Ninjas in Metropolis.

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In metropolis we see you walking through the streets and then you noticed a figure in the alleyway as you went to see what it was but to see it was gone and the only thing you found was a piece of fur.

(Y/N): Cheetah fur? How did this get here?

While you looked at it at the top of the building was a vile of strange glowing ooze as a bird flew by and knocked into it making it fall and hit you with it as it broke covering you in the ooze. Then your body began to change as fur grew on your body, your teeth started to become sharp and your grew cheetah fangs, as you grew a tail, and your skin became cheetah fur and your hair became yellow and your eyes became orange.

Then you rubbed your head and saw your ultimatrix was melted on your wrist. 

(Y/N): what the?

Then you noticed that your arm had yellow fur and black spots then you saw a puddle of water as you looked in it and saw your reflection.

(Y/N): woah I look like Cheetah. This is awesome! I gotta go tell the others but i'll let it be a surprise.

Then you ran off at fast speeds as you then stopped as you were now in the junkyard.

(Y/N): Whoa, these cheetah legs are very fast. Awesome now I know how cheetah feels about this. This is amazing. *you grabbed your phone and called the girls.* hey girls I need you and the others at the junkyard I got something to show you.

Jessica:*on phone*  show us what?

(Y/N): It's a surprise. I'll show you all when you all get here.

Jessica: *on phone* Ok. *Hangs up* hey girls (Y/N) has something to show us.

Zee: What is it?

Jessica: He said it's a surprise.

Kara: Guess we'll just see what it is.

Later we see all the others at the junkyard as you were wearing a cloak to cover yourself.

Kara: Ok so what's this big surprise you have?

(Y/N): ok but this may be a bit of a shock so don't freak out ok?

Kara: (Y/N) I'm an alien so freaking is the least of my worries now c'mon show us.

(Y/N): Ok, prepare yourselves for a shock.

Then you removed the cloak as you showed the others your new look

Diana: great Hera!

Babs: woah!

Jessica: Dios Miho!

Zee and Karen: holy moly

Angel dust: dude!

Charlie: woah holy moly!

Karen: woah!

Steel: (Y/N)?!

Peni: (Y/N) is that you?

Vaggie: What happened to you?

(Y/N): *sarcastically* No I'm just a figment of your imagination. *seriously* Of course it's me!

Scanty: my goodness, how did this happen?

(Y/N): I dunno one minute I'm walking down the street, found some cheetah fur and this weird ooze fell from the sky.

Kneesocks: ooze?

(Y/N): yeah it was some kind of mutagen but I didn't know what it was.

Jessica: how do you feel now?

(Y/N): Still kinda the same.

Then you noticed a mouse as you looked at it.

(Y/N): I want that mouse!

You then chased after it as it ran away with the others on your trail.

(Y/N): I don't know what's coming over me, but i'm not losing a game of cat and mouse to a mouse.

Then you leaped into the air only for you to be in a green cage made by jessica.

Jessica: Bad kitty! You don't chase mice.

(Y/N): But i want it!

Jessica: No, now get ahold of yourself. Or no tuna for you.

(Y/N): No! Not the tuna! Fine..

Jessica: That's better.

Then she let you out of the cage.

(Y/N): thanks. 

Diana: oh so adorable!

Diana then caught you in a hug and snuggled against your cheek.

Diana: *while hugging* You are the most adorable killer kitten ever! Oh yes you are, yes you are.

(Y/N): *while being hugged by Diana* D-D-Diana. Your squeezing me to much.

Then Diana let you go and you got up.

Diana: My apologies (Y/N) you just look adorable.

(Y/N): It's ok.

You then sensed something, or someone's watching you and the others from afar you turned around to see they were gone.

(Y/N): *turns around to see nothing* what the, well that was weird.

Jessica: I swear if you saw another mouse.

(Y/N): no, no it wasn't another mouse I just felt like... someone or something is watching us.

Karen: who could be watching us? 

(Y/N): I don't know but just to be safe everyone be on guard we don't know who or what they are so just proceed with caution.

Scanty and kneesocks: understood.

