The fate of the multiverse.

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Here we see you and the others heading to the tunnel as you looked to see no one was around as you all went inside as you looked around to see a light as you and the others followed the light as you all looked to see the lab as you saw Vilgax there along with the others that were there then Gwen saw Bebop eating his food and making a mess.

Gwen: Ugh, what a pig.

Spider-Ham: I'm right here.

Then you saw that the multigate was beginning to turn on as you and the others sneaked past them as you went to the multigate but then as you were about to get to the controls you were then tackled by Rocksteady as you were sent out to the open as the other villains saw you.

Strike: Aw (Y/N) We were afraid that you all wouldn't show up.

(Y/N): Well your little plan is gonna put to an end.

Vilgax: I don't think so, With this device I won't just be concuring this universe but the entire multiverse.

Diana: Your treacherous deed will be stopped.

Vilgax: I like to see you try.

Then you and your friends charged at Vilgax and his goons as you turned into Darkfall as (Y/N) 46 became electricyeti.

(Y/N): I call this one Darkfall.

(Y/N) 46: Nice, I got Shadow Knight.

Then you charged at Vilgax as you tried to slash him with your sword. with Peni she was fighting Strike, Gwen, Kara, Spiderman Noir, and Alan were fighting Alpha, Looma was fighting bebop and rocksteady, then you looked to see strike as he took out Sp//dr's legs as he was trying to smash the glass to get to Peni as you saw him as you used your shadow powers to push Vilgax away as you slapped your badge as you were consumed in a red flash as strike was about to break the glass an anvil fell on strike's head as the others saw and looked at Spider-Ham.

Spider-Ham: Don't look at me, i didn't do it.

Peter B: Then who did?

(Y/N): I Did.

Strike turned around to see you as you looked like a little black devil as you have a green bow tie, green shoes, green eyes, gloves, and a green belt with the ultimatrix symbol on it.

(Y/N): Say hello to Abatoon.

Strike: *Laughs* What are you suppose to be? Some kind of silly cartoon

(Y/N): You got a problem with cartoons?

Then you punched Strike in the face as he tried to send a red slash at you as you stretched your legs out of the way and pulled out a frying pan and whacked him in the head with it and then stretched your arm and grabbed him and then swung him and threw him as he was then whacked in the face by Peni as she used sp//der's arm.

then strike was now on the ground with stars swirling around his head as you saw him.

(Y/N): Awww, did that feel like a cartoon? *Blows raspberries*

Then Peni looked at her robot as it was all damaged beyond repair as she walked to it and got out a spider that was in it and saw sp//dr shut down as she had said tears streaming out of her eyes as you saw her and changed back and looked at her she looked at you for a second but then you grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

(Y/N ): I'm really sorry about your robot.

Then Peni then hugged you back as she had her head on your shoulder as you began to smile at her and then went to the others. As you saw vilgax was at the controls and was activating the multigate as you saw it was opening a portal to other dimensions.

(Y/N): If we don't stop that thing. Then all our worlds will be doomed.

Kara: Go stop the machine we'll handle these punks.

You nodded to kara and ran to the machine only to see doc ock and vilgax as they were blocking your path.

Olivia: I don't think so.

Then she sent her tentacles at you as you dodged them as scream and carnage made tendrils for you as they countered the attacks from doc ock as vilgax came at you as you dodged him and used the tendrils to strike at him and then vilgax punched you in the face so hard your helmet was broke into pieces as you fell to the ground as the villains saw you on the ground and your helmet was shattered.

Lord Boxman: Oh this is going to be good, and i think it be best for the town to see.

He pressed a button as camereas came and aimed at you. At metropolis we see everyon doing their buisness until all the screens then. Changed as we see lord boxman on the screen.

Lord Boxman: Greetings citizens of Metropolis i am lord boxman and im here to show you this.

The screen showed you on the ground as pieces of yoyr gelmet was seen.

Lord Boxman: Your alien hero is here and gis helmet is destroyed, meaning when he gets up you will get his face and see who he truley is.

Then lord boxman went to the shadows.

Lord Boxman: Blinds!

Then blinds came as he watched through them in the shadows.

Lord Boxman: Now to watch from the shadows, like a total creep

As you were on the ground the others saw you and your broken helmet.

Jess: If he gets up everyone will know who he is.

Strike: Come on kid, the whole town is watching and they'll get to see your face when you get up.

Then you slowly got up and turned around to see that your hair is red and black.

Vilgax: What?!

(Y/N): Vilgax, you took away my uncle, I'll never forgive you for that and I'll make sure you never rob anyone of anything ever again.

