Chapter 13: 20 Heisei Megaforce vs Negative 20 Avengers

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(At the battleground, all of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents are defeated, all of Marvel Superheroes turned into golden particles dust and went back to their own shows with their memories wiped out and the Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce finally defeated all Kaotic Avengers while evil human allies of the Kaotics are unconscious. Grimlock and the others nodded, Ben 10 rejoins the others as they all celebrated, but they saw Kaiser Dormammu and the Negative Avengers.)

K. Dormammu: (glares) You may have won this battle, this final wars will begin. Me, Megatron, Zetton, Kamen Rider Lance, Dark Mega Man.EXE, Deathryuger, Solidus Snake, Dark Brain, Grinder Man, Korrag, Kamen Rider Dark Vulcan, Kamen Rider Eden, Dolmel Gundam, Copy X, Darth Asula, Spider-Mandalorian, Enchantress X, Violator, Shredder, Alpha Hydranoid and Kang the Conqueror are all together waiting for you.

(Then all 20 Negative Avengers come in.)

(First Row: Megatron, Zetton, Conner Black/Kamen Rider Lance, Kyle Hikari/Dark Mega Man.EXE and Tyson Xanders/Deathryuger.)

(Second Row: Solidus Snake, Dark Brain, Butch Cobblepot/Grinder Man, Elias Kennedy/Koragg and Denku Midoriya/Bloodsport.)

(First Row: Robert Morrison/Kamen Rider Eden, Xiomara/Dolmel Gundam, Yoroi Solo/Copy X, Darth Asula and Spark Dooku/Spider-Mandalorian)

(Second Row: Enchantress X, Violator, Shredder, Alpha Hydranoid and Kang the Conqueror.)

(As they step forth, Kaiser Dormammu speaks up.)

K. Dormammu: You think you can win? I will always win against the wretched corrupted humanity. (to his 20 Avengers) Take them down.

N. Avengers: (bow) Yes, master.

(Then Dormammu disappears and all Negative 20 Avengers jump down as they land near the destroyed cafe and they get in a battle stance. Grimlock alongside all of 19 Heisei Megaforce Heroes got in their battle stance, they glared at each other as they all energized their power. Grimlock faces back at them.)

Grimlock: You ready, guys?

Sentry: They better be warned I'm ready!

Pyrus Rodan: By the power vested in us by Vestroia, we'll be dealing with those Negative Avengers by force.

S. Samurai: Time to shine!

S. Ultraman: We're ready, Grimlock.

M. Defender: I'm ready to defeat those villains.

Kai Fett: It's showtime!

(They charge as they yell their battle cry, and the Negative Avengers charge back at them.)

(Sentry and Pyrus Rodan vs Darkus Alpha Hydranoid)

(Sentry shoots Alpha Hydranoid, who shoots back, but Pyrus Rodan powers up and slams into him, crashing into the wall as Alpha Hydranoid glares at Pyrus Rodan.)

A. Hydranoid: I will have my master's vengeance. I will destroy you and this wretched world.

Pyrus Rodan: (scoffs) Not as long as we stop you!

A. Hydranoid: Good luck trying.

(Sentry prepares to slam into Alpha Hydranoid as he attacks.)

(Neo Metabe & Shovel Knight X vs Grinder Man & The Enchantress X)

(Both Neo Metabee and Shovel Knight fight against Grinder Man and The Enchantress X. Neo Metabee blasts Grinder Man as he kicks him.)

N. Metabee: (chuckles) Let's finish this! HEAVY RIFLE ATTACK!

(Neo Metabee shoots Grinder Man continuously, and he screams in pain as he explodes. Shovel Knight X dodges The Enchantress X's magic blasts before charging his shovel blade.)

Shovel Knight X: SHOVEL SLASH!

(Shovel Knight X slashes The Enchantress X, who screams in pain as he lands and bumps fists with Neo Metabee.)

N. Metabee: (smiles) Hell yeah!

(Vigilante & Spider-Ten vs Bloodsport & Spider-Mandalorian)

(Vigilante is seen slashing Bloodsport with his sword as he kicks him down.)

Vigilante: Just another Deku Simp!

Bloodsport: (glares) Just another herectic!

(Then they pull out their weapons and start shooting and dodging. Spider-Ten (as Spidermonkey) uses his techniques to bring Spider-Mandalorian down.)

Spider-Ten (Spidermonkey): You are a disgrace to the Spider-Verse.

(Shin Ultraman & Omega Zero vs Zetton & Copy X)

(Shin Ultraman is fighting Zetton as he kicks his leg and punches him backwards, making him fall. Then he prepares a Spacium Beam as he shoots it at Zetton, who didn't have time to react as he gets blown up. Omega Zero is seen being backed up by Poward/Galvatron.)

O. Zero/Galvatron: (in unsion) Let's do it!

(They combine their attacks and destroy Copy X once and for all. Then Omega Zero laughs in victory.)

S. Ultraman: (chuckles) You're really Omega Zero.

O. Zero: (smiles) Yeah, except I now use my powers for good.

S. Ultraman: Good to know. 

(Kamen Rider Blade & Red Hood vs Kamen Rider Lance & Solidus Snake)

(Blade is seen fighting Lance as he slashes him multiple times, grabs his hands, spins him around and throws him into the wall before performing his finisher.)


