Meeting Enid's parents

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At Your place we see you with Enid as you looked at her.

(Y/N): Hey Enid, what are your parents like?

Enid: You don’t want to know. So don’t ask about them!

(Y/N): I was just curious I mean we are dating since you know my parents I thought I could get to know yours.

Enid: Well my parents are... Different.

(Y/N): Different?

Enid: Look i got to head home, I'll see ya around.

She then vanished in a ninja smoke as you were curious As we later see you and the others following Enid.

Garth: Why are we doing this again?

(Y/N): She won’t tell me about her parents so I’m finding out myself!

Hal: I bet her parents are ninjas since your dating one.

(Y/N): That’s actually a good idea Hal! See even you have good ideas every once in a while.

Then we see her walk up to a spooky house

Shaggy: Like, that’s her house? It reminds me of a school me and Scoob used to teach at.

Then you looked in the window as you and the others saw a bat as it transformed into a woman.

Hal: Enid's mom is... A hot vampire?

Then we see a purple werewolf walk to the Woman and kisses her.

Garth: And her dad is a werewolf?

Hal: Enid's parents are ninjas and monsters?

(Y/N): I don't think they’re ninjas. But why would Enid keep this from me?

Then Enid appeared at the window.

Enid: Cause It's none of your business you goons!

(Y/N): Enid? Why didn't you tell me about this?

Enid: My family is embarrassing and i like to keep my private life private. You guys need to leave and-I

Wihamena: Enid! You have guests. Please join us for dinner.

you looked at enid as she had a look on her Face that says "Don't say yes!"

(Y/N): We love to stay for dinner.

Then you all were brought inside as Enid's father was leading you in.

Wilhamena: Welcome, welcome. Don't be shy.

Bernard: Looks like we caught ourselves some trespassers Huh Wil?

Wilhamena: That’s right. It has been a while since I had a soul to snack on!

(Y/N): And nope! Bye!

But then Bernard and Wilhamena began to laugh.

Bernard: Oh we're just messing with ya.

(Y/N): Oh. Ok.

Bernard: Oh where are our manners? We should introduce ourselves. I'm Bernard.

Wilhamena: And I'm Wilhamena.

Bernard and Wilhamena: We're Enid's parenst.

Ben: I don’t mean to be rude but I don’t see the resemblance.

Garth then saw two little boys that looked like frankenstein and the headless horseman as kids.

Garth: Who are they

Wilhamena: That's Boris and Icky Enid's little brothers. Oh, and Enid you have a visitor.

Enid: Visitor? Who would that be?

Bernard: From your old ghoul school.

Shaggy: Ghoul School? Like, I used to teach gym there! So which one is it? Phantie, Elsa, Winnie, or is it little Tanis?

Wilhamena: It's Sibella.

(Y/N): Enid, you went to school with Dracula’s daughter?! That’s so cool!

Enid: Yeah it was when i was trying to be a witch.

???: Now is that any way to talk about your fang-tastic best friend?

Then you looked to see was it an absolutely gorgeous vampire with bright purple hair and vivid green eyes.

Shaggy: My goodness Sibella it’s incredible to see you again!

Sibella: It’s nice to see you to Coach! *hugs Shaggy tightly*

Bernard: *sniffs the air* Oh no dinner's burning! Wilhamena why don't you give our guests a tour?

Wilhamena: Yes a tour sounds lovely.

Hal: Uh do you have any skeletons in the closet?

Wilhamena: We do but we don't like to talk about it.

Garth: Is there ghosts in the basement?

Wilhamena: Yes but they're very annoying.

Shaggy: Have you tried the boo brothers to get rid of them?

(Y/N): Anyway you’re also making human food for some of us?

Wilhamena: Of course.

Sibella: So Enid what have you been up to since we last saw each other and who is that handsome boy talking to your mom?

Enid: Well I now work at a hero bodega and that's (Y/N) he's my boyfriend.

