Alex Pokemon Journey part 46 A True Combination of a Flaming Friendship!!!

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lex Pokemon Team ~ Charmeleon  Luxio  Corphish  Shieldon  Grovyle

Austin Pokemon Team ~ Wartortle  Growlith  Tirtouga

Sarahs Pokemon Team ~ Bulbasaur  Poliwhirl  Amaura  Sneasel

Alex:(looks at the gym)

Sarah:Alex I think you should train instead

Alex:Why?I think all that Dad said was wrong

Austin:Alex why dont you listen what he says?He is your father

Emily:I agree with Sarah and Austin

Alex:(sigh)This is my battle guys. I do what I can.... (looks at Charmeleons Pokeball)

Austin:If you say so (walks in gym)

In the gym

GymLeaderEthan:Well Son. I see you didn't train

Alex:Let just begin this battle!!!

GymLeaderEthan:Alright then begin this battle!!!!

(Storys Theme Song)

Referee:The battle against Ethan and Alex is about to begin!!!!

GymLeaderEthan:Floatzel Go!!!!!!


Alex:Go Corphish!!!!


GymLeaderEthan:I see you chose to use a new Pokemon

Alex:I sure did!!!!Now Corphish use Night Slash!!!!

Corphish:(runs towards Floatzel)

GymLeaderEthan:Floatzel dodge then Sonic Boom!!!!

Floatzel:(dodges and uses Sonic Boom)Floa!!!!

Corphish:Cor!!! (Gets hit)

Alex:Use Bubblebeam!!!!

Corphish:Cor!!! (Uses bubblebeam)

GymLeaderEthan:Floatzel break away all bubbles by charging towards Corphish and using Ice Punch!!!

Floatzel starts breaking the bubbles then he gets near Corphish and uses Ice Punch on him

Alex:Corphish dodge quickly and use Crab Hammer!!!!!

Corphish:(jumps over Ice Punch and uses Crab Hammer on Floatzel face)Cor!!!

Floatzel:Floa!!! (Gets hit)

GymLeaderEthan:Floatzel use Ice Punch again!!!!!

Floatzel:(charges towards Corphish)

Alex:Counter back using Crab Hammer!!!!

Corphish:Cor!!!!!! (Charges towards Floatzel)

They both hit each other making them both faint

Floatzel:Floa.... (fainted)

Corphish:Cor..... (fainted)

GymLeaderEthan:Return!!!!Go Lanturn!!!!


Alex:Return!!!!Go Grovyle!!!!!


GymLeaderEthan:I guess these 2 are fighting again.This time Lanturn will win!!!Lanturn use Discharge!!!

Lanturn:Lan!!! (Uses Discharge)

Grovyle:(gets hit)Vyle!!!!!

Alex:Grovyle use Energy Ball!!!!

Grovyle:Grov!!!!! (Uses energy ball)

GymLeaderEthan:Hit it back with you tail!!!

Lanturn:(Jumps and hits it back to Grovyle)Lan!!!!

Grovyle:(slices it with leaf blade)Vyle!!!!

Alex:Great Job Grovyle!!!Now use Solar Beam!!!!

Grovyle:(Uses Solar Beam)Vyle!!!

GymLeaderEthan:Counter with Hydro Pump!!!!

A explosion happens when it hits and explosion wind pushes Grovyle in water

Grovyle:(swims underwater)Grov

Lanturn:(uses signal beam from underwater)Lan!!!!

Grovyle:(swims out of the way)Grov!!! (Jumps to a platform)

Alex:Grovyle look around for Lanturn. If you see Lanturn use Solar Beam!!!

Grovyle(looks around)Grov.... (spots Lanturn)Grov!!! (Uses Solar beam)

Lanturn:(gets sent to the air)Lan!!!

Alex:Now use Leaf Blade!!!!

Grovyle:(jumps and uses Leaf Blade)Grov!!


GymLeaderEthan:Return!!!Go Greninja!!!!


GymLeaderEthan:Greninja use Night Slash!!!

Greninja:Gren!! (Uses Night Slash 5 times)


Alex:Grovyle use quick attack!!!

Grovyle:Vyle!!!! (Runs towards Greninja)

GymLeaderEthan:Use Hydro Pulse now!!!

Greninja:Gren!! (Hits Grovyle while it was running)



GymLeaderEthan:So who are you sending?

Alex:(looks at Charmeleons Pokeball)

GymLeaderEthan:Dont tell me your using Charmeleon....

Alex:I am!!!! (Throws Charmeleon's Pokeball)


GymLeaderEthan:You never learn!!!Greninja use Water Shuriken!!!!

