the point of eyes..." I shoot back with sas.

"You two have the sight" He says. What the... he is either crazy, drunk, high, or a mixture of them. I quickly tune back in as he was saying a lame pick up line.

"Jace" someone says, then he turns around and jogs into the club.

We then go back to Simon and Morine and try to talk to them about that guy we just saw, but they kept on insisting that there wasn't anyone there. I get so frusterated and unzip my fake leather jacket, revealing my tight, low cut shirt that shows off some of my boobs then start walking towards the club to get some answers. Apparently Clary had the same idea as she did the same thing revealing the shirt that Dot got her.

"Where are you two going" Simon asks us worried.

"To get some answers" We both answer at the same time.

"Remember your fake id's suck" Simon tells us, honestly I don't care there is something strange going on and I want to know what.

No matter how bad our fake ID's are we managed to get in, and Clary spotted the weird blond guy. So both me and Clary began to follow him. I did catch Simon saying that he is going to 'fail' at getting birthday drinks however. Simon may not think he can do things like this but the guy does have skill. We followed him as three other people joined him and Clary complimented a buff guy that looks kind of shady on his contacts, which I rolled my eyes to and started to walk a little faster than her. We walked in the room and saw... Jace was it- yes it was Jace... standing in front of a girl and he pulled something out of his pocket that started to glow... oh that's a sword- WAIT A SWORD!!! I 'blacked' out in shock and the next thing I know is that something falls in front of me and someone pounced on my knocking me down and I landed on my back. I got so scared that I grab the thing to strike it on the head and hope I can get loose after that only the thing starts to glow and shoot out a blade like Jace's did and it stabs the person and it bursts into flames... or at least I think that's what happened. I get up and stare at the thing in shock when it's ripped from my hands by a dark haired man and Clary pulls my arm and we start walk fast getting out of there. Before we get out of there we both bumps into someone and we turn around to quickly say sorry when I look at him for a second I see him with cat eyes and smoke coming out of his hands. This only freaks me out more if that's even possible and I start running towards the exit along with Clary, Simon sees us but we ignore him. I hale a cab for us and we get in; on the ride home it really starts to set in that I probably killed someone.

We get home and mom is still awake and both Clary and I start talking all at once. Mom tells us to calm down and speak one at a time; I let Clary speak first but I don't think there is a way for either of us to ever calm down. Clary explains that she had pushed the girl or whatever that thing was down and Jace knocked her out of the way and she went into shock, the next thing she did was grab me. After she finished I told what happened to me. Mom asks if the markings looked like the markings looked like this, she then grabed my family heirloom and ran it along her arm and a tattoo appeared! What the hell! 

"Jocelyn look outside" Dot says.

"Dot it's time" Mom says. She grabs a necklace and puts it around Clary's neck, telling her to think of her when she looks at it. She gives me my heirloom and Dot waves her hand and the inside glass farm doors open and a purple thingy fills up the space. Mom puts us in front of it and asks where Luke is and we answer her panicked.

We hit the stations wall and the caption comes up the stairs. We ask where Luke was and she says he is in a meeting. We walked towards the café and when she was gone we both go to Luke's office where we hear him say that he was playing our mom the whole time. We both left after that and went home in the pouring rain.

The apartment is completely trashed and mom is nowhere to be found. We each grab a weapon that is in my moms shop and go upstairs. We see Dot and drop our weapons, she keeps on asking us about a cup. Then I explode all the emotions that I have been holding in comes out at once. She falls to the ground and ... changes ... then another thing that looks like it come out Clary backs up and starts to try to get away along with me. Unfortionly I get stuck in a corner the thing bites me... I think that was a bite. It tries to do it again when I see something shoved through it and the thing disappears. I look up and see the dark haired person from the club, I also see the blond haired person helping Clary up. 

"The demon bit her" the dark haired person said, but I could barley make it out.

"What" I weakly said before everything went dark. 


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