the concert and steg

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We see the others at the injector as it was sending the substance into the ground as you and the others came to see them.

Steven: What's going on.

Peridot: you're just in time for the end of the world! This is no ordinary Injector. Whatever it's leaking into the ground is toxic. Let's get a scan going and see what we're dealing with.

Kara: Can't we just pull it out?

Peridot: No if we even do so much as touch it it ruins Earth that much faster!

Kara: It was worth a shot.

(Y/N): *Sees pearl and walks to her* What ya doing pearl?

Pearl: I'm currently in the service of my Um Greg Universe preparing for tonight's concert, showcasing a promising ensemble in the "rockinroll" genre.

(Y/N): Ooh can I come to his concert?

Desiree: Sorry sweetie but you're too young for this.

(Y/N): Aw But I wanna come, I can sing.

Greg: Tell you what kiddo if Desiree is ok with we can have our concert at home. How does that sound?

(Y/N): But I wanted to sing my special song to everyone at beach city.

Blue Diamond: Maybe when you're a little bit older.

You then frowned and then had an idea.

(Y/N): Ok but can I have a nap, I'm sleepy.

Blue Diamond: Of course sweetie let me take you to your room.

Then Blue Diamond picked you up in her arms and went to put you down for a nap

Steven: Wait, when did she get here?

Ben: Yeah.

Kara: She came with you guys to check on progress on little homeworld, remember?

Steven: Oh.

Blue Diamond: Sweet dreams my prince. *kisses you on the forehead*

As she put you in bed you were seen asleep as she left, you then opened your eyes revealing you were just pretending to be asleep as you got up from bed and made a familiar of yourself sleeping in bed as you snuck out of the porch and ran off to Greg's concert.

(Y/N): I can't wait for everyone to hear my song.

While the others were in the living room as they were with Steven.

Babs: What's the plan to get (Y/N)'s memories back?

Amethyst: The plan is to have Desiree show him some photo albums with all of us together.

Steven: Yeah hopefully it'll help him remember. And I better check on (Y/N).

Steven went up to check on you as he saw your familiar sleeping in the bed as it was snoring softly.

Steven: He's ok. Better make sure he's tucked in

As he walked closer he realized that it was only your familiar of yourself.

Steven: Oh no!! He must've gone to the concert!!!

He ran downstairs to the others.

Steven: Guys he's gone!

Kara: WHAT!?

Jessica: But where could he have run off to?

Steven: He must be heading to my dad's concert. We gotta find him.

With you we see you at the concert as you saw many people and gems were here.

(Y/N): Wow, now I gotta find Greg so I can ask if I can sing my special song. But where could he be?

As you wandered off you were at the backstage as the curtains were down.

(Y/N): He isn't back here. Ooh a rope!

You saw a rope as you pulled it and the curtains opened up as you saw all the people as ben saw you

Ben: There he is! He's on the stage!

(Y/N): Hi everyone my name is black diamond and I have a special song for you all.

Then you summoned familiars of yourself in many forms as they began to play their instruments as you began to sing

(Y/N): Was it you or was it me? Is this a nightmare or just a dream? I've lost my mind, I've lost myself Am I at home or am I in hell? I'm in my room They're by my side My little monsters, they try to hide I've tried to run, they're close behind I cry for help but no one's in sight.

Then they began to play as the others watched you.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N) And familiars: But now I'm home, right where I belong, And I cannot stay strong And in my mind It's what I deserve all along Just let me go I'm trapped within my home They left me all alone It's all I know And as my fear grows It's where I call my home.

(Y/N): They're in my room They're in the halls and underneath my bed They say I'm sick Well maybe I'm just better off dead Their wicked words They cut my nerves And make me feel like I'm nothing They say get closer but I'm scared They put me down, no this isn't fair They mock my name Put me to shame So like balloons, I'll float away

(Y/N) And Familiars: But now I'm home, right where I belong, And I cannot stay strong And in my mind It's what I deserve all along Just let me go I'm trapped within my home They left me all alone It's all I know And as my fear grows It's where I call my home.

