illusions of grandeur

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At a magic show we You and Karen as you were watching a magic show as we see mr zatara on the stage.

Mr. Zatara: Thank you, thank you. Please, a round of applause for my charming daughter.

Then Zee appeared in a pink outfit and she waves to everyone in the audience.

She then spot you and Karen and wink at you two.

(Y/N): Alright Zee!

Mr Zatara: And now ladies and gentlemen, we've come to my final trick of the evening.
A trick so risky, so daring, that the squeamish among you may want to look away.

The crowd began to gasp.

Me Zatara: Tonight, I will make my lovely assistant... disappear.

The crowd began to cheer as we see Zee going into the box as it closes.

Mr Zatara: I summon thee here. Heed my command. Make this girl disappear. *opens the box* Behold.

The crowd cheered from the trick at the backstage we see zee as she came out from a portal and looked at her father and she looked sad. With you, you wanted to see her as you looked at your watch and saw a hologram of an alien that looked like a demon.

(Y/N): That’s a new one.

You then pressed on your watch very light only making a soft light and noise that no one heard it with Zee we see her in her room as Karen was with her.

Karen: That was amazing, Zee. I can't believe this is your life. You're, like, a total star.

Zee: *sighs* Yeah, well… 

Karen: And the fact that you've spent your whole life traveling the whole world entertaining people with your dad, it's so cool.

Zee: Hmm... Indeed.

Karen: You're seriously the biggest celebrity I know.

Zee: Maybe. But I'm about to be even bigger.

Then Zee went to change her outfit.

Karen: What do you mean? *gasp* You're not leaving the act, are you?

Zee:What? Of course not. That would break poor Daddy's heart. But I am working on my own act.
One day people will know the name, Zee Zatara.

We see her in her magician outfit.

Zee: And that, my dear Karen, is where you come in.

But before Karen would reply knocking was heard as Karen went to answer the door as she opened the door she saw was a demon in a red suit as it had a badge on its bow tie as he opened his red eyes

Karen looked at him in fright.

(Y/N): Hell-

Then Karen slammed the door as she thought for a second and opened the door to see you.

(Y/N): -o.

Then Karen slammed the door again as she then turned to Zee.

Karen: Uh Zee.

Zee: What?

Karen: There’s a demon at the door.

Zee: What?!

Karen: What do I do?

Karen: Well don’t let him in.

Then Karen looked at the door as she then had a face of confidence as she then opened the door to see you.

(Y/N): May I speak now?

Karen: You May. *sees the badge* (Y/N)? Is that you?

(Y/N): Yes but in this form I’m Alastor. Pleasure to be seeing you darling quite a pleasure. Forgive my sudden visit but I saw Zee and her father’s performance on stage and I just couldn’t resist. What a performance! Why I haven’t that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929. *laughs* So many orphans.

Zee: Stop right there.

She pointed her wand at you as she had an angry look on her face.

Zee: Look I don’t know what your up to but I’m not letting you hurt anyone.

(Y/N): Oh Zee my Darling, if I wanted to hurt anyone here. *in a demonic voice* I would have done so already.

You looked at them with a very creepy face as they stared at you.

(Y/N): No! I’m here because I want to help.

Karen: Say what?

(Y/N): Help! *laughs and holds up your microphone* Hello? Is this thing on? *taps the Microphone* Testing. Testing.

The microphone sprouted an eye as it looked at you.

Microphone: Well I heard you loud and clear!

Karen: And you want to help us with?

(Y/N): With this thing your doing.

Zee: Why do you want to help us?

(Y/N): Yes I do was I Enough?

Karen: but is that alien you have new or had it for a while?

(Y/N): hmm I'm not particularly sure How long I had him but it is a good thing I got him. So who is your crew Zee?

Zee: My crew? Well I have Karen and she’s gonna be my assistant.

(Y/N): I’m afraid this will not do. I believe I can throw in some extra help for you.

Then you snapped your fingers as a hole was opened through a wall as we see fire and a body covered in soot as you picked it up as one eye opened up and looked at Karen and Zee.

Zee: What is that?

Then the soot vanished as we see a demon that appears to be a little girl as she was smiling.

(Y/N): This little darling is Niffty.

Then you put Niffty down as she got up.

