The fate of time

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We see you all as you were on the ship and you all are getting ready for battle.

Kara: Ok, why is this plan so important to Kronika.

Raiden: It is because Kronika is the mother of Shinnok.

Kara: What but I thought she was Cetrion's mom.

Raiden: Cetrion is Shinnok's sister. In the new era Shinnok is the darkness to balance Cetrion's light.

(Y/N): And that can only happen if the realms keep fighting each other.

Cetrion: It is true. Shinnok was always mother's favorite. But look where that got him.

(Y/N): Then we need to stop her and Maltruant.

Cassie: Guys Raiden told me to tell you it's going to head to Kronika's base.

(Y/N): Good.

Cassie: Btw, (Y/N) me, my mom, Jacqui, Jade, and Sheeva wanted to give you something.

(Y/N): What is it?

Cassie: This.

Then all the girls kissed you

Sheeva: I have something else for you *gives you some gauntlets with blades*

(Y/N): Sweet, new weapons.

Then we see cyber Lin kuei getting onboard the ship as you all saw them.

(Y/N): I guess this is a good time to test them.

You then ran at the cyborgs using your bladed gauntlets as you sliced them as you turned to see Jessica as she was making a shield to block the cyborgs but you saw one was behind her.

(Y/N): Jess, look out!

You then ran to her as you did you feel your body becoming energy as you then came to Jessica as the energy went into Jessica as she was on the ground and her eyes opened as they were now blood red as her pupils were Diamond shaped as she then summoned Agni and Rudra and spun them making a fire tornado as it struck the cyber Lin Kuei as Babs saw it.

Babs: Way to go Jessica!

(Y/N): What?

Then the energy got out of Jessica as you were now back as Jessica's eyes returned to their normal color.

Jessica: What happened?

(Y/N): I think I accidentally possessed you and you used my powers?

Dante: Sounds like you got a new style.

(Y/N): Cool. I'll call it the possessor style.

???: Kronika was right we have some uninvited guests!

You looked to see the rest of Kronika's allies were here as you were about to fight them you saw Geras come down as he faced you and walked towards you.

(Y/N): You again? Guess i have time to fight you.

Geras: I have died a thousand deaths to prepare for this battle. My defeat is impossible, yours inevitable.

(Y/N): We'll see about that won't we? Sindel why don't you teach your daughter's revenant a lesson in manners?

Sindel: Gladly.

(Y/N): I'll take care of Big and Ugly.

You then turned into four arms and went Omni Enhanced.

(Y/N): Alright Geras, I got four I mean six fists with your name on them! Bring it on mr. Sandman!

Geras: You will be destroyed.

(Y/N): I don't think so.

You then charged at him as you then punched him with your two blue fists as he was sent back a bit as he constructed a made on his hand and tried to punch you as you caught the mace as you faced.

(Y/N): You might be strong but that won't help because I'm stronger than you! How about that?!

He then teleported away as he appeared behind you and then punched you at the back of the head as you turned and got kicked in the gut as you were sent a few feet away as you were at the ground and got up to face him.

(Y/N): Ok so your stronger than I thought, so it's time to get serious.

You brought your blue fists together as they created electricity. You charged at him as you then punched geras and grabbed him as you then punched him repeatedly in the face as you then punched him one last time as you then changed to Abatoon as you pulled out a mallet and whacked him straight in the face with it as he was sent to chains as it was attached to an anchor as Raiden sent a lightning blast at the anchor sending it to the sea of blood as Geras saw it.

Geras: Drowning cannot kill me!

Raiden: That is unfortunate for you. The sea of blood is bottomless.

(Y/N): Which means you will be falling forever! Have a nice dip!

Then the chains pulled geras as he was now sent into the sea of blood as he was now trapped in the sea of blood falling forever, you then looked at Raiden as you smiled at him.

(Y/N): Thanks Raiden.

Raiden: You are welcome.

You then changed back as you saw the rest of the enemies are still fighting.

Keith: Hey bud, if this would be a good time to go clockwork maybe now is a good time.

You then turned into clockwork as you then sent a time blast at them as the villains saw the blast as they were then hit by it as we see you aiming it at each and every one of them as we see they were now gone.

Kara: Where'd they go?

Paradox: They have been returned to the timelines that spawned them.

(Y/N): Yes, which leaves only Kronika and Maltruant, Keith it's time.

Keith: On it.