(Y/N): (just let me go) (it's where I call my home)
(just let me go) Can you even hear me cry? I know you're broken deep inside I swear I'll put you back together But now I'm home, right where I belong, And I cannot stay strong And in my mind It's what I deserve all along Just let me go I'm trapped within my home They left me all alone It's all I know And as my fear grows It's where I call my home.

As you finished your song you looked at the crowd as they were in shock of your performance and of your singing.

(Y/N): Well, I hope you all liked it.

Steven: Wow, I didn't know he could sing like that.

Greg: Steven!

He looked to see his dad is there along with pearl by his side.

Greg: There you are I was about to get on stage to perform but I saw the curtains opened up and he was on stage.

Pearl: Um Greg Universe, should we get you ready for your performance?

Greg: Sure But first let me talk to the little tyke.

He walked up to you on the stage as he looked at you.y

Greg: What were you thinking running off all the way to here? I didn't know you were here

(Y/N): I'm sorry I just wanted everyone to hear my song.

Greg: And I just have to say I'm impressed I didn't know you had it in you.

(Y/N): Thank you sir. *gives Greg a hug*

Greg: tell ya what you can be on stage and see me perform if ya like.

(Y/N): Really? Thank you!

Steven: I'm performing with you dad I need to help pearl remember.

Greg: You got it stchuball!

Then Steven And Greg were seen on stage as you were watching them as they began to play their guitars As the stage effects flare to life, the two approach each other and stand back-to-back, shredding on their guitars and looking at each other. Both of them then begin to glow, followed by a huge cloud of smoke, as the audience cheers on.

Pearl: *nervously* Um Greg?

Spinal:*nervously* Steven?

As the smoke clears, an unfamiliar, four-armed man, bearing a long mane of hair, a wild pompadour, and a double-necked guitar emerges from the mist.

(Y/N): WOW! A giant man!

Steg: It's a big, old universe out there. And when you're gettin' crushed under the weight of them stars... *throws Steven's jacket to Garnet*

Pearl: Wha- Where-

Steg:... Well, sometimes, you need that special someone to remind you that you're so much more. *winks at Pearl*

Pearl: *confused* Wha...

The new fusion, Steg, begins strumming his guitar, sweeping Buck off his feet with the sheer energy of his strumming, as he starts to perform "Independent Together"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Steg: Nothing's holding you back now No one can push you around What do you wanna do?

Pearl: Woah!

Steg: You're the master of you

Pearl: Ahh!

Steg: And isn't the thought enough to lift you off of the ground?

As Steg sings, Pearl frantically looks around for Greg, until she finds herself tapping her foot to Steg's music. Steg's gem power then activates, enveloping a starstruck Pearl in a pink aura, and they both levitate off of the ground. Steg grabs Pearl's hand, twirls her around and throws her high into the sky.

Pearl:Nothing is holding me back nowNo one can push me aroundWhat do I wanna be?I'm the master of me And isn't the thought enough to lift me off of the ground?

Pearl slowly rediscovers her independence as she sings Steg's song. Amethyst then joins the two onstage, and Steg begins levitating all three of them into the sky.

Steg: We could be independent together! Independent together, we can fly! Independent together, Independent together! Independent together, you and I!

Spinel and Garnet watch in awe as Steg, Amethyst and Pearl fly into the sky. A starstruck Pearl quickly regains her memories, as she begins reforming in a colorful display, cycling between the forms she took while under Rose's service, until she reforms back to her current self.

Steg: High above an endless sea, No one brought us here but me Every step and every choice, It's my fault, it's my thought, it's my words, it's my voice!

Celebrating Pearl's return, Amethyst and Pearl begins dancing together in the sky. They both dive down from the sky, fusing together before landing on the stage. Opal appears as she pulls Pearl's bass from her gem and plays it together with Steg.

Opal: Independent together, Independent together, if we try!
Lion invites Garnet to hop on his back, and they levitate into the sky too, as a dejected Spinel watches from below.

