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This was not an unusual event. You had already conducted many negotiations with narcos, unarmed, in an environment that was not favourable to you.

It wasn't the first time guns had been pointed at you.

Back then you had been second in command, the myth, the legend that had made breaths stop and skin scrawl. You had been enough to create advantages in negotiations that were fully against the cartel and their causes.

But this felt different. It was not the same as then.

Your heart was beating up to your neck as your hand reached out for the door handle.

You were ready to make sacrifices. You knew that this might not end well. You might soon be laying in the dust outside, bullets deep in your flesh.

You were fully aware of the situation and you were ready to take every single risk. But you still hesitated.

It would have been so much easier to do this as Sin Rosto, the monster that people respected and feared even more. There was this thing about the person you had once been that gave you a sense of security. You weren't forced to be cautious.

"Where are you when it really counts?", you asked yourself with a bitter smirk. "If ever I needed to be Sin Rosto, it is right now. Don't hide back in the shadows now. I need you."

Some sort of weight pressed down on your chest as you pressed down the handle and pushed open the door slowly. With both hands raised, you waited for the crack to be wide enough for the people outside to see you were unarmed before you took the first step outside.

"Buenos días soldados.", you called into the crowd as you stopped right in the middle of the front yard. "Nice day to die."

You were greeted by a group of armed people. With their guns raised they formed a half circle around you.

With put on confidence you smirked and watched the little bees get to work in order to appease the queen that had send them.

"Identify yourself!", a man yelled into your direction.

He was dressed in light armour, armed with some pistols strapped to his legs and a machine gun. His eyes were hidden behind shades, a dead giveaway that he did not want to be identified easily.

"What's your rank, soldier?", you asked back with your chin raised.

A moment of uncomfortable silence spread.

The beating of your heart rose to your throat. But on the outside you remained calm. At least that was what you tried with all your remaining strength.

Eyes examined you from all sides. Anybody would have lost their mind in a situation like this, surrounded by corrupt military and their guns.

But you did not budge. Not in this moment, it was too important.

"You are pretty confident.", the soldier noted and lowered his gun. "I wonder if you'd still ask me for my rank if I'd put a bullet between your eyes."

It seemed you had sparked his interest.

"I don't fear death, sir.", a smirk tugged at the corners of your lips. "Death fears me. So let me be disrespectful once again and ask for your rank, soldado."

"And what if I won't tell you?", he returned the question.

Now you couldn't help but chuckle. How easy it was to catch their attention. Like moths to a flame they reacted to every word out of your mouth, lie or truth, it did not matter.

All of a sudden adrenaline rushed through your veins. Every single hair on your body stood up straight.

"Soldado.", you called out with a chuckle. "Didn't she tell you what you are supposed to hunt? Didn't she give a word of warning? Advice?"

Now you had spread doubt in their minds. Fear was in their eyes.

Unsure, they exchanged glances, whispered words.

It gave you so much satisfaction to see and feel how people still changed around you. How fragile they were underneath the weight of your reputation.

Finally, the soldier gave in to his men's doubts and hesitantly lowered his gun. With a gesture he ordered the others to stay alerted but to hold fire.

"Who are you?", he asked with his eyes squinted.

Amused, you huffed.

"I asked first.", you gestured with your chin towards his direction. "Go on. I'm still waiting."

His eyes moved across his men. He swallowed visibly.

"Sergeant Major Abél Ramiréz.", he finally answered. "Who am I talking to?"

Satisfied, you took a deep breath. With your arms crossed behind your back you lowered your gaze and approached with a few steps.

Alarmed, guns rose again.

But Ramiréz was a smart man. He ordered them to calm down before a bullet could hit you in the neck.

As you were about two steps away from his reach, you looked up again to meet his eyes with a smirk. You allowed yourself to be brazen for a moment and examined him from top to bottom.

"I wonder if she got more generous over time...", you mumbled, more to yourself than him, as your eyes got caught by the medal that sparkled next to his patch of the Mexican flag on his chest. "She used to be very... strict about payment. And what needed to be done in order to earn said pay. It was like a reward for a dog who sat when he was told to. Sit and she hands you a treat."

Visibly under stress, the Sergeant Major looked at you. Even though it wasn't possible to see his eyes due to the shades, it was still obvious just how much he was under pressure.

"Who are you?", he pressed out between clenched teeth once more.

You smiled and leaned forward.

"Oh, we both know the answer to that. She told you. And she send you, that I am certain of."

"I... I don't know how I could be of use to you.", he swallowed hard.

"Don't worry about that, I already figured something out. Today's your lucky day, I'll let you go."

"She'll kill me."

"Only if you come with empty hands, ay?", you reached into your pocket, slowly, to make sure that it couldn't be considered a threat, and pulled out a flip knife. "This is something she'll remember. Give it to her. And send my regards. I want to pay her a visit soon. For old times sake."

Without a word, he just grabbed the knife, shaking and nodded.

"Como quieras, Sin Rostro.", he breathed.

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