Then you're cheetah ears twitched as you looked in a direction and saw nothing was there.

(Y/N): I could have sworn something was there.

Then you and the others were now at your home as you were sleeping like a real cat as zee was messing around with a laser pointer then you noticed the dot. Then you tried to catch it as Zee then pointed it at a closet door and then you smashed the door.

Steel: The closet!

Then he took the laser pointer from zee and pointed it at the couch as you went after the dot and tore up the couch.

Peni: Our couch!

Then kara took the laser pointer and pointed it at a picture of Jessica as you slashed at the photo.

Jessica: Hey! You did that on purpose!

Kara: Whoops sorry.

Peni: Gimme that!

Peni took the laser pointer from Kara and turned it off.

(Y/N): hey where did the dot go? *Sees the mess* and what the heck happened here?

Jessica: you were trying to chase a red dot and certain people made you do this mess.

Enid: He kinda reminds me of us when we were wereanimals.

Jessica: really which one were you?

Enid: A bunny.

Kara: *Snickers silently* a bunny? Seriously.

(Y/N): Says the one who secretly likes bunnies.

Kara: hey you know bunnies are my one weakness.

Babs: I thought kryptonite was your weakness.

Karen: What animal were you rad?

Rad: Mine was something totally macho. cool awesome and rad.

Enid: you were werecat.

Peni: A werecat?

Steel: like a werewolf but replace it with a cat

Rad: Probably because I was so… clean. a cool cat.

Zee: but which animal was K.O.?

K.O: I was a puppy.

Then you felt someone or something watching you again you turned around to the window to see it was nothing again.

(Y/N): what the? Okay who is watching us?

Jessica: maybe your just paranoid there is no one watching us other than people in their apartments

(Y/N): I know what I sensed but don't who or what it was. 

Zee: maybe your just seeing things.

(Y/N): hmm maybe… but I can't shake the feeling that were being watched.

Meanwhile we see four shadows in the distance with each of the wearing bandanas one orange, one blue, one purple, and one red.

???(Raph): So we have another mutant to take care of.

???(donnie): Didn't you see how the watch on his wrist merged with his arm?

???(Mikey): I know a good name we can call him.

???(Raph): don't say cat o clock. 

???(Mikey): I was gonna call him-

???(Leo): Let me guess you were gonna call him cat-clock?

???(Mikey): No i was gonna say-

???(Raph): oh who cares what his name is if we don't take him down then new york is in for some trouble. fast trouble.

???(Mikey): He is fast and can slash things. Speed slasher.

???(Donnie): Speed slasher?

???(Mikey): yeah cause he's fast and he-

???(Leo): we get it.

???(Mikey): so how do we catch him?

???(leo): Donnie what do cheetahs eat?

???(Raph): Why are you even asking?

???(leo): Splinter told us any animal can be lured by food. So donnie do you know what cheetahs eat?

Donnie: well cats do like small prey and aquatic animals like fish, sardines, tuna, rats, mice, and dairy products like milk. For cheetahs they eat gazelles, Hares, Guineafowls, and Impalas.

Raph: and where are we supposed to get gazelles hares and whatever those last two were?

Mikey: What are we gonna do dress one of us up as a gazelle?

Then the others looked at mikey as we later see him dressed up as a gazelle.

Mikey: I feel like bait.

Raph: No, think of this as your superhero costume.

Mikey: Gazurtle! Ga-zur-tle.

Leo: perfect now just act natural and we'll wait for the mutant cheetah.

???(Y/N): I still don't understand why we have to find that ooze bottle that fell on me.

Donnie: Ok places.

The other three turtles went stealth while Mikey played his part.

Mikey: Yoo-hoo! Mr cheetah!

???(steel): who is that?

???(peni): or what is that?

???(Y/N): looks like a gazelle. But aren't gazelles in Australia?

Mikey: The names Gazurtle.

???(Y/N): Gazurtle? What kind of name is that?

Leo: Now!

You then sensed the other three and everything went slow and you jumped up in the air making the other three turtles crash into each other.

Raph: He's fast.

