Chapter 6: Brotherhood of Shadows meets Chaos Avengers

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(Hours earlier in the abandoned Black Dragon Hideout, Shinnok is seen with his Brotherhood.)

Quan Chi: How long until they come here, Lord Shinnok?

Shinnok: They will come here.

(Then a bullhead comes in, showing Rias' Peerage, The I.S. students, Blake, Weiss, Team NPR, Class 1-A, Winter, Clover, Marrow, Satsuki, Team SSSN, Tai, Raven and Qrow.)

Winter: We're here. What now?

Shinnok: Quan Chi?

Quan Chi: Yes, Lord Shinnok.

(Then Quan Chi teleports himself and everyone else to a forest, and then two figures come in.)

????: We meet at last, Lord Shinnok.

Tai: Who are these guys?

Qrow: And why are they bowing to you?

(Then the figures reveal to be Optimus Prime's Decepticon Counterpart Nemesis Prime and the archenemy of Equus, Discord.)

Brandish: It can't be...

Cinder: So you're the ones Lord Shinnok told us about.

Volpina: Indeed they are.

N. Prime: It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Nemesis Prime, and this is Discord.

Shinnok: And what brings you here?

????: We're here too.

(Then they turn to see Dormammu, Rick Taylor, Kamen Rider Mars, Firefly, Kamen Rider Psyga, Quintessa Prime, Kamen Rider Eden, Cooler and Infinite.)

Eden: For somebody who burns people, you're quite beautiful.

Cinder: Be careful, honey. You might get burned beyond repairs.

Eden: I'm used to being through hell.

Cinder: So am I.

(Then they giggle at each other.)

Dormammu: Hello, my new friends. My name is Dormammu, one of the Overlords of the Omniverse and the lord of the Chaos Dimension.


Shinnok: Indeed. He and Virgolial are rightful rulers of the Omniverse. How is your legion called, Dormammu?

Dormammu: We are... CHAOS AVENGERS!

(Everyone is shocked and then Rias looks at Dormammu.)

Rias: You're an Overlord of the Omniverse?

Dormammu: Indeed, you have a problem with that?

Rias: N-no...

Dormammu: Good. Now, Shinnok... how is your legion called?

Shinnok: My legion is the Brotherhood of Shadows, and these are the Union...

Dormammu: I heard about them. They're the Union Fake Heroes.

Bakugo: (angry) We're not fake heroes. We are true heroes, you flaming head!

(Then Dormammu motions his hands and then Bakugo's feet start burning and he screams in pain.)

Dormammu: Wanna say that again, vermin?

Bakugo: (scared) No...

Dormammu: Good. (stops the magic) Anyone else?

Union Fake Heroes: No.

Dormammu: Good. Now, where were we? Yes. I believe you have brought my enemies here.

Shinnok: Who?

Dormammu: The Alien Dino Thunder Force!

Rias: I read a book about you. You're rivals with a dinobot named Grimlock and the hero named Ben Tennyson.

Dormammu: Indeed.

Akeno: (seductive) Oh, I want to have Ben's manhood inside of me...

(Then everyone looks at Akeno, and then Kamen Rider Psyga whispers to Volpina.)

Psyga: Awkward...

(Volpina nods to Kamen Rider Psyga, and the Dormammu speaks to Shinnok.)

Dormammu: Now then, let's get down to business.

(To be continued)

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