Sibella: Afraid I might snatch him for myself?

Enid: No, the thing is, he has a harem.

Sibella: Oh, does he now? Then you wouldn’t mind if I introduced myself? I promise I won’t try to drink his blood.

Then bernard came.

Bernard: Supper's ready *bangs a gong*

Then we all see you at the table.

Bernard: Enid you never had this much friends over since your little pal Elodie.

Enid: What are you saying?

Bernard: I'm saying who are we gonna show this photo book to?

He pulled out a photo book as you looked at it as it opened up to reveal enid when she was little.

(Y/N): Oh this is going to be fun! May I see it please?

Enid: No! You don't need to see it! *tries to cover your face.*

Wilhamena: Of course. *shows a photo of baby enid with a wand* this is enid's first wand *shows enid crashed into a tree* her first broom ride. *shows a photo of enid dressed up in a pizza costume* And here is where she dressed up as a pizza for no reason this one moves

You saw the photo move as it showed young enid running around silly in that costume and you saw a photo of enid right now as she had an angry look on her face.

Bernard: And here she is right now.

You looked to see Enid with the same look like  the photo.

(Y/N): Are you going to kill me now? Please say no.

Enid: No, it's just like i said my family is embarrassing and i would never kill my handsome man.

(Y/N): Thank goodness.

Wilhamena: Enid is there something you want to tell us about that boy you’re with?

Enid: Mom, Dad this is (Y/N) he's… my boyfriend.

(Y/N): Hi, I can see where Enid gets her good looks from.

Wilhamena: Oh can you tell us about yourself?

(Y/N): Yeah, I live in a town called metropolis and I help people as a hero.

Bernard: Really now? Tell us do you have any special skills or equipment?

(Y/N): Yeah, I have a watch that can let me turn into super awesome aliens and i have an arsenal of weaponry.

Wilhamena: Can you show us a few of your aliens and weapons?

(Y/N): Sure *summons the demon sword (Y/N)* this is my sword. *transforms into Darkfall* And this alien is something I like to call Darkfall.

Bernard: I heard of a flaming skeleton in Metropolis a while back was that you?

(Y/N): Yeah, and the flaming skeleton you’re talking about is an alien called Armageddon.

Keith: Yeah, but I call mine Apocalypse

Sibella: Can we see them?

Then you and Keith transformed into Armageddon and Apocalypse.

(Y/N): This is Armageddon.

Keith: And this is Apocalypse.

Wilhamena: And what were you called?

(Y/N): (Y/N) 10.

Bernard: Were you called that because you can only turn into ten aliens?

(Y/N): It used to be ten aliens but now it's more like 100 right now i think.

Ben: Try over one million!

(Y/N): That too.

Wilhamena: (Y/N) how did you meet our daughter?

(Y/N): Well, it started when me, Ben, Enid. K.O. and a few friends of ours were summoned to another dimension by a villain called strike and when we beat him some of my friends decided to come with me and by the time Enid became interested in me and she told me her feelings by being my secret admirer and that's pretty much it.

Barry: But I'm still a bit curious how is that Enid is in a family of monsters?

(Y/N): Hey yeah, Enid why is your family monsters? I’m not being rude or racist I’m just being curious.

Enid: Well in my family I am a witch and a ninja

Wilhamena: And she's our winja.

Enid: Mom!!!

Kara: What does winja mean?

Zee then leaned to Kara and whispered in her ear.

Zee: Witch ninja.

Kara: Oh.

(Y/N): well these are other friends of mine and I even helped a friend who was misguided.

Wilhamena: Who?

(Y/N): Tatsu, she came to Metropolis to punish villains by taking their souls with a sword called soul taker, because she thought that punishing villains is what heroes do.

Tatsu: He is right I believed what I was doing was right. And when i met your friends and daughter i tried… to take their souls.

Wilhamena: You tried taking my daughter's soul?!?! But why?!

