Chapter 2: Juvia Lockser

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Gray's POV

"Huh? I don't get it. Explain it in simpler terms, Gray." Natsu said while picking on his nose. It was lunch time and it's been a day since I saw that fight near the stairs.

"I am explaining it on simplier terms, dumbass." I replied and rolled my eyes. "I said, I saw a girl who beat up 3 of our batchmates single handed. And, she's a year below us."

"Ah, that must be Juvia Lockser, Lucy's best friend." Natsu said as he remembers. "I met her already. She's crazy strong. She even beat me at arm wrestling."

I was taken aback. She's that strong? Natsu and I have the same strength so if I challenged that girl, I might lose too? "... Are you sure it's Lucy's best friend?"

"No doubt about it, Gray. I'm sure." He said and stood up from his seat. "I'm gonna go and get some lunch then. What do you want?"

"Ain't hungry." I simply replied.

He squinted his eyes and said, "Knowing you, some fan girls might give you lunch later. Aish, I was stupid to ask. Anyway, good bye." And with that remark, he left the table.

I sighed and stood up as well. I want to go to the bathroom and fix my hair. It sounds girlish of me but it became my habit ever since I started high school.

I put both of my hands in my pocket as I started walking to the men's bathroom. We have a bathroom here at the cafeteria so it's not really far at all.

I was so concentrated on walking to the bathroom that I didn't notice someone in front of me so she/he ended up bumping into my chest, making her/him hold her/his forehead.

I was taken aback when I immediately recognized the one in front of me. It's a girl and has blue long wavy hair. Wait, she's the girl from yesterday. I didn't know that her height is about my neck or shoulder.

She slowly raises her face up to me and glared. "Get out of my way, trash."





"Trash? Seriously?" I scoffed. "This isn't in elementary, kid. Grow up."

She raised her eyebrow at me as she glares even more. Tsk, she even smirks at me and folded her arms. Feeling cocky, huh? "What? You really have the guts to go against me?"

"What's this?!"

"Juvia and Gray-sempai are fighting?!"


"The most beautiful girl in the school and the most handsome?"

"You can say that again."

What are they talking about now? And even made a crowd around us? Tsk. People these days.

"I'm not scared of you, little girl." I said, mocking her. "Anyway, I'm going to the bathroom now so bye bye." I said as I passed by her and pat her head as if she was a puppy.

I heard multiple gasps around us when I did that. Irritated, she grabbed my wrist, the hand that I used to pat her, and she suddenly twisted me around and made me drop on the ground, with my arm straight up in the air.

She grabbed my elbow and crouched down. I tried to get my hand back from her tight grasp but I couldn't. What's with her strength?! And people are watching. My pride, guys.

She pouted but I could tell that she's acting. "Oh... Sorry, onii-chan but this little girl is beating you up. I'm sorry, onii-chan."

I glared at her. Now, she's mocking me for calling her 'little girl' earlier. "Look, you—"

I stopped when I saw something disturbing. Sure, she was crouching down and talking to me but I could really see it and it's getting uncomfortable and disturbing to me.

"What? Cat's got your tongue?" She asked and smirked. "You can't even talk back to someone who's younger than you, Gray Fullbuster."

My eyes widened as I looked at her face. "How did you know my name?"

"Everyone knows it, even my classmates go crazy for you." She said and rolled her eyes at me. "You're not even that handsome and you're losing to a girl, how unmanly is that?"

It's really getting disturbing.

I sighed and said, "At least, I'm not showing my underwear to anyone else. Look at what you're doing, you're showing it to me."




Her face turned red and I don't know if she's embarrassed or just furious. She quickly stands up and she finally lets go of my wrist. I stood up as well and exercised my arm. Ah, I got tired from all of that.

"You're the worst...! Pervert!" She shouted and hissed at me. "You could've just averted your eyes from it but you continued on staring!"

"It wasn't my fault that it's disturbing." I said and dusted my self. I put both of my hand on my pocket and crouched down to her level, my face is near hers and everyone in the crowd suddenly started screaming.

"OH NO!"




I wonder what happened to the teachers in this school?

"What? So angry that you want to hit me?" I asked and it was my turn to smirk at her angry face. "And they think that I'm going to kiss you. Do you want me to continue?"

She furrowed her eyebrows at me when I continued on leaning in and she quickly covered my mouth and pushed me away. "Stop it. It doesn't suit you a lot, pervert."

"Pervert?? Stop calling me that. It's your fault after all." I said and scoffed at her. "Want me to announce what's the color? Okay, Juvia Lockser is wearing bl—"

"SHUT UP!" With a red face, she suddenly punched me on my face, making me fall backwards.


"Come on, Gray. Say sorry to her already." Natsu said. Why do they always butt in? Juvia and I were back-to-back while sitting on chairs and Natsu and Lucy are trying to make us apologize to each other.

I have a few bruises on my face because of her hard punch earlier but it was enough to be covered by two bandages.

"Juvia, go on. Apologize." Lucy said and encouraged her friend to apologize to me.

"Hmph! Who would apologize to a pervert like him?" I heard her scoff behind me.

"I'm not the one who showed my underwear to others." I muttered and I heard her hissed at me. She must've heard it.

Lucy sighed and put both of her hands on her waist. "Come on, you two. And I was planning to matchmake you two but I guess it won't work anymore."




"She's that friend of yours you were talking about yesterday?!" I asked. I thought it was someone else, other than her.

"Who else? Duh." Natsu said and rolled his eyes at me. Support me here! Are you really my best friend?!

"Lucy, I'd rather die than date that guy." Juvia commented and sighed. "He doesn't even have delicacy for girls like us. Tsk, what a crazy pervert."

"What?!" I asked and slightly turned my head around to see her.

"Nyahahaha! You're right about that, Juvia!" Natsu said and I glared at him. "He has a habit of stripping his clothes at his home, you know?? And sometimes, he's en exhibitionis— *gulp*"

"Wow, way to go Natsu. That's why you're my best friend. Hm." I said, mockingly and I averted my eyes from him.

I heard Juvia chuckling behind me and she said, "Even your best friend thinks you're a pervert. See that?"

"I am not a pervert." I retorted.

"When is this going to end?" Lucy asked and sweat dropped at the two of us. "Listen you two, lunch time is almost over and we're the only ones who are in the cafeteria, except those who work here, so please make up with each other already."

"Ain't my fault that she couldn't apologize." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I can say the same thing about you." She retorted.

"Gray, Juvia, come on. Just apologize now and you can settle your argument with each other in the other day, okay?" Natsu pleaded. "Lucy and I are getting tired, you know?"

I sighed at the two of them and waited for a few seconds. "... Sorry."

"Hmph, sorry." She said.

Lucy suddenly smiled at the two of us and sighed in relief. "Finally, you two apologized with each other. I guess now we can go back to our classrooms."

I stood up from my seat and she stood up as well. We both stared at each other's eyes with burning gaze. I stretched my arm at her and she also did that and we shook our hands.

I tightened my grip on her hand and said, "The name's Gray Fullbuster. Remember that, you amazon."

"I'm Juvia Lockser." She smirked and tightened her grip on my hand. "Oh, and don't worry, I'll remember it very well, exhibitionist."


Published: June 24, 2017

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