infiltrating Alchemax.

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We see you with the gang and your new friends and we see your counterpart enjoying the cupcakes.

(Y/N) 10: Oh, i love theses cupcakes. So delicious. You know, in my universe this place closed down like a year ago. I don't why they closed it, i really don't.

As we see him and Peter B enjoying the sweets the check came as the two looked at you all.

(Y/N) 10: you guys have money right? Cause I'm not very liquid right now.

(Y/N): Can we focus?

Peter B: You gonna eat that? *takes your sundae.* I'm Listening.

(Y/N): The other peter told me he's gonna show me the ropes. You guys got any hero tips.

(Y/N) 10: We got plenty. Disinfect the helmet.

Peter B: You're gonna want to use baby powder in the suit, heavy on the joints. You don't want any chafing, right?

(Y/N): Anything else?

(YN) 10: Bo that's pretty much it.

(Y/N): I think your both are gonna be bad teachers.

Peter B: Mhmm.. Look up where Alchemax is.

You got out your phone and looked up Alchemax.

(Y/N): A private technological campus in Hudson Valley, New York. You can teach me how to swing there.

Then Peter B started to laugh at that as later we see you and the others in a bus heading to Hudson Valley.

Peter B: I'm not swinging to the Hudson Valley, kid, after a hearty burger-breakfast. Keep your legs fresh, you're gonna thank me later.

Next we see all of you suiting up as you got on your hero outfit as we see Alchemax.

Kara: How are we gonna get in.

Peter B: That's a good question...

Peter: Well we need a plan.

Peter B: Got it. Step One: we infiltrate the lab

We see a comic veiw as we see it peter b going into the lab.

Peter B: step Two: find the head scientist's computer.

We see peter b sneaking as he sees a scientist on a computer as a lady with a bike passes by.

(Y/N): The lady with the bike is the head scientist, i saw her document one time.

Then peter b followed the lady.

Peter B: Cool. Step Three: I re-examine my personal biases. Step Four: I hack the computer.

Here we see peter b as he is "hacking" the computer. As a bubble wurh you showed up.

(Y/N): That's not technically hacking. It's kinda...

Peter B shewed your bubble away.

Peter B: Not now, i just lost my train of thought. Step Five: i download the important stuff, i'll know it when i see it.

We see him downloading an important file. As we see him passing by the cafeteria grabbing a bagel.

Peter B: Step Six: i grab a bagel from the cafeteria and run.

Next we see him swinging away with a beagle in his mouth. As we see him strecthing along with (Y/N) 10 as you looked at him.

(Y/N): So what do we do?

Peter B: Uh, step seven: you all stay here your all lookout very important.

(Y/N): Look, man you have to teach me to do Spider-Man stuff or I'm not going to be able to help

Peter B: alright. *he swings away.* watch and learn, we'll quiz ya later.

Then your counterpart turned into astrodactyl and flew with him as ypu watched

Peter: Don't worry i'll still teach ya.

(Y/N): Thanks, but why did i get stuck with a superhero highschool student me and a janky- old, broke, hobo Spider-Man?

Then you punched a rock cracking it into two as they saw it.

Kara: That's new.

Then you saw a ship flew by as you saw vilgax got out as he entered at the back of the lab as the villains followed him. Then you turned into nanomech and flew to the lab as the others followed you then yoh flew into the vents and changed back as the others came in as you crawled your way to find Peter B and (Y/N) 10.

(Y/N): Peter! Peter!

Then you bumped into him from behind as he saw you.

Peter B: What are you all doing here?

(Y/N): Vilgax is here. Move over.

Then you started to go theough trying to see throught a vent.

Peter B: Go back outside.

(Y/N) 10: We got this.

(Y/N): No, i'm nit gonna sit there and watch spiderman die. I'm not doing that.

Then peter was touched at that tou wiuld want to help him.

Peter B: Most people I meet in the workplace try to kill me, so, you're a nice change of pace.

Then below the vents we see a woman leading vilgax to a computer.

Olivia: Look at this data. I know you can't really understand it, but there is one problem.

As she types in the password peter saw it on the reflection on the window.

Peter B: And got the password.

Olivia showed photos of threenparts for the multigate.

Olivia: Three parts for the machine are missing, without them the multigate won't work. And if we use the machine with out them it could create a black hole under Metropolis.