Niffty: Hi I’m Niffty, it’s nice to meet you. It’s been a while since I made new friends. Why are you both women? *picks Zee up* Are there any men here?! *puts Zee down* Sorry if it sounded rude. Oh man this place is filthy. *she then started to clean up the room* this place can really use a lady’s touch, since it’s weird because you two are ladies. No offense. Oh my gosh! This is awful. 

We see her as she started to dust off some of the items in her room then you turn at another place we see a cat with bird wings as he was playing a card game and laid down his cards.

Husk: Ha! Read'em and weep boys full- * sees the area change* Wooo * is now in Zee’s room* hotel? what the heck is this? *sees you* You. Why did you bring me here Alastor?

(Y/N): Oh my form has that name but I’m afraid you have me confused with someone else. I’m (Y/N) and it’s good to see you here Husker glad you can make it.

Husk: Don’t you “Husker” me, I was about to win the whole dang pot!

(Y/N): Great to meet you.

Husk: What do you want with me?

(Y/N): Well I was just helping my friend Zee take her show on the road and I took it upon myself to volunteer your services. I hope that’s ok. *placed your arm around husk*

Husk: Are you kidding me?

(Y/N): Hmmm. No I don’t think so.

Husk: *pushes you away from him* You thought it would be some kind of big riot just to pull me out of nowhere!? You think I’m some kind of clown?!

(Y/N): Maybe.

Husk: I ain’t doing no charity job.

(Y/N): Well I figured you would be the perfect face to manage the front desk for zee's performance with your charming smile and winning grace. *you made husk smile but he then frowns* This job was made for you. Don’t worry my friend I can make this more welcoming, if you wish. *Summons a drink*

Then Husk looked at the drink and then you as he walked to you.

Husk: What? You think you can buy me with a wink and a drink? *grabs the drink* Well you can. *Starts drinking* 

(Y/N): And I have a feeling that you are going to love metropolis.

Husk: I lost the ability to love years ago. *Drinks his drink*

You turned to see Zee and Karen.

(Y/N): Well Zee, What do you think?

Zee: Well it’s something but how did you do that?

(Y/N): It’s just part of my new alien’s powers. Now there’s just one more thing to do.

Karen: What’s that?

(Y/N): This.

You then made fire in your hand as you sent it up in the air and pushed Karen as you then changed your outfit as music began to play.

(Y/N): 🎶 you have a dream, you wish to tell.🎶 *you changed Zee’s clothes* 🎶It's so laughable but hey kid what the heck?🎶

You threw Zee up in the air and then caught her as you both started to dance.

(Y/N): 🎶Cause you're one of a kind, A charming hero belle, now let’s give these burning fools a place to dwell 🎶*you then changed Karen Niffty and Husk’s clothes* Take it boys!

Then shadow creatures came as they started to play music as Zee was snapping her fingers to the rhythm as you grabbed Karen, Niffty, and Husk to you and then multiple creatures surrounded them.

(Y/N): 🎶Inside of every person is a lost cause🎶 *you put a hat and scarf on Karen* 🎶but we’ll dress them up for now with just a smile.🎶

Demons: 🎶With a smile.🎶

(Y/N): 🎶And we’ll ornate this cesspool with some old redemption flair and show these simpletons some proper class and style.🎶

Demons: 🎶Class and style.🎶

(Y/N): 🎶Here below the ground I’m sure your plan is sound🎶

Then you and Zee started to swing around together

(Y/N): 🎶They’ll spend a little time down at this Hazbin Ho-🎶

But before you can finish the door opened up as we see Keith as he came in.

Keith: Hey guys, what did I miss?

(Y/N): Ah Keith my friend I was hoping you would show up and I’m a bit disappointed you were supposed to show up 57 seconds ago. *pull out a pocket watch* Or is this thing running fast?

Keith: Uh What are you talking about?

(Y/N): Oh Keith old buddy, I’m helping Zee take her show on the road and figure that you could tag along with us.

Keith: Wait What?

(Y/N): Your coming with us. We can use you for our show.

Keith: What’s in it for me?

(Y/N): Hmm How about a briefcase full of Diamonds? *summons a briefcase filled with diamonds*

Keith: Deal. *takes the briefcase.*

(Y/N): Then we're all set then. We better not be late.

At the piers we see Karen as she was wearing a pink skirt as Zee's assistant for magic.

Then you and Zee came to her side as Zee handed her a megaphone.

Zee: Whenever your ready.

Karen: *Gulps and pulls out a flashcard and reads it* Prepare yourselves, ladies and gentlemen for an experience unlike any other. This is the great and powerful Zee Zatara princess of Presi...Prestididge

Zee: Prestidigitation. 

