Max to the Max

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Here we see you and the others as the sun rises as max came to your tent and woke you up.

Max: (Y/N), let's get up.

(Y/N): Ok grandpa I'm up.

Then you and Enid got up and got to the others.

Fred: The gang and i are going to see Daniel's grandfather is cool if you come along?

Max: Well as much fun it would be but me and the others are gonna have to fix the tires on the rv. We'll see you guys tonight.

Fred: Ok just don't be too late.

Then the Scooby gang left as you and the others are at the Rustbucket with max as he was fixing the tires. As you were watching the view.

Kara: How about we go on a hike.

Jessica: But max said we need to fix the tires.

Kara: He didn't say anything about going on a hike did he?

(Y/N): I guess that's true.

KAra: let's go.

Then you and the girls went off for a hike as we see strike as he looked through his screen and summoned a villain.

Computer: Summoning villain.

Then we see a man with a chicken arm appear

Computer: Success.

Lord Boxman: Where am i?

Strike: I summoned you here to help with that annoying boy (Y/N) (L/N).

Lord Boxman: What's in it for me?

Strike: If you help, we'll have you and your company take over this world.

Lord Boxman: Deal.

After a while you and harem were walking as we see boxman from a distance as he had to robots with him.

Darrell: Why are we here dad?

Lord Boxman: It's simple son, While i was here i invented this. *holds up a ray gun* My 3D printer slash 3D copier. My replicator ray.

Darrell: Why would we need that for?

Lord Boxman: It's quite simple. You and Shannon will create a diversion making (Y/N) transform into his crystal alien.

We see a screen of Darrel and Shannon fighting the gang as we see you turn into diamondhead as boxman aimed his ray at him.

Lord Boxman: My ray will create one hundred mindless, 3D copies.

We see boxman use his rat on you as it made one hundred clones of you.

Darrell: Ain't that a bad idea dad?

Lord Boxman: Don't get ahead of me! Yeah i know facing of against a hundred aliens would seem like a bad idea, but my ray only copies the bodies not the Intellect. The more copies the dumber the subject and the easier to manipulate. Now don't interrupt me, you know i hate it when you interrupt me. Now where was i? Oh yes. My ray will create one hundred behavior 3D copies.

(Y/N)s: Duh!

We see boxman aim a beam of light at all of your copies heads.

Lord Boxman: Then I'll focus a beam of light through one hundred diamond heads.

We see as the beam became bigger and stronger as it made a laser that cute through the earth.

Lord Boxman: Creating the world's most powerful laser.

Shannon: Why would we need a laser.

Lord Boxman: Don't you see? With it we can use it to destroy any hero in our way. Now you two go now!

The two robots ran to do their job as we see you and the girls as we see Darrell and Shannon at a mountain near you as they fired a laser making a rock slide as you all saw the rocks as they were gonna crush two hikers then you used your watch and transformed

(Y/N): Blitzwolfer. Looks like I'll need more power for this.Then

Then you slapped your badge as you began to go ultimate as your body grew bigger then blitzwolfer was as your skin turned into a blue-grey tone, as your mane and tail grew longer as you now have a green shoulder plate on you as you are now in green shorts, as your claws grew longer and sharper, as the Ultimatrix symbol was on your belt as you have blades on your elbo as a scar of three scratches were on your chest.

(Y/N): Ultimate Blitzwolfer!

You then ran as you grabbed the hikers and got them to safety as you then looked at the boulders and then did a super sonic howl as it destroyed all the boulders as you smiled.

Max: Good job, (Y/N).

You turned to see max as he was there.

Max: I would be mad that you all snuck off, but seeing what you did for those hikers, i guess the tires can wait. What harm can happen by having a hike?

You looked at Kara as you both fist bumped as boxman wasn't happy that his plan didn't go the way he wanted.

Lord Boxman: Curses! It never occurred to me he would become that alien!

Darrell: But that would make a hundred of him.

Lord Boxman: Why yes, that would be a total of one hundred werewolves. Think of all the destruction they could accomplish? Gimme the ray gun. *Darrel gives him the ray gun and aims at you.* Two, four, six, eight. You are mine to replicate.

As he aimed at you you walked away as it aimiat max as a ray came and hit max as it made two of him.

Maxes: What?

Then it made them into four.

Maxes: Take a hike. One thing at a time. Fun in the sun!

Then they became eight copies.

Maxes: Whoo hoo!

Zee: Sounds like your grandpa is talking to himself.

She turned to see the maxes as she was shocked.

Zee: (Y/N)!

You turned to see the max clones.

(Y/N): What!?

Max clone: Pull finger. *chuckles.*

A max clone pulled his finger as he farts as they both laughed.

(Y/N): What is happening?

Jessica: Multiple Maxes, and they seem less intelligent.

Karen: who would do such a thing?

Lord Boxman: Noooooooo!!!!!!!!

Then you looked to see lord Boxman as he was screaming as his robots were there.

(Y/N): so their the culprits? Time to take out the trash!

But them many max clones grabbed you as they carried you away as your harem chased after them

Babs: Get back here!

Back with lord Boxman his device was recharging.

Lord Boxman: What do you mean "What kind of numbskull builds a device that takes time to recharge" ? Let's go after that monster, i don't wanna miss again.