Theb peter saw you as you got a little nervous.

Peter: It's ok you'll get used to it.

(Y/N) 10: This is the part where he says. *Vilgax voice* You have 24 hours to find them!

Vilgax: You have 24 hours to find them.

Olivia: What this means is that there could be a rupture in the space time continuum.

Peter B: Oooh, that's bad. Actually everything she said was bad.

Peter: Come on let's go.

Then the others got out as peter b got to the computer and typed in the password as you got out of the vent and grabbed onto a light and you started to shake trying to unstick.

Peter B: What're you doing, bud?

(Y/N): I can't move.

Peter B: OK, relax your fingers! We don't have time. Just "let go," be in the moment!

(Y/N): I am in the moment, it's a terrible moment!

Jess: there gonna see you.

Peter B: What do you do to relax.

Then you stopped and started to hum a song as your fingers started to ubstick one by one as all your fingers unstick to the light you fell down and it made a noise catching Olivia's attention. Then peter saw her coming.

Peter B: Everyone, go outside, we'll meet you at the back.

Then zee used ger spell as everyone but peter b, you and your counterpart where still here as you tried to turn into an alien and turned into fluff luv as your counterpart became nanomech.

(Y/N): Fluff luv? Cone on.

Then peter b saw olivia getting closer.

Peter b: Remember this password!: Dgfampesand4$35876534545435

(Y/N): Slow down! I need to write it down

Peter b: And download the schematic sit on the table and act like a stuffed animal while i turn on the charm.

Then as olivia entered the office she saw peter b standing at the desk as you were there acting like a stuffed toy.

Olivia: Spiderman?

Peter B: Oh hey. I didn't see you there.

Then olivia came to him and moved his mask tk see his face.

Olivia: This is fascinating. An a different peter parker *sees his gut.* a little bit of a gut, probably from dimensonal warping.

Peter b: Yeah, i was way flatter before i warped.

You started to type in the password but you forgot the rest.

(Y/N): What was the rest?

You flew up and moved the computer to peter b as he saw it.

Peter B: Hey how old are you? Cause you don't look a day over 35 *holds up his hand as one showed three fingers as the other showed five fingers.*

Then you put in the rest as the screen showed a lot of files on the screen.

Olivia: might pinch a little.

Then peter b was sent to a seat as he was restrainted as you looked at the screen.

(Y/N): Organize your desktop lady.

Then as olivia got peter b's dna sample she examined the cells as they glitchdd a bit.

Olivia: Wow. Just complete cellular decay. I've never seen anything like this.

Then a soft red flash was seen as peter saw a floating computer as you were ghostfreak and was invisible.

Peter b: *whispering* What are you doing?

(Y/N): *whispering* I'm just taking the whole thing!

Then olivia turned to peter b.

Olivia: And obviously you've been glitching.

Peter b: Glitching? No. *starts to glitch*Why would you even say that?

Olivia: If you stay in this dimension too long, your body's going to disintegrate. Do you know how painful that would be, Peter Parker?

Peter B: Uh, I don't know.

Olivia: You can't imagine.
And I, for one, can't wait to watch.

Then you stopped aa you loomed at her as your counterpart was shocked to hear that.

Petet B: What did you say your name was?

Olivia: Doctor Olivia Octavius.

Then we see her in a different outfit as four tentacles came out from the back of the suit as she had on goggles

Then one tentacle grabbed peter by the throat and pinned hin to the ground.

Peter B: Can i assume that your friends call you Doc Ock?

Olivia: My friends call me Liv, my enimies call me Doc Ock.

Peter B: I got this run!

Peter shot a web towards the door control panel, opening the door for you to escape through.

Olivia: Who are you talking to?

Then you bot began to fly through the halls as you saw peter fighting olivia as he is gettinv slammed at the glass walls.

Peter: I got it!

Olivia: Oh you got it peter?

You began to fly through the halls as peter was using a ball to block the tentacles

Peter B: Everything is fine!

As you flew through the halls a girl saw you as peter was still fighting Doc Ock.

Peter b: Okay this is a little bit bad.

Olivia: Oh, your chatty!

Peter and Doc Ock continue fighting through offices and laboratories as he was still using the ball but it was popped

Peter B: And this is the moment that I'm losing the fight.