Donnie: Well cheetahs are the fastest land mammal on earth-

Raph: enough with the biology lesson let's just get him.

Then he charged at you as you dodged his hits with your speed.

Raph: Hold still you stupid cat!

(Y/N): oh please you couldn't hit a fly with those salad tongs.

Then mikey jumped from behind.

Mikey: Think fast!

You then back flipped dodging Mikey 

Mikey: you thought too fast.

Then you grabbed mikey and threw him at a building which was a cheetah preserve. Then he was sent crashing in as people saw him.

Mikey: Everybody run! There's a crazy cheetah monster who's trying to kill us.

The you showed up

(Y/N): Hey, I resent that.

Then all the people then ran out scared leaving you and mikey confused.

Mikey: Was it something we said?

(Y/N): don't know don't care.

Mikey: where are we anyway.

Then you saw cheetahs as you realized where you both were.

(Y/N): woah this place must be a cheetah preserve well i'll leave you play with the kittens see ya

With Raph he was looking for you.

Raph: Here kitty, kitty.

(Y/N): Oh look it's mr. salad tongs again.

Raph: Will you hold still your making me so mad that I can't think of any cat puns.

(Y/N): oh it's not me you have to worry about it's her you should be worried about.

Raph: her?

Then out of nowhere Kara shows up and decks Raph in the face.

Kara: Get away from our boyfriend.

With Leo he was hiding as he planned to strike you from behind but he noticed your melted ultimatrix.

Leo: Everyone stop.

And the other turtles stopped.

Raph: Why?

Leo: I think that mutant is (Y/N).

(Y/N): how do you know my name? *Realizes* wait a sec your The muties that were stalking me were you?

Donnie: Actually we met way before that when we helped you save the multiverse.

(Y/N): oh yeah. Slipped my mind there. so what are doing here metropolis?

Leo: We thought you were a threat.

Diana: *points a sword at leo* how dare you accuse my love of being a threat!

Leo: I meant we didn't recognize him because he's now mutated.

(Y/N): easy D put the sword away and yeah I know this is kind of a shock ever since that blue juice fell from the sky and I touched that cheetah fur. No idea where it came from though.

Donnie: Blue juice? That's mutagen..

(Y/N): Mutagen?

Donnie: It's that ooze that made you into what you are now.

Leo: But how can there be mutagen here?

Then your ears twitched as you heard a van drive by and ran at fast speed and tacked it down making it crash. Then the back opened up revealing more canisters of mutagen.

Jessica: it's the-

Leo: mutagen.

Mikey: Let's drink some.

(Y/N): why would you do that?

Mikey: Cause if you mutate a mutant, you get a super mutant.

(Y/N): *leans towards Raph and whispers* was he dropped on his head or is he always like this?

Raph: He's always like this.

Donnie: Or a pile of goo on the sidewalk.

Raph: Either way it's an improvement.

(Y/N): Now for some answers.

You opened the door and grabbed the driver.

(Y/N): who are you and why do you have that mutagen?

Rob: name's Rob, and I got nothing to say to you hideous freaks.

(Y/N): *mocking* ouch ooh such an insult. Let me know when you think of something better to call me you sack of poorly package horse dung.

Raph: That's because you don't know us.

Then donnie and mikey grabbed rob as Raph grabbed a vile of mutagen.

Rob: What are you doing?

(Y/N): were gonna play a little game.

Raph: It's called mutation roulete. You could turn up handsome like me, or you could end up disgusting and deformed like mikey here.

Mikey: hey!

(Y/N): so you feeling lucky?

Then Raph slowly leans the canister to him as rob looked worried as it almost touched him.

Rob: Alright, alright i'll talk! It's for some guys called the Kraang.

(Y/N): Kraang?

Mikey: There a bunch of alien brains in robot suits we fight.

Jessica: why do they need this stuff?

Rob: I don't know.

You showed him the mutagen.

Rob: *scared* All i know that there taking it out of the city at a building, but i don't know where their going!

(Y/N): Donnie can you locate them?

Donnie: Yeah.

