Fool me twice

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At the park we see Mordecai at the living room.

Mordecai: Hurry dude! It's back on!

We see Rigby running as he had snacks in his arms

Rigby: I'm coming!

Then we see you, Steven and Pearl coming into the house as you saw Mordecai and Rigby on the couch.

(Y/N): What's going on here?

Mordecai: Japanese game show.

On TV, a cute purple octupus appears with yellow Japanese words around it; after fooling around once, it gets scolded by a wagging finger; after fooling around twice, it gets punched in the face.

TV Announcer: We now return to... "Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice, I Punch Your Face!"

Cut to a clapping Japanese audience in a TV studio. A robot who looks like ASIMO, with a green computer screen for a face, appears onscreen holding a microphone.

Announcerbot: Hai! *Japanese for "yes"*I am Announcerbot!

Mordecai: Whoo! Yeah!

Announcerbot: And now here's Shinehara!

Shinehara: Thank you, Announcerbot. I am gamemaster Mitsuru Shinehara. ("MITS!" appears by Shinehara's head) Before break, Clive from U.K. fool me once...

Audience: SHAME... ON... YOU!

Then Benson came in the living room

Mordecai and Rigby: WH-O-O-O-OA!

Benson: What is this?

Mordecai: Japanese game show.

A gong sounds. The same octopus appears, wearing a headband with a rising sun and holding a sign with a number 2 on it

Announcerbot: Round 2!

Then we Shinehara was next to Clive.

Shinehara: Now Clive, try to fool me again.

Clive: Well, I'd like to, Shinehara-san, but you've got some food stuck between your teeth.

Shinehara: Oh! *Covers his mouth* Announcerbot, please, fetch a toothpick.

Clive: Ha ha! Fooled you, mate!

Sirens sound and red alarm lights appear around Clive. The Japanese word for "terrific" (すごい! - sugoi!) appeared on screen.

Clive: Yeeah!

Shinehara: You! Fool! Me! Twice!

Voice: Baka Blitz!

Then we see an obstacle course with a goal at the end.)

Shinehara: You have 10 minutes to reach goal and grab Mystery Prize. But if time runs out or you give up, I punch your face. *Shinehara makes a punching gesture, almost punching Clive's face.*

Rigby: What do you think the Mystery Prize is? I heard it's a bajillion yen, which is like a majillion dollars!

Mordecai: I heard it's an 800-pound tuna. You could buy a house with that in Japan.

Benson: You know what I heard? This show is GARBAGE!

(Y/N): Everyone's a critic.

Clive gets into position. A woman dressed as a cat fires a starting pistol.

Announcerbot: Go!

Clive starts running through the obstacle course.

Mordecai and Rigby: Go! Go! Go! C'mon! Yeah!

(Clive jumps on giant sushi, but then he gets hit by a tuna fish.)

Clive: Aah! Oof!

(He then gets hit by a wall full of punching gloves and falls in a tub of wasabi.)

Clive: My eyes! No more! (He waves a white flag to surrender. Shinehara appears and punches Clive in the face. The octopus with the rising sun headband appears on screen knocked out.)

Mordecai and Rigby: Ha ha ha! Hahahahaha!

Benson: (sighs) Why are you guys into this stuff?

(Mordecai and Rigby groan)

Rigby: 'Cause it's funny. You're a wet blanket, man.

Benson: No, I'm not!

(Y/N): eh he's kind of right.

(All three turn to watch the TV.)

Annoncerbot: Attention, U.S. viewers. *On TV, an octopus holds an American flag and does a salute.* For the first time ever, we are looking for American contestants. *Announcerbot appears with a mystery phone number flashing above him.* During broadcast tomorrow, we will flash phone number. *In front of Mount Rushmore, a man wearing a T-shirt that reads "AMERICAN FOOTBALL" picks up a phone and dials a number.*Be first to call and you'll be on show! *to the American man* You just won!

A gong sounds; in an instant, the man is in Japan, with a pagoda and cherry blossoms around him.

Man: Whoa! I'm in Japan!

Announcerbot (reads words that appear on screen): Land line only.

Rigby: I know what we're doing at 4:30 tomorrow.

Benson: Not on the park phones you're not.

Mordecai: But it says land lines only!

Benson: That's a long-distance call.

Rigby: We could win the Mystery Prize.

(Y/N): It could be fun.

Steven: We could try.

Pearl: Steven I'm not letting you on that show to make a fool out of yourself.

Then Pearl and Benson left as you all looked at each other and knew what to do. The next day we see Benson was sitting at a table eating a sandwich as pearl was sitting down working on a schedule for little homeschool at little homeworld as the two looked at a clock that said the time was four thirty.

Rugby's voice: I know what we're doing four thirty tomorrow.

The two went to the living room and looked to see a TV made out of cardboard as they looked at it and then went to the kitchen as Benson picked up the telephone.