Steg & Opal: Independent together, Independent together! Independent together, you and I Independent together, Independent together, we can fly! Steg starts to strain and sweat profusely, as Steven's gem begins to falter again.

Steg & Opal: Independent together, Independent together! Independent together, you and I! Independent together, you and I!...

Steg slowly begins to descend due his power fading, but Opal helps to throw him higher into the sky for a finale. Steg then looks down in distress at Spinel's Injector, with more catastrophic damage to the ground around it, before descending back on the stage. The audience cheers loudly as Steg unfuses back into Steven and Greg.

Greg: You did it! ...Steven?

Collapsed on the ground and ringing in his ears, an immensely-exhausted Steven looks at Spinel, as she runs away in tears, feeling rejected.

(Y/N): Where you going Spinel?

Then you ran after her as the rest of the others saw you running off.

Greg: Wow, for a little guy he sure moves fast.

Steven: Spinel, (Y/N) wait!

Then he tried to run after you two but he collapsed due to exhaustion as pearl came to him.

Pearl: Steven are you ok?

Steven: D-Don't worry about me, it's Spinel. We need her to remember how to stop her injector. Ugh! *collapses into Greg's hands* Pearl, what do you know about her and black diamond?

Pearl: Spinel? Well she was pink diamond's little playmate. And Black Diamond Well me and Pink found him on a planet 65 million years ago, and he was all alone with no one but deadly creatures out there if me and Pink hadn't come to that planet he would have been shattered.

Steven: But where did they play at?

Pearl: Pink Diamond's garden.

Steven: Well I need to find her and (Y/N) he ran off after her.

Pearl: (Y/N)? what happened to him?

Steven: He was rejuvenated like you were.

Pearl: Oh no. What did he look like rejuvenated?

Steven: Well he looked like a little kid, black hair, diamond on his forehead and a badge on his chest.

Pearl: By the way where's Garnet?

Steven: She's right there.

He pointed at garnet as she was with the others.

Velma: Pearl I was meaning to ask, why did Pink Diamond raise Black Diamond as her own son?

Pearl: Well she's never seen a male gem before so she was curious about him. After that she just decided to "keep" him.

Rover: So that's how it happened?

Pearl: Whaaat?! Did it just... talk?!

Steven: Yeah that's Rover Black Diamond's pet.

Rover: How do you do?

Pearl: Very well thank you. But I remember Black Diamond having another pet. His name was Milo I think it was?

Steven: What did Milo look like?

Pearl: Milo was kind of like Lion in terms of powers. But he was a big green and black tiger.

Steven: Ok, well we need to go after Spinel and (Y/N). But pearl what did you think of Black Diamond when you met him all those years ago?

Pearl: Well I was surprised that there was a male gem and pink had me to look after black when pink was busy.

Kara: So you were Black Diamond's babysitter?

Pearl: In a sense yes I was. But we need to find him and Spinel.

Enid: I think they headed to the beach house.

Steven: Thanks Enid. C'mon guys!

Babs: Ok and Pearl while you were rejuvenated (Y/N) sang a song, on stage.

Pearl: But wasn't he with you all.

Steven: Long story short, he snuck out to dad's concert.

Pearl: Ok. Just make sure he's not in any water.

Kara: You're saying that a bath is like a bad thing.

Pearl: It's not the bath I'm worried about it's what comes after the bath that I'm afraid of.

Steven: What is it?

Pearl: Nap time if he doesn't have an item to sleep with he'll throw the biggest tantrum imaginable.

Shaggy: Like, that sounds bad.

Steven: What kind of item did he had to sleep with.

Pearl: Well this *summons a stuffed tiger* he wasn't allowed to have Milo, so pink made this for him. And I should mention that for black to fall asleep you need to tell him a story and rock him to sleep.

Steven: Got it.

Kara: Come on let's go.

Then we see the others running to the beach house as they saw a glow as the warp pad was activated

Steven: That must be them. Lion go find Connie we need all hands on deck

Then lion made a portal as he went into it to find Connie as They headed to the house as we see you and Spinel at the warp pad.

(Y/N): Hey Pearl!

