the past and future collide.

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We see you and the others at Shang Tsung's Island as you saw Kitana as she saw sindel.

Kitana: Mother!

She ran to Sindel and hugged her

Sindel: My daughter, I'm ok now.

Kitana: (Y/N), thank you. 

(Y/N): I told you I would help you save your mom.

Kitana: I think you deserve a reward.

She walked to you as she removed her mask and kissed you on the lips 

(Y/N): Guess I’m dating the princess too. So what happened in the tournament while I was gone.

Kitana: Well, not much has happened when you left.

(Y/N): Huh. So I guess I'm still in the game.

Meanwhile we see the woman and chronosapien as they were at the hourglass.

???: Shall we begin the new era Kronika?

Kronika: No. Not until the young man and his friends are dead. Daughter take care of them.

Cetrion: Yes, mother.

Maltruant: But to take down our enemies, we  will need some extra help.

Kronika: You’re right. Time to bring in the cavalry.

She went to the hourglass and began to flex time with you and the others you saw sand swirling around you and the others.

(Y/N): Raiden, what’s going on?!

Raiden: I am not certain.

Then we see you all now in a colosseum as you saw the rest of your friends are here.

(Y/N): Guys, how did you get here?

Karen: I don't know.

Then you saw twisters of sand as you saw was your cousin ben but 10 years old

Ben16: Oh no!

Ben10: Where am I?

Then you saw more twisters came as you saw was a warrior with blades on his wrist, and you saw another Erron black came out from the twisters, a man with a bionic eye and Shao Kahn. And you looked to see Gwen but younger

Gwen: Ben?! What did you… do now?

Ben10: I didn't do it! Honest.

(Y/N): *notices Shao Kahn* Oh you want some more!?

Shao Kahn: What sorcery is this?

Kara: (Y/N) you know this guy?

(Y/N): He’s called Shao Kahn. But I call him the laughing, joking, numb-nuts!

Then steven looked to see himself but younger along with the crystal gems in different outfits.

Pearl: My goodness it’s me!

Young steven: Woah, there’s two Pearls?!

Then you saw was a warrior on a throne

Kotal kahn: What manner is deceit is this?!

(Y/N): Who are you?

Kotal Kahn: I am Kotal Kahn.

(Y/N): What's going on? how did we get here?

Young Johnny: So we're in the future?
Johnny: Oh come on! Do I really have to deal with you?!

Raiden: (Y/N) is it possible that the past and future are colliding?

(Y/N): I think so. When me and the others were coming back to Earthrealm I had a sneaking suspicion time was going to be screwed up. Guess my hunch was right!

Then you looked to see a creature with six arms as his third pair of arms  are holding a backpack

(Y/N): What is that?

Kollector: I am Kollector, royal treasurer to the Kahn.

Ben10: And man are you ugly!

Kollector: and your devices will make a wonderful addition to my collection.

(Y/N): Try taking them!


He came at you as you transformed into shock rock and punched him.

(Y/N): Sorry, but these watches are not for sale. Since you like collecting, collect this!

You sent a Bluemerang at Kollector as it hit him straight in the face.

(Y/N): You like that?! You want some more?!

you then came at him and made a shock hammer and slammed him to a wall with it.

Due to the damage Kollector fell unconscious


(Y/N): Well you ain't getting these watches.

You changed back and ran to the others as Pearl came and hugged you and kissed you on the lips as Past Pearl's eyes widened.

past Pearl: In this timeline I am with a human?!

Pearl: Yes you are, and he’s great to be with.

(Y/N): *to young Steven* Hey dude how would you like to meet your mom?

Young Steven: my mom?

(Y/N): Yeah there she is now. Hey Rose come over here someone wants to say hi!

Then young steven saw rose as his eyes widened.

Young Steven: Mom!

Then he ran to rose and hugged her. Then you dodged a bullet as you looked to see that it was from past Erron Black.

(Y/N): Hey what's the big idea, we're friends in the future.

Past Erron: I don't care about the future, I live in the moment.

