Chapter 6: Enemy Base Located

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(Barbie is seen with Theresa and Gilgamesh as she returns to the place where Tokuro and Ryan got captured.)

Gilgamesh: So these are the footprints of the mongrel who captured the others. They're really big.

Barbie: It was the kidnapper's ride armor. He is known as Vile.

Theresa: Vile? With the Repliforce? That's new...

(Suddenly a blast hits the three, knocking them out, and then Vile shows up along with Colonel and Iris.)

Colonel: Put them along with the others. Bit will capture the rest. You two get Grimlock and kill the human woman.

Vile: I'll capture that Dinobot.

Iris: And I'll kill that human.

Colonel: Let's go.

(Then they spread out to capture the other heroes. Suddenly a certain Kamen Rider comes in.)

Brain: (scoffs) I will not let them capture my new friends, those mavericks...

(Lin is seen along with Cyborg inside of Jetfire.)

Jetfire: How does it feel? To fly like a bird?

Cyborg: I lost the count of how many experiences like this I had...

Lin: I admit this is my first time in a jet, especially one who flies automatically.

(Suddenly a missile hits Jetfire.)

Lin: What's happening?

Jetfire: Someone shot me... prepare for a rough landing.

(Then Jetfire changes to his autobot form and lands roughly. Unfortunately an energy ball blows them away, and they are dragged by Bit.)

(Papyrus is seen with Ratchet and Emerl as Papyrus sees something.)

Papyrus: Holy shit.

Ratchet: Did you see something?

Emerl: Or someone?

Papyrus: I can see some snow fields.

Ratchet: Impossible?

Emerl: Who would ever thought of making a snow field in plain summer?

(Suddenly a magnetic field pulls Ratchet and Emerl.)

Papyrus: What the hell is that?

Emerl: Danger! Danger! System Compromised!

(Suddenly, Batman comes in and stabs something in the ground which disrupts the magnetism.)

Batman: I should have thought that they would set up a magnetic field in this place...

(Then the rest of the heroes who didn't get captured come in.)

Moxxie: Guys, are you alright?

Ratchet: I don't know...

Batman: Look up ahead.

(Batman points at a base with the Neo Repliforce Logo in there.)

Grimlock: This must be their base.

Moxxie: That's where our friends are at.

Spongebob: Let's get them.

(The heroes prepare to invade the Neo Repliforce's base as the screen fades out.)

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