Chapter 34

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Sinon slowly trotted her Ghostly Horse alongside of the Princes Darkness Horse while Lisbeth on her Bronze Horse, the Maidens on foot, and about three full units of Elite Reavers followed them towards the nearby village that may just outside the walls of the castle.

She remember her last trip there but now she was actually looking at it, it reminded her a lot of the villages from the Alfenheim world. The roofs were all brick or thatched, the walls wooden and seemed European in nature with the only differences the materials being used to make those structures as well as the occasional gardens sprinkled around.

The road they went along was made of bone and while the group soon stopped at the edge near a stable, the Prince paid for the horses to be housed there for the moment while the Reavers all spread out with only Theodosiuses unit staying with them.

Sinon looked around as her quiver and bow on her back jiggled slightly as she watched a few spirits, some ghoulish undead, and a few banished Alves were present as well.

The main road they stood on was lined with carts and stalls full of various items for sale and trade and while herself, Lisbeth, and the Prince took point for the group, the Handmaidens and Theo's Reaver unit staid roughly a few yards back to maintain a respective distance while also being on the lookout for trouble.

While they passed along, Sinon noticed many of those around them gave a bow to their direction which made her almost give a confused look before she remembered that the Prince and herself and maybe even Lisbeth were considered royalty.

She looked at some of the stalls nearby and looked over he ares available there. She saw pits and pans of the bloodiron types as it seemed that women and housewives with children were the primary ones around those stalls, likely seeking new kitchenware to replace old or broken ones.

There was a small cart selling various plants and vegetables she hadn't seen much, mainly cause she hadn't seen Hel farms, but the plants seemed edible enough albeit a bit horrific as one looked like a bleeding tooth.

At another stall sat several blades and knives as several people seemed to be anxious around it and as she watched, the blacksmith gave a deep bow to the Prince while thenPrince walked up and then picked up one of the blades and began to inspect it. The Reavers all stayed back a distance but as Sinon glanced to Earthshaker, she could tell how the General was moving his hands along his shield and Siege Hammer that he didn't like this one bit. Which made her nervous too while Lisbeth said, "Hmm.. I wonder what sort of quality of weapons they have."

"That quality in fact would be considered inferior to your and the Princes weapons however it's a good weapon for farmers to have an protect themselves with." Said Sanginium as she got close to speak.

"Hmm... interesting." Said Lisbeth when then the Prince gave the knife back and said to the blacksmith, "Good blades... try and not to sell them to people who'll try and kill me."

The man could only bow to the Prince as then the Prince nodded before continuing on while Sinon and the others did their best to keep up with him.

While they went along, Sinon then heard a loud sort of laughing and as she turned to look down another road, her stomach took a twist she hadn't expected when she saw the four men being surrounded by three scantily-clad alves.

"Ah... the Brothel... if it didn't have good way to keep some folks happy... I would've burned it down myself... but I can't if I want to keep the more rowdy of the populace docile..." muttered the Prince as he appeared next to her, following her gaze.

"I'm surprised your not as cold as your are to our friends." Said Lisbeth.

Kommando suddenly winced as that kinda did sting but then he sighed as he said, "Its easy to stop a problem if its your enemy... it's harder when they look like one of your own... I could try and slaughter all of them but the populace would become my enemy... and if I want a kingdom.. I need people in it."

Then the Prince sighed and Sinon stopped next to him as he then said, "But the moment I find something to make that go away to replace it, I will personally light the first torch and roast it!"

And with that they continued through the town as Sinon looked back before suddenly wondering what would be a good idea to replace that place that could still produce happiness as she didn't like the idea or even the fact that there was a brothel here in this village. While she looked around, she then heard a ping in her ear and she looked down through her heads up display before noticing something new: a build menu icon.

Correction: she now remembered she had her own build menu since she had been taken as a Bride for the Prince. She had never really paid it much notice or mind, since she didn't understand why exactly she had one herself, but now while she looked at it, she then brought up before her as the whole city suddenly became a grid before her.

While she looked around, walking along, each building suddenly popped up with a small menu speaking about population, cost to of upkeep, cost to make, and a bunch of other things as everything had this, even some of the street lamps.

And as she turned back for a moment to glance at the entrance to the Brothel, which she could barely see as she was trying to keep up with the others, she saw the entire stats of the Brothel: +11 Happiness, +5 Unrest, 110 Upkeep, 200 Cost, 100 Gold per day.

Boy, it seemed more of a drag than a helping thing but as she looked at her menu and brought another building up, she wondered if it could replace it. It was called, "Tower of Peace" and it was interesting: +20 Happiness, -5 Unrest But it was 250 Upkeep and costed a total 500 Gold. It essentially was a tall tower topped with a crystal, from what she could see of its holographic shell, while it had these banners and branches stretching out from it.

