Angel training and the demon sisters

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At night we see your house as you were sleeping in your bed with Jessica as you both were in a peaceful slumber you both smelled something and woke up to see ed as he is in your bed as well.

(Y/N): Ed?! What are you doing in my bed?

Ed: I can't sleep (Y/N), I keep thinking. How can my feet smell if they don't have a nose?

(Y/N): What are you- look why don't you ask me that tomorrow and can you, you know? GET OUT OF MY BED! 

Then you kicked ed out of the bed as he fell to the floor.

Jessica: Wasn't that a little harsh?

(Y/N): The guy has a brain the size of a prune bit he'll forget about it in the morning 

As you tried to sleep you saw Ed as he was looking at a lava lamp.

Ed: Why does goo float?

(Y/N): okay that tears it Jessica if you will?

Jessica: uh (Y/N).

You looked to see ed as he ate your lava lamp as his head was in the shape of a lamp and goo was seen in his eyes.

(Y/N): My lamp!

Ed: Guys why don't birds just a bus south through the winter?

(Y/N): what does that even- okay you know what Jessica can you lantern him outta here in the most painful way possible

Jessica: But (Y/N) I'm a pacifist

(Y/N): Dang it, oh wait got it hey Ed look it's the kanker sisters.

You looked to see he was gone and you saw a light in the kitchen as you looked to see ed as he was opening and closing the fridge.

Ed: Guys when you close the fridge does the little lights stay on?

(Y/N): Go home!

Outside we see a window as light was seen through it.

Ed: Hello light *closes and opens the fridge* Hello light. * Closes and opens the fridge* Hello light. *closes and opens the fridge* Hello light.

In the morning we see you and jessica as you both were in bed but you were both awake and had bloodshot eyes as ed came to you both with a carrot in his hand.

Ed: Guys carrots are good for your eyes. Can it dial a phone?

(Y/N): Jessica if you will

Jessica: I maybe a pacifist but, for my boyfriend gladly.

then she constructed a hand and grabbed ed and threw him out of the house.

(Y/N): Finally. What time is it anyway?

Jessica looked at the clock and saw it was 7:00 am

Jessica: dang it

(Y/N): what's up hun?

Jessica: look what it is

(Y/N): oh crud. We're gonna be late for school.

Then you and Jessica quickly got dressed and headed to school as you arrive you saw the others as they saw you.

Ben: Wow you two look tired.

Kara: You both decided to sleep in?

(Y/N): No Ed was in my house and kept us up all night.

Kara: woah what happened

(Y/N): Guy kept asking nonsensical questions and you know what he did to my lava lamp?

Kara: what?

(Y/N): he ate it.

Kara was a bit surprised to hear that.

Kara: i'm-i'm sorry but did you say he ate your lava lamp?

Jessica: yep he did.

(Y/N): so Jess tossed him out with a lantern hand

Kara: wow I did not know you had it in ya jess

Jessica: hey I maybe a pacifist but I know when to do something violent

Karen: But wasn't that a little harsh?

(Y/N): Look that dude kept us up all night by opening and closing my fridge and believe me when I say this that even Diana would toss him out if he did that.

Diana: it is true my love I would do that.

Stocking: do what?

(Y/N): Tossing Ed out of my house.

Then you felt an angelic presence that was close as you turned to see where it was coming from as you and stocking saw a familiar face Panty.

(Y/N): Stocking is that who I think It is?

Stocking: oh no, not her.

Babs: Who's that?

Stocking: It's my sister.

Panty: aw i just came To See if my little sis misses me.

Stocking: well it has been awhile since I insulted someone.

Diana: Stocking who is this?

Stocking: Everyone this is Panty my sister.

Jessica: you never told us you had a sister

Stocking: You never asked.

Karen: But i don't see Anything that makes you both related to each other.

Panty: Our last name is Anarchy.

(Y/N): That still doesn't count.

Panty: Anyway I came to keep an eye on stocking so she Doesn't eat too many sweets  and end up a fatty mcfatterson.

