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We see a bus driving it's way to Gotham city as we see it head to the bus station as we see you and babs come out and we see a girl trying to get through to see babs.

Harleen: Out of my way! You, shove over! *sees babs* Babsie-wabsie!

Babs: Leenie-beanie!

They both ran to each other as you saw them.

Harleen and Babs: Gotham Elementary, grade number two.Gotham Girls, Gotham Girls, sounding off for you.

Harleen:Barbara Gordon!

Babs: Harleen Quinzel!

Harleen and Babs: Besties through and through!

Then they both hugged each other.

Harleen: Aw, I've missed you so much since you moved away, Babbly Boo! Are you ready for the best villain convention in the world?

Babs: You mean the Annual Convention of Gotham City Enthusiasts, the best hero convention in the world? Well, duh!

Then you came to them as Harleen saw you she began to blush but quickly hid it.

(Y/N): And may i ask what is this convention your talking about?

Babs: Gothamcon. I told you about it earlier.

(Y/N): When?

Babs: When we were n the bus silly. Don't you remember.


We see you sitting next to Babs as you looked through the window.

BabsN Can you believe we're going to Gotham city for Gothamcon?

But you weren't really paying attention to it as you looked through the window.

(Y/N): What? Oh, yeah that's nice.

Flashback ends.

Then you realized that she did in fact told you about Gothamcon earlier as you smiled sheepishly as you blushed in embarrassment.

(Y/N): Oh, right.

Harleen: Babs, is this the boy you told me about?

Babs: Yes, Harleen this is (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hi.

Babs: And (Y/N) this is Harleen my best friend.

Harleen: Hello.

(Y/N): Well how far is Gothamcon?

Harleen: it's all the way across town!

Babs: That means we're going to have to walk through...

Babs and Harleen: Gotham City!

Then they took your hands and dragged you through gotham city. As they took you through places like ace chemicals, Arkham Asylum, back alleys and then we see you three at gothamcon as you, Babs and Harleen were looking at many things.

Babs and Harleen: Ooh! Ah! Ooh!

Then Harleen screamed excitedly as she ran to a joker themed steamroller.

Harleen: This is it, Babs! The actual steamroller used by the Joker in his infamous Crushin' Christmas caper! This is my Annual Convention Of Gotham City Enthusiasts thing this year! The one thing I wanted to see more than anything else!

(Y/N): Ok, now i can see that your a big Joker fan.

Harleen: Aw that's so nice of you to say. Hey! What's your thing to see at the Con this year, Babbles? Something Batman-y, I suppose?

Babs shook her head as you, Babs and Harleen were in seats as Harleen saw Babs with a flyer that had surprise special guest on it.

Harleen: "Surprise Special Guest"? I thought you said it was Batman.

Babs: Of course it's Batman. He's the most special guest you can get! I've been working on my Q&A question for weeks. He's sure to be impressed! And maybe even more!

(Y/N): That would be nice.

Announcer: Welcome to the Annual Convention...

Babs then gasped.

Announcer: ...of Gotham City Enthusiasts! Are you ready to meet our very special guest?

The crowd began to cheer as you saw Babs with a happy look on her face.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for...

Babs: Batman!

Announcer: Robin!

Then Babs was shocked to hear that the special guest was robin instead of Batman.

Babs: What?

then we see robin coming as he was now on the stage as everyone cheered for him as he waved at them as you looked to see Babs as she was sad that it wasn't batman.

then you tuned to see robin.

Robin:  And then Batman looks at me and he says, "Thanks, Robin.

Thanks for being so darn awesome."

then the crowd began to laugh and cheer at that as babs slouched down in sadness.

Robin: All right, who's got questions?

Harleen: This is it! Your thing! Go ask your question!

She grabbed babs and ran to robin as a person dressed as robin was about to ask but harleen got babs to robin as babs had her list of questions as she spoke to the microphone.

Babs: Uh... So, um...

the mic made feedback as robin covered his ears as babs began to continue on what she was saying.

Babs: *meekly* I had a question for Batman, but...

Robin: There's nothing that guy knows that Robin don't, all right?

he chuckled as some of the audience laughed at that as babs began to read her list.

Babs: Okay. Batman. I mean, Robin. When investigating a crime, a good detective will uncover dozens, if not hundreds, of facts. What techniques do you employ to differentiate the...

Then she heard snoring as she saw robin acting as he was asleep as he looked at babs.

Robin: What'd you think you was gonna do, impress Batman with some smarty-pants question? And then what, he'd be so impressed he'd be your best pal? And, oh, I dunno, maybe make you his new sidekick or something?

Then he began to laugh as everyone else started to laugh as Babs walked back to her seat as you and Harleen looked at her in concern as Harleen looked at Robin as he was still laughing and then got angry at him for embarrassing her best friend.

Harleen: Hey, uh, I just remembered another thing I wanted to do at the con. Meet at the coffee cart at 4:00, okay?

