sleepover and (Y/N)'s origin.

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Here we see you as you were in your room the you got a call and it was bab and you answered it.

(Y/N): Hello?

Babs: Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N): hey Babs what do ya want?

Babs: just wondering if you wanna come to my sleepover tonight.

(Y/N): sure when does it start.

Babs: 7:30 don't be late.

(Y/N): i won't bye.

You hung up and you went downstairs as you saw your dad.

(Y/N): Hey dad.

(D/N): hey son.

(Y/N): I was just wondering if i can go to a sleepover tonight.

(D/N): Sleepover? Who's sleepover is it?

(Y/N): Babs.

(D/N): Oh gonna spend some time with your girlfriend.

(Y/N): Dad. She's just my friend.

(D/N): Come on son when will ya find a girlfriend i mean a lot of girls been looking at ya.

(Y/N): Well I'm not sure that having a lot of girlfriends is a good idea. Because it could lead to major jealousy issues and if anything else that is very bad. The more girlfriends i have the bigger my chances of having relationship issues, you know what i mean?

But you father just replied was this

(D/N):  Here's what i heard. Blah, blah, blah. Science, Science, Science, bigger and bigger is better.

(Y/N): I don't think big is always better.

(D/N): Sure it is, for business you'd wanna make big money.

(Y/N): Not the point.

(D/N): Ok if it helps you can go to the sleepover tonight.

(Y/N): Thanks dad.

(Y/N); No problem sport.

You went to your room to get some thing for the sleepover as you got your pyjamas. Then you turn to see Ben and Rook were here in your room.

(Y/N): guys what are you doing here?

Ben: we came to see what you were doing.

(Y/N): just getting ready for a sleepover tonight.

Ben: Let me guess Babs invited you?

(Y/N): How did you know?

Rook: We were invited as well as you.

(Y/N): Oh. Ok well see ya at the sleepover.

You were walking to Babs house as you knocked on the door then the door opened and you saw Mr Gordon.

(Y/N): I'm here for the sleepover Babs was talking about.

Mr Gordon: oh i see. Babs your friend is here.

Babs came and saw you.

Babs: (Y/N) I knew you would come.

(Y/N): See? I told you i would come and i always keep my promises.

Babs: Come on the others are upstairs.

You followed Babs to her room as you went into her room and saw the rest of the girls, Rook, and ben were there.

(Y/N): hey guys.

Kara: Hey.

(Y/N): Guess it good to see you guys.

Jessica: Yeah it is.

Babs: This is gonna be great we're all here together. Hey (Y/N) can i ask you something?

(Y/N): what's that?

Babs: How'd you get you Omnitrix?

(Y/N): I can tell ya.

Babs: Oh great a story.

(Y/N): well it started when i went camping with my cousins and grandpa last summer.

A flashback showed you, Ben and Gwen are in the rustbucket as your grandpa max was driving. You weren't looking happy.

Ben: come cuz cheer up. It'll be like camping when we were kids.

(Y/N): oh yeah, like when you first got your Omnitrix?

Max: Looks like someone doesn't have the camping spirit.

Then you all were now at the campsite as you and your cousins were by the fire as Max came as he saw you were still a bit down.

Max: Who wants to roast marshmallows? *receives no response from you* Okay, um... How about we tell scary stories?

(Y/N): No thanks. I think I'm gonna take a walk in the woods.

You got up and walked to the woods, in outer space a pod was heading to earth as you were walking you saw a shooting star.

(Y/N): Wow a shooting star.

Then you saw that it was heading down and head to you as you ran and got out of the way you looked to see a crater and went to it and saw a pod.

(Y/N): Looks like some kind of satellite or something.

The pod opened up and revealed a watch that looked just like ben's.

(Y/N): an Omnitrix? What's it doing here?

You reached out to the Omnitrix only for it to jump up and clamp itself on your wrist as you freaked out.

(Y/N): Get off me! Get off, get off!

You tried to get it off but you couldn't as you got out of the crater. Back with your cousins and grandpa Max was getting a bit worried about you.