(Y/N): what does that mean?

Panty: It means that she might get fat.

(Y/N): stocks what's she talking about?

Stocking: None of your business and You're forgetting something panty all the weight I gained go straight to my chest and I am ok with that.

(Y/N): It does? 

Panty: Yeah it's to keep her from looking like a little girl.

(Y/N): Well I think she looks perfect the way she is.

Then Stocking blushed at what you said.

Stocking: You think I'm perfect?

(Y/N): I do.

Stocking: Thanks.

Karen: Anyway I heard that the school is getting two new students today.

(Y/N): Wonder who it is?

Then you felt demonic energy coming as you looked to see what was causing it as you saw were two girls but looked different. They had red skin, one had green and the other has blue hair, horns, and yellow eyes

then Panty and Stocking went to see what you were looking at.

Panty: Hey, what are you looking at?

Stocking: *sees scanty and kneesocks* oh no.

(Y/N): Stocking, you know those two?

Stocking: yeah me and panty know them.

Kara: They friends of yours?

Stocking: More like enemies.

(Y/N): Soo who are they?

Stocking: Scanty and Kneesocks. The demon sisters.

Jessica: Demon sisters? What do you mean?

Panty: they're just like us except there demons and there pretty much copyright Versions of me and stocking.

(Y/N): So it was their demonic energy I sensed.

Karen: You can sense energy?

(Y/N): Yeah I can. And besides worse can scenario they see me, panty and stocking.

And as if on cue the demon sisters see you and the girls.

Scanty: Look sister, it seems that there's some familiar faces are here.

Kneesocks: And they made some new friends too.

Stocking: you had to say it didn't you?

(Y/N): In my defense I had no idea this was gonna happen.

Panty: Next time try keeping Your big mouth shut.

(Y/N): Noted.

As the two demon sister began to walk to you and the girls when they saw you their hearts began to beat faster than usual and they started blushing.

(Y/N): Uh hello.

Scanty: *blushes pink* uh h-hello

Kneesocks: *blushes pink* g-greetings.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N).

Scanty: *blushes pink* I-i-i'm S-scanty.

Kneesocks: *blushes pink* I-I-I'm k-kneesocks.

(Y/N): Well it's nice to meet you two.

Panty: uh what just happened?

Stocking: were they blushing? 

Panty: and stuttering?
(Y/N): Well we gotta get to class, see ya later.

Kneesocks and scanty: bye 

Then you went into the School as the demon sisters were thinking about you.

(Y/N): Well they were nice.

Stocking: But What are they doing here?

Karen: Could it have something to do with (Y/N) since he's half angel?

Diana: I am not sure but what panty and stocking say what is true then we must be on our guard.

Babs: maybe Stocking could teach (Y/N) how to use his powers. She is an angel after all.

(Y/N): Not a bad idea Babs so whaddya say stocks. Teach me how to be an angel.

Stocking: hmm sure why not.

Panty: hey what about me? I can be a teacher too ya know.

(Y/N): Your forgetting you represent one of the seven deadly sins, lust.

Panty: well just because I'm about lust doesn't mean I can't be a teacher.

(Y/N): Well fine, you can teach me too.

Panty: I knew we can agree.

Stocking: But don't get any ideas with him.

Panty: Ok. 

(Y/N): We know a place that we can go to train me.

We then see you and the others at the junkyard as Stocking and Panty were with you.

(Y/N): Ok, Let's see what i can do.

You had your scarf on as you saw Stocking as she was taking off her stockings.

(Y/N): Any reason your taking your stockings off?

Stocking: This.

She then turned her Stockings into dual swords.

(Y/N): You can make them into weapons?

Panty: Yeah, and you can do that too.

(Y/N): I can? How?

Stocking: Just think of your scarf in it's weapon form.

Then you took off your scarf as you thought of your scarf's weapon form as it began to glow and transformed into a scythe.

(Y/N): Woah ok, that is awesome but what about flying

Panty: Sure it's easy.

(Y/N): Really?

