Chapter 2.

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Alexandria pov

Can I please just die? I mean, why me? Why him? Before I can really do anything, the girls grab me and shove me in the closet, where the Laurens child already is. They shove me right into him, but before he can touch me or talk or whatever, I get off of his chest and bang on the door.

"Let me out! I can't be stuck with this idiot!" I yell, even though I know its useless and the fact that he is right behind me. I don't care, he can hear my opinion of him and his crap all day! Great job, now your father in you is coming out.

"I'm not an idiot!" He turns me around and counters. He, like a lot of people, thanks dad, is taller than me, so I end up looking at his chest (with a shirt, duh) when I turn. I cross my arms and shrug, knowing that I'll have to be like my dad and Philip for a minute, which I really don't want to do considering being like that got my brother killed.

"Touch me again. It'll give me a perfect excuse to knock your a** off its axis and shut you up." I say, crossing my arms and make eye contact, having to look up to do so. I show absolutely no feeling other than loathing and disdain for the man in front of me. There is enough light to see his features in this closet and the first thing that catches me off guard is the fact that he looks so much like Philip, minus my brother's many freckles and warm, kind eyes that wouldn't hurt anything unless it hurts someone he loves. STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!!!!!!! Right. To push those memories aside, I check my watch-we've only been in here for about a minute. Six more minutes left.

Jacob looks taken back by my statement and I see him trying to think up a response to what I had said. To be honest, I'm surprised that I had said that too. I back into a corner near the door and sit down, resting my head against the wall with my eyes closed because I just want to get this over with and so I don't have to look at him.

Jacob POV

Did she really just say that to me? Wow. She seemed so small and quiet but, dang, she spits venom! And I know that she's a LOT smaller than me, but she looked like she could have killed me if she wanted to. Those eyes! They're daggers! She slumps over in the corner, and I hesitantly takes step towards her, I don't even know why. But she makes no movement as she's so wrapped up in her mind and thoughts. Geez, she's weird.

But how she looked at me when she really saw my face. Her eyes glazed over and she just...stared. Creepy. She either likes me or is planning my death. Probably the latter, even though I know I am looking good tonight and all the time. Anyway, I pick up her wrist because I need the time to see if I can get out of such close proximity to Alexandria and she's lost in her own world...

"Why the heck are you touching me? I thought I told you if you touch me~" she starts snapping at me, ripping her arm away from me.

I cut her off. "What? You gonna call your brother to fight for you like he did for your dad? Oh that's right, I forgot - he's dead." I snip, the same steely cold venom in my voice that she had.

Alexandria POV

I freeze, not even wanting to believe that someone brought family into this. It's on. The promise I made to myself a few weeks ago needs to be broken-I need to be like my brother or dad if I want to win this. Because this is war and Hamiltons don't lose. And I want to take Jacob down and prove who I am.

Okay, anyone have any requests on what they'd like to see? Like, different plot twists, ships, stuff like that? If you do, just feel free to PM me. Love you guys!!!!❤❤❤

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