Chapter 16

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Today was the day.

Kommando293 had managed some more fitful sleep, about 3 more hours, but now he was ready to wage an assault like no other into Alfenheim.

His armies of Skeleton swordsmen, Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Reavers, Skeleton Cavalry, and Bone Giants already were prepared with DarkSteel weapons, armor, and banners that gave them boosts to ATK, DEF, AGI, and MRL or Morale. His Skeleton siege equipment, in this case his Skeleton catapults, were prepared with various ammo which ranged from solid shots rounded into balls to runestones cursed with explosive runes to detonate as they hit the ground and cause heavy damage to all nearby units and players.

His Generals were all prepared as well with DarkSteel Weapons and armor and their abilities were maxed out to the current max level.

The Bone Princes were also ready, armed with their new BloodSteel weapons and armor as their Undead swordsmen, weaker Skeleton swordsmen, and their lesser demons had been prepared as well with some equipment.

And finally, his Necromancer battle armor was ready as he had prepared his Two-handed Mithril Blade along with his two longswords that were on his back.

He was ready for battle and he knew his friends were just as ready for battle. All that was left now was begin the invasion as the timer was slowly counting down to when the timer ended and the portal opened.

"My lord, are you ready?" asked Thaxae

Thaxae brought Kommando293 out of his maelstrom of thoughts as she stood in the nearby doorway to his room as though she still had her maiden outfit on, it also had armored pieces attached like a breastplate, some greaves, and some armor shoulder pauldrons. She also had on her belt her whip sword which could take its blades and turned them into a bladed whip that he had seen tear down foes rapidly.

"Oh, yes... Is Sanginium and Medusae also ready for battle?" asked Kommando293.

"Yes, my lord." said Thaxae as she gave a bow.

"Good... Summon the generals... the Handmaidens... and send word to the Bone Princes to be prepared for my arrival." he told her.

"At once." she said to him as then she ran off and as Kommando293 slowly walked towards the doorway, he then stopped as he thought about the few hours before when he and his friends had all come together...

A 5 hours ago...

"So... what shall we do first when the portal opens?" asked Reaper.

They all were sitting around a round table of Bone within Kommando's castle as the chairs they sat at was made of Bonewood. They were currently within what was Kommando's banquet hall but they were using one of the smaller tables for this meeting.

"First off, we had better send only us through the portal so we know what is on the other side instead of just simply sending scouts through. That way we know whats on the other side." said Midnight.

"Not to mention... I took the Hel's Princess quest so I may need to steal a player to get these players moving against us." Kommando told everyone.

"Oh great, we have a rapist and possible pedophile with us." said Mantis with  snigger.

"Shut up!" Shouted Kommando as he then said, "Not like I'm going to do that many terrible things to the player! I won't let myself!"

"Sure, okay." said Mantis with a laugh when Reaper then said, "How should we dress, though? I think cloaks are a bit... inconspicuous.... you know?"

"I dunno..." said Midnight as he took out one of his poisoned, green daggers and twirled it around on his red gauntlets. "We may find ourselves blending in a lot better than we expect."

"I guess we may have no choice but to just... wing it." said Kommando.

Kommando293 slowly walked through the many lines of defenses that were mainly wooden palisades and wooden walls that were choked to the brim with archers and siege weapons of all types. He saw his masses of Skeleton Swordsmen and Skeleton Reavers standing in attention in their formations as he could easily make out his generals standing amongst them in their decorated DarkSteel armor and weapons.

Banners of ATK, DEF, AGI, MRL, and more fluttered in the breeze and as Kommando293 slowly walked with Reaper, Midnight, Mantis, Thaxae, and Theodosius, he and his friends had their cloaks on that came with their normal Necromancer armor and as they approached the huge base of the portal, they looked up to its huge structure of DarkStone, Blood Gems, and Bone as Midnight looked at them all and asked, "You all ready to see it all?"

"I hope we don't have to fight on Aincrad.... I don't think I would be able to sleep for any reason." Kommando muttered.

"You still have the worst of it, I see..." said Reaper before they all then put their cloaks hoods up as they watched the timer slowly count down above the gate.