(Y/N): ok *you see rob was gone.* Where did he go.

Then you saw him running away as you ran but you knew he was hiding and decided to play a trick on him.

(Y/N): Oh dang he got away. I know well drive his van to the building the kraang will think we're him and we'll cruise right in.

Raph: your kidding right?

(Y/N): *Whispers* just play along.

Leo: *realizes* oh. Right if we use his van they won't know what's coming their way.

Raph: And then we bust some heads?

Leo: we bust some heads.

(Y/N): Yup.

Raph: I like a happy ending.

Jessica: me too. So what's the plan.

Leo: We're gonna use rob's van and the kraang will think we're him.

Steel: awesome.

Peni: so where do you guys live?

Mikey: In new york in a sewer.

Peni: oh gross.

Raph: hey it's so bad kid you'll see.

We then see you the others and the turtles at a sewer lid.

(Y/N): your kidding right?

Donnie: No, but when we get in you explain the plan.

Jessica: Why did it have to be a sewer?

Peni: so nasty.

(Y/N): well beggers can't be choosers let's go.

Jessica: I am not going in there.

(Y/N): oh come on Jess you faced worse and If you can face any villains we saw in the past few months then you can face the sewers.

Jessica: nope, I'm not going in there

Zee: me either.

(Y/N): then you two leave me no choice.

Then you grabbed them as the lid was opened and jumped inside it

Jessica and zee: hey let us go.

(Y/N): Nope we're doing this whether you like it or not. And besides Jessica can find a lot of recyclables here that people flushed down here.

Jessica: you do make valid point.

Then we see you all going through the sewer as you all then saw a lair.

Kara: woah not bad.

Zee: looks...okay

Charlie: looks homey

Vaggie: not bad-ish.

Raph: Ok kid what's the plan.

Then you gathered everyone together as you explained the plan. Later at a building we see Rob and many men in suits with blasters.

Kraang: Kraang will inform kraang of the ones coming to this place. *to kraang* Do you have the knowledge kraang that those coming to this place are near this place.

Rob: Their heroes call them heroes! Are the heroes here.

Then a kraang noticed lights coming from a van.

Kraang: Kraang see lights from a vehicle which contains those you wish for us to call "the heroes" coming to this place that you wish for us to call here.

Rob: What?

Then he saw the van he drove in as it was driving fast as they fired at it but saw it was heading to them as they got out of the way as rob landed to the ground as a frog passed by and jumped on him and he got it off of him as a canister of mutagen fell on him mutating him into a frog turning his skin green and legs into frog legs and feet and eyes into frog eyes. Later the Kraang looked into the van and saw that no one was driving it as you and the others sneaked in.

Mikey: Good thing that van was there to distract them.

Leo: That was the plan mikey, (Y/N) knew rob was hiding so he planned to lure him into a false sense of security.

Mikey: What?

(Y/N): I made him think that we were all in the van.

Mikey: but we weren't in it.

Jessica: that was the point. We made him think we were in the van.

(Y/N): Let's go

As you went in a wall busted down as Rob was seen as a big mutant frog.

Rob: You did this to me now your gonna pay!

Mikey: go get him speed slasher.

Jessica: Speed slasher?

Mikey: Well he's fast and he slashes things so i thought-

Leo: we get it.

Mikey: Go take Rob frog down.

Raph: Rob frog?

Mikey: well his name is Rob and now he's a frog so I thought-

(Y/N): nevermind, let's just take this reptile down.

Donnie: actually he's an amphibian not a reptile, and there's a huge difference between-

Raph: Donnie nobody cares about that.

Then you ran fast at Rob frog as you sent a punch at him in the face as he was sent to the ground and he got up and began to spit a sticky substance at you as you ran dodging the projectiles.

(Y/N): Missed me frog breath.

Rob frog: I won't miss this time.

Then you ran quick as you were behind him and kicked him at the back of the head.

(Y/N): You are a slowpoke.

Rob Frog: Why you…

Then he shot out his tongue at you as you did a backflip and grabbed his tongue and started to swing him around.

(Y/N): Time to send this frog back to the pond.