Stocking: I believe what panty is trying to say is that it's easy for us but we can show you the basics on using your wings.

(Y/N): Ok.

Stocking: Just think of moving your wings and concentrate on making them flap.

You focused on moving your wings as they began to flap as you flew above the ground.

(Y/N): Hey i can fly.

Babs: awesome!

Panty: watch out for the high tension wires.

(Y/N): The high tension what?

The you flew up to the high tension wires and you got electrocuted as you then fell to The ground.

Panty: Those.

(Y/N): You could have told me that ten seconds earlier.

Panty: my bad.

Jessica: Are you alright?

(Y/N): I'm ok. But panty next time, give me a warning.

Panty: noted. 

(Y/N): So what's the next thing about being an angel.

Stocking: I think that's pretty much it.

(Y/N): Wait what?

Panty: Yeah there isn't really much other than flying and summoning weapons

(Y/N): Well there's got to be something else to teach me?

Panty: hmmm nope not that I could think of

Babs:  Really?

Then on your own you sense something coming from metropolis.

(Y/N): Guys there something going on in town, I'm gonna go check it out.

Jessica: ok, but be careful

(Y/N): Okay . 

Then you changed into your hero outfit as you went to see what was the cause as you looked to see nothing.

(Y/N): It's kinda quiet, A little too quiet. The kind of quiet that's too quiet

then you sensed a demonic presence as you turned to see the demon sisters but in different outfits.  

Scanty: Well it seems we have a guest.

Kneesocks: Let's give him a proper welcome.

Then kneesocks took off her socks as they became scythes as you summoned your scythe.

(Y/N): Kneesocks? Hey cool scythes black and gold really bring out the color of your beautiful eyes.

Kneesocks blushed a bright red.

Kneesocks: *blushes red* o-oh T-thank y-you.

Scanty: Sister focus on the job.

(Y/N): Wait if she has scythes then what do you have scanty?

Scanty: Revolvers.

(Y/N): f if kneesocks weapons come from her socks then where does yours come from?

Scanty blushes red

Scanty:i-uh I-i prefer not to tell you.

(Y/N): oh yeah girl stuff right?

Kneesocks: um sister how are you feeling?

Scanty: I'm Fine.

Kneesocks: but how are you supposed to fight with your revolvers...out of commission.

Scanty: I can fight him without them

Kneesocks: hmm well alright

Then they turn only to see you were not there

Scanty: Where'd he go?

(Y/N): Up here!

They looked to see you flying as you them came at them to slash them But then they dodged your attack as you crashed into a wall.

(Y/N): Ouch.

Scanty: Seriously? How long have you Been an angel?

Kneesocks: Cause you seem to be out of practice.

(Y/N): Hey gimme some credit I'm only half angel.

Kneesocks: Ok, Let's see if you can handle this.

Then she came at you and slashed you but her scythe phased right through you with no damage at all.

(Y/N): woah okay this is new. I can switch between intangible and tangible.

Kneesocks: what the?

(Y/N): okay I just like to point out that even I didn't know about this.

Scanty: wait if your only half angel then what's the other half?

(Y/N): I'm half Demon.

Scanty and kneesocks: WHAAAAAAAAAT?!

Scanty: half angel?

Kneesocks: and half demon?

Scanty: sister you don't think

Kneesocks: He's A hybrid.

Scanty: but more importantly.

Kneesocks: he's a nephilim. 
(Y/N): A neph what now?

Scanty: You never heard of nephilim?

(Y/N): Dude I only been an angel for a day and I just found out about my devil side that I didn't even know about and now your saying I'm this nepha whatever it is right?

Scanty: yes but a nephilim is incredibly rare.

(Y/N): So are you saying i might be the last of my kind?

Kneesocks: apparently so my boy.

(Y/N): dang why didn't panty and stocking tell be about this.

Agni: perhaps they didn't know master

Rudra: yes maybe they didn't know master

Scanty: What was that?

(Y/N): oh right scanty kneesocks meet Agni and rudra they're my talking swords.

You pulled out Agni and Rudra as you showed them your devil arms.