And then with a huge almost magical groan, the portal crackled with magical power as then the rift to Alfenheim was born as a huge, red doorway. As Kommando stood next to it, it almost radiated this dark, heavy aura of death and misery but he shook the feeling off of him as then he slowly began to step towards it.

"Theodosius... Thaxae... you are to hold your positions until I return.. I will not take too long.." Kommando ordered the other two.

"Yes, my lord." both said as they bowed.

And then, Kommando293 stretched his hand out and dropped through the portal.

It was unlike normal teleport spells or crystals he had used, it felt more like he was swimming in between time and space itself. Everything seemed both slow and fast around him and as he saw the end of the portal, he managed to twist around and look behind him to see Reaper, Midnight, and Mantis also slightly struggling with maneuvering through the portal.

And then suddenly he fell on his feet on solid ground. But it wasn't the grey, dead and bone-filled ground of Hel. No, this was the color of normal dirt, with grass poking up from it like green hairs on a head and as he looked around, he saw other things too. Beautiful, varying colors and trees came sprouting from the ground alongside some normal, grey boulders.

"Its... beautiful..." muttered Kommando as he heard his friends come from the portal.

"Woah... woah..." muttered Mantis as she swayed a it from a slight vertigo as he cloak showed a slightly purplish-pink armor beneath her cloak.

"Its... beautiful..." said Reaper as he looked around, his cloak hiding his own red armor.

"Yeah... but for how long?" asked Midnight with his cloak over his green armor.

As Kommando looked at his own black- dark grey armor beneath his cloak, he breathed in the fresh air and then saw something floating in the sky.

"There it is guys... the castle in the sky."

Aincrad seemed to float way above them as the sunlight glinted off its structure and as the group gazed up at it, Kommando293 then looked at them all as he said, "Alright... time to get to work..."

And with that, they all split up.

Kirito was sifting through his quest log as he collected rewards, checked up on progress, and began some more when Chryseheight in his new regal noblemens messenger outfit came waltzing in.

Yui floated up from Kiritos shoulder as she drifted over to Chryseheight as Chryseheight asked Kirito, "Are you prepared for today?"

"I have only 10 units in total... its been hard trying to recruit being at low level..." said Kirito as he put away his quest log and met with the man.

"Well do not worry. All of the other Alf lords and Ladies, along with their generals, are being summoned up to the portal as we speak with their entire armies." said Chryseheight.

"How many would that make?" asked Kirito.

"We're looking about.. at least a hundred thousand men strong army in total.." said Chryseheight.

Kirito stared straight at Chryseheight in pure awe at that number alone. At least a hundred thousand meant that clearing the portal would be a snap, even if they were mostly green units after all.

He looked to Chryseheight as he then said, "I shall get my army summoned and moving, then."

"Good... I will set up a waypoint for you to go to then to set up your camp." said Chryseheight as he began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" asked Kirito suddenly.

"Making sure nothing bad happens.." said Chryseheight. "We don't need an incident... not now.."

And with that, the man left without another word.

"Alright, you know what that means... lets get everyone here, ready to go." said Kirito as he went to prepare his armor and weapons.

Midnight996 and Kommando293 slowly walked through the small town that Kirito had just recently taken as they looked around it. Since he had taken it, the earthen walls were now palisades and a few guard towers had been erected. They also noted that there was at least two units of militia Alf swordsmen, which looked like peasants but with wicker shields and simple swords, walking around as a single unit of normal Spriggan Alf swordsmen were also walking around on patrol.

"This village will fall quickly..." muttered Midnight996. "I mean... even with a veteran unit of swordsmen... the militia would fall quickly to even one unit of your swordsmen."

"Only after I break through the portal." said Kommando293.

Suddenly, Midnight996 ran into someone and as he looked over, he saw Klein in his kimono armor and with his long katana blade that was Soul blade Kagutsuchi. He looked straight at Midnight996 and as he did so, he tilted his head as he said, "The heck are you doing here in a cloak? Who are you?"

Before Midnight996 could speak, suddenly Kommando293 used his Spriggans ability of Illusion magic to appear as an NPC Merchant and he gave a bow as he put down his hood as he then said, "Forgive me, my lord, but we are simple merchants travelling through... we do not know where the Markets are."