He turned into Bootleg as he then got on you and then became Bootlegged Clockwork.

(Y/N): Alright everyone, it's time we clean Kronika and Maltruant's clocks!

Kara: Seriously?

(Y/N): Sorry. But we need to stop them.

Ben: The rest of us will deal with the army you guys deal with Kronika and Maltruant!

(Y/N): Very well. Come one guys.

You all ran to the temple but the diamonds saw what shocked them was their past selves while yellow and blue's past selves were white..

White Diamond: It's us.

Past White Diamond: Kronika promised me, black diamond for the new era.

You changed back as you saw her as she notices your black diamond on your forehead.

Past White Diamond: Black. Did you have fun? It's time to come out moonlight.

She then grabbed you in her hand as she brought you to her face as she saw your gem as the rest of the others saw you being taken by White's past self.

Jessica: What are you doing?!

She then reached her fingers to your gem.

Past White Diamond: Time to come out black.

(Y/N): *screams in sheer pain* STOP!!! PLEASE!!!!

Then the others saw what she was doing as she removed the Diamond from your forehead as she placed you down as she had your gem. The gem began to glow as it formed to black diamond as his younger self, then to his teenage self, and then to you as he was black and floated down and looked at everyone.

Past White Diamond: What? where is black?

Black (Y/N): He's gone.

Past White Diamond: What did you say?

Then black (Y/N) turned to face past white Diamond as he had a blank look on his face.


(Y/N): *weakly* please come back I need you.

You tried to walk to him but you were too weak as you fell to the floor as Cetrion came and helped you up along with Jessica.

Cetrion: We got you.

Past Diamonds: You will listen to me when I say stop!

But we see Jessica and Cetrion helping you get to your gem self as he slowly walks to you as past white diamond saw it.

Past White Diamond: Don't you dare take one more step!

Mileena: He doesn't want to listen to a tyrant like you!

As you gem self kept walking it made past white furious.

Past White Diamond: That's enough!

She sent a white blast at your gem self but he blocked it by making a black shield.

Sindel: Nice try!

She sent another blast at black you but he placed himself to protect himself.

Past White Diamond: Don't you raise your shield at me! I only want you to be yourself. And if you can't do that, I'll do it for you!

Black (Y/N): No, I am already myself.

Then past white and the two diamonds sent blasts at him as the shield blocked them as he then raised his hand and popped the shield as it sent everyone back.

(Y/N): Stop! Your hurting them.

Your gem self saw you as he walked to you

(Y/N): Thank you.

We then see you and your gem self fuse back into your normal self.

Jessica: (Y/N)! Are you back together? Are you really you?

(Y/N): Yeah, I am. I've always been me. But we've got to get to Kronika

Past White Diamond: No! You are black Diamond that is black diamond's gem! You do not look like this, you do not sound like this, you are not human you're just... acting like a child!

(Y/N): Black was a child. But he grew up, you didn't! So what's your excuse?

Then Jessica began to laugh a bit as past white's cheeks began to blush as the two past gems blushed as well as you took notice at her blushing.

Past White Diamond: What's happening? What is this? What's wrong with them? They're turning pink. I don't understand I'm in control I- *gasps* have a flaw. I'm supposed to be flawless! No!

Then past blue and yellow returned to their original colors as they both collapsed to the floor as they got up they saw past white on the floor.

Past White Diamond: What is this? I feel... Ridiculous. *turns to past blue and Yellow* Yellow... Blue...

Past Yellow Diamond: She's off color.

Karen: Off color?

(Y/N): She means flawed.

You then walked up to past White.

Past White Diamond: I'm supposed to be flawless, if your not black then who are you? Who am I? Who is anyone?

(Y/N): Steven told me what he said to you once, if you let everyone be what they want to be, you can let be what you are too.

Past White Diamond: But I'm not supposed to be like this. I'm supposed to know better, be better, make everything better.

(Y/N): You can. By embracing off colors in every way, shape, or form.

Dante: Dude! We are here to stop time from being destroyed!

(Y/N): Look the point is you need to accept everyone for who they are and accepting their flaws.

You then ran to where Kronika and Maltruant were as you turned into clockwork as Keith became bootleg.

(Y/N): Kronika, your days of changing time are over.

Kronika: I think not son of Dante!

Keith: It's time to bootleg you guys out of here!

Then Keith and you became bootlegged Clockwork as you faced the two.

