Escaping the Retaliator and what happened to Azmuth

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With the others we see Tetrax as he was explaining what happened to you.

Tetrax: By the time I gained control of my ship it there was no sign of (Y/N). I was barely able to land back here in metropolis.

Max: So you just abducted him?

Tetrax: he volunteered. In fact he seemed eager to leave earth.

Max: He was grounded.

Tetrax: As in confined to quarters?

Max: Why? what did he tell you?

Ben: Probably something to get out of homework.

Max: It's more than that it was when you left and now your aunt and uncle are worried sick.

Tetrax: Also...

Starfire: Also what?

Tetrax: I may have altered the Ultimatrix to prevent (Y/N) from turning human.

Max: And he let you do that!?

Tetrax: It was for his own protection.

Max: So now (Y/N) is stuck in alien form and we don't even know where he is!

Jessica: No, but Azmuth might.

Shaggy: You mean like the inventor of the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix?

Karen: it is his ship right?

Tetrax: So Azmuth did make it to earth. Then what happened to him?

Fred: looks like we'll find answers inside.

They all walked to Azmuth's ship meanwhile we see you as you were flying through the air with the Retaliator chasing you as he was trying to shoot you as you saw a car exploded from the blasts.

(Y/N): Wow, that's some bug zapper.

You started to did he his shots as he knew he had to step up his game as he made his gun into a cannon and aimed at you locking you as his target.

Retaliator: Time to ground this insect.

His cannon fired a blast of water as you saw I t and dishes it.

(Y/N): All things considered * dodging a water blast* I rather be grounded by my parents!

As you were flying Retaliator blasted you with water as you stated to fall because your wings were too wet to fly.

(Y/N): Can't fly with water wings!

You crashed into a building as the Retaliator flew up and looked at the hole you made at the building as beeping was heard and a red flash was seen as a fire blast was seen as we see.You as heartbeat as you were using your fire blasts to fly and hit the Retaliator as you flew to a billboard as the Retaliator gain control of his flight and saw you on the billboard.

(Y/N): Hot enough for ya?

Retaliator: A pyronite? How many aliens are in this planet?

(Y/N):  Enough to kick your butt!

You fired a fire stream at him but the Retaliator dishes it and came to you as he fired water at you as you were getting wet and he started to freeze the water and you.

Retaliator: Then I'll just have to freeze your butt!

Your body was now frozen as we see the Retaliator made his hand into a claw as you started to fall as the Retaliator started to fly to you and caught you with his claw arm as you both were now at a building as you were facing the Retaliator.

Retaliator: Now that I have your undivided attention, tell me where I can find your To'kustar boss!

(Y/N): My what?

He started to extend his claw making you go to the end of the building as he was gonna drop you.

Retaliator: The giant alien that attacked this place you call Metropolis!

(Y/N): Oh, you mean that evil Way Big?

He made his claw turn 180 degrees as you were upside down.

Retaliator: So you do know where he is? Talk!

(Y/N): I don't know! I was fighting him and he just sorta disappeared.

He almost dropped you as he was losing his patients.

Retaliator: To'kustars don't just disappear!

Then the Ultimatrix started to beep as you were engulfed in red light as the Retaliator looked to see you gone but we see you as Grey Matter as you were climbing on.The Retaliator undetected as you jumped off of him and ran off. Meanwhile we see the others as they were inside the ship as max saw a certain kind of invention.

Max: A Vanpartiblan sonic disrupter which could easily blast a hole in.a space ship.

Tetrax: Your point?

Velma: He means that your ship's "malfunction" was no accident.

Tetrax: Why would Azmuth want to shoot down my ship?

Velma: I don't know? I never met the guy.

Karen looked at the screen and saw that the screen showed a malfunction in the Ultimatrix as Jessica noticed.

Jessica: guys, I think Azmuth was tracking a malfunction in the Ultimatrix.

Max: What did (Y/N) Do to it this time?

Then Karen found the ship's log.

Karen: guys, I think I got found the ship's log.

It showed a video of Azmuth as he was piloting his ship as he was tracking the Ultimatrix.

Azmuth: Target acquired, time to blend with the locals.

He made his ship look like a truck as he was at the streets and noticed a red, purple and black flashing lights.

Azmuth: What the!? Oh no!

He started to go out of control as the ship crashed in the woods and we see the evil Way Big as it rose up from the trees and roared as it started to walk but the video ended.

Tetrax: That's the To'kustar (Y/N) and I fought.

Max: You didn't tell me you fought a To'kustar!

Tetrax: i t didn't seen relevant.

Max: I'll decide what's relevant, what else aren't you telling me I want answers.

Retaliator: I couldn't agree more.

The others turned to see the Retaliator as he was in his normal form.

Fred: Who are you?

Babs: And where's Azmuth

Retaliator: Azmuth is dead.

Ben: What?

K.O.: How?

Retaliator: I think you know how.

He showed a projection of the same video and the evil Way Big as the video ended he aimed his blasted arm at them.

Retaliator: Now where is the alien you call Way Big?I

Jessica: But that's not Way big.

He blasted the ceiling as a warning as he looked at thwm .

Retaliator: I don't care what his name is! * He showed the the symbol from the Ultimatrix to them.* I tracked him across the galaxy and around this planet. Now bring him to me or perish!

He fired at them but the got out of the way as Tetrax made Crystal boomerangs and threw them at the Retaliator as he was stuck to the wall as max walked to the Retaliator.

Max: Your not going anywhere until you tell where my grandson is.

Retaliator: I have no idea who that is.

Jessica: You sure seem to know about his symbol.

She showed the Retaliator the same  symbol he showed before.

Retaliator: Now tell me more about this symbol. What does it mean? Some kind of alien hit squad?

Max: Your in no position to ask questions.

Retaliator: And neither are you.

The ship started to beep as the self destruct sequence had been actovated .

Computer: Self destruct sequence emaciated.

Enid: Your bluffing.

The Retaliator teleported away as the ship exploded but they were safe as Raven made a force field to protect them.

Raven: I don't think he was bluffing.

Max: We better find (Y/N) before that blue upgrade does.

Raven: I can track him.

She used her magic to track your energy.

Raven: That's odd, he's close. Very close.

Will they find the reader before the Retaliator does? Find our next time and hope you guys are enjoying the story because there will be more coming soon.

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