Midnight996, being a spriggan as well, decided to follow suit and as he became one as well beneath his cloak, he then took the hood off as he saw the general then sigh.

"Its just up the road... on the left... near the town center." said Klein with a sigh before he waved them away.

As the two necromancers watched the player, Midnight996 took away his illusion magic as then he muttered, "Is he just stupid or lazy?"

"I don't think they all know what is happening just yet." said Kommando293 before he then saw someone coming from the garden, her Bow of Shekinah in her off hand as she sighed in relief from some stress it seemed.

"Sinon?" muttered Kommando293 quietly before he then said, "Well.. if she is here... at least I know who to take now.."

"Isn't she the one you ticked off?" asked Midnight996.

"Yeah... makes kidnapping her just a little more interesting.." said Kommando293 before he said, "Although... no promises I'll live from it."

"She is the One-shot kill in the Japanese Servers... I doubt she'll even make it through the portal before she finds away to run away." said Midnight before they both began to walk away.

"Oh don't worry... even if she dies, her respawn wont change."

"Now that's just mean.." said Midnight. "Good... you'll need to be evil to pull your boss ego off."

The huge Alf army seemed to stretch across the horizon for Kirito as he lead Klein, Leafa, Agil, Sinon, Lisbeth, Yui, Silica, 6 units of Spriggan Swordsmen, 4 units of Spriggan Archers, 1 unit of Spriggan Guardians, and then 1 final unit of Spiggan cavalry. It wasn't a very large army, Kirito noticed as he looked at larger armies with several more units than his, but as he looked around, he saw something his units had that most of the other units did not have. He saw mostly basic, unequipped units all around him whereas his units had steel weapons, armor, and even a few banners to improve their bases stats like ATK, DEF , AGI, and MRL.

Suddenly, Eugene appeared next to him as Kirito almost gave a jump but he then heard Eugene say, "Looks like everyone came for the party... and I was just hoping it was a reserved party, too."

"Lets just hope its not a massacre." suddenly said someone behind them.

Both players looked behind them and Kirito eyes widened but then went back to normal as he tried to understand who now floated next to him.

He was dressed like Sugou had been but he was not Sugou but rather a slightly older man with a golden beard and silver eyes that spoke years of age and intellect. Next to him, wearing the Titania outfit, was a similarly age woman who had red hair but red eyes and as he looked at both of them, suddenly several familiar figures formed a formation behind them.

"World Tree Guardians..." said Kirito.

"I am Oberon, the Fairy King." said the man as he floated past both players with the Tree Guardians in tow and his wife by his side. "Were is Chryseheight?"

"Here, my lord." said Chryseheight as he suddenly floated up and then kneeled before the Fairy king.

"Has every single Lord and Lady been summoned here for the attack?" asked Oberon.

"How old are you, if I might ask my king?" suddnely asked Eugene with a bow.

"500 years old." said Oberon.

You look barely over 34... and your wife, barely over 32. thought Kirito as then Chryseheight answered, "Every single lady and lord with whatever army they have has been summoned here for the fight."

"Good... We must prepare, then, for when that witch Hel opens the portal fully... we must immediately rush through it when it does." said Oberon as then he began to float up with his entourage and as the group looked up, they saw what looked like a floating encampment surrounded by the World Tree Guardians as Kirito assumed it would be where this Fairy King would be staying for the time being.

Then, Silica appeared next to Kirito and she said to him, "Kirito, we started setting up camp. Klein wants to know what we are to do till the event starts?"

"We prepare our men.. and we wait." says Kirito before he then decides to make his way to his new camp and check it out.

5 hours later....

The timer was slowly counting down to the last minute. The armies were already set up and waiting in perfect formation around the entire portal, a large half-circle of all sorts of units mixed into one huge mass. Kirito, who was not a master of strategy mind you, kinda thought that having a huge mob of men charging through a small opening would end only into a massacre.

But he also figured that the enemy units on the other side were likely not experienced in combat and would be easy to steamroll with such a vast army with them, not to mention some of the guilds of players also with them.