Max: Hmm. (Y/N)'s been gone a while. Well, I guess he can't get into too much trouble out here.

Ben: I'm sure he's fine.

Back with you you were trying to get the Omnitrix off with a stick only for it to break, then you saw the Omnitrix show a holographic dial as you saw it was on heatblast and the faceplate slide to show the Omnitrix symbol.

(Y/N): amazing.

You pressed the symbol and you began to transform into heatblast and you were in shock as you screamed

(Y/N): AAAAAAH! I'm on fire! I'M ON FIRE!!

You ran as you were panicking as you believed that you were on fire but then ypu started to calm down.

(Y/N): Hey, I'm on fire, and... I'm okay! Check it out. I'm totally hot.

You started to laugh at your joke then you noticed a tree as you turned to it.

(Y/N): Oh, yeah. *you aimed your hand at it* Uh-huh. Here goes!

You shot a fireball at the tree and you saw it hit it.

(Y/N): That's what I'm talkin' about. *you made a bigger fire ball* Likin' it. * you threw it through several trees, then realizes what was happening* Wait, STOP!

The tress started to catch on fire.

(Y/N): uh oh.

You tried to stomp on the fire to try to put it out but you had no success.

(Y/N): Oh, man. I'm gonna get so busted for this!I

Back with your grandpa and cousins Gwen noticed smoke from a distance.

Gwen: What's that?

Max: Looks like the start of a forest fire. We better let the ranger station know. Probably some darn fool camper out there messing around with something he shouldn't. (Y/N)!

He grabbed fire extinguishers and handed them to Ben and Gwen as they ran to the forest fire ad for you you were still trying to put out the fire by stomping on it.

(Y/N): This would be so cool if it weren't so NOT cool.You

Gwen started to put out some of the fires and then started to go where you were and accidentally sprayed you with the fire extinguisher as Gwen saw you as you turn to see her.

Gwen: Ben?

Ben: Yeah?

She turned to see Ben was behind her and turned to see you and ben again.

Gwen: wait if your ben then who's that?

Then Ben saw you and thought you were albedo and turned into four arms and punched you as you hit a tree.

Ben: alright Albedo you better stay down if i were you.

Then you saw gwen and set fire to her shoe as you laughed at it as she put out her shoe as ben saw it.

Ben: Ok you asked for it.

(Y/N): Don't even think about it cuz.

Then after they both heard you say cuz they found it it was you.

Gwen: (Y/N)? Is that you? What happened to you?

(Y/N): Well, when I was walking, this meteor fell from the sky and almost munched me, except that wasn't a meteor or a satellite, but this Omnitrix that jumped up onto my wrist and when I tried to get it off, I suddenly was on fire, only it didn't hurt when I was accidentally starting this mega forest fire.

Then you turned to see grandpa max running as he saw you.

Gwen: Hey Grandpa, guess who.

(Y/N): Grandpa it's me.

Max: (Y/N) what happened to you?

Ben: long story. But we have a forest fire.

Then you looked at you badge and changed into a different alien

(Y/N): Water Hazard!

You started to shoot water and started to put our the fire. you were now with your grandpa and cousins at camp as you had just explain what happened.

Max: And you say that this Omnitrix just jumped up and clamped onto your wrist.

(Y/N): Hey, this time it wasn't my fault. I swear.

Max: I believe you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Well i hope i can control these aliens.

After that you finished as you looked at the girls.

(Y/N): And that's pretty much it.

Jessica: the Omnitrix clamp onto your wrist?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Kara: And you started a forest fire?

(Y/N): It was an accident.

Diana: And you took the Omnitrix coming from the sky as a blessing?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Babs: and that's how you became a superhero?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Diana: it is good that you were given a blessing like this.

(Y/N): Thanks guys.

Babs: Come on guys we got somethings to do tomorrow.

Then you started to get ready for bed as you smiled knowing that you have friends and team knowing that they got your back.

Hope you guys like this chapter cause in the next chapter super who. Hope you guys enjoy.

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