saving the day.

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You and the others are now flying back to the town.

Babs: And there's only one place to celebrate!

Karen looked down and saw something.

Karen: Uh, guys?

You all looked down and saw the robots were heading to the pier.

Babs: Oh, no, first they tore down Sweet Justice, now they're gonna demolish the pier!

You and the others came down as the robots came as you and ben changed back.

Demo-bot foreman: You must vacate this business or dwelling immediately. You are interfering with lawful demolition protocols. You have ten seconds to comply.

Kara: Oh, yeah?! Well, you got ten seconds to say your prayers!

Suddenly a loud sound was heard as it got louder.

Kara: Huh?

Karen: Ah, what is that?

There was a giant robotic war suit.

War suit: Come to have some fun, boys and girls?

Babs: Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew it was Lex! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! *clears throat* I knew it was Lex.

Lena: Lex? I am not Lex! I'm-*grunts* Hold on. * she made her seat go higher* I'm Lena! Lena Luthor. And all this? This is my plan, not my dopey brother's! He can never come up with something this good.

You and the others looked confused

Lena:Ugh... Oh, do I have to spell it out?!

Kara: Yeah, you kinda do!

Lena: Pfft, figures! You teenagers think you're so smart, with your staying up late, and your driving cars, and your commercials! But you're so dumb...

A flashback showed lex and Lena doing a commercial as it was over. Lex and Lena blew raspberries at each other

Lena: can't even pick up on the most obvious of evil plots. Even when it's literally in front of your face! So first, I reprogrammed Lex's worthless VR glasses. Then, I hacked the Demolition Robots the city contacted my doofus brother to make. And finally, I used them to destroy every "fun" and/or "cool" place to "hang" in Metropolis, so you lame-o teenagers will have nowhere else to go for your mindless entertainment, trapped forever in my VR world, tailor-made, just for you.

The vr specs showed a cute puppy.

Lena: Every last lame-brained one of you.

Teenagers: Aww.

Lena: With all you teenagers out of the way, children will rule Metropolis! *laughs maniacally and laughs mockingly*

Kara: That's the dumbest plan I've ever heard.

Lena: YOU'RE the dumbest plan I've ever heard! And once this pier is destroyed, you're next!

Babs: Your plan will never work, Lena! We teenagers are stronger than you think!

A sneeze was heard as Karen was wearing a vr specs.

Karen: Aww!

Babs: Bumblebee!

Karen: Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Babs: Anyway, the point is, you can destroy our favorite places, but you'll never destroy our friendships!

Kara, Jessica, Diana, Zatanna, and Karen: Yeah!

Lena: Pfft, whatevs.

She pressed a button as the robots started to get ready to destroy the pier.

Lena: Roll out, boys!

Diana: Come, sisters and comrades. It was on this sacred ground that we became friends. Now, this pier is where we shall become heroes!

She and the girls charge to battle you used your watch and started to select and alien.

(Y/N): Ok Omnitrix i want something with pizzazz alright? I don't want grey matter, i don't want nanomech, i don't want the worst. I want something with pizzazz.

You used the Omnitrix and began to transform and blue energy started to form around you.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N): Whoa! This is different but i like it.

Ben: Wait i didn't know you could do that.

(Y/N): me either.

Ben then used his Omnitrix and Transformed.

Ben: time to show them that we're not going down without a fight.

You both started to change at the robots as the girls are having trouble fighting them as they are destroying the pier you saw a robot coming at you as you aimed your arm and it became a blaster and blasted the robot.

(Y/N): Awesome! I didn't know i could do that.

You turned to Lena is having the upper hand.

Lena: [laughing maniacally] I win, I win, I win, I win!

You and the others went into a group huddle.

Zatanna: We are totally losing, you guys! And every teenager in Metropolis is gonna pay the price!

Diana: It is impossible for nine warriors to defeat an army... unless... we take out the general.

Jessica: Lena! If we can stop her, the rest should follow.

Zatanna: But how?

Babs: *going through her computer* Even giant mega warsuits need power. If we can jolt the mainframe, we can short it out.

Zatanna: I repeat, but how?

Kara noticed a guitar and amp and grabbed them.

Kara: I got one just like this and it shorts out my house all the time. Just turn it up to ten and shred!

Babs: But how do we get it to the motherboard inside the warsuit?

Karen: I'll do it.

Diana: Bumblebee, are you sure?

Karen: It's too scary and I don't wanna do it. But I will!

Babs: Great! *gives Karen a cable* Connect this cable to the CPU in Lena's suit, and I'll rig the amp to go past ten.

Kara: No way! Can you do that for mine?

Babs: Then I can plug the other end to the amp and...

Kara: Zzzzt! Bratty McBratterson's going down!