As Kirito stood with Klein and Agil at his sides, with the others being just behind him with their troops, as the army around them seemed to be grow slightly more restless, suddenly everyone watched as the Fairy King Oberon and Titania suddenly began to float above and then down before them all in front of the entrance to the portal as the World Tree Guardians suddenly floated down as there was maybe two whole units of 50 World Tree Guardians as then they took up position around the Titania and the Fairy King.

As everyone watched them, they then watched as the timer was coming down to the last 10 seconds.

But just as they watched the timer hit 10, suddenly a large, dark cloud appeared before the portal as then a dark, shadowy face appeared inside of it, the eyes being almost silver but mostly a ghostly white.

"Oberon..." said a voice from the cloud of darkness.

"Hel.." said the Fairy King.

"The time has come.. for the invasion... just like prophecy those many eons ago..." said the cloud as then it disappeared just as the timer hit "0" and then the whole thing disappeared as suddenly Oberon raised his NPC arms and then suddenly a purple flame spewed from his hands as the flames hit what looked like a barrier in the middle of the portal. At first, the flames went nowhere but then they began to slowly spread through the huge portal before the portal suddenly glowed a purple as Oberon then said, "My champions... go forth and-"

But then, suddenly, a single figure appeared from the portal and as everyone got their weapons ready, the single figure looked at them all.

Kirito watched as the name "Prince of Darkness" appeared with four health bars and as the figure, dressed in almost sinister black armor covered in horns and bone with a cloak of darkness swirling around it, brought up a single, two-handed blade, they all then heard one thing.


And then like a tide of evil, a horde of pure-black skeletons with shields, swords, spears, axes, bows, and huge two-handed swords came spilling forth from the portal and shouting from the NPC soldiers was heard from throughout the army as Kirito watched in shock as the enemy Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Reavers, and Skeleton Horsemen appeared and began to form as their name seemed to almost be evenly matched with the Alf army itself. And then, just as everyone thought that was it, suddenly several huge, towering skeletons with large, long swords appeared and as the whole army began to take steps back, these Bone Giants stood 4-5 stories tall easily.

All of the skeletons had red eyes, Kirito also noticed, and as the Alf army watched the Prince of Darkness step towards the Fairy King and Titania, the World Tree Guard immediately went around them but everyone watched as suddenly the Necromancer summoned up huge spikes of darkness that easily wiped out the experienced Guardians with ease as then the figure pointed their sword at Oberon.

"Long Time, no see... old man..." said the figure.

"You should be wise who you deal with... welp!" hissed Titania.

"Well then... come and fight me then..." said the Prince of Darkness as then everyone watched as he summoned up a huge wave of darkness that blanketed the area before disappearing to reveal nothing but the portal.

The Fairy King turned back to everyone and as he looked at the huge armies of players and NPC's, he then addressed them, "Go! My warriors of Alfheim! Go and purge the world of Hel of these corrupt alfs!"

"Corrupt Alfs?" asked Klein as he looked to Kirito.

Kirito simply shrugged before war horns were heard and then whole armies began to slowly advance towards the portal as then he commanded, "Forward!" and as his army began to move, it was a truly awe inspiring sight to see so many players and armies in one place. And just as Kirito, being in the front, reached the portal, he then sighed before he said, "Into the breach..." and then flung himself through.

The portal nauseated Kirito but he didn't lose his gut as he soon appeared upon grey soil. Soil covered in bones and blood in some areas and as he stood up and heard his army alongside others coming through, he looked before him and saw something terrifying.

The entire space between the portal and the first line of defenses was entirely covered in the forces of what looked like normal skeletons, zombies, and demons. Amongst them were what Kirito considered to be more of the corrupt alfs in what looked like cloaks as well as some sort of blood-colored armor and wielding equally colored weapons. Banners of skin and slowly decaying cloth fluttered in a weak breeze but as Kirito smelled the air, it smelled foul and like it was heavy with minerals or death.

The defenses were all made of a dark stone, like the same darkness that had been around the Prince of Darkness had been absorbed into the stone itself. Perched across every bit of the wall were archers, all armed and armored as their banners waved amongst them and there was siege weapons like trebuchets, catapults, hwatchas, and ballista's spread out across the walls and turrets.