Karen: Presti... tation.

Zee: Prestidigitation!

Then you and the others saw a lot of people as you saw a guy doing magic tricks.

Karen: Wow Zee, he wears more eye shadow than you.

Husk: And sayin somethin.

Then Zee looked at Karen with annoyance as you tapped her shoulder.

(Y/N): Well i think Zee is Beautiful just the way she is.

Then Zee started to blush at your compliment.

Zee: Aw thanks (Y/N) Alastor. 

(Y/N): Oh you can still call me (Y/N).

Karen: But there's one question did you make up that name?

(Y/N): No, I didn't make up the name, this form came with the name.

Then you looked at the magician called Ace of Spades.

Ace of Spades: All right. Look, look. Right here. Eyes on me. Heads or tails?

Girl: Heads.

He then flipped the coin that was on the other hand as Zee knew it wasn't magic.

Zee: Did you see that? He totally switched hands.

He then caught the coin as it was on heads.

Zee: Ugh. A double headed coin? Really? How uninspired. What's he gonna do next, the detachable thumb trick?

(Y/N): I would say so, look.

She looked to see Ace of Spades doing the detachable thumb trick.

Zee: You have got to be kidding me.

You looked to see Ace of Spades holding a deck of cards.

Ace of Spades: Alright. Pick a card, any card. Go ahead. Go ahead.

The girl takes a card as it was the ace of spades as she puts it back into the deck.

Ace of Spades: Uh-huh. Okay, ready?
Watch this. Watch. Ready? Wait for it… Is this your card?

Then he pulled his vest as it shows a spade on his chest as the girl fainted as Zee grabbed you and Karen and got closer to Ace of Spades.

Zee: That isn't magic. You're nothing but an overly-leathered, flimflam man.

She slaps the deck of cards out of his hands.

Zee: See?

Husk: Yeah that ain't real magic and I should know

Random Guy: he turned them into aces of spades! He's amazing!

You looked to see all the cards are aces of spades.

(Y/N): He couldn't have done that.

Zee: Ugh! That is not magic. This is magic. thearw srewolf!

She cast a spell at a guy's flowered shirt as a bouquet of flowers appeared in a girls' hands.

Zee: Spriah!

She then cast a spell at a bald man making hair grow out of his head.

Zee: Naf yawa!

Then she threw confetti into the air and cast a spell to make butterflies.

Zee: Ta da!

Random Guy: Fake!

In response you then used your telekinesis and started choking him and brought him to you and stared at him with a scary slasher smile

(Y/N): *in a deadly tone* I'm beg your pardon but what was that my dear boy?

Random guy: I mean bravo! Please don't hurt me.

Then you put the man down as you smiled normally.

(Y/N): That's what I thought.

The crowd began to applaud for Zee as she was worried at what your going to do to them.

Zee: Look (Y/N) i know you're trying to help, but wasn't that a bit too much.

(Y/N): Oh please what's an omelette without breaking a few eggs after all they did applaud for you and not for that hack of a magician did they not?

Husk: yeah kid your a natural.

Random guy 2: You could learn a thing or two from Ace of Spades.

Random girl: I love him.

Random guy 3: it's so raw, so real.

Zee: Raw and real? Raw and real?! Oh i'll give him raw and real.

Then she began to glow in a blue aura and cast a spell at Ace of Spades.

Karen: Uh Zee?

(Y/N): Are you okay my Dear?

Zee: ees yvne sith!

Ace of Spades began to scratch his back a bit.

Ace of Spades: All right. Look.Watch. Eyes on me. Is this your card? 

He pulled his vest to but instead of a spade it showed a goblin's face 

Ace of Spades: Ta-da!

Random girl: That's not even a card. What kind of magician are you?

He then covered his chest as everyone started to leave then zee turned to you and the others.

Zee: so… Who wants ice cream?

(Y/N): Oh I do.

Husk: meh why not.

Nifty: yay! ice cream.

Keith: I could go for some.

Karen: uh.

Then you all followed her to get some ice cream then Ace of Spades heard some growling from his chest and gremlins appeared and they started to cause mayhem around the piers. We see you, Karen, Zee, Nifty, Husk, and Keith were eating ice cream.

Karen: So uh, back there it was, uh...

(Y/N): You were...

Zee: I know, a complete disaster.

