Alex Pokemon Journey part 26 The Hatch!!!

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Alex Pokemon Team ~ Charmeleon Luxio Corphish Shieldon Egg

Austins Pokemon Team ~ Wartortle Growlith Tirtouga

Sarahs Pokemon Team ~ Bulbasaur Poliwag Amurua

Alex:I wonder what the egg will hatch into

Sarah:I think its going to be a Grass type

Austin:Its possible because Alex got it in a town that is known for its grass types

Alex:(stomach rumbles)I guess its time for lunch..


Austin:Sarah you could cook this time


Alex:Hey why cant I cook!!!

Sarah:Because your bad at cooking

Alex:Thats not true!!!

Sarah:Fine cook all ya want

Alex:Thank you

Charmeleon:(sniffs something from the forest)Char?

Alex:(is cooking)Whats the matter

Charmeleon:Char!! (Uses metal claw in a bush)

Alex:(sees a broken camera)Hey guys look

Austin:Hmm...It has a Skull on it...So that means

Alex:Oh why does Team Skull have to ruin our lunch!!

SkullAdminChris:Because we can!! (Stands on a tree branch)

Sarah:Now what do you want!!!

SkullAdminChris:That egg and all your pokemon!!!!

Alex:Your not getting my pokemon!!!Go Corphish!!!


SkullAdminChris:Go Umbreon and Lairon!!!



Austin:I will help you fight Alex!!Go Growlith!!!!


Alex:Sarah protect the pokemon and food!!!

Sarah:The pokemon ok but the food...really...

Alex:Just do it!!!!

SkullAdminChris:Umbreon and Lairon distract them


SkullAdminChris:(A cage falls on the all the pokemon and sarah and...The Food!!!!)

(A Helocopter brings the cage up)

Sarah:Hey get us out!!!

Alex:Noo the Pokemon and the Food!!!!

Sarah:What about me!!!

Alex:Who cares about you!!!

Austin:Wow...Thats rude...

SkullAdminChris:Oh I forgot the egg!!!

Alex:Hey don't get it!!!

(Egg starts hatching)

SkullAdminChris:What the!!!!


Sarah:Its a Treecko!!!

Alex:(pushes Chris back)

SkullAdminChris:Ahhh (hits the ground)

(Lairon and Umbreon are both down)

Austin:You lost...

SkullAdminChris:How do you know?


(Police Sirens go on)

SkullAdminChris:Noo!!!(trys to stand)



OfficerJenny:Your under arest!!!Now who is flying that Helocopter!!!

SkullAdminChris:Its on auto pilot...

(A police sends out a Fearow and flys it in helocopter to bring it down and free Sarah and
the pokemon)

OfficerJenny:(puts Chris in a police car)Thank you for telling me

Austin:Your welcome!!

Treecko:Cko? (Sits confused)

Alex:Welcome to the team Treecko

Treecko:(climbs on my shoulder)Cko!!!!

To be Continued....

Next Part Today or Tomorrow

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