Then you threw him sending him far from the city as you dusted your hands off.

(Y/N): Well that's that.

Leo: Well add Rob frog to the list of mutants running around metropolis.

(Y/N): So any idea why the kraang have mutagen here?

Donnie: Well they were gonna use the shipment from the van to mutate the town.

Jessica: we can't let them do that.

Donnie: Yeah, but i have been working on something called retro mutagen. It should be able to reverse the effects of mutagen but with (Y/N) it probably won't work on him.

Karen: What do you mean?

Donnie: I'm saying that (Y/N) is special. He's not a normal mutant.

(Y/N): and what does that mean?

Donnie: I mean is that you could remain this way permanently

Jessica: So your saying he can be like this forever?

Donnie: In a way to put it…. Yes.

(Y/N): Oh, then I actually don't mind being this.

Raph: Wait your ok with this?

(Y/N): hey I had my humanity taken from me before this is like a lazy Sunday for me. Plus I could use your salad tongs to make a nice salad for Jessica.

Jesica: aw thanks.

Raph: Their sais not salad tongs.

(Y/N): eh call'em what you want they look like salad tongs to me.

Jessica: But what about Urizen? He does need to be stopped.

Mikey: Urizen who's that?

(Y/N): He's… my uncle. Well let's see what's going on with the others at my house.

Later we see you at home as we see eddy, double d and Ed as he is dressed up as a cheetah but he does not have a mask on as eddy was looking around.

Jessica: Do we really need to ask what's going on?

(Y/N): By the looks of it eddy was planning on a scam involving ed dressed as a cheetah and he's looking for the mask.

Then jessica saw that eddy took the suit off of ed as he was in his underwear.

Jessica: Well i can say that ed does not have it.

Eddy: This can't be happening! I gotta find the mask.

Then he took jessica's beanie and dress as he looks in them as her undergarments came out of them as Jessica was hiding behind you.

Jessica: Make yourself decent eddy! Excuse me (Y/N).

(Y/N): It's cool.

Ed: Table for three

(Y/N): what?

Eddy: Quit your whining. Keep looking.

(Y/N): okay someone tell me what is going on? 

Double d: Eddy planned on making a cheetah scam and lost the cheetah mask.

Jessica: Did he really had to take my clothes?

(Y/N): and dress Ed up as a cheetah?

Eddy: That mask has to be here!

Then he took enid's clothes and searched in them as Enid was behind you along with jessica.

Enid: What is wrong with you?!

(Y/N): *pulls out a robe* here you go.

Enid: *puts on the robe* thanks.

Jesisca: What about me?

(Y/N): whoops *pulls out another robe* here you go.

Jessica: *puts on a robe* thanks.

Ed: *holds up a banana to eddy* Banana?

Eddy: *slaps away the banana* Cut it out ed. I'm looking over there.

(Y/N): okay I don't have time for this can someone call up Barbi?

Diana: Why would you need to contact her?

(Y/N): well she is the original cheetah so I figure she could show me a few pointers. Plus it can be useful to stop my uncle.

Scanty: But there was something i was thinking. If enid was a werebunny and rad was a werecat, what wereanimal was K.O.?

Enid: oh K.O was a werepuppy.

Babs: *Excited* A puppy?! So cute!

Enid: Yeah. But does anyone even know where the qliphoth whatever tree is at?

(Y/N): no idea. Wait there might be a possible place. Red grave city.

Enid: Red grave city? 

(Y/N): If the tree is there then my uncle has to be there along with… *begins to cry* my… real father.

Jessica: are you ok?

(Y/N): *tries to stop* yeah...yeah i-im fine.

Jessica: Your crying.

(Y/N): Yeah. It's just I'm finally gonna find my dad.

Scanty: Are you sure you want to do this?

(Y/N): Yeah, i do. If we don't Urizen is gonna wipe out every human out there.

Kara: Well your uncle is not gonna get away with that.

(Y/N): got that right.

Kneesocks: so now what?

(Y/N): We're taking a road trip.

Scanty: and pray tell what are we riding in?

