Pain from the past and friendship becomes love.

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You and the others were fighting a monster as you were going through your Omnitrix for the right alien for the job.

(Y/N): gimme something good.

You slammed your watch as you transformed as your body became rubbery as your arms, legs, waist, and neck had coils as your body became aqua green and blue as your had three fingers and feet had two toes, as your eyes turned green as the Omnitrix badge was on your chest.

(Y/N): Wow cool alien I think I'll call him Sprocket.

Your arm started to stretch as you came to the others as you grabbed two lampposts and walked back a bit and slingshot your self at the monster punching it and knocking out i the process but a building was about to go down but Jessica made support beams to hold it in place as you came to her.

(Y/N): Jessica, let me help.

Jessica: No i got this.

(Y/N): Jessica i can help get the building back in place.

Jessica: No, you don't understand this is complicated, your just not good enough.

Your eyes widened as those words echoed through you head as you began to remember when Keith had bullied you when you were younger. As he pushed you to the ground.

(Y/N): leave me alone. Why do you keep doing this?

Keith: cause it's fun and besides you not good enough.

He walked away laughing as you got up and went to class. The scene went back to you as tears were in your eyes as you were standing in place as Jessica noticed and realised what she did.

Jessica: look (Y/N) i didn't mean what i said...

But you stretch away from her and made your way back home as Jessica watched and began to felt guilty about what she done as the others came and saw what you left.

Kara: What's his problem?

Jessica: I might have told him that he wasn't good enough.

Zee: why did you say that to him?

Jessica: He wanted to help but i was so focused on trying to keep the building in place.

Babs: guys i think what Jessica said to (Y/N) must of reminded him about when he was bullied by Keith.

Jessica then felt bad knowing that she was the cause of you remembering his past.

Jessica: What have I done? I need to make this right.

Kara: how?

Jessica: I'm gonna go talk to him.

She then flew to your house as she landed ahe was now in her normal outfit as she knocked on the door as your mother opened the door and saw her.

(M/N): oh you must be Jessica (Y/N) told me about you and your friends.

Jessica: hello do you know where (Y/N) is?

(M/N): he's in his room he's not in a good mood.

Jessica: oh well i gonna go talk to him.

(M/N): ok.

Jessica went upstairs and saw the door to your room as she walked to it and knocked on it.

(Y/N): Go away.

Jessica: (Y/N) it's me Jessica. Can i come in?

(Y/N): The door is unlocked.

Jessica opened the door and saw you sitting on your bed as you were not looking happy.

(Y/N): Why are you here Jessica?

Jessica: I just came to say I'm sorry.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* yeah I'm sure your sorry.

Jessica: No i really mean it. I'm sorry for what i said to you. I didn't known what i said made you remember when you were being bullied.

(Y/N): I get you didn't know Keith told me that before.

Jessica:_I understand you were trying to help and i pushed you aside from it, and I'm sorry, I really am sorry. Can you ever forgive me?

You looked at her and you began to smile and you pulled her into a hug.

(Y/N): I forgive you Jessica, i can't stay mad at you forever.

Jessica: Thank you, and there is something i wanted to give you.

(Y/N): What's that?

Jessica: this.

She grabbed your shoulder and pulled you to her and she kissed you on the lips, your eyes widened at this but soon started to enjoy it but it ended shortly when she pulled her lips away from your's as she had a blush on her face along with a smile.

(Y/N): Jessica.

Jessica: (Y/N) I love you.

(Y/N): Y-you do?!

Jessica: Yes, when you saved me from the robot on the day we met i started to have feelings for you and when you were with me at times it made my feelings grow strong for you and it hurt my heart when i made you upset and that made me realised that I fell in love you.

(Y/N): Jessica, when we first met I saw you as someone that wouldn't fight but now i see is a beautiful girl who sees that there are other ways to solve problems other than fighting.

Jessica: you mean...

(Y/N): Yes Jessica... I love you too and I accept your feelings of love and that's why i want to ask you... Will you be my girlfriend?

Jessica began to smile as tears came down her eyes.

Jessica: Of course (Y/N). I will be your girlfriend. I love you.

(Y/N): It's you and me now and I'll never abandoned you my lovely lantern.

Jessica: And I'll never leave you my alien hero. (Y/N) is it ok if we could kiss?

(Y/N): of course we can.

You then kissed Jessica as she returned the kiss. You both enjoyed the kiss for a few minutes before separating for air as Jessica leaned on your chest. But then you mother came and saw you both together.

(M/N): Oh my!

You and Jessica saw your mom as you both blushed at the fact that she saw you both together.