Karen: No, we--

Zee: I just wanted to show the world what I can do. The kind of magician i really am. I just wanted to touch an audience.

Karen: Don't worry  Zee, I bet someday you'll be known the world over as the greatest magician of them all.

Zee: You really think so.

Karen: Yeah, i really do.

Niffty: yeah you'll be a great magician.

Husk: you'll do good kid.

(Y/N): And Zee no matter what people think of you, you will always be the greatest magician in my book.

Zee: Aw thanks (Y/N)

Then a gremlin landed in the ice cream as Zee and Karen screamed as Zee slapped it away as they got up and they were disgusted at what had just happened.

Keith: Uh, guys.

You all looked to see the gremlins as they were terrorizing the piers.

Karen: was that supposed to happen?

(Y/N): Look at their faces. Zee your spell.

Zee: My spell? But how? My magic can't do something like… But I was angry. It was me. This is all my fault. What do I do? What do I do? What do I--

Then you slapped Zee.

(Y/N): Snap out of it woman! This isn't a time for crying, this is a time for action!

Zee: Your right. Let's teach these little monsters some manners.

Then Zee and Karen changed into their hero outfits as Keith used his watch and then transformed as his alien form looked exactly like Husk as he had the antitrix badge on his chest.

Then a gremlin was about to land on Zee's head but you sent a tendril at the gremlin swatting it away as she turned to you.

Zee: Thanks.

(Y/N): My pleasure, I couldn't let that gremlin ruin your style, your too beautiful to be harmed.

Then Zee blushed at your compliment.

Zee: Thanks.

Then you all started to go after the gremlins. We see a woman with a baby as four gremlins were on bumper cars were chasing after her then we see Zee is on a horse from a carousel as she attacked the gremlins on the bumper cars with magic blasts as she made one of the cars go to the arcade. Then Karen went after the gremlins in the arcade, You were facing the gremlins as you used your powers on them making them float in the air as Keith fired energy projectiles as they looked like spades at them. For karen she was flying after the gremlins and fired missiles at them only for them to go into the crane game.

Karen: Dang it.

 she flew in to find them but she saw the gremlins as they used the claw to get her only for them to grab a bee plush. With Zee she was chasing after the gremlins on the bumper car as she shot a magic blast at them making the car go to the water getting the woman wet. With you, you had most gremlins tied up but they broke free and ran off as you looked to see Zee is after gremlins in a bumper car only for another one to send her flying into the arcade as you came to her and saw Karen in the crane machine.

Karen: Zee, (Y/N) Help! Get me out of here!

You went to the game and got her out along with a stuffed bee as she returned to normal size and you gave the plush to her.

(Y/N): Here you go, for our residential Black and yellow striped Heroine.

Then Karen blushed and giggled at you as she had the plush in her arms but you looked to see all the gremlins everywhere.

Keith: There's too many of them. We can't stop them all.

Zee: What do we do? They're to dreadfully evil.

Then two gremlins ripped a teddy bear in half as they hugged each other as Karen got an idea.

Karen: Wait, What if they're not evil. What if they're just having fun? Look at them Zatanna. They're just trying to entertain themselves.

Keith: So they just want entertainment?

Zee: If it's entertainment these gremlins want. Then it's entertain they shall have. And that my dear Karen is where you come in.

Then Zee put on her magician outfit and handed Karen a mega phone. Then Karen turned to you, Keith, Huak and Nifty.

Karen: We need a stage.

(Y/N): One stage coming right up.

You used your powers to create a stage as you all were on it.

(Y/N): Let's give these gremlins a show they'll never forget. 

Karen: Prepare yourselves, ladies and gentle-monsters, for an experience unlike any other.  This is the great and powerful Zee Zatara, princess of prestidigitation.

Then all the gremlins became the audience as Zee appeared.

Zee: Alright you little beasts, (Y/N), Bumblebee, Niffty, Husk, and Keith who'd like to be entertained?

(Y/N): Oh i do.

Then Zee started off with her card trick as she changed the color of the card along with Karen's clothes from Purple, Aqua, and pink. Then Zee levitated Karen to the air and a ring appeared as Zee made Karen go through it as her color of her clothes were back to normal. Then Zee put Karen into a basket as she went from the basket and to Zee's hat and back to you.

Keith: That's awesome.

Zee: And now we've come to my final trick of the evening. A trick so risky, so daring, that the squeamish among you may wish to look away. I will make my lovely assistant… disappear.