Steven: (Y/N) why did you run after spinel on your own?

Pearl: You could've gotten hurt!

(Y/N): I'm sorry I saw Spinel look sad and I wanted her to feel better.

Steven: Spinel what's wrong?

Spinel: *crying* I just... started getting these feelings flooding back to me...!

Steven: That's- That's good! I need you to remember. If you don't, something really bad will happen to me and my home. Please, think! Do you remember the garden?

(Y/N): The garden? Why are you talking about the garden?

Steven: It's where Spinel and Pink Diamond used to play.

(Y/N): Oh, I used to play there too with mommy and Spinel.

Steven: Wait you used to play with them?

(Y/N): Well yeah. C'mon I'll show you where it is.

Steven: Ok Pearl get the others, Me Kara, Babs, Zee, Karen, Diana, and Jessica will go with them.

Desiree: What about me?

Steven: Oh uh you can come with us too.

Pearl: Ok.

Then as you all warped to the garden you looked at steven.

(Y/N): Why did you bring her? *points at Desiree.*

Steven: Believe it or not but when you were your old self you helped her.

(Y/N): I did?

Desiree: That's right you freed me from my curse.

(Y/N): How.

Steven: You wished for her to be human and wished for her freedom.

(Y/N): Well that was nice of older me.

Steven: Yeah you helped a lot of people back then. You saved the multiverse, you gave Peni a chance to be in a real family, in your family.

(Y/N): Oh, i guess i was really kind.

Jessica: You were.

Then you all arrived to the garden as you saw the garden.

(Y/N): I remember this place, It's where me and mommy used to come to play with Spinel. And I remember that I made a promise to spinel.

Steven: What was it?

(Y/N): That i will always be her friend no matter what.

Then Spinel came to the garden and she began to remember a memory of you and her together.


We see you as Little Black Diamond and Spinel playing in the garden as Spinel looked at you.

Spinel: Black can you promise me something?

(Y/N): What is it?

Spinel: Promise that you will always be my friend no matter what.

(Y/N): I will until then hold on to this.

You gave her an orb as it projected you and Spinel smiling together.

Spinel: Thank you.

Flashback end.

Steven: You gave her something to remember you.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Then Spinel began to remember playing in the Garden with you and Pink Diamond.

with Spinel playing hide-and-seek with You and Pink Diamond, as she surprised her with funny faces, making you and Pink laugh.

Spinel: But after a while Pink became bored of me. But black continued to play with me even if Pink was bored with me. She then tried to get a planet for her and Black to colonize and Black wanted me to come with them but pink told me to stay here

Pink: Spinel stay here I will be back.

(Y/N): But mom, can I still come to the garden and play with Spinel?

Pink: Son, we need to go.

(Y/N): Ok but i want to do one thing before I go.

You walked to Spinel and gave her a hug as spinel was shocked but then hugged you back.

(Y/N): Spinel, I'll try to keep coming here to play with you. I promise.

Spinel: Ok.

Then we see pink Diamond coming to spinel as Spinel began to sing what pink told her

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Spinel: Here in the garden, let's play a game,
I'll show you how it's done;
Here in the garden, stand very still.

Pink kneeled down to Spinel and booped her nose, instructing her to stand very still.

Spinel: "This'll be so much fun!" And then she smiled, that's what I'm after, The smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter Happy to listen, happy to play, Happily watching her dri-i-ift away

We then see you and Pink Diamond going on the warp pad and warped to homeworld as spinel stayed right where she was.

Spinel: Happily waiting, all on my own, Under the endless sky Counting the seconds, standing alone, As thousands of years go by

Several years went by, Spinel continued to stand still as the vegetation around her grew wildly.

Spinel: Happily wondering, night after night, Is this how it works? Am I doing it right? Happy to listen, happy to stay, Happily watching her dri-i-ift away

As Spinel sings, she slowly recalls her painful memories, and her expression slowly becomes more bitter.