Agni: hello

Rudra: hi

Kneesocks: What are they?

(Y/N): they're devil arms that I found a while back. Really annoying devil arms.

Scanty: Interesting do you have more of these devil arms?

(Y/N): Yeah i do.

You then pulled out Lucifer.

(Y/N): As much as I love to tell you more about them, but we have a fight to catch up on.

Kneesocks: actually it is pretty late and it is a School night.

Scanty: oh your right sister.

(Y/N): So, Same  time Sunday?

Scanty: *pulls out a schedule notebook* shhh oh Sunday is not good for us how's Saturday?

(Y/N): *also has a schedule book* Sure, see ya on saturday.

Kneesocks: bye

Scanty: see you next weekend 

Then you left to get home as you began to think about your heritage.


We See the demon sisters as they were at the place you encountered as you saw them.

(Y/N): Well guess we're picking up where we left off. I'll Even holster my intelligible powers and for Scanty I'll turn around So she can get her weapons out since.. You know.

As you Said it you turned around so you wouldn't see Scanty as you waited for her to summon her weapons.

(Y/N): Ready?

Scanty: Yes, You can turn around now.

You then turned around to see scanty armed with 6 shooter revolvers

(Y/N): Woah okay all fighting aside those revolvers are awesome and they go well with your hair and compliment your eye color

Scanty blushes bright red with steam rising from her head

Scanty: *blushes bright red* Thanks. But don't expect me to go easy on you.

(Y/N): Ok, Then let's fight.

Then you came at them as you tried to cut them with your scythe but they dodged your attack and countered it as scanty fired her revolver at you.

Scanty: You'll have to do better than that.

Then Kneesocks came at you as she tried to slash you with her scythes as you blocked them with your own as you blocked them she then slashed your arm as it began to bleed. then Kneesocks kicked you and then slashed at you as your body somehow healed back to its original state

(Y/N): I have a Healing factor? Rad.

Kneesocks: Impressive. But Let's see if you can take this.

Then she grabbed you and threw you into a building as you crashed into a robot

as you got up some of your blood was on it as a scarab beetle went in it, Then you looked at your watch.

(Y/N): Time to go alien.

Then you slammed your watch as you transformed as some electricity went to the robot as the light died down you were now Darkfall.

(Y/N): Time to get medieval.

But as you were about to charge at them the robot suddenly got up as you looked to see it stand up as It made horns that looked like a Scarab beetle on it's Head.

(Y/N): What?

Then you saw it was engulfed in a silver cloud as it looked like a power ranger and on it's wrist it had an ultimatrix but it was Purple as it slammed it and became shock rock but his badge and eyes were purple.

(Y/N): woah you just morphed and transformed.

Robot: Oh, Is that what happened? Fantastic! I am amazing.

Kneesocks: Sister did you see that?

Scanty: yes I did.

Kneesocks: He just transformed.

Scanty: it doesn't matter we'll just beat them both.

robot: Ha! Not a chance. Their no match for the two of us.

(Y/N): yeah (Y/N) and um look I know  we're having this a two on two fight but what's your name mr.robot person.

Robot: How about Mr. Fantastic Super Handsome Strong as Steel?

Scanty: or just call him Steel.

Kneesocks: yes Steel is the perfect.

(Y/N): okay then Steel it is.

steel: I love it. Steel

(Y/N): so if my blood made you...would that make you my brother?

Steel: Correct and making me the perfect Hero.

(Y/N): Wow, wait till Peni hears about this.

Steel: Peni?

(Y/N): oh that's my-er our blood sister.

Steel: I see now she Will Be surprised when she Sees me.

Scanty: Well you two are going down.

Steel: Wrong, We're going up.

Then you and Steel jumped and you came at kneesocks as Steel went for Scanty. As you Slashed your sword at kneesocks While Steel sent a Shock blast at Scanty with the girls and anarchy sisters they noticed the explosion from a distance.

???(guy-off screen): MY CAR!

(Y/N): uh scants was that one yours.

