Chapter 10: Assaulting the Hidden Underground Base

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(The heroes are seen hopping on Ultraman Z's back as Noah Kaminari sees something from below.)

Noah: Yeah, I could see the beast from here. We did it.

Kouta: Whoa-ho-ho!

Tsukasa: Excellent.

(They get close and see a base.)

Noah: Okay, let's go with the planning.

Darp: May I make a suggestion?

Noah: NO! (calms down) Alright, let's go over the planning.

(Cut to the base, the scenes of Noah's plan are shown. The first one shows Noah as Kamen Rider Build.)

Noah: I'll run around and be awesome, fly through a windshield... here I go, perfect landing. Break knee caps, boom, Skull Fracture, go right, um... do some flipping, whoa, here I am, catch bullet, lot a good of that gun, did you? Slow down over there, no, I can't, too fast, too fast. You know what, girls love... me!

(Back to Reality)

Noah: Got it?

(Darp groans in annoyance.)

Noah: Sterk. Red Hood.

Sterk: Let's give them hell.

Red Hood: Let's see if they bleed.

(The second scene of Noah's plan is shown. This time, with Sterk and Red Hood in their vehicles.)

Noah: Driving fast, crashing in slow motion, okay? Okay. Vroom, beep beep. Guy on the big motorcycle here. (Sterk shoots the motorcycle's wheel) Nice shot. Come on, Red Hood, I believe in you. Oh man, real smooth flipping time. Grab it in. (Red Hood grabs the enemy soldier and slams him down.) BOOM! (Red Hood stabs the enemy soldier.) Classic.

(Back to Reality, again.)

Noah: Gibus Sniper, repeat after me. Never stop, never stop believing in your dreams. Hehe, I'm kidding.

(Back to Noah's plan scene, the gibus sniper is seen getting out of the water.)

Noah: Okay, stay frosty. Which way we're flanking? All right, go right. Kill morons fast. (the enemy soldiers get shot) Bang, get dead, yeah. That's right, let's get on the cap, fella.

(Cut to Darp's scene)

Noah: Darp. Yeah, let's go to the right. Take the flag, heads up, ladies... waste them. Meat shots, freaking meat shots. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go! That's how a team of best friends wins the game.

(Then an explosion happens as they make a victory pose before they're back to the reality.)

Noah: Yeah, we're pretty great. Let's do this.

Red Hood: It's perfect.

Darp: That was idiotic.

Noah: (to Darp) You are chicken.

(Noah imitates a chicken and Darp groans annoyed.)

Red Hood: Let's go!

Darp: Fine...

Noah: Now, shall we begin the experiment?

(Noah shakes two fullbottles and places them on his Build Driver.)

B. Driver: Taka! Gatling! Best Match!

(Then Noah cranks up the lever until the mix is complete.)

B. Driver: Are you ready?

Noah: Henshin!

B. Driver: (Brass band music) Tenkuu no abarenbou! HawkGatling! Yeah!

(Then they prepare to get inside the base.)

Build: Red Hood, is that true you were Robin?

Red Hood: Once upon a time, I was... until I got captured and tortured by The Joker besides being killed in an explosion. However I was resurrected and became what I am today.

Ichigo: I was a biker in my teenage days until I got captured by the Union and transformed into a cyborg. But then the Special Forces saved me and became a family I never had.

Red Dino Ranger: I am Ben's brother in my world. I used to be a student at Union Academy, but I was abused, bullied and neglected.

Ben 10: And because of it, I cut my ties with them and befriended Grimlock and his buddies.

Blue Dino Ranger: Ryan, Alisa, Reyes, Jackson and I became the current Power Rangers Dino Thunder, and then we defeated Mesogog during the battle in our Unionverse.

(As they keep explaining about themselves, Darp goes to a room to investigate something, and then he found a secret passage as he pushed a wall.)

Darp: Yes!

(Darp kept going until he found something in the underground. He sees some British Commando working while being watched by an Atlas Corporation soldier.)

Red Hood: Oh, hello. (Darp gets surprised) I cherish these moments we spend together.

Darp: Shhh.

(Then Commander Darp stabs a robot mercenary from behind. Then they proceed sneaking up while the British Commando soldier found something.)

????: You found it. Turn into me. Other way.

(Then Jonathan Irons is revealed.)

B. C.: What's this?

Irons: What I'm looking for. Crystallized Australium. The final piece for my ultimate plan.

(Back to Darp and Red Hood, they're watching from above.)

B. C.: Now I've seen everything.

Irons: Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. Observe.

(The Robo-Heavy touches the crystallized Australian.)

B. C.: What magic is this?

(The Robo-Heavy becomes "Australium Robo-Heavy")

Australium: I feel... alive!

(The British Commando soldiers get scared.)

Irons: Don't give me that look. When I upgrade all these pathetic useless robots into an entire army of organic murder slaves, I'll be unstoppable. Do you have any idea of how expensive it is to maintain an army that is literally powered by money? In hindsight, not my best design choice.

B. C.: Well... another satisfied customer.

B. C.: Um...

Irons: Oh yes, your payment. Well, like I said, money is scarce, and I've got no use for you anymore, Elite Fenix Group. You're a loose end. Robots, execute them all. Not me, them!

B. C.: Your blood is later.

(Suddenly one of the robots reveals to be Commander Darp, who shoots the other robots.)

Darp: Surprise.