Diana: Green Lantern, get Batgirl as close to Lena as you can. Supergirl, Zatanna,Ben, Rook, (Y/N) you're with me. Now, let us do this.

You all started to charge at Lena as Zatanna teleported to her.

Zatanna: egarim

Lena tried to hit her but Zantana teleported.

Zatanna: egarim. egarim. ejarim.

She started to teleport and created doubles of herself.

Lena: *grunt* Stay still!

Zatanna: egarim. egarim.

She continued to use her magic and Lena tried to get her but Diana used her lasso.and grabbed the arm of her war suit. Then Kara grabbed the other arm and held on to it. Then you used your diamond to hold her feet down. Meanwhile Jessica used her ring and made a remote control bumper car as Babs got on it she drove her through the robots as Babs started to work on the amp. As for Karen she flew in the suit with the cable and plugged the cable in.

Karen: I'm in. Is the amp ready?

Babs: Oh yeah. Almost there.

Babs made it to the suit and grabbed the cable only for it to be unplugged as Karen grabbed it and tried to plug it back in as Babs plugged the amp in. As for the rest of you as you were holding Lena down she broke free

Lena: Get off! *started to fly* Say goodbye to your pier, suckers!

Zatanna: It's now or never!

Babs:  Hey, Supergirl, ready to rock?!

Kara: All right little girl, time for a lullaby!

She started to play the guitar as Lena covered her ears as for Karen she saw the electricity coming and she had no choice but to plug herself in as she was getting electrocuted as the suit started to short out.

Lena: What? How? No! You cheated! YOU CHEATED! You cheated, you cheated! Uh-oh.

The suit started to fall as it hit the ground as the robots shut down as the vr specs shut off as well as the teenagers were free.

Teenage boy: Wanna see a movie at my house?

Teenage girl: Yeah.

Other teenage girl: All right, sure.

As for you all you started to wonder about Karen.

Babs: um bumblebee got out right?

You saw a glow and saw Karen was now back to normal size and a bit daze

Babs: Bumblebee!

you and the others went to her.

(Y/N): Karen? Are you alright? Speak to me.

She got up and took of her helmet as she now has a yellow highlight in her hair.

Karen: Did we do it?

Zatanna: Nice highlights, what's your secret?

Diana: Courage.

Babs: Yaaaah!

The police and citizens started to come to the sight as Lena was getting out of the suit.

Lena: Oh, no fair! No FAIR!

Then a car came as Lena's parents came along with her brother lex luthor.

Lex: There she is Mom! See? Told you she stole my stuff.

Lillian: Lutessa Lena Luthor, you get in this car right now!

Lena: You can't make me!

She sat down and held her breath only for her to be carried to the car by her mom and dad.

NOOOO! No! No! No! [cries]

Lillian: Oh, I'm sorry about your warsuit, Lex.

Lex: [scoff] Don't worry, Mom. I'm just happy the little tyke is alright.

Lena and Lex: *blowing raspberry*

Lillian: Oh, you think next time you can get those cupcakes you promised?

Lex: Hah! Already on it, Mom. I'm not saying goodbye to the best snickerdoodles in Metropolis.

Lena: You'll pay for this, super teen jerks! YOU'LL PAY!

The car left as lex turn to see you and the others as everyone started to cheer for you and the girls.

Man: Brand new superhero team right here in Metropolis!

Girl Scout: And most of them are girls!

Other girl scout: and the others are aliens

Girl Scouts: *chanting* Super Hero Girls! Alien heroes!

Crowd: *chanting* Super Hero Girls! Alien heroes! Super Hero Girls! Alien heroes! Super Hero Girls!

You started to smile as you know  that your friends are heroes.

3 months later.

You and the girls and your partners are now at sweet justice as it was now rebuild as you all were now sitting at the table eating the desserts.

Zatanna: *sigh* This is the life. Good friends and good chocolate.

Jessica: It's nice to have everything back to normal.

Babs: Blah, normal's overrated. Mmm, remember when we first came here, and Diana said she wanted to be at this place all the time?

Kara: Yeah...?

Babs went to a straw holder and started to twist it a few time and open it and closed it as a trapdoor opened and they went dow as another table came. As for you all you all were now in a lair.

Girls (Y/N), Ben and Rook: Ow! Whoa!

Babs: Ta-da! It's our own home base! I took a few late night trips to the construction site while they were rebuilding.

Diana: Truly, this is a place of wonder.

Kara: Not bad, Babs. Nice job.

(Y/N): this is incredible.

Jessica: We can protect the whole city from here. No bad guy stands a chance!

Babs: Not with the Super Hero Girls and Alien heroes on the case!

She pointed to a newspaper as it showed you all as it says Superhero girls and alien heroes.

Karen: Aww!

Babs: Super-awesome super-heroness, here we come!

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