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There were many kinds of silence. The kind in which one mourned, the kind in which one closed one's eyes and came to rest, and the kind that made one's blood run cold.

But the silence that hung between you and Valeria was like no other. There was no hatred between you, no loathing, no feelings, neither good nor bad.

It wasn't meant to be anything.

No, instead, the two of you were wrapped in silence to cherish this very moment between two people who once had been friends and now could have been further apart.

"How many years has it been?", she finally asked as she sat down on the edge of a table, arms crossed in front of that bulletproof vest that she always wore.

It was the ex military in her, always careful, never taking risks.

Nobody except the three of you were in this room. She didn't want to be open about things. Not when they were about your history.

The guards had been positioned outside, below every window and in the rooms next door. She didn't want an audience, but she also didn't trust.


Especially not you.

You sat in a chair opposite of her, Rodolfo to your right. They hadn't touched him. Not yet.

It was probably only a matter of what you'd answer if they would only torture him or take you down as well. As expected from her. She always thought before acting. It was what made her so dangerous.

"Not long enough.", you finally said and met her with a soft smile. "Look at us. All grown up."

She huffed and shrugged.

"I've always been a woman with a goal."

One of your eyebrows rose.

"You mean only one of us changed?", you asked while your fingers played with the wedding band on your right hand.

"You have a husband now.", she raised her chin to glance at Rudi. "His best friend. A colonel. I always tried to get close to him, but he was too upright. Puta madre... Who would have thought he'd fall for a narco like no other?"

The way she talked about your former self made you chuckle softly. You looked to the side to meet Ruby's eyes.

He frowned, but did not say a word. This situation was stressful to him. Even though he was a respectable soldier.

"Valeria...", you took a deep breath but couldn't help and make it sound like a sigh. "I take it you don't approve of my change, no matter what path I would have went down."

"We were meant for more.", she pressed out between clenched teeth. "This business was meant for us. We could have won, once and for all."

"I'm not like you.", you shook your head. "I'm not a leader."

"You mean you're better than me.", now Valeria could help but lean in to make you feel just how angered she was. "I would have given you half, fair and square. And you ran away! Because of what? Morals? Guilt?"

She laughed. And you couldn't help but laugh as well. But while hers was mocking, yours was sad and broken.

"Everything and nothing was a reason.", you agreed and raised your gaze again to meet her eyes. "You're a woman with an attitude, Valeria. You do not forgive, we both know that."

"I am willing to.", she jumped to her feet.

Your eyes narrowed.

"A scar just below my ribs says otherwise.", you reminded her with a resentful look in your eyes. "But let's not dwell in old stories. You send for me. A few too many times, for my taste. Why?"

Now her expression changed. The passive aggressive smile of hers froze and instead, her eyebrows knitted together to draw small lines on her forehead.

With her arms crossed, she walked circles around the table, her eyes not letting go of you for a single second. She wanted to intimidate you.

Unfortunately for her, you've seen far worse. Her pretty face meant nothing to you.

Finally, after a hot minute, she stopped to face you. Now the two of you were cut off by the table. It was like an ocean between two people, former partners, now strangers.

Or worse, opponents.

"I hoped to get a hold of you far earlier.", Valeria finally said and took a deep breath to calm herself. "I hoped we could... rekindle our business relationship."

"Why?", you shrugged. "Because you're in hot water?"

"In bed with a terrorist!", it suddenly burst out of Rodolfo.

Her eyes flinched.

All of a sudden, her leg shot up to place one quick but harsh kick right into the middle of his ribcage. Struck by the force, he gasped, saliva dripping from his lips, while he bend under the lack of air and coughed.

You did not react to it. There was no need to play into her cards.

"I'm running a business, señor.", her aggressive grin returned. "We grow or we die. That's the way of the world."

"So you take on terrorist deals?", you asked.

"I'm not with the terrorists. I just move cargo. That's what they paid me for."

Your eyes narrowed.

"What cargo?", you tilted your head. "You wanted me back to ship cargo? Valeria... we both know that's not the reason."

"I need someone to keep the people in line.", she grabbed your chin with anger to pull you close. "The loyalty. Some dogs still cry after you. But you came here with a fraud of a gift, an insult on your lips and the plan to betray me once more!"

All of a sudden you could feel a cold blade pressed against your throat. The shiny metal caught some of the light and reflected it.

But you did not flinch. You didn't want to give her the satisfaction of fear. It wasn't worth it.

If you'd die now, you'd die. No need to go without dignity.

"Perhaps you put too much faith in the narco I once was, Valeria.", you said and gifted her a smirk. "I never lived for the cartel. All I did was survive."

You did a gesture.

Rudi caught the hint. Quickly, he tore the loose handcuffs apart and pulled out a gun that he had kept hidden in his pants.

"And now I must ask you to take a step back.", he pressed the barrel to Valeria's temple. "We'll take a trip."

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