(Y/N): We're gonna be riding in style. Although we're gonna need few more heroes...or Villains. We're gonna need all the help we can get.

???(V): Perhaps you need assistance.

???(V): Perhaps you need assistance.

You turned to see a man with black hair and black tattoos on his body as he was wearing punk clothes and holding a cane as a bird was on his shoulders

???(Griffon): V you sure we need this guy?

V: I am sure, he is the grandson of sparda.

(Y/N): and you are?

V: my name is V, nice to meet you.

(Y/N): *sees griffon* ooh the main course has arrived * about jump him but lassoed by Jessica* what the? *Strugglings* C'mon I'll just eat the wing!

Jessica: No! You don't eat demonic birds, you don't even know where it's been.

Griffon: Phew, five more seconds and i would have been cat food.

Jessica: You have to forgive (Y/N) ever since he was mutated into a Cheetah he has these...urges.

V: I understand seeing him reminds me of a familiar that i have.

(Y/N): *still struggling* c'mon I'm starving over here. Just one little nibble, please.

Then the tattoos from V disappeared as a panther came out and growled at you.

(Y/N): *growls back* oh no you don't that bird is mine. Go find some other bird.

V then made Griffon and Shadow disappeared as the tattoos on his body reappeared.

(Y/N): *sees griffon and the panther gone* hey where did the panther and my dinner go?

V: They are my familiars, companions. I come here to help you.

(Y/N): oh whoops sorry about trying to eat your...friends. 

Jessica: don't worry I got you *pulls out some tuna* here you go my little killer kitten.

(Y/N): *eats the tuna* thanks Jess your the best.

V: Now that has been… avoided i come here to help you with urizen, A friend of mine had his arm taken away from him.

(Y/N): oh man sorry about that man, was he your brother, cousin twice removed?

V: *chuckles* No, but he has the blood of sparda.

(Y/N): so would that also be Dante's brother or cousin?

V: Neither, his name is Nero.

(Y/N): really but doesn't he have the blood of sparda so wouldn't that mean sparda is his dad?

V: no you could say he is Nero's grandfather.

(Y/N): oh okay that makes sense. So if sparda is my grandpa what would Dante and Vergil be?, My cousins?

V: One of the brothers is your father and the other is your uncle.

(Y/N): which one is the dad and which one is the uncle? Cause he owes me a lot of missed Christmas presents.

Jessica: (Y/N).

Scanty: (Y/N)... Dante is your father.

(Y/N): I'm sorry what?

Kneesocks: You are the son of Dante.

(Y/N): I need to sit down or take a nap this is alot to take in. Where's dan-er my dad now?

V: He is in red grave city, but he hasn't been seened along with the sparda.

(Y/N): well that's where we'll find him. Jessica, call up everyone.

Jessica: including…

(Y/N): yes that includes Harley Quinn, live wire, poison ivy giganta and star Sapphire. And Diana 

Dina: yes my love?

(Y/N): call queen Hyppolyta we're gonna need all the help we can get.

Karen: But V said that dante hasn't been seen you don't think he's…

(Y/N): he can't be dead he's sparda's son and if I know anything from the past few days is that if i can accomplish the impossible dan-my dad can too.

V: but the small part of his humanity is missing.

(Y/N): wait (D/N) is human then he must be dan- my real dad's part of his humanity.

V: A clever boy you are.

(Y/N): and a tasty bird you have.

Griffon: hey don't even think about it.

(Y/N): I wasn't gonna. Anyway my dad needs me. V can you take us to your friend?

V: Yes. For now time is a lecture we cannot afford to waist. The sparda is what we need to defeat Urizen.

Griffon: Uh V, just to let you know to wield the Sparda you have to be strong in body and mind and you are neither in those departments.

V: That may be true but (Y/N) should be able to wield it.

(Y/N): weild what?

V: The sparda the devil arm that your grandfather created.

(Y/N): oh that's easy I already have some of them.

V: Uruzen's demons will be after it, if they know it will defeat him they will destroy it.

Jessica: Then we need to find it before they do.

(Y/N): Let's go we have no time to lose.