Then Zee Summoned the same cabinet from her father's show.

Karen: Wait what?

Zee: Trust me.

Karen: uh…

Zee: Lovely assistant.

Karen then went in the magic cabinet as Zee closes it.

Zee: now watch closely my fiendish friends, (Y/N), Keith, Husk. and Nifty.

Everyone in the audience began to cheer zee performs her trick.

Zee: Spirits beyond, I summon thee here, heed my command, make this girl disappear. Behold.

She opened the cabinet as karen was gone as the gremlins cheered at Zee's trick.

(Y/N): Now may we have some volunteers?

Then all the gremlins went to the cabinet to be Zee's volunteers as Karen appeared behind the cabinet as the cabinet was filled with gremlins as she came to the front and closed the cabinet.

Zee: snilmerg ib enog.

Then Zee made the cabinet full of gremlins disappear as you and the others applaud.

Zee: Ta da!

Niffty: Amazing!

Husk: Way to go kid.

(Y/N): What a performance.

Random Guy: Fake!

Then you summoned tendrils as they grabbed him and got him closer to him.

(Y/N): *Demonic voice* What was that my dear boy?

Random guy: I mean Bravo! Please put me down.

(Y/N): hmm lemme think..

You toss him into the hole full of tendrils and closed it. As you turned to the others.

(Y/N): nope. Anybody else want to say it's fake?

The audience then started clapping nervous at what you were gonna do to them. This made zee slightly happy but a little sad at the same time

Zee: Why do I even try? 

Karen: Because how else are you gonna be the greatest magician the world has ever known?

(Y/N): Well I say you did an amazing job my dear girl.

Husk: yeah you did good kid

Niffty: so awesome zee.

Keith: best performance ever.

Zee: Thanks guys, you're the best assistants a magical girl can have.

Then a blast came out of nowhere as you all turned to see a blimp as we hear laughter as we see a demon that looks like a snake.

Sir pentious: Well, well, well, look who's harboring the striped freak on the surface world. We meet yet again, Alastor.

(Y/N): Do I know you?

Then Sir Pentious became angry at what you said.

Sir Pentious: Oh yes you do! And this time I have the element of… Surprise!

He then pulled a lever as a laser cannon came out and was aimed at you and the others as he laughed evilly.

Sir Pentious: Oh i'm so evil!

Then you snapped your fingers as a hole as tendrils came out and grabbed the blimp as it ripped off the cannon and threw it as another hole was opened as the cannon went into it and exploded as we see the tendrils wrapping around the blimp as they were moving it around as Sir Pentious and his egg minions were sliding around as they crashed into each other as a tendril grabbed Sir Pentious and dragged him around and then  wrapped him up as the others saw what you were doing.

Zee: Um, (Y/N), what are you doing?

Then you had your hand into a fist as the blimp blew up as the others looked at you, as you had a sinister smile on your face.

Keith: Um dude, are you alright?

Then you turned to the others with a normal smile.

(Y/N): Well I'm starved. Who wants some jambalaya? *you began to walk away* My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for jambalaya, in fact it nearly killed her! *laughs then the others started to follow you* You could say the kick was right out of heck! *laughs* Oh i am on a roll! Yes sir, this is the start of some real changes up here.

As you and the others were walking away we see rubble from Sir Pentious's blimp as we see an egg minion as he got up and sees Sir Pentious get up from a crater.

Egg minion: Now will you shoot me with your ray gun?

Then sir pentious face planted on the ground back with you, you looked at Zee.

(Y/N): Zee, may i ask you something?

Zee: What is it?

(Y/N): Do you still love me even if I'm in my current alien form?

Zee: Why would you even ask that?

(Y/N): You saw what I did to that snake monster right?

Zee: Yeah.

(Y/N): Do you even love me even for doing something like that?

Zee: (Y/N) of course I love you no matter what you do or turn into I love you no matter what.

You smiled at her knowing she will love you no matter what.

(Y/N): Thank you my love.

Zee: Anytime.

Then your watched timed out as you were now normal again.

Husk: Your a human?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Niffty: But how did you change your form?

(Y/N): With this. *Shows the ultimatrix* It lets me turn into many aliens. I'll explain later.

Then you went home with your friends following you.

Hope you guys liked this cause their will be more coming soon and be sure for more chapters and for now... stay tuned. And i would like to give a thank you to deadpoolmerkwiththem.

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