Chapter 32

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Kirito marched with Asuna, Klein, and Shisho close to his side while across from him to his left was Alicia. Behind them was there force of roughly 10 Swordsmen, 10 Archers, 2 Guardians, And 5 Cavalrymen units that crossed between the two of their armies affiliation of Cait Sith and Spriggan, the tan and black intermixing like a bad camouflage on the grey and black ground.

The surroundings they had found while they had marched north of the Portal was obviously unpleasant being in Hel, the Bone, Blood, and Wraith trees creeping everyone out while the flowers seemed to close at their approach, as if shunning them. The only thing that wasn't so bad were the gem formations and obelisks of stone and obsidian that rose from the ground all around them in formations that were reminiscent of the forests around them.

Kirito watched their surroundings with Asuna by his side, knowing that they were going deeper into the Princes and or Princesses territory of control and yet they needed to know the Alfs next target if they were going to win this campaign. He watched as Klein and Shisho soon fall back to keep an eye on his units, Kirito presumed, but Alicia then said next to him, "This place is creepy no matter where we go it seems."

"True.. not to mention since we haven't seen anyone of those Necromancers it's been unsettling, like their just waiting for us to play into their hands." Said Kirito.

"You think we are already?" Asked Asuna.

Kirito kept quiet as everyone looked around before he then said, "Here, lets see if I can get a birds eye."

He got a running head start but when he jumped to take flight, his wings suddenly lost their ability to fly and he hit the ground hard while everyone got to him and helped him back up.

"You okay?" Asked Asuna. "Why didn't your wings work?"

"I don't know! We'll have to figure it out eventually." Said Kirito.

Shisho and Klein watched it all and simply shook their heads as they simply kept moving on when Klein asked Shisho, "So... Shisho... what do you do beyond this?"

Shisho gave a slight jump before she then said, "I... I work in a library as a Librarian.."

"A Librarian? Never really thought you'd be one." Said Klein.

"Well it's simply to make sure I can stay in my decent apartment is all." Said Shisho. "Where do you work at?"

"Oh, I work.. somewhere." Said Klein jokingly before he then sighed.

While Kirito dusted himself off while walking along, they soon crested over a hill as a small road of something white ran down between their hill and the hill on the other side as there seemed to be a ridge beyond that hill. While the army slowly began to crest the hill, Kirito noticed a few things about the toad and what it was made of and something on the ridge line some ways away from where he was standing. The road was first off made of what seemed like pure bone and while the army slowly stopped at the road, allowing him a closer inspection, he saw it was made of solid bone that was either grounded up to bits, still whole bones, or cracked and slightly crushed.

The other sight, while he looked back to it sitting on the ridge, made him suddenly want to rush forward with all abandonment. He saw just barely five figures underneath a darkly colored tent, three being unknown but the last two he knew all too well: Lisbeth and Sinon.

"Sinon! Lisbeth!" Shouted Kirito as he pointed to the figures on the ridge roughly half a mile away.

Sinon couldn't hear Kirito from where he and his allies and army was but she knew that he had likely noticed her and Lizbeth having tea with Sanginium, Thaxae, and Medusae on the ridge line, a tent above them to keep them protected while they watched the battle. Although sitting and watching the battle unfold while having tea pained her so much to watch, she knew that the Necromancer would keep his deal if he lost this so she kept herself in her chair the handmaidens had set up for her and Lisbeth. Kirito watched just barely could make out his friends but what he didn't understand were who the three figures and why they weren't moving towards them.

And then it clicked: something wasn't allowing them to come closer.

"Wait, everyone hold on." Said Kirito as Shisho and Klein began to move forward with some of the Spriggan units and both of them stopped before they looked to him and Shisho asked, "What wrong?"

"Something is up... Sinon and Lisbeth aren't running to us for a reason... and I think our reason is on the other side of that hill." Said Kirito as he pointed to the hill across from them.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Everyone froze as the all too familiar figure slowly walk over the ridge line with his dual swords on his back and with his armor shining in the dull light around them, his hands clapping slowly as if an applaud.

"You know, I was kinda hoping you would be dumb to simply walk into a ambush, but I'm impressed you read the signs like a champ." Said the Prince of Darkness as he stopped clapping. "Makes me have hope you are learning."

"What do you want, Prince!" Said Alicia as blades were drawn.

"I want you out of my territory... unless you want to fight me..." Said the Prince as then marching was heard as an army of grey skeletons appeared around the Prince, "and my army that I have brought."

