Chapter 8: Death to Iron Legion/Megaforce Heroes Freed

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(Ozpin (AlstonChanAlstonChan's world) is seen preparing to kill the other three Iron Men as he pulls out his Hazard Trigger.)


(He then places the Evol-Trigger in his driver before pulling out his Evolbottles and placing them in it.)


(Ozpin then spins the lever of his Driver and prepares to transform.)


Ozpin: Henshin!


Evol: Time to free those Megaforce Heroes, and then I'll get the rest of the Iron Men's armors.

(Evol then goes to Times Square, where the Megaforce Heroes are about to be executed by Marvel's Fake Heroes, and then he breaks all of them free.)

Isaac: Who are you?

Evol: Who am I? It doesn't matter to you. I'm just freeing you guys so you can join forces and fight the so-called Superior Iron Man and his fake Avengers.

Luke Miller: Well... if you say so...

(Then Luke pulls out his morpher from his pocket.)


(Luke becomes the Green Ranger, while Isaac transforms into his Dragon God form.)

Green Ranger: I'm ready.

Isaac (Dragon God): So am I.

Evol: Whatever.

????: Another Kamen Rider scum, I see.

(They see Superior Iron Man, Iron Man (Avengers Assemble) and Iron Man (Earth-12131) standing in front of them.)

Evol: So you're the three other Iron Men. I was really waiting for you.

Iron Man (A.A.): You will regret this, scum!

Evol: I don't think so, Iron Scum.

Iron Man (Earth-12131): You dare call us scum?

S. Iron Man: Very well... prepare to die!

(The three Iron Men charge at Evol and the two Megaforce Heroes. Superior Iron Man shoots Evol, who blocks his shots like a breeze. Avengers Assemble's Iron Man punches Isaac, who isn't fazed at all.)

Isaac: (cocky) Is that your best? How weak.

(Isaac then punches Iron Man (Avengers Assemble) in the gut, forcing Tony (Avengers Assemble) out of his suit as he falls down and coughs blood. Meanwhile Earth-12131's Iron Man shoots Green Ranger, who deflects the shots with his Dagger, and then he summons the Dragonzord.)

(The Dragonzord roars as Green Ranger jumps inside of it. The Megazord then shoots the missiles from his fingers, destroying Earth-12131's Iron Man., only leaving his scrapped suit. Meanwhile Evol is seen easily overwhelming Superior Iron Man.)

Evol: It looks like only you remain.

S. Iron Man: (glares) I'm superior, and you're below me!

Evol: Really? Let's see you handle THIS!

(Evol kicks Superior Iron Man with massive strength, and Tony is forced out of his suit.)

Evol: Nice suit. I'll give it to my boss after I'm done here. But first.

(Evol then prepares to finish Superior Iron Man.)


(A miniature black hole is generated behind him. The black hole then compresses into halo-like rings of energy.)


(Evol delivers a powerful to Superior Tony Stark, sending him into the black hole, which kills him after a period of time. Evol then picks up the pieces of the other Iron Men's suits as Isaac turns to Evol.)

Isaac: What are you planning to do with those suits?

Evol: None of your damn business!

(Evol reverts back to Ozpin.)

Ozpin: I would leave now, but I've got orders to help you to deal with the rest of Marvel Fake Heroes, so... I'm sticking with you... for now.

(Then the Megaforce Heroes leave with Ozpin as a certain Dark Rider is watching them.)

Zane/Gold Drive: I'd better let Dormammu know about this.

????: No need to, Zane.

(Kaiser Dormammu shows up.)

K. Dormammu: That Ozpin only remembers his name, and he just got orders from Orb Dark to pick the Iron Men's suits in order for him to make a suit of his own. Now it's time for Neo Granzon to slaughter those Megaforce Heroes and Marvel's Fake Heroes as well.

G. Drive: Understood.

(As the screen fades out, Ozpin (AlstonChanAlstonChan) is seen bringing the Iron Men's suits to a mysterious figure.)

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