Then as you became visible you saw peter was sent to you guys as he got up and ran with you.

Peter: ok good news, *grabs the monitor.* we don't need the monitor.

He throws it away but was hit by a tentacle as she cameee out as you and (Y/N) 10 Changed back infront of her.

Olivia: Peter, you dind't tell me you had invisible friends. *to you* could you give that back to me young man?

Then you began to run from her but a webbing got you and yanked you away from her as you were pulled ghrough the hall with doc ock after you but the door closed on her face as you three ran and were now in a cafeteria full of security guard students.

Peter: good time to go alien?

(Y/N): the watch is recharging.

Peter: so your not gonna go alien. Selecting a bagel. Act super normal.

Then you three began to walk through the cafeteria as the guard students noticed you.

Guard: Spiderman?

Peter b: That's funny, i get that a lot.

(Y/N): Hey.

Then the guards brought out their weapons.

Peter B: Ok time for a switchy switchy.

He gave you the bagel as ge took the computer as you all ran

Guard: Get back here! Where do you think you're going?

Female guard: He took a bagel!

Then as you all ran scream covered your arms making them yellow as you threw the bagel at a guard hitting him in the face as you saw the edge.

Peter B: ok time to swing, just like I taught ya.

(Y/N): When did you teach me that?

Peter B: I didn't it's a joke team building. ready?

(Y/N): Of course I'm not ready.

Then he made your arm shoot yellow webbing as you and Peter B started to swing as (Y/N) !0 turned into jetray and flew off to the others as you screamed as you were swinging.

(Y/N): I can't do this yet!

Peter B: Everyone knows that the best way to learn is through life threating pressure.

as you were swinging you hit a tree and fell down and fell to the ground as you saw the guards as they were coming your way as you started to run knowing your watch was still charging. Peter saw you running as you were not swinging.

Peter: Why aren't you swinging?

(Y/N): I run better than I swing!

Peter B: You have to swing or they'll catch you! This is what you wanted isn't it?

Then you heard buzz saws as doc ock came cutting down trees as she came at you as you started to run away from her. 

Olivia: Come back, little boy!

Peter b started to swing by as he saw her chasing you.

Peter B: Aim with your hips. Look where you want it to hit. Square your shoulders.

Peter: Don't forget to follow through. Don't shoot off your back foot.

(Y/N): To many things!

Peter B: Then stop listening to us!

(Y/N): That's the best idea you ever had!

Then you leaped off of a tree as you shot a web as it connected to a tree as you started to swing away as Peter b kicked Doc ock away.

Peter: Great job (Y/N).

Then Peter B came to you as you both carried the computer as you both started to swing together.

Peter b: Ok Now release and thwip it out again. *thwips a web out* Thwip. *then he releases it* and release.

Then you started to copy the rhythm as you both started to swing good.

(Y/N): We're doing this!

Peter b: Yeah we're a little team. Me as the teacher who can still do it. You as the student who can do it just not as good. I'm proud of us! Is there something you want to say to me?

Then he started to glitch as he dropped the computer and fell to a thick branch as you saw him.

(Y/N): Peter!

Then you crashed into a tree as you fall on the branch peter b was on and you saw the computer fall and grabbed the computer by the cord but the branch you were on broke as you and peter b both fell down as Olivia grabbed the computer but then you and peter were now tangled in webs as a blur cam as doc ock saw and saw another spider man but was a girl.

Then she slinged to doc ock as she punched her and webbed her tentacles and slinged to her and kicked her in the face knocking her out as she caught the computer as you saw her as she took off her mask as you saw her face.

Gwen: Hey.

(Y/N): Who are you?

Gwen: I'm Gwen Stacy. I'm from another dimension. I mean, another, another dimension.

(Y/N): Okay, um I like your haircut.

then she blushed at that and shook it off as she looked at you.

Gwen: You don't get to like my haircut.

Then peter came.

Peter: We need to go now.

Gwen: Let's go!

Then they both swing away as you looked at them in confusion.

(Y/N): How many more spider people are there?

Peter B: Save it for Comic-Con.

Then he started to swing away.

(Y/N): What's Comic-Con?

Then a web grabbed you as you were pulled away and was being brought to the others.

Are there any others like Spiderman? Where are the pieces for the multigate? Find out on the next chapter. 

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