Alex Pokemon Journey part 16 The Neon City Contest!!!

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Alex Pokemon Team ~   Charmeleon    Shinx   Corphish

Austins Pokemon Team ~   Squirtle   Growlith

Sarahs Pokemon Team ~   Bulbasaur   Poliwag

Sarah:(runs in contest lobby)Im here to compete!!

Lady:Go to the Changing room then go where the other coordinators are

Sarah:Ok.Bye guys!!

Austin:Good luck!!!

Alex:Lets go get a seat before there all taken

Austin:Ok lets go

Tyson:Hmm....(walks to take a seat around arena)

Anouncer:Hello and welcome to the Neon City Contest!!!!


Anouncer:We have the talent round starting now!!!!

(Alot of people preform)

Anouncer:Our final Coordinater is Sarah!!!!!!

Alex:Thats my Sister right there!!!!Cheer!!!!

Austin:Alex just calm down


Sarah:Come on out Poliwag and Bulbasaur!!!!!

(Both Pokemon come out with Hearts flying around them)



Sarah:Bulbasaur use petal dance

Bulbasaur:Bulba (spins and uses petal dance)

Sarah:Now Poliwag use ice beam on the petals!!!

Poliwag:Poli!!! (Uses ice beam)

(Petals all freeze)

Sarah:Now use double slap on the frozen petals!!!

Poliwag:Poli (jumps and uses double slap)

(Frozen pedals break and sparkles fall down)

Anouncer :Wonderful performance you might be able to make it to the next round

Sarah:(walks back in lobby)

Anouncer:The people going next round are (looks at board)

(Other people appear but not Sarah till one more spot was left)

Sarah:Plz be plz be me...

(Sarah picture appears)


Austin:She made it!!!


(The battle round starts and Sarah battles and wins and reaches the finals)

Anouncer:Its Sarah vs Brie!!!!


Sarah:Go Bulbasaur!!!


Brie:Go Buneary!!!

Buneary:Bun Bun

Brie:Buneary use ice beam!!!

Buneary:Bun(uses ice beam)

Sarah:Dodge then razor leaf!!!

Buneary:Bun(gets damaged)

Brie:Use pound now!!!

Buneary:(uses pound quickly)bun

Bulbasaur:Bulba!!!(takes damage)

Anouncer :1 minute remaining!!!!!

Sarah:Bulbasaur use vine whip!!!

Bulbasaur:(stands still and he gets ready to use solar beam)

Sarah:Bulbasaur you learned solar beam!!!

Brie:Use double slap before Bulbasaur uses it!!!

Buneary:(gets close to Bulbasaur and gets ready to use double slap)

Bulbasaur:Bulb!!! (Uses solor beam)

Buneary:Bun!!!! (Faints)

Brie:No Buneary!!!

Anouncer:The winner is...Sarah!!!!

Sarah:I did it!!!!!

Alex:She won my sister won!!!

Austin:Way to go Sarah!!!!

Tyson:Good she won....

Anouncer:Sarah heres the Neon Ribbon

Sarah:Thank you very much!!Alright I got the Neon Ribbon!!!!!

To be Continued.......

Episode 17 tommorow!!!!!

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