(A/N: Replace the Undead with Kamen Rider Lance.)

(As Lance explodes, Red Hood is seen fighting Solidus Snake as he throws a grenade at him.)

(A/N: Replace Robin with Solidus Snake)

(As Solidus is killed by the shot, both Blade and Red Hood nod at each other.)

(Magna Defender vs Koragg)

(Magna Defender is seen fighting Koragg as he grabs him and slams him into a wall.)

M. Defender: Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about!

(Kamen Rider Zero-One vs Kamen Rider Eden)

(Zero-One pulls out the Realizing Hopper Progrisekey charged with Blue energy.)

Zero-One: Thanks, Makoto!




Zero-One: Eden, there's only one who can stop you, and that's me!


(Zero-One dodges Eden's attacks at high speeds while moving toward them. Upon reaching himt, he delivers a side kick covered in green energy. He then leaps forward to Eden again and delivers an uppercut covered in green and blue energy, followed by an upward kick that launches him high into the air. Energy grasshopper feet briefly form around Zero-One's one feet before he leaps and knees the enemy in midair. Still in the air, Zero-One performs a series of high-speed kicks that leave afterimages of himself. He then leaps to different points in the air and performs more kicks, ricocheting Eden between them, before delivering a downward kick that sends him back to the ground. Finally, Zero-One performs a final kick with an energy construct of a robotic grasshopper extending from his right foot and an symbol similar to Zea behind him. A large energy representation of a DNA strand appears in his path when he strikes Eden.)


(Eden screams in pain as he explodes.)

(RX-78 Gundam & Nightfright vs Dolmel Gundam & Violator.)

(Both RX-78 Gundam and Nightfright are fighting their archenemies. RX-78 Gundam flies to the air and shoots a powerful beam at Dolmel Gundam, which starts malfunctioning again.)


(The Gundam explodes while Nightfright shoots some fireballs at Violator, who barely dodges, but he chains him up and prepares to finish him.)

(Violator falls down as both Nightfright and RX-78 Gundam walk to the others.)

(Kai Fett & Shining Samurai vs Darth Asula & Shredder)

(Kai kicks Darth Asula, and then he shoots her. Then he jumps into the air as he shoots her head. Shining Samurai punches Shredder as he creates his own version of his half-sister's Crescent Rose.)

S. Samurai: As my cousin would say, I'll finish you off with a "Yang"!

(Shining Samurai slashes Shredder in half, killing him.)

S. Samurai: As Mikey always says... BOOYAKASHAAAAA!

(Meanwhile at Shining Samurai's world, Yang and Mikey are giggling at each other.)

Yang: It looks like my cousin likes my puns.

Mikey: Oh please, do you think I don't know he also said...

(Raph interrupts Mikey.)

Raph: (glares) NOT NOW, MIKEY! (sighs) I wish I could see Rudy finishing off the Shredder even though he's his son...

(Back to Prime Earth)

(Kamen Rider Double & Bat 10 vs Dark Brain & Deathryuger)

(Double punches Dark Brain and kicks him backwards while doing their main pose.)

Double: Now, count up your sins!

(Dark Brain growls as he charges at him, but Double pulls out the Joker Gaia Memory and places it at the Maximum Slot.)


(Double kicks through Dark Brain, who screams in agony as he explodes. Bat 10 (Whampire) uses his Sonic Explosions on Deathryuger, and then he kicks him into a wall before slashing him with his sharp claws.)

(Mega Man.EXE vs Dark Mega Man.EXE)

(Mega Man.EXE blasts his Dark Counterpart before zooming towards him and slashing him.)


(Dark Mega Man.EXE explodes)

(Grimlock vs Megatron)

(Megatron is seen blocking Grimlock's attacks.)

Megatron: (glares) You're no different from Optimus. You always fight for the weak. That's why you'll lose!

Grimlock: (glares) I will finish what Optimus couldn't, Megatron!

Megatron: (growls) Do your worst!

Grimlock: I warned you!

(Grimlock punches Megatron's lower jaw, grabs his head and throws him to the ground before pounding him multiple times with his weapon, leading to Megatron's demise.)

Grimlock: We Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce never gibe up with our battles!

(Ultraman Ribut vs Kang the Conqueror)

(Ultraman Ribut slashes Kang, grabs him and throws him into a wall as all Heisei Megaforce Heroes get together.)

Ribut: Ready for the grand finale?

Grimlock: (nods) Let's do it.

N. Metabee: Hell yeah.

Vigilante: Let's go!

(They all prepare for a combined final attack.)


Heisei Megaforce Leaders: BLAST!!!

(They combine their attacks and blast Kang, who screams in agony. Then a symbol of the Megaforce Logo comes in as it says "Heisei Megaforce Forever". Everyone is cheering for the Megaforce Leaders as they finally defeated their archenemies. Suddenly Iron Kaiju comes in.)

Iron Kaiju: (roars)

(The Heisei Megaforce Leaders glare at him as they get into their fighting stance.)

Grimlock: Get ready, guys. This is our final battle, for everyone.

Megaforce Leaders: (nod) Yeah!

(They stand together as they prepare for the final battle.)

(As the screen fades to black, the 20 Megaforce Leaders stand together as they jump into the air.)

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