V: You are your father's son.

???(Carol): hold it cheetah boy.

You turned around to see Carol and the other villainesses and Hyppolyta.

(Y/N): Oh your all here.

Hyppolyta: State your reason for bringing us here.

(Y/N): I need all your help to find dan-my dad and take down Urizen.

Jessica: He saying that he might know where there at.

Harleen: Wait you gonna find your dad?

(Y/N): Yes. And to take down urizen we need all hands on deck. Is that i can take down my uncle or die trying.

Hyppolyta: (Y/N) you have a heart of gold.

(Y/N): and I thank you for your approval for dating your daughter.

Hyppolyta: You show that your willing to protect her from any harm.

Jessica: And i think your grandfather sparda would be very proud of you.

(Y/N): He would be because i know that he had a heart, a heart that can love another person, a human.

Hyppolyta: Then i will be glad to fight by your side.

Harleen: yeah we got your back puddin.

(Y/N): Thank you, all of you. 

Babs: so how are we getting to red grave city?

(Y/N): oh I know a guy *calls up dopinder* hey dopinder, yeah its me can you give us a ride to red grave city, really thanks man your the best.

Jessica: so who was that?

(Y/N): dopinder he's a friend of my dad ever since I upgraded his taxi

We the see a large taxi with multiple seats and painted yellow and black spots and a man from India came out of the car.

Dopinder: hello my friend.

(Y/N): hey dopinder how ya doing?

Dopinder: pretty good cheetah boy *sees the girls* are these the lovers you were talking about.

(Y/N): yeah that's them they are my girlfriends well except for queen hyppolyta no offense your majesty

Hyppolyta: non taken.

(Y/N): Anyway we need you to give us a ride to Red Grave City.

Dopinder: sure anything for you my friend.

(Y/N): awesome thanks man. Okay Everyone in dopinder's taxi.

We then see you in the front seat next to dopinder and the other girls and Keith Ben and hyppolyta in the back

(Y/N): Sooo… how ya been dopinder?

Dopinder: pretty good my friend and I see you have a new look.

(Y/N): yeah toxic chemicals would do that to ya.

Dopinder: so who are your shiny friends in green blue and pink

(Y/N): shiny but deadly well except for Jess she's a pacifist.

Jessica: yep I don't believe in violence.

(Y/N): Soo...any luck winning ghita back?

Dopinder: No, I am  trying to hold on tight but Bandu is more craftier and handsomer than me.

(Y/N): well I think your pretty darn cute.

Then he hit a pothole as we hear a man scream in pain as you heard it.

(Y/N): Uh… Dopinder, what was that?

Dopinder: That was…… Bandu in the trunk.

Hyppolyta: Ban-who?

Dopinder: my romantic rival Bantu. he is tied up in the trunk. I am doing as you said CB. I plan to gut him like a tandoori fish then dump his carcass on Ghita's doorstep.

Then everyone looked at you as you saw them looking at you.

Jessica: You told him to do what?!

(Y/N): I did not tell him to do that! Absolutely not! He got lost in translation! Dopinder, this is no way to win Gita's heart back! (I'm so proud of you). Drop Bantu off, safe and gentle like. (Kill him). And then win Gita back! The old fashioned way, with your boyish charm. (Kidnap her).

Lessile: ok… so what's the plan to stop Urizen?

(Y/N): We find my dad and the sparda, and kill all his demon minions along the way. And sever the qliphoth roots. And celebrate afterwards. 

Vaggie: That's not a plan (Y/N), that's a wishlist.

(Y/N): I suppose you have a better plan?

Vaggie: Well maybe it be best we find V, and his friend Nero that he was talking about and let them lead the way to finding the tree and your father.

(Y/N): It would seem that V does know about the tree than any of us. Babs can you track him down?

Babs: If my calculations are correct they should be at-

Karen: *shows her phone* The bridge in Red Grave City.

Babs: Touche bumblebee, touche.

(Y/N): thank you Bumblebee.

We then see you and the others as the car drove by As the screen went black but not until you said one thing.

(Y/N): Jackpot.

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