Then the villains ran after you as we see many maxes causing trouble as they knocked down a sign as two.maxes were wearing underwear on their heads as two were being chased by a swarm of bees as your harem were on a tree as they lowered a branch for you to grabbed it and climbed up the tree.

Enid: This is bonkers!

(Y/N): Yeah, it's max-imum overload. We're max-ed out. It's max to the max. It's max to uhh... Max... Um.

Jessica: Done?

(Y/N): Hey, they were funny.

Zee: Well that sure isn't.

You looked at the damage the maxes caused as the girls got off from the tree.

Jessica: We'll find a way to crawl them up together. You grab one of those maxes to study.

(Y/N): You sure you don't wanna switch jobs? Cause it seems that i be better at that job. Fine. *you grab a max clone.* Grandpa copy talk.

Max clone: *laughs* Pull my finger.

(Y/N): What if i don't? * the max clone gave you a wet Willy* Ew!

With the girls they were trying to get them together but then babs pulled out a candy bar.

Babs: you want snacks? Come get it.

Maxes: Snacks! Snacks! Snacks!

They ran to the candy bar as they were eating it as the girls grabbed a rope and tied it around them but the maxes finished the snack.

Maxes: Done!

They tried to get out as the girls tried to keep them together.

Jessica: Quit squirming.

Kara: we could use some extra muscle right now.

With you the max copy was trying to make you pull his finger.

(Y/N): Sorry.

Max: Pull finger!

(Y/N): I'm currently busy.

Then the branch broke as you tried to grabbed something as you grabbed the clone's finger as he farted as you covered your nose and fell down.

(Y/N): okay... Less busy.

You then tied the rope holding them all together

(Y/N): Can't these maxes just relaxes?

Holiday: no looks like his mind is too scattered in all of those bodies.

Then we see boxman as he saw at a trailer as he had his ray.

Lord Boxman: There he is, in the perfect position for procurement.

Then you saw him.

(Y/N): I'll catch the bad guy. Gotta split.

You went after boxman as the maxes were squirming around.

Max clones: Pull my finger! Pull my finger!

Lord Boxman was aiming his ray at you.

Lord Boxman: Steady, steady. Wait what? * he sees your face in the scope. * something must be wrong with the scope he looks much too... * he sees you* Close!

As you tried to get him Shannon and Darrell tackled you making you fall as you grabbed the two robots.


Lord Boxman: The same thing I'm gonna do to you. Copy and stupefy.

He aimed his ray at you as he fired only for you to change back as you avoided the blast as it hit the maxes making more than before as they broke out of the rope.

Yang: Good duck (Y/N). But now we have more maxes.

You looked to see the robots coming to you but the maxes wanted them to pull their fingers.

Maxes: Pull Finger, pull finger, pull finger. Do it! Do it! Do it!

Darrell and Shannon grabbed their fingers as you covered your nose as the maxes farted as Shannon and Darrell both gaged at the smell and then the maxes started to pat them as they coughed as you got up.

(Y/N): Man, those maxes are almost as good as stinkfly.

Then you dodged a ray coming at you as you saw Lord Boxman coming at you as you ran from him.

Lord Boxman: Run if you want, there's no escaping my copy ray. I'll copy a whole army to catch you, and copy the yous to catch armies. I'll copy the whole world to...

then he tripped on a max clone's leg as he fell and his ray broke as you went to the others.

(Y/N): Did you guys hear him, he said that the more copies you make the dumber they get.

Jessica: Maybe if we find a way to cut the copies we can boost real max up to 100 percent.

Babs: But how.

then you saw a clone on a tree.

Max clone: Cannonball!

he jumped down as he landed on two max clones as they became red dust as some of the clones started to become a bit smart.

Max #1: Chore?

Max#2: Focus?

Zee: Well, question asked, question answered.

(Y/N): So we pummel them to dust until the real deal is left.

Then you and ben transformed into shock rock but ben's was different.

(Your transformation)

(Ben's transformation)

(Here is ben's shock rock form.)

(Y/N): Ben we're both shock rock.

Ben: Wow, now let's go take out some clones.

Then you and the others went out and took out clones as you and ben used shock energy blasts at the clones as kara punched them as zee used her magic at the clones then you and the others chased two last clones.

(Y/N): Alright grandpas, it's down to just you two. So who's the real deal?

The clones looked at each other and then had an idea.

Max clones: I know! I know! I'll help. I'll get the last one with this.

They both grabbed a stick and got ready to whack each other.

Jessica: Should we try to stop them?

Maxs: I'll help! I'll help! I'll help! I'll help!

Then they both hit each other with their sticks ad we see a dust cloud as we see max holding a stick.

(Y/N) and Ben: Grandpa!

Then you and ben ran to him and hugged him as we see Boxman and his robots.

Lord Boxman: They may have destroyed my duplicates, broken my ray. We'll have to get them later.

Then they left as you all were fixing the tires on the rv as we see grandpa max.

(Y/N): Well I'm glad that your back.

Max: And let's be sure to finish up so we can see the others tonight. And I'm glad to being the one OG myself.

Kara: What?

Max: The original grandpa.

Jessica: Are you sure we got all the copies?

Somewhere else we see a clone as he was walking nut fell down a cliff as he became dust.

What else will happen and what aliens will be in store in the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix? find out next time, and I'll see ya all later alligators.

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