Rigby: (on phone) Do you think he fell for it?

The telephone line leads from the house to the shed, where You, Steven, Mordecai and Rigby are.

Mordecai: (on phone) Of course, dude. I went to art school.

In the shed, Mordecai and Rigby sit in front of the real TV.

Rigby: You didn't graduate.

Mordecai: Quiet!

Then banging was heard as Benson and Pearl were seen banging on the door


Pearl: Steven get out of that shed this instant!

You all gasped as the game show was on.

Shinehara (seen on TV in front of the studio audience, heard between door knocks): Welcome to "Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice, I Punch Your Face."

Rigby: Just show the number!

Benson (still knocking): You guys better not call that number!

Mordecai and Rigby: Come on!

Pearl: *bangs on the door* Get out right now!

Announcerbot (on TV, with the phone number flashing above him): The number is... *the screen reads, "1-888-555-0123"*

Rigby: Dude, dial!

Mordecai: I'm dialing!

Benson and finally got the door open.

Announcerbot: Hello!

You all yelp at the sight of Benson and pearl as they came in.

Announcerbot: We have a winner!

Then you all were beamed into the phone as you all screamed as you were beamed across the telephone line and you were all now in the game show wearing sporty white jumpsuits. As the host came to you.

Shinehara: What are your names contestants?

You all saw him as you were in shock.

Mordecai: Oh my gosh!

Rigby: Eeer.

Benson: What the?

(Y/N): OMG!

Steven: Uhhhh..

Pearl: Oh my stars!

Shinehara: Welcome first American contestants, Oh my gosh, Eer, what the, OMG, Uh and Oh my stars.

The crowd began to cheer for you all.

Benson: Wait there's been a mistake and we need to leave. Our names are Benson, Mordecai, Rigby, (Y/N), Steven and Pearl.

Shinehara: Oh, you fooled me once.

Crowd: Shame... On... You!

Then An octopus appears on one of three sections of a screen on the contestants' podium.

Pearl: No! We weren't even trying to fool you.

Shinehara: but I thought you were.

Then an alarm was heard.

Pearl: This doesn't make any sense!

(Y/N): it's a Japanese game show these things always make no sense.

Shinehara: You fooled me twice!

Another octopus appears on the contestants' podium.

Shinehara: You know what that means!

Mordecai and Rigby: Baka blitz! Baka blitz! Baka blitz!

Benson: Stop! Stop! I refuse to play!

(Y/N): oh c'mon Benson what's the worse that could happen?

Then you all saw the obstacle course as you stood corrected.

(Y/N): nevermind your hosed.

Shinehara: You have ten minutes to reach the goal, but if time runs out or you give up, I punch your faces.

(Y/N): sersously?

Then Mordecai came to the mic: I just want to say we're gonna make history. We're gonna be the first ever to win the mystery prize.

Rigby: Yee-ah! USA! USA!

Mordecai and Rigby: USA! USA! USA!

Rigby: Come on! Say "USA" with us, guys.

Benson: Are you guys crazy?! You said nobody's ever beat it before!

Mordecai: We watched it a million times there's a chance we'll win the mystery prize.

Pearl: A chance? What if we get punched in the face?!

(Y/N): Pearl we're gems we don't feel pain remember?

Pearl: it's not me I'm worried about it's Steven He's half human.

(Y/N): oh yeah good point, hey steve-o you sure wanna do this?

Steven: I'm sure.

Rigby: Guys this is TV nobody really gets hurt.

Announcerbot (reads words on screen): Sincerity Spotlight!

Shinehara: *walking under a spotlight* You know, we have lots of fun on the show, and I may not show it, but, actually, *he makes a fist* I hate being fooled. So it has been great pleasure defending the prize by punching liars in face. Let's watch.

On a TV above the stage, a video montage called "Punching the Liars" starts; it shows Shinehara punching various contestants. Then we see an interview with a contestant that was punched in the face.

Reporter: How does it feel to be the only contestant who didn't die?

Contestant: I can't feel my face, but at least I'm alive.

Shinehara laughs manically in front of fire, then punches the camera glass to make it break. Applause as we zoom out from the TV onstage; Shinahara bows.

Shinehara: Thank you, thank you.

Then you all looked really stunned as a sweat drop appeared on your heads as the announcerbot pushes you all.

Mordecai: Come on can't we forfeit?

Then announcerbot made a monster face as he roared at you all scaring you all. As you all were at the starting line.

Mordecai: What are we gonna do?

Then Benson had a confident look on his face as he got into a starting position.

Benson: Come on everyone, we got a game show to win.