(Y/N): Oh yeah? Then take this! *turns into humongousaur and punches him*

You then ran to the others as you saw Kotal kahn.

Kotal Kahn: Raiden.

(Y/N): You know raiden?

Kotal Kahn: We were allies that became enemies.

Steven: How?

Kotal Kahn: After Shinnok's defeat Raiden saw every realm a threat to earthrealm.

(Y/N): That doesn’t sound like Raiden.

Kotal Kahn: My Raiden wears Shinnok's amulet as a symbol of his fury.

(Y/N): Never mind. But this isn't the Raiden you know.

Raiden: It is true I have never worn Shinnok’s amulet and in my timeline myself and Kotal Kahn are good friends.

As you saw your friends fighting the enemy you saw a portal open up as you saw vilgax and a female that was bug like.

D'vorah: Shao Kahn this way.

Then we see all the enemies run into the portal as the portal vanished.

Ben10: Aw man, i was gonna give him a piece of my mind.

Keith: You'll get him next time.

Ben10: Keith 11?

Keith: I'm not 11 anymore.

(Y/N): Keith, past ben still thinks your a bad guy.

Ben10: It's hero time!

Then you saw him use his watch and became heatblast as he tried to blast Keith.

(Y/N): Whoa Ben calm down before I make you!

Keith: Yeah don't make me do this.

Then young ben saw keith's antitrix.

Ben10: Another Omnitrix?

(Y/N): He’s not the only one. *shows him the ultimatrix*

Ben10: What's going on?

Ben16: You all have traveled in time

Raiden: By my old enemy; Kronika.

(Y/N): Kronika??

Raiden: As well as her new ally, Maltruant!

(Y/N): Maltruant i should have figured.

Rogue: You know him?

(Y/N): He's an evil chronosapian. He looks like Keith’s version of Clockwork.

Ben10: But what are they up too?

Raiden: To create a new era of time.

(Y/N): but why did they bring enemies from our past to here?

Ben10: How did you and older me break the omnitrix?

Ben16: We didn't actually break them.

Garnet: Our new enemies have broken time!

Past amethyst: *looking at amethyst* Wow, it's like looking in a mirror.

Amethyst: A very good looking mirror.

Past Pearl: But why I fall in love with a human?

Pearl: It made me realize why rose fell for greg. (Y/N) is everything to me.

Steven: *to young steven* don't freak out little bud, but I'm you from the future. 

Young Steven: Your me? But what happened in the future?

Steven: I managed to bring peace to earth and homeworld.

(Y/N): That, and I’m dating the Diamonds.

Steven: and (Y/N) is also a diamond too.

Young Steven: So there were five Diamonds?

(Y/N): *lifts up hair to show the black diamond on his forehead* Yup. I'm a Black Diamond.

Then we see a past peridot running.

Past peridot: FREEDOM IS MINE!

Then she turned to see all of you as the past crystal gems were in shock as you ran to them.

(Y/N): Wait a second.

Past Peridot: *points to a direction* look over there! Another planet to betray!

(Y/N): That doesn’t work on me.

But then the past gems summoned their weapons.

Past peridot: Retreat.

(Y/N): Oh no you don’t! *grabs Peridot by the arm*

Peridot: You May have captured me but I will be free again!

(Y/N): Are you going to disrespect a direct order from a Diamond?

Past Peridot: You? A Diamond?! Yeah right!

Then she bit your hand as you let go of her as she ran to a room.

Past peridot: You may have won the war but the battle isn't over crystal clods! *laughs*

(Y/N): Man, you are annoying!

Peridot: Was I really that obnoxious?

Steven: Yes you were.

(Y/N): I’ll be right back I need a second to myself

Garnet: But we all need to figure out a plan

(Y/N): You have future vision. You should know what’s going to happen.

Garnet: But with time messed up it may be a bit tricky.

(Y/N): we need a place to group up when I get back from my walk.

Pearl: But what do we do with her? *points at the room past peridot is in*

(Y/N): Keep an eye on her until I get back she's harmless anyway.