Then you felt carnage cover your body.

(Y/N): And there will be carnage.

Then you became carnage as you charged at vilgax as you made your fingers into claws as you slashed at Vilgax as you then made tendrils and threw him at strike and then you saw was reality was starting to glitch as you looked to see what was happ as multiple items were being brought out of the portal.

(Y/N): I need to stop this. Spiderman throw me the goober!

Peter B: Ok, catch!

He threw it at you as you went to the control panel and you were about to put it in but a tentacle grabbed you and threw you away from the control pan as you looked to see doc ock.

(Y/N): Guess I'll have to take care of you.

Then you saw Gwen and spider girl came and web sling at doc ock as you came and puched doc ock looked furious and charged at you all.

Gwen: Buckle up guys, this is gonna take a while.

As doc ock was approaching you suddenly a truck came and hit her as you all looked shocked to see that.

(Y/N): Or maybe not come on.

Then you ran to the multigate as you changed back but then you felt a pain in your back as you fell down to your knees as Jess saw you and ran to you.

Jess: (Y/N) are you ok?

(Y/N): I think something stabbed me in the back. Could you pull it out?

As jess looked to see your back she saw there saw nothing there.

Jess: Well, whatever it was it's gone now.

The you got up and got to the control panel and placed the goober in as the are returned to normal as the things brought by the multigate went back in it.

Vilgax: No!

Then the others came to you as you worked on the portal.

(Y/N): Ok, Miles your first.

Miles: Ok, and i hope we get to meet again someday.

Then he went into the portal as you then set it to spyder knight's world.

Spyder Knight: Young (Y/N) you have to be a great warrior far well.

Then he went to the portal as you then got the portal for spider ham's world.

Spider Ham: Here *he gives you a mallet.* I want you to have it. It'll fit in your pocket. That's all folks.

Ben: Did he just say that legally?

Then he jumped into the portal. Then you set it to spider man noir's universe.

Spiderman Noir: I'm gonna keep this. *He holds up a iphone* I don't understand this, but i will.

Then he ran into the portal. Then you set the portal to Peni's universe.

Peni: Thank you (Y/N).

The n she hugged you as you then smiled at her and hugged her back.

(Y/N): I know you lost your dad, but i hope you have a chance at any being in a family.

She smiled at you as she went in the portal then you set the portal for e ach of the spider men universes as multiple portals opened up as each Spiderman went in it not before gwen, spider girl and White tiger came to you.

Gwen: well there's something we wanna give you.

(Y/N): What's that?

Gwen: This.

Then they each kissed you in the cheek as you blushed as they went to their portal to home then you set the portal for you and Ben's dimensional counterparts as they each went in the portals to home. As you looked at vilgax.

(Y/N): It's over Vilgax you lose.

Vilgax: True which is why i have a back up plan?

(Y/N): Back-up plan?

Vilgax: Yes.

Then he pressed a button.

Computer: annihilargs activated.

You looked to see a computer that showed each of the spideys universes as anniliargs were activated and began to destroy them.

Vilgax: I knew you would try to stop my plan so i planned this.

K.O.: Your destroying our worlds.

Vilgax: Precisely.

Then you looked angry at him but then you had an idea you went to your watch and Transformed into alien X

(Y/N): Alien X.

Then You went in the multigate as you were now at the stream of universes them you slapped your badge and went ultimate.

(Y/N): Ultimate Alien X

(play this while you read)

Then you raised your hands as the universes that were being destroyed were now coming together as you used your power to bring them all together as your friends form those universe were now in metropolis.

Peni: What happened?

Ava: I don't know. one minute our town was being destroyed but now we ended up here.

back with you you went out of the multigate and raised your hand as the multigate was being crushed as you destroyed it.

(Y/N): Now no one can use it.

VIlgax: Enjoy this while you can because i will be back.

Then he and his villains went into a portal as it closed then you all were about to leave the tunnel as your phone rang as you answered it.

(Y/N): Hello?

(M/N): Son.

(Y/N): Mom?

(M/N): Son, we have something to tell you, your uncle he...

(Y/N): Yeah mom, i heard.

(M/N): I'm really sorry about Cletus, well I'm sure he would want you to do great things for your friends and family.

(Y/N): Yeah mom, i bet he would. Hey mom there's something i want to talk about when i get home.

(M/N): Ok. I'll see you at home. Bye.

Then you hanged up as you left out of the tunnel and went to home.

What is it that (Y/N) wants to talk to his parents? Find out on the next chapter and i hope you guys really love this story because there will be a surprise for the next chapter.

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