(M/N): (Y/N)... Are you and Jessica...

(Y/N): Yes mom me and Jessica are together.

(M/N): your father is gonna be proud of you.

Meanwhile the rest of the superhero girls were at sweet justice as they were thinking about you as they were eating their desserts.

Babs: do you think (Y/N)'s ok?

Zee: I hope so.

Diana: well our comrade will be ok. He just needs time.

Kara: ok if you say so.

Diana: well sisters i may have unknown feelings for someone.

Zee: You mean a crush?

Diana: that would be correct.

Babs: if it makes you feel better i have a crush for someone too.

Zee: ok i may have a crush too.

Karen: i might have a crush too.

Kara: ok fine i have a crush.

Babs: i know on the count of three we say our crush's name. One, two three.

Diana, Zee, Babs, Karen, and Kara: (Y/N).

They were in shock when they said your name.

Zee: wait it can't be the (Y/N) we know

Babs: yeah maybe it's a different (Y/N). Ok we'll try again but we'll say our crush's full name. One, two, three.

Diana, Zee, Babs, Kara and Karen: (Y/N) (L/N).

They were in shock that they have a crush on the same person.

Diana: we all have affections for the same person?

Zee: but he would have to choose one of us right.

Then they saw Jessica came in and sat with them.

Babs: so how's (Y/N)?

Jessica: He's starting to feel better.

Zee: well that's good.

Karen: what did you do?

Jessica: I went to his house and apologise for what i said to him and he forgave me for it and told me he couldn't stay mad at me forever.

Diana: that is great news

Babs: what else did you do?

Jessica: next i decided to let him know how i felt and kissed him.

The girls froze in place.

Zee: By kiss, do you mean you kissed him in the cheek?

Jessica: no.

Karen: on the forehead?

Jessica: Nope.

Babs: on the nose?

Jessica: No i kissed him on his lips

Diana, Babs, Zee, Kara, and Karen: WHAT?!

Zee: *blushes* You kissed (Y/N)!

Babs: What happened?

Jessica: I told him that I love him for what he done for me and being there for me.

Diana: Did he have the same affections for you as well?

Jessica: He did, he felt the same way and asked me to be his girlfriend.

The girls started to feel a little jealous.

Zee: that's great news.

Kara: yeah great whatev.

Jessica: Now girls tell me the truth, do you like no, do you love (Y/N)?

Karen: I'm not sure if we should tell you, you and (Y/N) are together.

Jessica: just tell me the truth do you love him or not?

Babs: i am.

Zee: ok i love (Y/N) too.

Karen: me too.

Diana: i too have feelings for him as well.

Then the rest of the girls looked at kara who just sighed and had a slight blush on her face.

Kara: Ok fine. i love (Y/N) alright?

Jessica: Then it's true, my friends are in love with (Y/N) maybe you all should tell him that you love him.

Zee: What's the point? He's with you now.

Jessica: look maybe there's a way to tell him how you feel about him.

Diana: Then the way to tell him is we all battle each other to the death and the winner will tell (Y/N) how she feels for him?

Jessica: No Diana, i mean is that we should share him.

Babs: You like a harem?

Jessica: yeah that way we won't fight over for him.

Zee: so your saying we should share him?

Jessica: yes, come on (Y/N) is too much of a nice guy to force himself to pick anyone if he had too. He would just bang his head on a wall until he figures something out. So let's save him the trouble. Besides I'm ok with sharing (Y/N).

Babs: I'm in anyone else?

Zee: fine I'm in.

Karen: i don't mind sharing (Y/N).

Kara: You too?!

Diana: then i am i with the idea of sharing (Y/N) as well.

Kara: alright. If i wanna be with (Y/N) then if i have to share him then I'm ok as long as he spends enough time with me.

Jessica: then it's settled then we're sharing (Y/N).

Zee: but what about other girls they would want to be with (Y/N) too.

Jessica: well any girl can join the harem as long as they have they love him like us not just for his looks then they can't join. When (Y/N) comes here we'll tell him about our harem idea if he doesn't agree we'll just have to convince him to agree with hi. Having multiple girlfriends.

Diana: but i will require your assistance for telling him my feelings for him.

Babs: we can help you with that

The girls were now at the junkyard as they made a table with a male mannequin as Diana was sitting down.

Babs: alright Diana first let him know how you feel. Just say something nice about him.

Diana: ok. *turns to the mannequin* greetings (Y/N) you have an amazing heart?

Jessica: no say something nice about his features.

Diana: ok *turns back to the mannequin* your eyes show great courage for others.

Kara: ok that's nice.