Harleen kissed babs on the forehead to make her feel better as she got up and left. Then you looked at Robin with a furious look in your face.

(Y/N): That's it, I'm giving this guy a piece of my mind.

You got up from  your seat as you walked up to robin as he saw you.

Robin: Ok, so what's your question?

(Y/N): Let me think about that. Oh, how about showing some manners?!

Robin: Hey, what's your problem?

(Y/N): Oh, my problem? MY PROBLEM?!? How about your problem? Just because your batman's trusty sidekick doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it. and that was not cool man.

Then you walked back to the seat you were sitting as we see Harleen run off to the door as it closed and then opened to see her as Harley Quinn.

the you saw her and hid and transformed into heatblast and then went omni enhanced.

Then babs looked to see Harley quinn.

Babs: *gasps* Harley Quinn.

You looked to see her and hid as you transformed into heatblast and then went omni enhanced

as you came out you saw her running to robin.

(Y/N): Hey, over here!

she turned to see you as you sent a shock energy fire blast at her as she dodged it and it hit robin as he got both burnt and electrocuted as he coughed out a puff of smoke.

(Y/N): Oops, my bad. *snickering and whispers* Not.

then Harley jumped and tried to hit him with her mallet but was hit by Babs as she was now batgirl as Harley was sent out of the door as you and Harley fist bumped each other as robin saw you two.

Robin: Cosplay contest is later, you two. Security!

then security guards grabbed you and Babs as you both were thrown out as you and her were on the ground.

Babs: Robin.

Then you both looked to see Harley as she tried to hit you two with her mallet as you both dodged it and looked at her.

Harleen: Stay outta my way, Bratgirl and alien creep, Robbyboy's got what-for coming, and I'm the one who's gonna give it to him! 

Babs: Well, that sounds awesome! But I'm gonna stop you anyway.

(Y/N): Yeah, so we'll just keep throwing a monkey wrench into your plans.

later we see robin as he was signing autographs as we see Harley as she cut a spotlight to make it fall on him but you and babs came and hit her as babs used her grapple hook as you turned into wildvine and grabbed the spotlight before it could hit robin and brought it up. Next we see Robin as he was talking to some fans as Harley was wearing a fedora and trech coat as she had a mic that was actually a grenade as she removed the pin and gave the mic to robin and ran off as you and babs came as you werer xlr8, as babs put the pin back on the grenade and rn after Harley. next we see cut outs of robin and we see robin leaning on a wall looking at his phone as Harley was hiding in a plant and fired a dart at robin but babs used a cut out of robin as a shield to stop the dart. next we see robin at a hotdog stand as we see him wanting a hotdog as we see a man about to give him the hot dog but Harley came and grabbed him and gave robin dynamite on a hot dog bun as he was bout to eat it but you and babs used ketchup and mustard to put out the fuse. next we see some figures in boxes as we see a crowd of people come running as robin was near as Harley was about to push him but he moved and you and babs ran tino Harley and got ran over by the people as you both were on the ground hurt. later we see you and babs are at the at the food court as you and her were in your normal outfits and Harleen came as yo three looked exhausted.

Babs: Ugh. I am so beat.

(Y/N): Me too.

Harleen: Ugh. Tell me about it.

Babs: Did you get to do that thing you wanted to do? 

Harleen: Eh, no. The Annual Convention Of Gotham City Enthusiasts totally stinks this year.

Then babs spat her drink as she was in shock.

Babs: You gotta go do the thing! If not for yourself, do it for me! 

Then Harleen saw robin with a crowd of people and then smiled at Babs.

Harleen: You're right, Babs. This Con ain't ruined yet. And I got a sneaky feeling that it might even turn around for you. 

Babs: That's the spirit.

Then  Harleen left as Babs drank her drink then the joker steam roller was driving through as we see Harley Quinn in it as she started to laugh manically as she was heading to robin as the people ran to get out of the way as Babs.

Babs: Oh, no! Robin! Get out of the... 

But it was too late as robin was crushed by the steamroller as it left as babs came to the flatten robin.

Babs: Oh, Robin! This is all my fault! *sobbing* I'm so sorry! 

Then she began to cry as you and Harleen came in her normal out as you both came to babs.

Harleen: Oh my. What has happened?

Babs: He's gone. He's really gone. 

Harleen: Yeah, but that was the clown who humiliated you. I thought you'd be happy.

Babs: *wails* Happy? Sure, he's a jerk. And he did Embarrassed me. But I didn't wish his untimely demise! 

Then babs started to cry again as Harleen began to regret flattening robin.

Babs: Oh I feel awful!

Robin: Out of my way!  Coming through!

You three looked to see robin as he was walking through as people were following him as she looked at the robin on the floor as it turned out to be a cut out.

Robin:Cosplay Contest starts now, chumps! And your boy Robin's gonna do what he does best, judge you. 

Babs: He's alive! 

Harleen: He's alive? 

then someone took the cutout from babs as you saw the same person dressed as robin set it up.