(Y/N): Whoa, hey let her explain!

Tatsu: I thought that they were villains, but what (Y/N) and Diana did inspired me. I almost took the soul of an innocent man because I thought he was a thief but they both did not punish they protected that was true heroism, It inspired me to free all the souls that I have taken.

Wilhamena: But what are you doing now?

Tatsu: I am planning to recapture all the criminals I freed, but I will do it the right way. Not as an executioner, but as a hero. And to my friends, I apologize for taking your souls and mistaken you all for villains.

Ben: Well, apology accepted.

(Y/N): Tatsu it's ok you just thought you were doing the right thing.

Enid: Yeah no hard feelings.

Sibella: By the way, (Y/N) can I ask you a question in private?

(Y/N): Sure.

You followed Sibella as you were led outside.

(Y/N): So what is you wanted to ask me?

Sibella: I wanted to ask what your intentions are for my friend.

(Y/N): My intentions? What do you mean?

Sibella: I mean, what are your plans for a future with her and if I can be a part of that future.

(Y/N): Oh that well i want to make sure that Enid is happy and that her dreams would come true and yes you can be a part of it.

Sibella: I’m glad to hear it. Thank you for treating her right.

(Y/N): Your welcome I treat everyone right.

Sibella: Would you do the same for me?

(Y/N): Well yeah. But why are you asking that?

Sibella: I was wondering if I could join my friend and be with you?

(Y/N): You want to be in my harem?

Sibella: Yes I do.

(Y/N): But why?

Sibella: It's because I really love you.

Then Sibella grabbed your cheeks and kissed you as it became a make out session.

(Y/N): Should I be concerned about dating a vampire? You aren’t going to suck my blood are you?

Sibella: Of course not.

Then sibella saw a little red ball as it unfolded itself as it looked like a dragon.

Leonidas: Where am I?

(Y/N): Leonidas? What are you doing here?

Leonida: I was inside your pocket.

(Y/N): Sorry. I forgot you were in there.

Sibella: Who is that?

Leonidas: My name is Leonidas.

(Y/N): Yeah he's my partner.

Leonidas: It is true I became his partner, in this world I will only unleash my true power in these bakugan games.

(Y/N): He said the same thing the day we met so i took it as a yes

Then you saw your friends came in.

Garth: Where have you been? *sees Leonidas* and what's that?

(Y/N): That's Leonidas.

Barry: Hey Leonidas, it's nice to meet you. I'm Barry Alan.

Leonidas: Hphm!

Hal: Not much of a talker.

(Y/N): He's new to earth so I don't think he's used to humans yet.

Sibella: And to answer your question Garth I just simply wanted to get to know (Y/N) a little better.

Garth: Oh that makes sense.

(Y/N): So what did I miss?

Sibella: Oh nothing sweetie! *kisses your cheek*

Enid: Ok, when did this happen?!

(Y/N): i say moments ago. Before you guys came in.

Garnet: What say we all get some sleep it’s getting pretty late and it looks like it’s a full moon out tonight.

Bernard: Wait, did she say full moon?!

(Y/N): Uh yeah, why is that bad?

Wilhamena: Yeah, it kind of is.

Then we see Bernard as he was now engulfed in the moonlight as we see him on the ground as a human as he was on his knees.

Bernard: I'M HIDEOUS!

Wilhamena: So what if you are?

Then we see bernard crying as Wilhamena came to him and placed a bag On his head.

Wilhamena: It's ok baby. I still love you. We'll just wait it out.

(Y/N): So he turns into a human under a full moon? Can’t say I’ve never seen that before.

Wilhamena and Bernard: We can see Enid picked the guy to give us grandkids with.

Enid: Mom! Dad!

Wilhamena and Bernard: We’re kidding! At least for right now.

To be continued! Well guys we hoped you like this special because next time could very well be the best special we’ve ever made! MORTAL KOMBAT!!! is next. See you guys next time!

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