As he felt his army alongside Eugene's army slowly walk through, everyone halted in horror as they got a glimpse of the army before them and Klein took his Soul blade out as then he said, "Looks like this honorable samurai will have to slay the dead themselves."

"Oh.. but not all of those you shall face, young warrior... will be dead." suddenly said a voice.

Everyone looked up to now see not only the Prince of Darkness but also here more with similar armor that soon became the "Prince of Plague", "Prince of Blood", and finally "Princess of Lust" with colors that somewhat matched their titles.

"So why don't you bring it on... little samurai..." said the Prince of Plague as he held his green, two-handed blade and pointed it at the Alf army slowly coming through the portal.

"All units! CHARGE!" Kirito didn't know who shouted that, it wasn't one of his or Eugenes he did figure, but the effect was all the same.

With a roar that shook the ground, the entirety of his army, Eugenes army, and others armies coming through surged towards the other armies position as he found himself being swept up in it. But he didn't care as he then watched as the lower necromancers began to form some form of loose ranks and as he heard archers stringing bow, he looked behind him and saw Sinon with the many other archer units knocking and aiming their bows up but as he looked back before him, he watched as the enemy Skeleton Archers doing the exact same thing and as he watched the siege weapons do the same, he then shouted to Klein, Agil, Leafa, Lisbeth, and Silica, "We gotta break them before those-"

The first shots of the battle was from both sides simultaneously. Arrows, modified spears, flaming, and solid shots were launched through the air as all Kirito could scream was, "Incoming!" and watch as his men all around him form up shield walls and as he hid with his two swords out, he could hear the whistling of the arrows and the slow whooshing! of the heavier siege projectiles alongside the alarmed shouts of those who could not get into a form of cover fast enough.

But what he did not expect was to watch his entire shields walls left side become flattened by a trebuchets shot and as he watched in horror as other shield walls met similar fates, he watched as then arrows became to pin down everything in sight as he could only drop one of his swords and grab a shield and hold it above him as the rain of arrows seem to never end.

But then it did and as he dropped his shield and grabbed his sword, he looked around him at the carnage that had happened. It looked like hundreds lay dead all around him, perhaps there was as he could see the piles of bodies from where catapults and trebuchet shots had landed, the linked bodies who had been hit by ballista shots together, and the endless carpet of hwatcha and normal arrows that had pin cushioned so many others. He looked back and watched as more of the Alf army was charging through, apparently abandoning any form of strategy to simply use brute force to break this enemies walls but as he watched Klein run over and pick him up, he then looked to see what they had done so far against the enemy.

The army of skeletons, zombies, and demons had been hit hard as it seemed its ranks were completely gone and only a large mob seemed to be the only thing remaining but as Kirito watched, suddenly firebolts, lightning bolts, and energy bolts began to be fired at them and he watched as swathes of the incoming reinforcement were blown away and as he looked at the remains of his army, he then shouted, "Come on! We gotta keep moving forward!!"

Everyone nodded as then the whole group of maybe a little less than 125 Spriggan Swordsmen and Guardians, not including the remaining 75 Spriggan Archers with Sinon or the less than 2 Spriggan Horsemen with Leafa, began to charge forward, Kirito looked to the left and watched as Eugene finally go down as he took a ballista bolt through his chest.

"Dang it!" shouted Agil. "They have us where they want us!"

Then, a commanding voice was heard from behind them all and everyone managed to look back to see the Alf Lady Sakuya, Leader of the Slyph Alf faction, as she pointed her hand towards the enemy position and Kirito watched as the reinforcements came pouring towards them like a tide of flesh and steel towards him.

"All units! Everyone! Charge!!" shouted Sakuya as she had her blade out with her own group of Alf Slyph Guardians.

"Incoming!" Suddenly someone shouted and everyone immediately formed shield walls and as Kirito put his swords away and grabbed a shield, the ballista bolts, catapult and trebuchet shots, and the multitude of arrows once again began to fly down towards them.