Man: Stop hogging the cutout.

Harleen: Cutout?

Babs: Isn't it wonderful, Harleen? He's alive! He's alive, he's alive, he's alive!  *she ran into the room where robin was.*

Harleen: Huh. Who knew?  *gasps* Uh oh.
She remembered the bomb that was placed under Robin's seat as we see cosplayers but then they were hit out of the way by Harleen as Harley Quinn as she was trying to get to the bomb.

Harleen: Outta my way losers!

but before she could get to robin you and babs came in as Batgril and you resembled a blue crab alien as the badge was on your chest.

Babs: Forget it, Harley Quinn! I won't let you hurt him!

(Y/N): Yeah, one more step and you'll feel the cold of Coldsnap.

Harleen: Wait! I'm actually trying to save the yutz this time!

but you both didn't listen to her as babs threw her baterang at her as she dodged it and dodged you as you tried to hit her with your claw as the others were watching the fight.

Cosplayer: Their costumes are so cool! They're totally gonna win.

With Robin he was sitting in his seat and then looked under it and pulled out the bomb.

Robin: What da heck is this?

Then you all looked to see the bomb as the crowd saw the bomb.

Man: Is that a bomb?

 Then everyone ran out of the room as Harley had the bomb in her hands and tried to get rid of it as she was then bumped into a person as the bomb was sent flying as it was heading to a baby dressed like the joker but babs caught it with her grapple as she had it and tried to find a place to get rid of it and went to the bathroom but no luck there.

Harleen: Over here!

then Babs threw the bomb to Harleen as she caught it and was at a joker exhibit as she threw the bomb into a big safe and closed it as she covered her ears and closed her eyes  and then looked to see a sign that said "actual safe used by the joker in his infamous 'breaking' the bank caper." and then ran to the safe and got the bomb and ran out of the safe and turned to the readers.

Harleen: Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb.

then she ran back to where robin was and tried to blow out the fuse and then threw it as we see robin now has it as he was now scared and Harley came and grabbed it from him as you and Babs came.

(Y/N) and Babs: Harley!

Then you used your cytokinesis and babs used a fire extinguisher to get the bomb  but it hit Harley as her face was covered in icicles and foam and then she took the fire extinguisher from babs and gave you and babs the bomb.

Harleen: You both hold it.

Then she aimed the fire extinguisher at the bomb and then put out the fuse. Then everyone started tocheer for you, Batgirl and Harley Quinn, as robin came out from the table and saw everyone cheering for you three as he did not look happy. then you and Babs waved at everyone as Harley bowed to the crowd as you held out your claw as Harley and babs grabbed it and shook it together and then you both looked at Harley and then she blasted you both with foam and then ran off laughing maniacally as you and babs chased after her. Next we see you, Babs, and Harleen at the bus station as you and Babs were about to head back to metropolis.

Harleen: Aw, Babbles, I'm sorry the Annual Convention Of Gotham City Enthusiasts wasn't what you hoped for this year. So I gotcha something.

She gave babs a present as she opened it up and saw it was a framed photo of Robin as it read "to my biggest fan ever! -Robin.

Babs: Aw, Harleen! You shoul......dn't have? 

Harleen: I didn't realize what a big Robin fan you were until I saw you blubbering all over his body. Ha!So I tracked him down and got it for ya. 


we see Harleen as Harley Quinn as she had a photo of robin and a pen as robin was on the ground as Harleen was threating him to sign the photo.

Harleen: Sign it! *holds up her mallet* Sign it now!

Robin began to sign it as he was now scared.

Flashback ends.

we go back as we see Harleen as she chuckled as Babs smiled at her and hugged her.

Babs: Oh, Leenie-Beanie, you're the best.

After the stopped hugging Harleen looked at you.

Harleen: And I got something tor you too.

(Y/N): What is it?

Harleen: This.

Then she grabbed you and kissed you on the lips as you were shocked at that and then began to kiss her back and then babs took a photo of you and Arleen kissing as you and Harleen seperated.

Harleen: I love you.

(Y/N): You love me?

Harleen: Yeah Me and Babsie talked and she told me about you dating her and having a harem and she said it was ok for me to join the harem and share you with my best friend.

(Y/N): That's nice. and your pretty cute with your red and blue clothes.

Harleen: Aw that's so nice of you. I love you Puddin.

(Y/N): And I love you too Pumpkin.

Harleen: Hay (Y/N), maybe next time you come back maybe we can go out sometime.

then you smiled at her.

(Y/N): Consider it a date.

Then she smiled at you as you and Babs got on the bus as you both looked through the window looking at Harleen.

Babs: See you next year.

Then the bus drove off to Metropolis as Harleen watched.

Harleen: Maybe sooner, if we're lucky Babsie-wabsie, even you too Puddin.

Then she smiled as she would believew that you'll get to see her sooner.

What other surprises await? What else is in store? Find out on the next chapter and get ready for the spider verse special and i'll see ya next time and hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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