(Y/N): Kronika, Maltruant your time is up. No no wait, Kronika and Maltruant Your time has come.

Kara: Think of a cool line later. Right now we need to stop them.

(Y/N): Ok, ok! Let's just get to the good part.

You then came at them as you saw them trying to use their time powers on your friends but they saw that they were unaffected by their powers.

Kronika: What?! How?!

Karen: Just a little something we Made to protect us from your powers.

(Y/N): And let's take this to another time.

You then did a time blast in the whole area as you all were now at the beginning of time.

Maltruant: Impressive but you're time is up.

Then Maltruant and Kronika tried to use their powers but they couldn't and they took notice at it.

Kronika: What?

Rook: Both are your powers are time based correct? Too bad time has not yet begun.

Kronika: No!! This can not be!!

(Y/N): One flaw in your plan, time powers don't work in the beginning of time.

K.O.: Which means you two are powerless!

(Y/N): Which means it's time to settle this once and for all.

Maltruant: You will not stop us from creating the new era.

(Y/N): Ok, wow! You must be both blind and stupid! Look at the numbers stacked against you. We outnumber you 3,000,000 to 2! How are you going to beat that?!

Maltruant: Foolish boy do you remember our last encounter with me?

(Y/N): Yeah? Why?

Maltruant: While we were planning to create the new era I thought of creating this as a backup plan. *holds up a device*

Ben: That looks like an Anihilaarg.

Kara: What's that?

Rook: It's a device made to destroy universes.

(Y/N): But there isn't a universe it can make one.

Maltruant: That is correct, and with this it will help us create a new era in our image.

(Y/N): Not if we have anything to say about it.

As you ran to him he activated the device as he then threw it as you tried to get it but you were pushed back by Kronika.

Kronika: The new era will commence and you will be exterminated.

(Y/N): Not yet! Ben! Keith! Deactivate the failsafe it's time to bring in the big guy!

Ben: You don't mean who I think you mean.

(Y/N): Yeah, I do this qualifies as a multiversal level emergency!

Ben: Well my watch is timed out means I can't go grey matter.

Hal: Doesn't Keith have that noodle man version of him?

Keith: Hey, his name is Dark Matter.

Then you and Keith changed back as Keith became Dark matter.

Keith: You ready?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Ben: Not me.

Then Keith came to you and Ben's watches as he put in combinations that deactivated the failsafe and instantly recharged Ben's watch.

(Y/N): It's time to go ultimate!

Ben: How did he do that?

Then you turned into Alien X as you faced Kronika.

Kara: You're in trouble now!

Maltruant: A celestiasapian?!

(Y/N): There's more than that.

You slapped the badge as spikes came out of it as you then went ultimate.

(Y/N): Ultimate Alien X! Guys hold off Kronika and Maltruant I'll try to stop the device.

You then flew after Maltruant's Anihilaarg as the others fought Maltruant and Kronika as you flew after the device as you were trying to reach it.

(Y/N): Come on, come on.

You were seen trying to reach it as best as you could.

???: Don't worry kiddo I've got you!

Then you turned to see your grandma Verdona

(Y/N): Grandma?!

Verdona: I thought you might need a little help.

She then used her power to get the device and gave it to you as you got it.

(Y/N): Good now I just need to shut it off before-

But the device glowed but clicked signifying that it was a dud

(Y/N): Huh that's it it was just a dud? Phew.

But it followed again as it began to glow a bright light as Maltruant saw it.

Maltruant: Yes now the universe can be made in our image!

But he saw was something happening as it became an orb and floated to everyone as they saw it.

Kronika: What are you all doing!?

Ben: We're not doing it.

But then as the light faded a bit they saw you as feedback as you were trying to contain the orb. Then they saw you transformed into every single alien that was in your watch and then they saw a new alien that looked like a skeleton in a suit as a heart was seen as it had magenta colored hair and green eyes

and then you became feedback again as you came to Maltruant and Kronika.

Maltruant: You cannot do this!

(Y/N): You two wanted your very own big bang. So here you go!

You then sent a green blast at the two as they were hit by it.

Maltruant: NOOOOOOO!

Kronika: You cannot do this to me! Who do you think you are!?

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) (L/N), The Alien hero of Metropolis! And you're dust!

Then we see Maltruant exploded into pieces and Kronika disintegrated into ashes. Then you changed back and you stomped on the device breaking it.

(Y/N): That as they say is that.