Kirito felt the arrows thundering against his shield as he watched some of his men fell back as multiple arrows pierced them and as he heard the crunching and screams of those who were hit by the ballistae and the catapults and trebuchets, he then discarded his shield as then he watched as something was happening.

The Prince of Darkness was advancing as his forces of skeletons, who all looked like dark-grey instead of pure black with red eyes, as he seemed to be going at a leisurely pace as he was holding only his two-handed sword. And as Kirito watched a whole guild of 9 players rush the figure, he then watched in awe and shock as the Prince of Darkness took them all out with a single blow from his sword.

"Holy... holy crap.." said Klein as he took his Soul Blade out and looked in awe.

"Everyone! Charge that man!" shouted someone, probably one of the other Alf species lords or ladies but as several units of Swordsmen and Guardians began to charge the figure, Kirito watched as the Prince of Darkness began to summon up balls of what looked like Darkness itself as then he loosed them all and as the magic bolts of Darkness went flying through the air, he watched as several of the units were either finished off or had a huge swathe of them cut down as the powerful magic ended them and as he watched, several of the units began to flee as then he shouted, "Everyone! Take him down!"

Kirito took his swords out as himself, Agil, and Klein all rushed towards the Prince of Darkness and as Leafa and Lisbeth soon joined them, Sinon could only watch with her few remaining archers as she tried to fight back any way she could. Kirito watched as Leafa charged with her sword held high form her horse but as she neared the boss, the Prince simply slashed the ground before him as a rent opened up and as it swallowed her ride whole, she tried to get up but an arrow sunk through her neck and she gave a loud "urk!" as she soon fell over and died.

Kirito then watched as Lisbeth sent an arc of lightning from her mace at the Prince but the Prince blocked it with his blade and then dashed forward to slice her in half in one fell swoop. Kirito gritted his teeth as then Klein shouted, "Come here you fricking traitor!" as fire leapt from his katana-like blade just before he swung at the Prince of Darkness.

The Prince of Darkness swung up his blade as he deflected the attack and as he squared off with Klein, both of them seemed to be having quite an honorable duel from the looks of it to Kirito. Both of them slowly circled one another as they seemed to be almost constantly changing where their weapon was around them, first going from above their head to then either side of them.

And then suddenly Klein struck as he swung his blade down from an overhead position and as the Prince of Darkness blocked it, he then suddenly to Kirito's surprise slid his swords blade across Klein's stomach and as what looked like blood came splurting from Klein's stomach, he stumbled back just as suddenly the Prince ran him straight through with his sword and Kirito could only look in shock as his friend slowly fell to the ground face first and then died as well.

"Klein!" Shouted Agil as then he suddenly leapt at the Prince as he swung his axe.

The Prince of Darkness was thrown completely back as he slid across the ground and as he looked at his sword, he saw it was broken as he then tossed the broken blade away and Agil stood over him with his huge, battleaxe as he then said, "What now?"

And then Kirito watched as the Prince of Darkness suddenly pulled out his two swords from his back as he watched the Prince of Darkness then say, "Now this, Lighty."

And Kirito watched as almost eerily, almost deja vu like, as the Prince of Darkness began to swarm Agil with a blurry of well timed and accurate attacks from his dual swords, one he saw was black and the other was blue. Kirito could only keep running towards the Prince of Darkness with both of his own swords as Agil tried to fight back but then he was cut to ribbons by the boss and he soon went down himself.

Which left Kirito to face the Prince of Darkness alone and as he held up his swords, he then watched as the Prince looked at him with his own blades as then he copied Kirito's stance and stood there.

"Come on, come on... show me what you got!" said Kirito.

And then, before he could move, Kirito felt his body separate into two pieces as then he watched his health bar go from full to 0 in only a matter of heartbeats.

Sinon watched as she suddenly realized everything from her nightmares and as she stood as stiff as a board as her troops and the remains of the player and Alf army fled the area through the portal, she watched as the Prince of Darkness simply walk up to her and then slowly slid his gauntlet covered hand across her cheek.

"Welcome to Hel.... my bride." he then said.

She could take a lot of stress and nerve but this time she was undone and she collapsed as Kommando293 quickly caught her as he then shook his head before carrying her bridal-style from the massacre of thousands of Alfs.

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