Spinel: You keep on turning pages For people who don't care, People who don't care about you; And still it takes you ages To see that no one's there, See that no one's there, See that no one's there, Everyone's gone on without you

She then leads you and the others through the deserted garden, showing you all the dead vegatation around as she sings about her pain.

Spinel: Finally something! Finally news About how the story ends: She doesn't exist now, Survived by her son, And all of her brand new friends!

After 6,000 years, a frayed Spinel, still standing still, watched Steven's broadcast from earlier on the Diamond communicator in the garden, and came to a horrific realization.

Spinel: Isn't that lovely? Isn't that cool? And isn't that cruel? And aren't I a fool, to have, Happily listened, Happy to stay, Happily watching her dri-i-ift,

Breaking away from the stems grew wildly around her legs, a devastated Spinel ran up to the communicator, just as the broadcast ended. Heartbroken and crushed, Spinel collapsed onto her knees and broke down crying. With all her memories back, the flashback ends as Spinel begins glow and reform.

Spinel: Dri-i-ift, Dri-i-i-i-i-i-ift, Away?

Spinel's gem turns around into an upside-down heart, and she reforms back to her current self. Back with her hateful demeanor, Spinel glares back at Steven.

(Y/N): Spinel, I'm sorry mommy did that. I wanted to be here with you but she wouldn't let me leave. And I always missed you and thought about the times we played together.

Spinel: You... missed... me?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm sorry if I broke my promise.

Steven: It's not your fault (Y/N). I can't believe Mom did that to her. *pauses* Actually, I can totally believe it. She's not the only one she hurt-

Steven approaches Spinel to try to console herself, but reactively pushes him away, pinning him to the ground.

Spinel: *growls* Yeah, you must know all about her life without me! Rub it in, why don't ya?! *prepares to punch Steven*

Steven: No! *tries to summon his shield unsuccessfully* It's not like that! You deserve a better friend.

(Y/N): Spinel please don't hurt him.

She saw you as you were in front of her trying to keep her from trying to punch steven

Zee: I don't understand after hearing about all that's happened to Spinel why isn't (Y/N) regaining his memories?

Steven: I don't think that this was his missing piece.

(Y/N): Please Spinel don't hurt him I know about after hearing this you don't have to do this, you can make new friends.

Spinel roars in anger and swings her fist at the column holding the Diamond communicator instead, destroying it. She then sighs in defeat, kneeling down sadly to the ground.

Steven: Spinel, come back and save the Earth with us. You can start over there, make new friends.

(Y/N): Yeah and we can play like we used too.

Steven offers his hand to Spinel, who looks away in distress, and he begins to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Steven: Someday, somewhere, somehow, You'll love again, You just need to find someone

Steven walks up to Spinel and sits down beside her, who continues to look away. Steven offers his hand to Spinel again. Spinel reluctantly accepts his hand and joins in the song.

Steven and Spinel: Someday, somewhere, somehow, You'll/I'll love again, You/I just need to find someone~

Steven stands Spinel up and begins to lead her out of the garden.

Steven and Spinel: Someone who treats you/me better,Someone who wants you/me around, Someday, somewhere, somehow, You're/I'm gonna feel found...

You walk step on the warp pad and warped to the conservatory

Spinel: Today, right here, right now,
I already feel found...

(Y/N): Spinel can you help with your injector please?

Spinel: Of course anything for an old friend.

Inside the house, Pearl and Amethyst anxiously waits for Steven, while Garnet picks up and examines a spork curiously.

Amethyst: If they find her they will come back right?

Rebecca: I hope so. I'm starting to miss the man I fell in love with.

Then we see you and Steven coming down the stairs.

Steven: Guys! Guess who's back?! *turns to Spinel in his room* Come on down!

We see spinel was hiding at the stairs

Spinel: Won't they all be... not exactly incredibly thrilled to see me like this? *points at her face*

(Y/N): Don't worry we'll tell them your good now

Rogue and Storm: Has (Y/N) gotten his memories back?

Steven: Not yet. But someone else did.

We then see Spinel coming down the stairs as everyone saw her.

Pearl: W-W-W-W-W-WHAT?!?