The Alf army of Spriggans and Cait Sith faced off against the army of undead skeletons and while Kirito took out his BloodIron Dual Swords, Asuna took out her BloodIron Rapier but the Klein asked, "What's going on with Sinon and Lisbeth? Why are they watching us?"

"I made a deal with them is all you need to know." Said Kommando293 as he sighed before slowly drawing his dual Longsword's from his back scabbards.

Kommando293 could kinda see with a small map in the corner of his vision his army in all green dots slowly encircling the smaller Alf army but he knew eventually the Alfs were going to kick this fight off when they realized his army, roughly twice the size of the Alf's, was slowly encircling them.

Alicia held her weapons, which were gauntlet claws that covered her hands and wrists, before she then shouted, "Attack!!!!"

The Cait Sith Warriors roared out a Battlecry and surged forward in a tide of weapons while Kirito had no choice but to shout out, "Charge!"

The Spriggan roared and leapt into action and while Kommando simply smiled at this action, he then brought his swords up and then straight down. "Run 'em down and run 'em through!!"

The Dark grey skeletons with glowing red eyes all raised their weapons and the charged straight down the hill from all angles as the roughly 9 Sketelon Swordsmen, 6 Skeleton Archers, 4 Skeleton Reavers, and about 4 Skeleton Horsemen all immediately threw themselves into the fight before Kommando293 ran in himself.

The two sides clashed hard with bodies and shields slamming into one another but to Sinon from her distance she simply saw the colors mixing and mending into one large mob of melee and fighting. Guardians slammed weapons into Reavers, Swordsmen hammered one another shields, archers fired arrows where they could in the midst of the battle, and horsemen ran after one another as they tried to take out either rider or horse alike.

Kirito slashed around him, sending skeletons flying from him in small clumps while Asuna tried to stab her BloodIron Rapier in the chunks of armor she could find. Klein and Shisho fought with a group of Swordsmen with Shisho providing support with her spells while Klein hacked anything down that for close to her. And finally Alicia sliced apart the skeletons that threatened to get close enough for her weapons to reach them.

Meanwhile, Kommando293 was trying to clear a path to Kirito and his group through the throngs of fighters, knowing that by getting rid of him he could easily scatter the Alf army in minutes.

The battle was fierce as the fighting was soon littering the ground with armored skeletons and alfs while blood made the white road of bone red from the dead of both alfs and horses. Kirito was in utter shock with how many of the dark skeletons there were as it seemed there were many more of them when compared to his army of Alfs even with Alicia's army. His men were good and experienced a bit, being slightly better than Green but not Veteran yet, but they were being bashed about by the far more Veteran if not Elite Skeleton swordsmen and he was watching his numbers drop.

But he knew that if he didn't fight back now that they wouldn't ever get Sinon back and so he slashed as hard as he could and sent a powerful wave of magic that slammed a large area before him, annihilating a large, wide swathe of skeletons before him as many were utterly sent flying into space. Sauna saw this and was about to help him when suddenly Sinon watched with a lump within her throat as the Reaver General Theodosius suddenly grabbed Asuna by her red hair and yanked her back so hard she ploughed through several fighters behind her just as it seemed General Raiden was tagging himself in because he then took his blade and slammed it down into a stunned Asuna while she was still in the ground and the ground cracked as she was sent flying up.

"Asuna!!!!" Shouted Kirito as he realized his girlfriend is being utterly destroyed for the moment and when Guardians took positions around her, Asuna finally got up with Rapier in hand before the group was assaulted again by General Theodosius and his Reavers as that brawl unfolded.

Kirito made a move to go help her and her group when Alicia was sent flying right past him and he turned to see the smoking blades of the Prince of Darkness while he then turned to Kirito before unleashing a stream of Darkness Bolts towards him and the bolts splashed the area around Kirito before he could move much, sending friend and foe alike scattering away. When Kirito got back up from the ground, hands still gripping his blades like steel vises, he watched as Alicia charge the Prince with her claw-like blades ready to tear him up.

She was the first to strike as she sent a flurry of attacks with her claws to the Prince, who brought his swords up to block each attack as it came crashing down upon him, sparks flying in wide arcs with each strike he blocked and intercepted. Alicia kept hammering him with her claws while Kirito could only jump up from the dirt and continue trying to fend off the enemies around him, which were easily dozens of the dark grey skeleton Swordsmen. He kept his swords flying around him, more or less simply swinging his blades wildly around to more or less cause damage but with enemies packed this close and tight, it kinda didn't matter if he hit or not suddenly. The enemies were swamping him and his army and it looked like unless someone came over, which was highly doubtful, Kirito was about to lose this army with Alicia's.

