Sabrina Kennedy

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Alexander Point of View

As soon as Mr. Wolf left I closed my eyes took a deep breath to sturdy my nerves and decided to answer the polish young man answer. I pointed at him and said, "Yes, Mr?"

"My names Jimmy Newb, Sir, and by chance are you the Alexander Garcia?"

I smiled at the mention of my name of course he was a nerd for school so he must have heard about me. I smiled as soon as I found myself in the calming pace of how I was when I first started college at the age of 11 years old.

"Yes, Jimmy, can I call you Jim?"

I asked getting into my element. He nodded hastily all the excitement of knowing I was the one shaking inside his body.

"I am the Alexander Garcia. But since I'm going to be your teacher for the rest of the year due to a favor for Mr. Witherspoon, you guys can call me Alex."

I replied politely.

"Anymore questions?"

Another hand shot up. This one was from a petite girl with doe like brown eyes and brown locks framing her heart shape face. Her pink lips were a lighter shade than her pink sweater.


"Aren't you a little too young to be a teacher?"

She asked biting her lip gloss lip.

"Yes, I am, I'm 16 years old," I heard gasps. I waited for them to calm down from the shock so that I can continue on with what I was saying.

"But I went to college at the age of 11 so I guess you can say I'm a brainy nerd and I earned my degree in teaching along with others that you will soon find out later on in the year. Now I wasn't initially supposed to come and leave my life from Washington D.C to come teach you all but like Mr. Wolf said Mr. Witherspoon called me up and asked me a favor for being an old family friend. So I hopped on a plane left my life behind for a while to come and teach in place of him. My college life is still not over right now I'm finishing classes for nursing online so that I can get a degree in that career. I also hope that I can gain experience teaching you all just in case I decide to become a professor."

I stopped and waited for them to process this long ass information. Suddenly another had came up and the student asked one of the most unprofessional questions ever, if I didn't know better I could think that she was related to my Lexie with her bluntness.

"Are you a virgin."

The young brown haired girl said while her blue eyes sparkled with mischief. Already feeling comfortable with them I decided to play along with her little scheme. With a smile I said the cockiness thing ever.

"Now that is not any of your concern."


I hope this was a good chapter because I felt better writing this even though it is short maybe once I get like about twenty chapters I'll go back re-edit and put in more details. I hope you all love it and don't forget to share my book around. Please do not steal any of my ideas. Vote, comment, and add please. Anyways this was finished on ‎Wednesday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2015


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