Then a starter pistol was heard as you all ran through the danger hop as Mordecai and Rigby jumped but fell down as you, Benson, Steven and Pearl went through it as Mordecai and Rigby came out from a ladder and caught up with you. Next we see you all at bumper ball as along with a person dressed as Shinehara with a giant head, roll on purple balls with octopus faces against a grassy platform surrounded by water. Benson knocks over giant-Shinehara-head, who then charges toward Mordecai and Rigby and knocks them into the water, where they are then shocked by electric eels before they swim back to the surface. Shinehara and Announcerbot laugh.

Shinehara: Do you give up?

Mordecai and Rigby: No!
Next we see you all sliding on mannequin sumos as you slide up in the air as you all went through as you all were in a tube in the water as Mordecai and Rigby looked sick as you all went through the ball fall as you and the others went through as Mordecai and Rigby kept bumping into things next we see you all dressed as tennis rackets as a guy blasted you all with tennis balls as Mordecai and Rigby got hit in the face while you pearl Benson and Steven were dodging them. Shinehara watches as he grips his punching fist, which now beats like a heart. We then see you all on toilets with wheels as you avoided the electric obstacles as Mordecai and Rigby got shocked by them. And we see you all on things as motorized punching gloves force the rhinos to move. Shinehara's punching fist now beats faster than ever and grows bigger, causing Shinehara to fall to the floor.

Shinehara: Worry not my pet, no one has ever made it through the gutinator.

We see you all head through the gutinator as you pearl, Steven and Benson went through the obstacles as Mordecai and Rigby hit in the gut by the obstacles.

(Y/N): come on guys.

Mordecai: We can't.

Pearl: This is what you wanted, isn't it?

Rigby: it looks so much easier on TV.

Then the two got hit in the gut by tennis balls.

Rigby: make it stop.

Mordecai: I wanna go home.

We see them on the floor as you and the others came to them.

Benson: come on.

(Y/N): okay kiddie gloves are off, slapback time.

You turned into slapback and split yourself in two as you picked up Mordecai and Rigby as you all made it to the final goal They now face a walkway above lava leading to the goal, lined with taikos swinging from chains.

(Y/N): We're almost there.

You all ran avoiding the taikos as you then saw Shinehara standing on a platform which appears from above. Shinehara jumps from the platform onto the Terror Taikos course, in front of the contestants.

Shinehara: Hahahahaha! *He grunts at whatever he is hiding in his cape.* Ohh! Nobody's ever won, and nobody ever will!

We see what appears to be a gun from his cape as you saw it.

(Y/N): Hey! You can't shoot us!

Shinehara: Shoot?

She revealed his hand as was pulsing.

(Y/N): what the?

Steven: What's wrong with your hand?

Shinehara: It's gone too long without punching a face.

Then he grunted as his hand grew big as he gets up and gets ready to punch you.

Rigby: but you can't punch us we haven't given up.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's not fair!

Shinehara: too bad, it is my show!

He stretches his arm, attempting to punch you all as you dishes it. As you all tried to run he punched the ground sending you all balcony to him.

Shinehara: any last words?

You all noticed the taikos swinging behind him and had an idea.

(Y/N): Look! It's mount Fuji!

Shinehara: really?! Where?

He looks behind him as Mordecai and pushed him as the taikos hit him sending him up as he fall as you all ran

Benson: run!

Shinehara: no! You fooled me three times!

(Y/N): and what happens when you get fooled three times?

Then his arm began to stretch as it aimed itself at Shinehara as it punched him straight in the face.

(Y/N): oh that happens.

Then he fell into the lava as he explodes as you all ran to the goal as you have only ten seconds left as you all ran as fast as you can you all jumped and the explosion pushed you all as the timer reaches to zero as you all saw you were at the mystery prize.

(Y/N): Hey! We won!

Voice: Excellent work you have won the mystery prize your choice of.

The box opened up to see a clipboard and a space shuttle.

Announcerbot: a state of the arch clipboard with built in clock and a calculator or a trip to space camp.

Mordecai and Rigby: Space camp.

Benson: Clipboard.

(Y/N): hey guys why don't you take the prize you earned it.

Mordecai: really? You sure?

(Y/N): yeah totally and besides I've seen space before.

Announcerbot: Congratulations you are the first contestants to beat the Baka blitz without being punched or dying. This means I have failed.

Steven: that's not true you did a good job at announcing.

But he self destruct showing that he failed his master as he broke into many pieces. At the house we hear a phone ring as you and pops came and answered it.

Pops: Hello?

(Y/N): Ready to get picked up from space camp?

Mordecai: *over the phone* yeah we're ready but...

Benson: I'm having the time of my life!

(Y/N): we should probably get them right pops?

Mordecai: *over the phone* please help us.

Pearl: this is highly demeaning.

Rigby: yeah what she said.

(Y/N): I'll go get them.

Then we see you walk off to pick them up from space camp.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed it cause after this and another chapter next is the Godzilla, big hero 6 and Incredibles crossover coming soon.

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