Babs: but not quite what we meant by that.

Karen: maybe we can try telling him our feelings together and let Diana be herself.

Later you came and saw Jessica at the park as she was by a tree.

(Y/N): hey Jessica.

Jessica: hi (Y/N). I'm glad you came cause we need to talk.

You followed her and saw the rest of the girls as they were there.

(Y/N): hey girls.

Zee: *nervously* H-hello (Y/N).

(Y/N): Did Jessica brought you girls here?

Babs: *nervously* Y-y-yeah she did.

(Y/N): Why are you girls acting nervous?

Jessica: i told them what i said to you before and i told them how i apologised to you and that i told them about us being together.

(Y/N): so she told you all. *sights* what Jessica said is true we are together.

Jessica: but that's not why their here.

(Y/N): what do you mean?

Jessica: I'm not the only girl that loves you.

(Y/N): What?

Jessica: girls tell him.

Diana: (Y/N) there is something that we must say to you.

Zee: we love you, not in a friend way but in a romantic way.

(Y/N): Wait what?

Babs: we thought you might of figured out but i guess we have to tell you.

Karen: your the greatest and nicest person we ever met.

Diana: You were always there to help others for the greater good and protect others.

Kara: So we came to tell you how we feel about you.

Diana, Babs, Zee, Kara, and Karen: We love you (Y/N).

(Y/N): Girls... I appreciate you telling me but I'm with Jessica and-

Jessica: actually me and the girls came to an agreement.

(Y/N): and that is?

Jessica: To share you.

You were surprised at what she said as the girls were agreeing to share you.

(Y/N): your all gonna date me?

Jessica: yes and remember I'm your first girlfriend and i know you love them too

It was true you do love them but you were afraid that you would have to choose one of them and hurt the others feelings. But now you don't have to worry anymore.

(Y/N): Ok if you girls really want to be with me then... I'm okay with it.

Jessica: you heard him girls he's our boyfriend.

Babs: yeah!

Babs ran to you and kissed you in the lips surprising you and the others.

Kara: Babs! What's wrong with you?!

Babs stopped kissing you and looked at Kara

Babs: What? Jealous that i got to kiss him before you got the chance?

Kara blushed at that and she walked her way to you.

Kara: Alright big boy, pucker up.

She kissed you for a few seconds before moving away as Zee came to you.

Zee: It's my turn.

She kissed you for a few seconds before moving as Karen came to you.

Karen: i guess it's my turn now.

She then kissed you for a few seconds before moving as Diana came to you.

Diana: And now for me.

She kissed you for 10 seconds and then stopped as you looked at them.

(Y/N): well if I'm gonna be honest with you girls, the truth is I'm in love with all six of you girls for a while.

Zee: you were in love with us?

(Y/N): yeah and i was torn with picking which one of you to be with and when i got to Jessica first. I was afraid that i would hurt your feelings and now i don't have to worry anymore. Jessica, Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee, Karen... I love you all.

Jessica, Diana, Kara, Zee, Babs, and Karen: We love you too (Y/N).

They ran to you and group hugged you which you accepted as your parents came to where you were.

(M/N): Son we came here to see your friends and ooh.

She and your father saw you with you girlfriends hugging together. As you and your girlfriends saw them you all stopped hugging and saw them.

(Y/N): hey mom hey dad. You remember my friends i told you both about?

(M/N): oh yes, Babs, Diana, Kara, Zee, Karen and your girlfriend Jessica.

(D/N): I'm impressed (Y/N). You got yourself a girlfriend and friends with five beautiful girls.

(M/N): Yeah everyone will be confused on which girl is your girlfriend.

(Y/N): Well actually...

The girls looked at each other and looked at your parents.

Diana, Kara, Zee, Babs, Jessica, and Karen: we are his girlfriends.

(M/N) and (D/N): huh?

(Y/N): they decided to share me meaning i have six girlfriends.


(M/N): Six... Girlfriends? My son has six girlfriends... * she started to have a smile on her face.* Yes that means more grandchildren.

Kara: are your parents like this?

(Y/N): yeah you'll get used to it.

(D/N): My son you made me proud.

(M/N): Oh i can't wait for grandchildren.

You and your girlfriends started to blush at that.

(Y/N): Mom! It's too early for grandchildren.

(M/N): I know but i can't wait.

Your parents then left leaving you with your girlfriends as you all sat together watching the sunset as you smiled knowing that there will be more adventures waiting for you.

Well there you have it you now have six girlfriends. Now hope you guys are ready for the next chapter. Shock it to me. where you will face another villain livewire hope you guys will love it.

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