Greninja:Gren!! (Uses water Shuriken)

Alex:Hit them all away with Slash!!!!

Charmeleon:(hits them all with Slash)Char!!!

GymLeaderEthan:Grrr!!!Water Pulse!!!!

Greninja:(Uses Water Pulse)Gren!!!!

Alex:Charmeleon use Dragon Rage!!!!

Charmeleon:Char!! (Uses Dragon Rage)

They both hit but Hydro Pulse is to strong and hits Charmeleon

Charmeleon:Char... (stands up)Char!!!!

Alex:Thats the Spirit Charmeleon!!!!Use flamethrower!!!!!!!

Charmeleon:Char!!! (Uses Flamethrower)

Greninja:(gets hit)Gren!!!

GymLeaderEthan:Greninja use Water Shuriken!!!

Greninja:Gren!!!! (Uses water Shuriken)

Charmeleon:(gets hit to the water)Char!!!

GymLeaderEthan:I guess I won again!!!

Alex:No you haven't!!!


Charmeleon:(climbs back to the platform)Char!!!!!

Alex:Me and Charmeleon aren't going down.......

GymLeaderEthan:Greninja go to the water!!!!!

Greninja:(goes in the water)Gren

Greninja activates a geyser to rise and changes the deriction of it to hit Charmeleon

Greninja:(jumps out)

GymLeaderEthan:Now get ready to get hit by a Geyser!!!

Alex:Wait what!!!!

Geyser rises up and hits Charmeleon


Alex:No...We can't lose again.....

GymLeaderEthan:Victory is ours again Greninja!!!

Greninja:Gren!!! (Nods)

Alex:You haven't won yet ok....

GymLeaderEthan:Can't you see how many damage the geyser doing to Charmeleon?!?!You lost son!!

Alex:I know I haven't!!!Charmeleon won't stop till he beats you!!!

GymLeaderEthan:I guess that isn't true!!

Alex:Grr!!!!Charmeleon show him you true power!!!!!

Charmeleon:Char!!!!! (Eyes turn red)


Alex:Freinds dont give up to the end Dad!!!So thats what Me and Charmeleon going to do!!!!



Austin:Charmeleon is evolving!!!!


Emily:Cant wait to see Charizard!!


Alex:(checks Pokedex)

Pokedex: Charizard the evolve form of Charmeleon,When expelling a blast of superhot
fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely.

Alex:I guess Charizard learned Seismic Toss and forgot Metal Claw!!!

GymLeaderEthan:Greninja use Water Shuriken!!!!

Greninja:(uses Water Shuriken)Gren!!!

Charizard:(takes the hit)RARGHHHHH

Alex:Charizard use Slash!!!!

Charizard:(flys towards Greninja)RARGHHHHH

GymLeaderEthan:Counter with Night Slash!!

Greninja:(fights back with Night Slash)Gren!!

They both have a sword fight like battle and Charizard finally hits Greninja

Greninja:Gren.... (stands)

Alex:Charizard use Flamethrower!!!!!

Charizard:Rargh!!! (Uses Flamethrower)

Greninja:(gets hit)Gren!!!!

GymLeaderEthan:Greninja use Water Pulse!!!!

Greninja:Gren!!!!(uses Water Pulse)

Alex:Dodge then carry him to the sky!!!!

Charizard:(dodges and carrys Greninja)

Greninja:(trys to escape)

Charizard:(breaks the roof and keeps flying)

GymLeaderEthan:No way!!!!

Alex:Now Seismic Toss!!!

Charizard:(throws Greninja to the ground)Rargh!!!!

Greninja:(hits the platform and faints)Gren...

Charizard:(lands and puts a foot on Greninja)RARGHHHHH

Sarah:They did it!!!!

Austin:Way to go!!!

Emily:Amazing battle!!!

Alex:Charizard we did it!!! (Jumps Charizard)

Charizard:Rargh ^_^

GymLeaderEthan:True freind ship......

Outside the gym

GymLeaderEthan:Well son....I was wrong,...

Alex:Its ok dad.....

GymLeaderEthan:Well heres the H2O Badge!!!

Alex: Thanks Dad

GymLeaderEthan:I guess your leaving Seaside Town

Alex:Im not dad. Im planning to stick around for a while.

GymLeaderEthan:Thats wonderful!!!

Alex:I guess its time to go to Aunt and Uncles house.

GymLeaderEthan:Alright lets go.

To be Continued....

Next Chapter ~   Part 47  Hanging around Seaside Town

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