meeting old friends and the truth of (Y/N)'s Omnitrix

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Here we see you and your girlfriends as you were at the town as you all were taking a walk but at a distance we see an alien hunter as he has two alien dogs with him.

As they had on red collars with spikes on them as he put on two badge like devices like the Omnitrix on their collars.

Then the two dogs started to run at you and your girlfriends as the gills from Khyber's Lower jaw let out a whistle as the two dogs began to transform the first dog transformed into a crab like alien made of stone with six legs as the second one transformed into a trex like creature as it has six arms with two fingers on each hand as it has four legs with two toes.

They started to charge at you as they let out a roar which caught your attention as you and your girls dodged them as your girlfriends got i their hero outfits as you transformed into grey matter and then went omni enhanced.

(Y/N): Ah, finally some brawn to go with my brains.

You saw crabdozer coming at you as you dodged it as tyrannopede came at you but Kara grabbed it by the tail as you saw but tyrannopede swung its tail making Kara hold on to it tight as she started to swing him around and then crabdozer came at Babs but Jessica used her ring and made chains and held him in place as he bit them off and then tried to bit Jessica but Diana used her lasso and caught crabdozer by the horn and pulled it making crabdozer go to the ground as you changed into shock rock the you heard a voice telling you what to do then you made a sword and charged at the two aliens as you slashed your sword at them as you made a blast at them as it made them crash into a building. As they got up they heard a whistle and they retreated.

Kara: Yeah! you better run!

The two creatures went back to Khyber as they both changed back as they both looked back and growled.

Khyber: So it is true (Y/N) (L/N) is worthy prey.

Back with you you changed back as you and your girlfriends were wondering what happened.

Kara: What just happened?

Diana: What were those beasts?

(Y/N): Ben told me about those aliens their called crabdozer and Tyrannopede. Their predator aliens.

Jessica: predators?

(Y/N): Yeah crabdozer hunts heatblast as tyrannopede hunts humumgosaur.

Karen: those seem very dangerous.

(Y/N): well what was weird was when i was shock rock i heard a voice in my head as it told me to make something.

Diana: who told you to do that?

(Y/N): I don't know but i not sure if it was friendly.

Then your phone rang as you answered it.

(Y/N): Hello?

Ben: Hey (Y/N) you might wanna come to the plumber base.

(Y/N): Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Babs: Who was it?

(Y/N): It was ben. He wanted me to head to plumbers base.

Kara: we're going with you.

You all were now at the plumber base you then saw a kineceleran hybrid and a male tetramand hybrid.

(Y/N): Helen, Manny.

Helen: (Y/N)! It's good to see you again!

Manny however frowned at you as he was not happy seeing you. Then you turned to see a boy with black skin wearing an orange hoodie and jeans.

(Y/N): Alan. How ya been?

Alan: doing good. See you been doing great yourself.

(Y/N): Thank you.

Max: Glad you made it.

You turned to see your grandfather.

(Y/N): grandpa why am i here?

Max: Cause someone is here to see you.

You looked as you saw an old Galvan as he was looking at you.

(Y/N): who is this?

Max: That is Azmuth.

(Y/N): wait you mean the Azmuth? Thhe inventor of the Omnitrix?

Azmuth: yes. You must be (Y/N). *he sees your Omnitrix* and i see you have your cousin's Omnitrix.

(Y/N): Wait you mean that...

Azmuth: Yes. The Omnitrix you have is meant for your cousin Ben Tennyson. This Omnitrix is an updated version the trans last longer than, it let's the user ultimize the aliens and let's the user omni enhanced some of the aliens. It was sent to Ben's location until you came along and obtain it.

You were now shocked knowing the truth about your Omnitrix.

(Y/N): So I got the Omnitrix by mistake?

Max: I'm afraid so. And Azmuth told us that you have to give ben you Omnitrix.

You were now upset as you left to another part of the base as your girlfriends followed you.

(Y/N): It's not fair! I can't believe i have to hand over my Omnitrix to Ben! It's gonna be like before i even go it. Did you know i was six when my aunt and uncle had ben when he was four? I used to babysit him back at Bellwood.

Babs: really? I mean wow that's tough giving up your Omnitrix.

(Y/N): It's just not fair. I have the same watch like ben, i have the same power like ben, we both even have the same backstory on how we got our watches.And

Jessica: are you alright?