And that was almost confirmed when he heard a scream and turned back to see Alicia suddenly have a long gash across her front while she spun away from the attack and jut before he moved, that Skeleton General with the plumed helmet and the shield and sword combo came up behind him and before he could spin around and defend himself, Kirito was shield bashed a good few feet away but he instantly was up while General Raiden said to his Swordsmen, "Keep him busy...."

"Well heck with you too!!" Said Kirito as he threw himself straight for Raiden.

Raiden brought his shield up with his DarkSteel sword and while the BloodIron Longsword's slammed into the DarkSteel, Kirito simply tried to get around the Elite Generals experience blocks but that was definitely not happening with how the General knew his stuff and was blocking the two swords with his shield and sword, switching between the two of them to block each and every attack Kirito did.

Another scream happened and when Kirito looked back, in slight disbelief that a General was kicking his butt, when he watched Alicia be utterly skewered on two Longsword's of the Prince of Darkness before she exploded into fragments as she died.

"Oh not this again!" Shouted Klein while he tried to salvage whomever was around him with Shisho deploying a fire barrier and ordering the archers around them to fire as many arrows as they could into the enemies around them which was getting some results.

Of course, Raiden soon put Kirito back into the present with another shield bash and while Kirito got back up, he was getting rather low on health and patience for this NPC, which was a first for anything. Even worse, with Alicia gone and her ragged remains of an army barely managing to come to Klein and Shisho, the enemy was encircling the remains of the Alf's while the Prince of Darkness himself began slowly walking over to Kirito.

"Well, I don't have time for you!" Muttered Kirito as he looked back to Raiden trying to shield bash him again and unlike previous attempt, he sidestepped and swung with both of his Longsword's straight for the Skeletons relatively unprotected back armor.

His blades swung fast and true and slammed the Skeleton off his feet and into the ground but Kirito was running to the others while he still could, trying to rally any of the Alf Swordsmen still alive from either his army or Alicia's, while simultaneously fending off the skeletons from all around him.

Kommando293 was slightly amused about how the Alf leaders were suddenly panicking but it was to be expected when they were outnumbered, surrounded, and with less than ideal troops in the veterancy ranks. But while he walked towards them, his skeletons still hammering them, he simply kept the stray arrow from hitting him while up on the cliffs, it was all too apparent to Sinon that her friends had some time to go before they could rescue her.

But then Kommando293 stopped his army and as Kirito watched him warily, Kommando simply sighed before asking, "Have you learned anything from this lesson?"

Kirito paused, mostly cause it was an odd question and almost sadistic, but then he answered out as a complete shot in the dark, "Being more troops?"

"Well that-" and then Kommando293 lunges forward with longsword and he ran Kirito straight through his gut in a wash of blood.

"-and never put your guard down."

Kirito spewed blood from his mouth and hen he disappeared into virtual shards and when a Kommando293 looked to the other Alfs, he then motioned for his army to make a path for them to leave.

"Now run along."

Asuna didn't want to leave without first killing the boss but while she judged the bosses health, the group was in no position to resist any long and thus, with gritted teeth and a heavy heart, she put her rapier back into its sheathe and then said, "Everyone... retreat to the Portal.."

Klein was about to argue but Shisho stopped him and shook her head and then the whole army slowly made its way back to recuperate its losses, leaving the dead from both sides behind them.

Kommando293 looked around him before he then sighed and began to walk back to Sinon about half a mile away to talk to her. He felt bad but at the same time, this should hopefully prepare that played with the username "Kirito" for the final showdown with him if he wasn't scared off.

Sinon would watch the Prince of Darkness to slowly advance over with Theodosius and Raiden at his side but she said nothing when he appeared before her, simply staring at her tea.

"... Sinon.." Said Kommando after some time had passed, "... It's.... It's time to go back to the keep..."

Sinon looked up as the maidens were slowly putting things away and then she heard him say, "If you wish, I may wait here with you till you think you can come back."

Although Kommando figures that would be forever almost, she then stood up and said, "A deal is a deal... you kept your word so I must keep mine.."

Kommando then nodded and as he brought his and her horse over and when he helped her up, he felt bad for her and began to think of how he can improve her mood.

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