IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT : Theres a scammer going around

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19. 01. 2021

I M P O R T A N T      A N N O U N C E M E N T
there's a scammer going around

This announcement was originally made in MobileGraphics discord server. And as a victim myself, I can assure you its not fake.

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! I have an important announcement! 

There is a user on wattpad that has been scamming graphic designers. Her account is Tiger11223344 and the name she uses when requesting a cover is Fiery Tiger.

This is user has not only scammed me, but she has scammed three other designers I know. I'm not sure if she has scammed any other designers, but I hope she hasn't.Not only has she scammed us or at least tried to, but she was also quite rude, impatient and self entitled.

The entire experience was just traumatizing and really awful.She acted like what we do (Graphic designing) is the easiest thing in the world and her actions and behavior proved that not only does she not have respect for the graphic designing community as a whole but another person.

 She's currently using the cover she had gotten commissioned by another designer. A designer she has not paid till this day and she continues to make false claims and excuses as to why she isn't able to pay the designer what she owes her.Like I said the user is Tiger11223344 but she also has a few other accounts two of the ones I know are ShujahNawaz and ALEXISBEST55.I'm not posting this to defame anyone, I only want to inform other designers so that they are aware of the situation and hopefully aren't scammed by her.You can listen to this if you like or not it's you're choice. But I and the other designer she has scammed would find it very helpful if you would report her as well.

. . .

Now thats just the experience of one designer, and here's what mine was (altho i'll be keeping it short). 

So this person asked me to make a commissioned cover for her, since I'm not taking free requests right now. And somehow, although I understand it might be natural for her, she was quite impatient about it. 

She didnt read my rules from this book.

She refused to fill up the google form for commissioned covers which I had to send her twice.

She refused to email me and wanted to discuss the payments here itself, altho its clearly mentioned in this book that it either has to be discussed via mail or social media.

She deletes all our chatting every time because i'm pretty sure she already had this plan from earlier.

And she was kinda being "bossy".

But so and so, I accepted her request and all the previews were shown to her. But you see, its one of my methods to use "watermarks" on the previews, along with the previews being of lower quality. This is because i knew at some point i'd meet scammers and I wanted to make sure most of my plan was fool-proof. 

Nonetheless, then she goes and asks some other designer to remove the preview watermarks and turn the lower quality into HD. Which legit proves that she had the plan of scamming since before itself. 

And when we call her out on this, she starts her lame story of "its because of my email" and blah blah again. Its also been noticed that she did this with other designers too, and that she uses stolen artworks on her covers.

And thus, I'd like if you guys would report her immediately.

I'll also be turning the cover I made for her during my freaking exams because she was apparently so impatient into a paid premade. 

Thank you.

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