Sparing and (Y/N)'s first Xiaolin Showdown.

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Now we see you, Omi, Kimiko, Clay, and Raimundo outside as we see them getting ready for sparring.

Raimundo: You ready?

Then you transformed into Neos

(Y/N): Yup.

Omi: Then let us begin.

Then they came at you at once as you grabbed Omi and threw him at Clay. As we see kimiko as she tried to kick you as you dodged her and blocked her punch as you saw Raimundo as he tried to kick you as you grabbed his leg and threw him at Kimiko and then you saw them running at you at once and then you jumped up in the air and then you slapped you badge and then you came down as a puddle of goo as the dragon warriors freaked out.

Raimundo: He's a puddle of goo!

Omi: We must help him!

Then they came to you and tried to put you back together as they made your shape of your body but then you melted back to a puddle and then the goo started to turn white as it started to move and then you went up in the air as you regain your shape of tour body as you were now a panther as you were wearing a white ninja outfit with a mask as your badge was now on your belt.

(Y/N): Pantaro!

Omi: You have a new alien form.

Raimundo: That's so cool.

(Y/N): Thank you. And I'll show you how "cool" i am.

Then you ran at them as your arm stretched and grabbed Clay and threw him at a tree as you saw Omi and kicked him away as you saw Kimiko as you grabbed her and threw her to as wall and then saw Raimundo coming at you as your hand glowed blue.

(Y/N): Cryo Freeze!

You punched Raimundo straight in the face as ice started to form around him and then Raimundo was now frozen as the others saw it as Raimundo broke out of the ice and saw you still as Pantaro.

(Y/N): Still think I'm cool?

Raimundo: Pretty much.

Then you saw Master Fung as he came to you all.

Omi: Master fung what news do you have?

Master fung: A shen gong wu has been revealed.

Then you and the others came as you were still Pantaro and saw master fung as he showed a scroll as it revealed a certain item.

Master Fung: The fountain of hui. This shen gong wu gives the user unlimited knowledge.

Jessica: That's sounds pretty useful.

Master Fung: Yes, but it only gives the user random knowledge. If combined with it's sister shen gong wu the eagle scope it can unlock all the secrets of the world.

(Y/N): Plus making it dangerous in the wrong hands.

Master Fung: That is true. So you must find the fountain of hui before wuya does.

(Y/N): And i would assume that wuya is someone very bad.

Master: Yes.

(Y/N): We'll make sure that she doesn't find it.

Daphne: But how are we gonna find it, if we don't know where it is?

Master Fung: Dojo should be able to find it.

Fred: And like we'll be taking directions from a gecko?

Dojo then got angry at being called a gecko.

Dojo: Gecko?!

Then he transformed into his larger form of himself and looked at fred as he was shocked and scared.

Dojo: Don't ever call me a gecko!

Fred: M-M-My mistake...

Then we see you as you were now normal with the dragon warriors as they were in the air as we see you and Kimiko were together as kimiko was blushing as you saw that you were now in a junkyard.

(Y/N): So the shen gong wu is in this junkyard.

Dojo: Yup and we need to see where it's at.

Then you and the others started to search around and then you looked around and then you saw the fountain of Hui as you went to get it but then as you grabbed it you saw someone else grab it as the s shen gong wu began to glow.

(Y/N): What's this thing glowing for?

Jack: It's a Xiaolin Showdown.

Then you saw the others came as they saw you.

(Y/N): Ok jack then i challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown.

Jack: Ok but you'll need to wager a shen gong wu.

Kimiko: (Y/N) take the star hanabi.

She threw you a shen gong wu that looked like a star as you caught it.

(Y/N): Ok I'll wager the star hanabi against your shen gong wu.

Jack: you mean the fist of tebigong. And I'll challenge you to a shen yi bu dare. My mantis flipcoin against the third arm sash.

(Y/N): ok. *then you saw the shroud of shadows*and I'll also wager the shroud of shadows.

Jack: seems good to me.

(Y/N): Well do a race through a maze to get the center, the first person to get to the cwnter and grab the fountain of hiu wins and you can't use any robots to cheat.

Jack: Fine. let's do this.

(Y/N) and Jack: Let's go, Xiaolin showdown!

Then the ground around you started to shake as it was floating in the air as we see walls of stone form around you into a maze as we see a force field was placed to prevent any flying to be used as you and jack were at the beginning of the maze as the fountain of hui was in the center of the maze.

Jack: Gong yi tempai!

(Y/N): What does that mean?

Jack: that means go.

Then he started to run as you went to your watch to pick an ali

(Y/N): Need someone fast. * you selected XLR8 but then stopped to think.* Wait not fast. *then you selected grey matter* Smart.

Then you transformed into grey matter as you then went omni enhanced.

(Y/N): Maybe with super size grey matter i can be able to get through the maze and to the shen gong wu, in a most intelligent way.

You then began to run as you began to go through the maze and then darts began to fire through holes as you began to dodged them as you jumped high and then went left as you saw many giant centipedes

The you aimed the star of hanabi at them.

(Y/N): Star Hanabi!

Then shock energy came to the star and fired blue fire balls at the centipedes disintegrating them as you were now in shock at that and then ran as you saw jack and then a centipede came and took your third arm sash, as a second came and took jack's fist of tebigong as they went to the holes then you both have each other's shen gong wu as you saw jack.

Jack: Look i don't have time for swashbuckling.

(Y/N): Good, cause I'm not here to swashbuckle. I'm here to kick-buckle!

Then you came at him as you had the fist of tebigong ready as it was filled with omni enhanced energy as it hit jack sending him to a wall as you saw him dazed and then ran to the maze as you ran then you saw a gigantic ogre as it came to the direction you were.

(Y/N): Shroud of shadows!

Then it was filled with the energy as it made you invisible as it came walking you saw it's foot was gonna land on you and then stepped on you but you saw that you were ok.

(Y/N): I'm ok.

Then you placed your hand through the wall as it went through it and then you ran as you went through the walls as you saw the fountain of hui and grabbed it. And then the whole area went back to the way it was before as you were there as you had the fountain of Hui and all the shen gong wu you won. As the others came to you.

Kimiko: Great job (Y/N).

Raimundo: Not bad for your first Xiaolin Showdown.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Then you and the others were at the temple as you saw master fung.

Master Fung: great work young (Y/N), you have retrieved the fountain of hui.

(Y/N): And i won my first Xiaolin Showdown.

Master Fung: That is great to hear. And you continue your training here.

(Y/N): That's nice but i still have school where I'm at.

Raimundo: Why not come here each day after school.

(Y/N): Works for me. I'll see you guys around.

Master Fung: We will see you again soon, dragon of energy.

As you and the others left you started to think of what else will be waiting for you.

Hope you guys like this chapter and I'll be making a few dc superhero girls chapters and then we'll head to the Spider verse special. And I'll see you guys around real soon and be sure to favorite and follow me. And I'll be making like a banana and split for now.

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