Past peridot: I AM NOT HARMLESS!

(Y/N): Aw shut up!

We then see you outside as you were thinking about what's going on.

(Y/N): We have a whole bunch of enemies from the past here, kronika and maltruant are planning to make a new era, and we don't even know where there at.

???: You just found one of them.

You looked to see it was Cetrion.

(Y/N): You must know Kronika and let me guess she sent you here to kill me?

Cetrion: Yes, you and your friends are a threat to my mother's plan for the new Era.

(Y/N): Sorry but Me and my friends are staying here in this timeline.

Cetrion: I shall make your death quick and painless.

(Y/N): Sorry not gonna happen.

You then used your watch and transformed into an alien that was made of both fire and ice and has a tail as the badge was on your chest.

(Y/N): Wow, check it out I'm totally hot and cool. *chuckles* I'll call this one Hotfreeze.

Cetrion: Handsome and powerful? It’ll be a shame to destroy you.

(Y/N): Then let's see what you got.

Cetrion: Very well then.


You then made a fireball and threw it at her as she dodged it as you then came and punched her.

(Y/N): It pains me to hurt such a pretty face like yours.

Cetrion then blushed because of what you said.

Cetrion: You think I'm beautiful?

(Y/N): Anyone with eyes can see that you are really beautiful. I just wish I wasn’t about to be killed.

Then you combine your ice and fire powers as a plasma blast came out from your hands and hit Cetrion.

(Y/N): Awesome i can shoot plasma blasts.

As it hit her she was seen on the ground.

Cetrion: How can you be this powerful? My mother plans to create a world in her image but you will ruin it.

(Y/N): You know, if you just let people be what they want to be, you can let yourself be what you want to be.

Cetrion: But my mother wants me to know better, be better and make everything better.

(Y/N): Look, you don't have to do what she says, you can make your own choices, you can be your own person. She is a crackpot who doesn’t know what’s best for her daughter, just herself.

Cetrion: You mean she's using me?

(Y/N): Ding ding ding! Give the pretty goddess a prize!

Cetrion: A prize?

(Y/N): It’s a joke. Meaning you are correct. I’m guessing she never gave you credit for anything has she?

Cetrion: No.

(Y/N): The point is you can make your own path, to make a start you can help us.

Cetrion: Of course. But here is a thank you for freeing me from my mother’s clutches.

She grabbed your cheeks and kissed you straight on the lips.

(Y/N): Wow a goddess too? Can you give me a minute?  I just need to know where the others are.

Cetrion: Of course my love.

You got your phone out and called steven.

(Y/N): Hey steven where are you guys at?

Steven: We're at a place with someone called Hanzo Hasashi.

(Y/N): Put Sindel on the phone.

Steven: ok. Sindel it's for you.

Then you heard sindel on the phone.

Sindel: Hello?

(Y/N): Sindel it's me, do you guys have any idea what Kronika is up to on her plan?

Sindel: one of us might, sub zero told us that members of his clan were kidnapped and taken to some kind of factory, and that his former student is working for her.

(Y/N): I'll be there tell subzero and Hanzo that me and the superhero girls are coming with them they can use our help.

Sindel: See you soon.

(Y/N): Bye. *hangs up* Cetrion do you have any idea why she has frost taking members of sub zero's clan to a factory?

Cetrion: Yes, she needs soldiers to protect her for the new Era.

(Y/N): Then let’s find this factory, and destroy it, and save Sub-Zero’s clan.

Cetrion: But will the others believe I am an enemy?

(Y/N): Don't worry I'll explain to them that your on our side. And i would never let you get hurt *kisses her cheek* my beautiful goddess.

Cetrion: Thank you my dearest.

(Y/N): Anything for you Cetrion, let's go.

Then you and Cetrion walked off to the others as you both were seen holding hands together.

To be continued. Hope you guys enjoyed this for next time is where you infiltrate the factory and help subzero and Hanzo and stop Frost and Sektor.

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