(Y/N): sorry i just need to be alone for a while.

You went to a teleporter as you were now back at earth as it was now night time as you were were now walking alone then you saw fire appearing as a motorcycle came out from it. As you saw it looked demonic as it's tires were on fire.

(Y/N): A motorcycle?

You saw the bike drive itself as it came to you as you saw that it wanted you to get on it as you got on it the bike drove off leaving a trail of fire from it's tires. As you drove of at fast speeds you were now at a warehouse as you were now sent flying off of the bike as you hit the ground then you watch started beeping as you looked as the dial was on an alien that's face was a skull on fire. Then your watch activated itself as you started to transform but different

Your eyes started to smoke as your body started to burn as your feet were now on fire as your body started smoking then you started to scream as a fire was in your eyes then you started to laugh as your flesh started to burn as your started to transform as you flesh was now burning off as your bones were seen as you continued to scream and laugh as you were now a flaming skeleton as your clothes were now black pants, black boots, you now are wearing a black jacket as your pants and jacket sleeves have blood red flames on them as the Omnitrix symbol was on your left shoulder.

You walked out of the warehouse as you saw a man as it was Blackheart.

Blackheart: Looking for someone?

(Y/N): Back to Hell.

Blackheart: we're not gonna have a meaningful conversation now are we?

(Y/N): Your going down!

Blackheart: i don't think so.

Suddenly a man appeared from wind.

He came at you and threw you as you were now hanging on a chain by the neck as your fire went out blackheart started to laugh then your fire came back as you pulled the chains off and you now held them as you walked to blackheart but your foot was being held by another person as he was in the form of water from a puddle as he was holding your foot.

As you tried to get him off a truck came as it hit you to a wall as another man came out.

Gressil: He ain't so tough.

As he got out of the truck he started to walk to the others but he felt a hand.

(Y/N): Hey Dirtbag.

He turned to see you as you punched him in the face with your fist as you had the chains on them he was sent to the ground and he saw you as you set your chains on fire.

Grissel: Have mercy.

(Y/N): Sorry, all out of mercy.

Your started to swing your chain as he tried to get away but you wrapped your chains around him as it was burning him as he screamed in pain

gressil HELP ME!

the others were gone as he was now being burnt as his body was turned to stone you pulled your chains off breaking the statue as you wrapped the chains around you then you whistled as the motorcycle from earlier came driving it's way to you as you got on and drove away. Meanwhile we see Keith as he was at the streets then his watch beeped as it showed an alien he hadn't seen then the watch activated itself as he transform. His body was being engulfed in flames as he laughed and screamed as his flesh was melting off of him as his skeleton was seen he was now a skeleton as his skull had spikes on his head his teeth was sharp, his outfit looked demonic as he had chains made of bones on his arms and chest as his AntiTrix badge was on his chest as he had on a jacket with spikes on it, pants boots with spikes on them.

Then as he got up he looked at himself.

Keith: cool I'll call him Apocalypse.

Then fire came as a motorcycle came out from it and it was a more demonic one.

Keith: wow, now this is more my style.

He drove off as his laughter was heard. Meanwhile with you you were driving but you heard a scream as you turned to see a girl as a thug had her pinned to a wall.

Charmcaster: Let me go!

Thug: gimme your bag.

Then they heard you scream as they both turned to see you as you jumped down.

(Y/N): You... *Points at the thug* Guilty.

You moved your head to the left signalling Charmcaster to leave as she took your advice and left as you walked to the thug and grabbed him and held him up.

(Y/N): Look into my eyes...

He tried to stab you with his knife on the your back as he pulled it out he saw the blade had melted.

(Y/N): Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent...

The thug started to get scared.

(Y/N): Feel their pain...

The thug began to scream as your eyes were swirling fire as memories of him doing crimes, hurting people were seen in the fire as his eyes were now charcoal as you dropped him and drove off as Charmcaster saw you drove off and wonder who were you as she also thought that you saved her life. As you were driving you remembered Blackheart.

(Y/N): soon he'll feel the wrath of Armageddon.

You began to laugh as you drove away into the streets.

What will happen next? Will (Y/N) be able to keep Armageddon a secret from the others will he be able to take on Keith's new alien? Find out next time. And i hope that you liked it that i introduced Charmcaster into the story or should i say Hope. Well be sure to check for a new chapter soon. This is dimitron75 saying enjoy. PEACE! ✌

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