A. C. S.: Attack!

(Then Commander Darp dodges the Atlas Corporation soldiers' shots, and then Red Hood comes in and kills some robots and some Atlas Corporation soldiers before throwing a grenade, making rocks fall over the Australium Robo-Heavy.)

Red Hood: Haha!

(Unfortunately more enemy forces are seen coming to attack, but Darp and Red Hood hit back. Then McKenney "Dillon" Marsalis gives some weapons to his British Commandos.)

Dillon: We will fight like men. HERE I COME!

(Dillon shoots the enemy forces, confusing Darp. Then an evil Lin Kuei Cyborg shoots some grenades, almost blowing him away, but he lands on his feet and kills the cyborg.)

Darp: This is my world.

(Then he sees Red Hood shooting a British Commando in the head.)

Red Hood: You're not welcome in my world.

Darp: Red Hood, stop, stop. Kill the robots and their friends.

(Then Red Hood charges at the enemy forces and shoots them.)

Red Hood: Free food and robot help you kids. (stabs a Stormtrooper) You motherfucker. (sees some Imperial Officers) Spark Bang.

(Then Jason knocks out some of them. Meanwhile Darp is having a hard time dealing with the Purge Troopers until he sneaks up behind one of them and uses him as a shield before killing them.)

Darp: You fight like fat men.

(Meanwhile, Dillon is seen fighting the enemy forces.)

Dillon: Get behind me, Leaner.

(Then Captain Brian "Leaner" Francis comes in.)

Dillon: Hear it, no more...

(Then the Australium Robo-Heavy breaks free and punches the duo away before killing two of the British Commandos. Back to Red Hood, he's seen dealing with Dark Troopers.)

Red Hood: Just you and me.

(Then he sees the Australium Robo-Heavy.)

Red Hood: You... big magic robot hit me. Get over here so I can kick you in the fruit basket.

(Then the Australium Robo-Heavy grabs a weapon and starts shooting. One of the bullets hits Cassie's drone, drawing the heroes' attention. Back to the Australium Robo-Heavy, he manages to shoot Red Hood.)

Red Hood: My blood, no.

(The Australium Robo-Heavy approaches the defeated Red Hood.)

Red Hood: If you want my blood... (draws his knives) come and get it, maggot.

(Red Hood charges at the Australium Robo-Heavy and cuts him, but gets punched. Meanwhile another evil Lin Kuei Cyborg tries to cut Darp, only to get shot. Then some mindless ones come in, and Darp draws his lightsaber.)

Darp: Time for some Trooper work.

(Then Darp destroys the mindless ones until Red Hood gets thrown into him.)

Red Hood: Darp?

(Red Hood gets punched again, and the Australium Robo-Heavy still charges at him, trying to punch him, but Jason kicks his face, enraging the Australium Robo-Heavy, who grabs him and grinds him. Darp tries to shoot him, but gets grabbed and used as a baseball bat by the Australium Robo-Heavy, who hits Red Hood, and then Darp gets slammed and stomped. Red Hood charges at the Australium Robo-Heavy, only to be grabbed by him.)

Red Hood: Get a haircut.

(Then Kamen Rider Build comes in and kick the Australium Robo-Heavy in the face, making him let go of Red Hood. Then he dodges the Australium Robo-Heavy's attacks.)

Build: Hey, nice kneecaps.

(Kamen Rider Build kicks the Australium Robo-Heavy's kneecap, making the robot scream in pain, and then Nightwing stabs his staff into the Australium Robo-Heavy's ass, and Kamen Rider Ichigo kicks the robot down as Red Hood comes in and forces the robot to swallow a grenade.)

Red Hood: And don't forget, a human grit always defeats a robot.

(Red Hood presses the button of a device, destroying the robot.)

Irons: What? What's happening here? (sees the heroes) Oh, it's you, heroes.

Darp: Go to hell.

Irons: Your pitful resistance is inconsequential. I am coming to get my crystal, and I am going to bring my entire army. So go ahead. Get ready. Seriously, really, get ready for this. I made a lot of robots and I really want to use them.

(Then someone destroys the TV.)

B. C.: Go park yourself.

(Then they see the Elite Fenix Group.)

Cassie: Hands up!

B. C.: Oh no, this isn't good.

(Then Darp motions Cassie to stand down as Kamen Rider Ichigo, Ben 10 and Sonya Blade step in.)

Ichigo: Promise us your help...

Sonya: And we will let you live.

Ben 10: They will NOT take this magic rock!

Ichigo: So let's settle this like gentlemen.

Dillon: Very well.

Build: Good.

Red Hood: Okay, let's get one thing straight. You are criminals.

Leaner: Shut up.

Red Hood: But you have joined this team, today you are heroes.

(Then Kamen Rider Ichigo and Dillon shake hands.)

Red Hood: Is that understood?

Dillon: My name is McKenney "Dillon" Marsalis.

Leaner: I am Brian "Leaner" Francis, and these are the British Commandos.

Penile: My name is Starlight "Penile" Aleksandra.

G. Nedd: I am Glamrock Nedd Bear. These are Bonnie, Foxy, Mangle, Pigpatch, Happy Frog, Mr. Hippo and Orville Elephant.

Sly: Sly Cooper at your service.

Walden: Sergeant Mark A. Walden, reporting for duty. These are the Mixels.

Dillon: We need more allies.

(Kamen Rider Ichigo looks at Sonya, who nods.)

Ichigo: You can come with us.

(To be continued)

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