Babs: But how did you?

(Y/N): Eh the fail safe was there to keep me from dying, and it kicked in at just the right moment. Giving me the right alien.

Skurd: Your recklessness never ceases to amaze me.

Jade: Uh, (Y/N) you have some talking green mucus on your watch..

(Y/N): That's Skurd, he's a slimebiote, he's attached to my watch.

Kara: Can't you just pull him off?

Rook: Slimebiotes are impossible to remove.

Scream and Carnage: Same for us!

(Y/N): well he does help me out by giving me the upper hand.

Then Skurd made your arm into overflow's arm as you fired water.

Paradox: You have succeeded just like I knew you would.

(Y/N): Yeah, and I also found out about something.

Karen: What is it?

(Y/N): You see Kronika and Maltruant are stuck in a time loop.

Paradox: And they are doomed to failure over and over. Every time Maltruant pulls himself together and Kronika gets resurrected, Maltruant gets recruited by her, they plan to create the new Era get sent to the beginning of time and they are defeated by (Y/N). *picks up the pieces of Maltruant* I gather up the pieces of Maltruant and the dust of Kronika and scatter Maltruant's pieces across the universe and hide Kronika's remains, and the loop begins again.

(Y/N): And the only people who don't know about the time loop are Maltruant and Kronika themselves. *to your friends * and of course you guys too.

Diana: So they are forever trapped in a loop of failure?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Then you fall to your knees as you then saw a vision of the fire ghost form you were in as he was seen in a field as he was seen crying as you were seen crying as your hands started to have magenta colored fire on them.

Cetrion: Are you ok (Y/N)?

(Y/N): No, I saw a vision of my other self. My ghost self, he was all alone, in a field crying.
He looked angry about something.

Kara: Like what?

Then you had another vision as we see his ghost self with his friends as his friends told him to wait in the field for them and he stayed there for a long time.

(Y/N): He was abandoned by his friends. He was left all alone, waiting.

Ben: That sounds a little familiar.

Then you began to cry about it as you began to sing about it as magenta fire appeared on you.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N): Here in the Garden, Let's play a game, I'll show you how it's done, Here in the Garden, Stand very still, This'll be so much fun And then she smiled That's what I'm after A smile in her eyes The sound of her laughter Happy to listen Happy to play Happily watching her drift away Happily waiting All on my own Under the endless sky Counting the seconds Standing alone As thousands of years go by Happily wondering Night after night Is this how it works? Am I doing it right? Happy to listen Happy to stay Happily watching her drift away You keep on turning l pages for people who don't care People who don't care about you And still, it takes you ages to see that no one's there See that no one's there See that no one's there Everyone's gone on without you Finally something Finally news About how the story ends She doesn't exist now Survived by her son And all of her brand new friends Isn't that lovely? Isn't that cool? And isn't that cruel? And aren't I a fool to have Happily listened Happy to stay Happily watching her drift Drift Drift

Then we see you engulfed in fire as you then transformed into the ghost alien from before as you then fell on your knees.

(Y/N): *sadly* away.

Then the others came to you as you faced them as they saw your face as you had a look of sadness as tears flowed down from your eyes.

Karen: What alien is that one?

(Y/N): Pyrogeist.

Then you had a look of anger as you balled your fist as it was engulfed in fire. Then you raised your arm ready to strike a punch but you just punched the ground as you then began to cry as tears streamed down your cheeks as they saw you.

Jessica: Are you ok?

(Y/N): He was all alone, forgotten, ABANDONED!!

Then little ghosts appeared as they then comforted you by hugging you.

Daphne: I'd be so confused if I wasn't already dating the strangest guy ever.

Steven: It's like with spinel.

Zee: Gee ya think?!

Steven: But (Y/N) your not alone, you have us, your friends.

Mileena: Dearest, he is right.

(Y/N): You're right guys. Thanks for being there for me.

Diana: Just because your former self was abandoned does not mean that you will be abandoned.

(Y/N): Thanks Diana. Now who's up for a road trip? Our first stop is a theme park where our good friend Shaggy designed a roller coaster!

Paradox: Yes, and I think we will meet again soon in the future my friend.

(Y/N): Thank you Professor.

Then a portal was opened as you all went into it and returned to your original timeline and home.

To be continued and next chapter is another mystery to solve as the monster in this one is THE ROLLER GHOSTER! We'll see ya guys next time!

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