Scanty: this isn't one of mine. Sister

Kneesocks: well don't look at me I'm not the one making Explosions.

(Y/N): Steel? Was that from your shock blast?

Steel: That would be me.

Then the girls came as they saw you and Steel.

Babs: (Y/N) And... *sees Steel* (Y/N)?

Jessica: (Y/N) did you make a clone of yourself again?

(Y/N): Girls this isn't a clone this is…

Then you dodged a blast from Scanty's revolver.

Steel: Not the best time for intros.

(Y/N): Right. Okay you want the Long story or short story?

Jessica: short story, please.

(Y/N): Ok. Well I found out I'm A nephilim and this robot is my brother.

Kara: Brother?

(Y/N): I'll explain later.

Kneesocks: (Y/N) what's going on

Diana: ah-ha it appears we have found the culprits behind the explosions. 

Scanty: Wait, You got it all wrong see-

But before She could finish Diana came at her and tackled her to the ground

Diana: You cannot fool me with your lies.

Scanty: I'm telling we're not behind this ask (Y/N) he'll vouch for us

(Y/N): she's right I was with them the whole time they didn't do this

Diana: Then who caused the explosion?

Steel: That was my fault.

Diana: you? But how can you do that we are in the middle of town down.

Kneesocks: down town.

Diana: yes that.

Steel: I'm new at using this alien form.

(Y/N): Yeah. He didn't mean it, It was an accident.

Karen: But I don't get it. How can a robot turn into an alien.

Steel: I'll let you get to the good part.

(Y/N): Well…

Steel: See the thing is, I'm human.

(Y/N): Yeah what he said.

Karen: wait your human?

(Y/N): He's right, well sort of. Turns out his systems were bonded to scarab beetle Dna, The ultimatrix's schematics, and to my DNA. Making him human and my brother.

Karen: woah. Wait where did the scarab beetles come from?

(Y/N): I am not sure how it got in him.

Jessica:  Wait if he's your brother that would also make him Penny's brother.

Peni: Wait I have another brother now?

Steel: You must be Peni.

(Y/N): Yup Peni, this is your new robotic brother, Steel.

Peni: I always knew I was part robot.

Steel: Technically i was made with (Y/N)'s blood.

(Y/N): That is true.

Babs: That is amazing. That means we have a new member for the team.

Stocking: But how did you find us? We moved to another city

Scanty and Kneesocks: panty told us.

Then Stocking glared at her sister.

Panty: What?

Stocking: You told them where i was? What's wrong with you?

Panty: hey they invited me for tea and cookies, how can I say where you were.

Stocking: Their our enemies.

Panty: they were pumpkin spice cookies, how can I not pass that up.

(Y/N): The point for your sister was to lay low, not tell your enemies exactly where she is.

Jessica: he's right You can't just go telling random people where your sister is.

Kneesocks: actually we never fought panty 

Scanty: she' right

Panty: yeah ghost activity has been pretty low in daten city  ever since you left stocks.

Stocking: Really? I guess things have changed since I left.

(Y/N): what's daten city?

Stocking: The place where you and I met, don't you remember?

(Y/N): Oh yeah guess it must of slipped my mind.

Stocking: But what were you doing with the demon sisters (Y/N).

(Y/N): We were picking up a fight we left off but for now let's consider this a draw.

Scanty and kneesocks: agreed

Stocking: Ok, but how did you find out your a nephilim?

(Y/N): They told me, and they did say that it Is a rare species.

Jessica: So your saying that you might be the last of your kind?

Kneesocks: keyword might be we still don't know for sure if there are other nephilims out there

(Y/N): she does have a point. Also I gotta ask what are ghosts?

Panty: There these things me and stocking fight back home. But what is this Thing?

She looked at your badge as she touched it as you were engulfed in a light and became Gutrot.

Stocking: What just happened?

Jessica: What alien is that (Y/N)?

(Y/N): hmm I'm not so sure anyone got any ideas?

Scanty: it does seem familiar

Steel: I believe that the name for this alien form is Gutrot.

