Chapter 14

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She heard the voice but didn't like what was coming next.


"No... get away from me!" She said as she tried to ward away the cloaked figure.

You can't run from me... I will find you... and you will be mine!


And then she awoke with a jump form her bed as the nightmare ended and as she looked around, she didn't see anyone around her like the figure had been. But the worst part was that she didn't want the figure to be a nightmare to her.

She thought about Kommando293 as he had been the cloaked figure but the cloak was not the same as the Optical Camouflage one he had been wearing in GGO. The cloak had been like pure darkness, every shifting around him like it was its own entity. He also wore fantasy armor and had a cloak covering his face, the only thing being seen were two baleful red eyes in the cloak.

She shook her head. This was the third nightmare she had gotten since the end of the fourth BoB event in GGO and as she got up from her bed wearing only the bear minimum to cover herself and walked over to where her small bathroom was, she splashed cold water into her face as she then looked at herself in the mirror.

Her face was pale, as if someone had drained it of blood in a matter of seconds as she could feel herself shaking. She never have had this happen to her, not even whens he had the gun problems did she have nightmares like this.

But as she slowly walked from the bathroom and back towards her bed, she got back into the bed as she then laid back down on her back before she sighed and muttered, "Why is it... for him?"

And then she slowly turned over and managed to fall asleep.

The defenses were slowly coming together but for Kommando, he was really dragging this dive session out. He had been probably three Game day cycles through ALO but he knew he needed to eventually get some sleep in the real world.

"You got that look like you want some sleep." suddenly said Midnight next to him as he appeared.

"Yeah.. think I'm overstaying my welcome.." said Kommando. "Besides, my inner clock is still messed up so might as well reset it here.."

"Yeah... I think all of us are going to hit the hay soon.." said Midnight before he said, "You still get the nightmares?"

Kommando did not answer and Midnight didn't need an answer for the question. It wasn't just himself or Kommando that had these nightmares either but instead it affected almost everyone they knew.

"Alright, good night.." said Midnight as he waved to Kommando before going to help speed up or continue the construction.

Kommando nodded with a small smile before he then cast himself a teleport spell and then, as it hummed, it suddenly electrified as he was instantly teleported back to his keep.

"Welcome back, my lord." said Sanginium as she gave a curt bow to him.

"How does Medusae and Thaxae fare? I hear they have begun to train for the coming war." asked Kommando.

"They fare well, my lord.." said Sanginium. Kommando293 still couldn't believe that the AI that they had managed to make were so full-blown in how lifelike they often acted, even the warriors he used seemed lifelike for being mere skeletons.

"What else do you have to report?" asked Kommando.

"I report that more warriors, archers, and other have joined us... our army is growing for the vanguard..." she said with a bow.

"Good... now... leave me... I rest in my chambers now... and do not awaken me..." he told her as he then began to walk up some nearby stairs.

"I will await for you, master." she said as then she walked away.

Kommando293 walked up onto the second floor and as he walked towards the main bedroom, it was simply a fantasy version of what he had in GGO, with a bed, a desk, a mirror, a armor space, and the like.

As he opened and then closed the door, he then walked to the bed and as he laid down on it, he then went into his normal posture for logging out before he tapped the menu from thin air and then hit the log out button.

And then he was yanked from the VR game and thrusted back into his head.

He slowly opened his eyes as he slowly unclasped the old Nervegear from his head as he sometimes wished he had the money for an Amusphere but they seemed always out of reach in terms of money. It wasn't like he needed an upgrade, this Nervegear still did good work

He slowly put his helmet to he side onto a nearby small table and as he rubbed his eyes, he sighed as he knew trying to sleep was going to be an ordeal of itself. The nightmares almost always came to him when he slept, no matter what he did to stop them from happening with sweet dreams or with by playing his favorite game for a long time.

The veterans of Vietnam had flashbacks... men from the war against Terrorism have PTSD... and I have nightmares form what I fought... on Aincrad... thought Kommando as then he took off his socks and his shirt as he then took the covers and put them over him as then he put his head on the soft pillow he had as he sighed.

"Two days from now... I get to see Aincrad again... and have the same problems happen like last time."

And with that, he closed his eyes and drifted into his nightmares as they began in earnestly in blood.

Kirito slowly walked from he bathroom as he held up his phone and as he watched it dial the number he had typed in, he hoped she was still awake.

Asuna currently was just about to go to bed when she heard her phone buzz next to her and she quickly grabbed it as she then opened the casing up and then she said into it, "Kirito-kun! What are you doing up this late?"