And as she looked, she then looked at her available coffers and realized she was in trouble. She had little gold to use in making it and so she caught up with the others as she then soon caught back up with the Prince but as she did, she wondered how she would be able to get funds to build that building.

"You finally made it... what took you so long?" Asked Lisbeth.

"Figuring out how to deal with that Brothel." Said Sinon as they walked along.

"Have an idea?" Asked Lisbeth.

"Yeah but I need money..." Said Sinon as then she wondered Would the Prince fund me if he knew I was trying to help him?

She'd have to wait till another day to ask.

"Woah!" Said Kirito as he tried to keep his War Horse mount from bucking him right off.

Since the Alve's had figured out that their wings didn't work anymore they had soon adopted the fact they needed mounts to ride through Helheim and get to place around faster. This meant everyone was using War Horses if they were part of a Lords vassalage or they were using whatever horse mount they could find from Alfenheim. But thankfully, it's not like everyone was going full Cavalry with their armies as even Kirito knew that going full horses into a village battle was inviting someone bringing pikes and spear only armies to crush them.

And with it being the Prince of Plague, anything was possible since his previous army had been destroyed so he could have a full new army ready to take the Alves on. But thankfully for Kirito and Alicia, after they had managed to speed through conscription, they were brining armies with a total of 12 Swordsmen with various items or fully equipped, 10 Archers, 6 Cavalry, and 3 Guardian Units fully equipped. And then there was Lord Eugene with a new army of 10 Salamander Swordsmen that were fully equipped, only about 4 Archers with him as Kirito always wondered why he was sparse on Archers, 2 Cavalry units, and 4 fully equipped Guardian units. And then there was about 5 Other ladies and Lords with a smaller armies then the previous mentioned ones while about 10 Guilds of about 6-15 players strong were also coming into the fight.

It was a sizeable Force when you add the number of units in the Lords and ladies armies but it was a bit of a gamble because they were needing to have a victory again like the portal and Kirito didn't want to lose another army again.

And so, with still a good amount of units at the portal defense still, the Alves once again marched into Helheim with the intent of gaining another victory to outweigh the many defeats they had taken against them.

And all the while Kirito did his best with Asuna and the others from not being bucked off his horse while they trotted along. It was weird, not being able to fly for once but it was a change of pace he didn't actually hate that much since he wasn't actually that awful at riding at horse, it'll come down to how good he could swing while running by an enemy because even though his Longsword's were long enough to use, he didn't know if had the balance to keep himself fr9m falling off a horse while swinging in any direction.

Maybe he should've picked up a spear or lance to use?

It didn't matter anymore as if they didn't go now, it was possible they wouldn't reach the border to the Prince of Plagues outmost village until the next morning and they knew time was of the essence in an attack with such large forces being brought to bear. They all knew it didn't take long thanks to Kirito's previous battle, to know that these Necromancers were very fast in gathering their armies to bring to bear against them.

"Hey Kirito, gonna finally get a win today?" Shouted Eugene from his War Horse decked out in full red and gold armor.

"Maybe today's the day you also win a battle!" Shouted Kirito back.

Eugene laughed at the comment and then the army began its march at s decent pace towards the Prince of Plagues borders.

Sinon walked through the halls of the castle as for once she was trying to find the Prince. She knew that though helping him might actually be hurting her chances to ever get out by those thoughts were soon seeming likes dreams rather than actual reality she could do. She simply could not get away with from him without being chased down by someone far worse and she knew that even if she was to escape, what was to say he wouldn't get her back anyway?

Still, if she was going to help him she was going to need some funds to get that building up which she had a sneaky suspicion only she can make since he seemed to detest the Brothel enough that he would've made a Tower of Peace real quick. But she had to get some money somehow and she needed a whopping 500 Gold for it too, which was almost as expensive as some weapons in Alfenheim.

And then she heard voices in a nearby room: "I'd like to make more troops to send to you but money's tight... I haven't made it obvious but another town is trying to rebel and I keep losing men to those Alf parties... and the only places I can get any free loot is sadly in the forest and I don't have time for it."

"Well, why not send someone else to nab it?"

"Because it's a Dragon Hoarde! It'd take either all of us or an army to take it on and everyone's busy trying to keep ourselves afloat... doggone castle is literally two days from being tier 4!" Said Kommando293 as he looked at the message portal.

"Tier 4? Dude that research you got going on my goodness it's immense!" Said Midnight but then the boy nodded as he then said, "Well if you got some to spare, send them my way. I could use their help as it's no small feet to defend three villages at once."

Sinon heard all of this from the door as she then decided to get up and begin going to the stables. A Dragons hoarde sounded tough but she knew she could handle it. Perhaps she could convince Earthshaker and maybe even Lisbeth to join her and help her out in grabbing the loot, perhaps they could even do it without a fight.

Only one way to find out and she needed to grab her bow too.

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