(Y/N): Right Gutrot because...?

Steel: Because, Your innards are a walking Chemical Laboratory.

Peni: woah

(Y/N): hah really get outta town.

Steel: Correct, you have the ability to combine various chemicals and release them as gas.

Girls: Ew!

(Y/N): woah oh hey got one.

You then crouch into a ball and release a yellow gas as it surrounded the area.
Panty: *cough* my eyes, it burns!

Diana: *cough* by Medusa's eyes why does it sting so much!

Zee: my eyes! It's stinging my eyes!

Stocking: What is this stuff?

(Y/N): Sulfur dioxide. Eh don't ask me how I know or how I do it but Hey hey your gas is as good as mine right? Hahahahah

The girls just looked at you as they didn't laugh at your pun.

(Y/N): fine fine, hey if that awesome pun is not gonna get a laugh, maybe some nitrous oxide will. 

Then you released a green gas around the area.

Karen: Nitrous Oxide but that's… *laughs*

Babs: That's *laughs* it's…*laughs* laughing gas.

Kara: Stop... *laughs* laughing. *laughs*

Diana: *laughs* By Zues beard why can I not stop laughing? *laughs*

Jessica: *laugh* This *laughs* isn't… *laughs* Funny 

(Y/N): *laughs* alright alright I'll stop. Oh but one more thing.

Then you released another gas around the girls.

Panty: *high pitch voice* What was that?

Then she covered her mouth because of her voice.

(Y/N): hahahaha just a little something I call helium.

Jessica: *high pitch voice* Helium?

(Y/N): yeah it's totally harmless.

Kara: *High pitch voice* But what about my voice?

(Y/N): The effect will wear off.

Diana: *high pitched voice* by Zues beard  why does my voice sound like a squirrel?

(Y/N): That's what helium does, but the effect is temporary, it'll wear off in a few minutes.

Scanty: * high pitched voice* are you sure?

Zee: *high pitched voice* How can i do my magic show with this voice?

(Y/N): Come on i think it's cute.

Zee blushed

Zee: *high pitched voice* um thank you.

Then as you slapped your badge you then transformed again but this time you looked like an angelic knight as your wings on your back folded into a shield in your arm as you held a sword and you had the ultimatrix badge on your chest.

(Y/N): Wow, this is new.

Babs: That is amazing, what do you call him, i know Knight Light. No that's not good. *gasps* Shining star. No that's too weak.

(Y/N): Alto Angelo.

Babs: Alto Angelo? It's perfect.

Kara: What kind of name is that?

(Y/N): I think it's an amazing name.

Stocking: Wow, you look like an angel knight.

(Y/N): I do well, I need to get home, come on Steel and Peni.

Then Steel slapped his badge as he turned into jetray as your shield turned into your wings as Peni got on your back.

(Y/N): Hang on little sis, this might be a bumpy ride.

Then you and Steel flew home as the others watched you as Panty looked at Stocking.

Panty: You like him don't you?

Stocking: *blushes red* What?

Panty: You like (Y/N).

Stocking: N-no I-i don't.

Panty: Your blush doesn't lie. You have a crush on him.

Stocking: Shut up. I don't know what your talking about.

Then she started to walk away as she had her back turned she did smile when she thought about you.

Stocking: Maybe i do like him.

With you and steel you both landed home as you knocked on the door as your parents opened it to see you.

(M/N): Hello son.

(Y/N): Hey mom.

(D/N): *sees Steel* Son, did you make a clone of yourself again?

(Y/N): No this is different.

Then you and Steel changed back as your parents saw him.

(Y/N): Mom, Dad, this is Steel the newest member of the family.

Steel: Hello.

(M/N): What are you talking about.

(Y/N): He's made with my DNA, which makes him me and Peni's brother.

(M/N): So now we have another son.

Steel: Yes. And it is a pleasure to be in this family, mom.

Then you and your siblings went inside as you thought of what surprises await you.

Hoped you all enjoyed it because the next chapter will be DC superhero boys. I will see y'all later.

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