"Wanted to talk with you. Nothing wrong with that, right?" asked Kirito over the phone.

"Shh! Be quiet before you wake my parents up!" she said with a shushing noise before she smiled and said, "So... how did Sinon do?"

"I can officially say she's back to normal. However... I kinda wished I could meet this Kommando... I have that feeling that I should know him with those skills." said Kirito.

"But he was... well, an American... even Sinon told us that he had never been to Japan even once... how is it possible he could be an SAO survivor." Asuna hit the problem on its head as Kirito sighed.

"I don't know... but one way or another... I'm going to get to the bottom of this.." said Kirito as then he said, "So how was your day after you got off?"

"Just another usual day... say, want to come with me to the village and help build it up?" asked Asuna. "Be able to spend some alone time for once..."

"Oh? What are you thinking of doing, Asuna?" asked Kirito.

"I don't you want to see me without being pushed around by quests?" asked Asuna. "Besides... dad want's me to go on another business trip soon so I want to be with you as long as I can before then."

Kirito could only smile as he entered his room and as he began to put his boxers on, he then said to her, "Another night without me... you'll miss out on the event starting then... we could really use you.."

"Didn't last time that I try to play at one of these trips I couldn't even connect?" asked Asuna over the phone as she then slipped into bed with it to her ear still.

"Oh, right..." Kirito gave a small laugh before he said, "I love you."

"I love you too, Kirito-kun... stay safe." and with that Asuna hung up.

As she lay in bed and gave a warm smile about Kirito as she snuggled herself deeper into her beds blankets. Kirito would always say that to her, no matter how much it may seem to cliché or old to do now and as she smiled about him, she then said to herself, "You're such a dense idiot still..."

But then she thought about what Kirito was bugged about. She, like him, were always actively trying to help those who were survivors of the SAO incident but as she thought about Kommando, she wondered if he was merely lying about not being from Japan. 1 week to learn a language was fast, even if its was just a basic part of it.

He was hiding something and she knew it had something to do with SAO, there was no doubt about it.

But it was too late to know anything about him: he was lost to the GGO server and even if she tried to get on, it was likely she would not be able to meet him due to how open GGO is.

She simply shrugged and as she put the covers over herself, she then slowly went to sleep as she tried not to dwell on the idea too much.

It didn't take long for Kommando to shout and suddenly wake up form a nightmare and as he looked around the dark room, he looked at the time. 4 am in the morning and he had fell asleep around 12 am.

"Ahh... fudge..." he muttered in frustration as he slowly got up and went to his bathroom.

He turned the sinks faucet on cold and as he splashed his face with it and as he looked at himself in the mirror, he sighed as he wished he could just shut the memories away and keep them locked away forever.

But he knew he could only get over them somehow to get some sleep but as he looked at himself in the mirror, tonight was not going to be one of those nights.

And so he simply walked back to the bed and as he grabbed the Nevergear on its small table, he put it on before laying on his back as he watched it power up. He could feel a slight cold sweat sheen on his skin in some areas but he ignored it alongside of his empty stomach as then he said simply, "Link Start!"

And then his mind was withdrawn from his body as he soon awoke in his virtual one. He got up and as he looked at himself and back outside, he saw not much had changed and sighed before he rubbed his eyes and as he began to walk out of the room, he then opened his quest log to see if any updates had happened.

And as he looked at the " Princess of Hel" quest as it flashed for him, he sighed before he then accepted it.

Now came the fun part to capture a girl player and hold them hostage.

"Hehe.." he suddenly muttered to himself. "It would be nice to do it to Sinon... perhaps she could understand it... but I doubt it..."

And then he opened the door as Thaxae stood there in her black gown as she bowed and said to him, "My Lord, you come so soon.. trouble sleeping?"

"Yes... but nothing that bothers me just yet...Tell me.. what has been made and or improved since I last was awake?" asked Kommando293.

"We have recruited more skeleton warriors within our ranks and another Bone Giant has been created... but what of the Bone Princes?" asked Thaxae.

"Send word a tournament will be held. All Bone Princes are to attend and have them be in their best armor, weapons, and have their best summoned warriors with them. If they fail to attend of their own volition, have Generals Newblood, Dark Crescent, Silver-Eyes, and Dark Phantom personally escort them with some squads of Reavers and some of the more experienced Skeleton Warriors. I will be arranging the arena." he told her.

"As you wish, my Prince." she said as then he began to prepare to make an arena.

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