Pearl quickly summons her spear in reflex, while Amethyst summons her whip.

Steven: WHOA! Spinel got her memories back, but she's not gonna hurt us. Everything's chill. She's going to help us get rid of the injector.

Then Lion came out of a portal with Connie on his back as she has her sword and jumps off of lion and lands next to pearl.

Connie: So what I miss? Where's the fight?

Steven: Don't fight! Everything's chill!

Carol: Really?

A toilet flushing was heard, and Greg exits Steven's bathroom. Amethyst, Pearl, and Connie then all automatically point their weapons at him, glaring angrily at him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Greg: *frightened* AAAH! Alright! Alright I'll wash my hands!

He then heads back to wash his hands

(Y/N): Spinel is not gonna hurt us she's our friend now.

Felicia: We want to hear her say that! *claws pop out of her gloves ready to slash Spinel*

Spinel: He's right i am your friend i want to help.

(Y/N): Can we play a game?

Kara: Game?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rolf: You there supergirl play me the song of Rolf's village!

kara: *looks through the music sheet* That's my horse?

She then blew in the jug as rolf began to dance as you saw him.

(Y/N): That look like fun.

You held out your hand as rolf slapped it.

Rolf: That's my horse!

He held out his hands as you saw them

(Y/N): That's my horse? *you then began to understand and slapped his hands* That's my horse!

Ed: *slaps your face* That's my horse!

Then you laughed at that as you then grabbed a plate and smashed it on ed's head.

Eddy: I like this song!

(Y/N): That's my horse! *slaps eddy on the face*

You then came to Jessica.

Jessica: Ok! That's your horse!

(Y/N): Ah, ah, ah, like this Jessica. *you grabbed her hand and made it slap your face.*

Jessica: *holds her hand in pain* Ok! That's my horse!

(Y/N): No! IT'S MY HORSE! *laughs* Let's have a race.

Double D: Race?

We now see Ed and Kara as you were on Kara's back as K.O. was on Ed's back.

Ed: I am a horse.

Kara: Your a horsey.

(Y/N): You better win horsey.

Then we see Double D as he blows a fan flare signaling the race to start.

(Y/N): Go!

Then then made Kara go as she ran on all fours like a horse as the others saw ed.

Ed: Neigh!


Ed ran at fast speed as he then took the lead as you saw him run fast.

(Y/N): Go faster!

Then ed ran through the beach as you were on his tail as kara was getting tired.

(Y/N): Come on horsey! * pulls her hair* faster faster!

Then Kara began to run faster as ed and kara were neck and neck to the finish line as they both jumped as ed crossed the finish line.

Double D: K.O. has won.

(Y/N): You lost horsey. Bad, bad, bad.

Kara: That does it! He needs his memories back now!

(Y/N): *holds up some paper* Why?

Kara: Why? WHY?! Because I can't take it anymore with you and your games! And because it gets on my nerves and your just a spoiled little BRAT!!!

As kara was finished with her outburst she then realized that she had gone to far and saw that you were crying.

Kara: Look kid, I-i didn't mean-

But you ran off crying as you dropped the papers you had and ran to the house as Kara saw that and saw a glow from the constructatory.

Kara: Uh-oh.

Desiree: Way to go Kara! I'll go get him!

Then she noticed the paper that was on the ground as Desiree picked them up and saw that they were drawings and they showed was you and the others together.

Desiree: He made these.

Then steven came to Kara and Desiree.

Steven: Where's (Y/N)?

Kara: He... Ran away.

Desiree: And it's her fault that he did.

Steven: He ran away?! Kara what did you do?!

Kara: Nothing honest, well something but..

Desiree: Kara yelled at (Y/N) and called him a spoiled brat.

Zee: Kara why would you do that?

Kara: I was just mad. But I didn't mean to make him cry.

Jessica: Kara, he just wanted to play.

Kara then felt guilty of what she did

Desiree: C'mon Amethyst let's grab a photo album and let's go find him.

To be continued next time will be the final showdown with Spinel, Garnet reforms and gets her memories back, and a trip down memory lane for you.

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