the Yowie Yahoo and arriving to Australia.

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At Australia we see a we see the Outback and then to a mountain called Vampire Rock. A stage and its spotlights are seen near the foot of the mountain, and we see a man with and his grandfather looking at the stage.

Daniel: * to a stagehand* A little to the left. *the stagehand turns the light to the left.* Little more. * the stagehand turns it a bit more to the left.* Perfect.

Malcolm: Daniel, this concert is not a good idea.

Daniel: Relax, grandfather. Everything will be fine. Come on, we're ready for Matt Marvelous' sound check. You'll love him.

On the stage we see a rock singer magenta clothing and has a guitar.

Daniel: Rock our world, Matt!

Matt Marvelous: Oh, okay.

He began to plat the guitar softly as Daniel and his grandfather watched.

Malcolm: Matt Marvelous? Well, I can barely hear him.

Daniel: Just wait.

Then Matt started to play loudly as he started to rock out.

Daniel: See? This guy rocks.

Malcolm: Well, if you say so.

As Matt Marvelous was rocking out a white tornado appears above Matt while Daniel is doing rock n roll mimics as his grandfather noticed the tornado.

Malcolm: Oh no, Daniel.

Then Daniel noticed the tornado.

Daniel: What the?

A tornado appears big while a enormous white muscular Vampire appears roaring and the three other vampires while Matt saw them and was petrified.

Matt Marvelous: What's going on?

Malcolm: Incredible.

The vampires form around in circles, capturing Matt and taking him up.

Matt Marvelous: Let me go!

Daniel and his grandfather watch with horror. Daniel runs up to the stage and sees Matt Marvelous getting picked up by a gigantic vampire using its hand. They both disappear with the stage empty as a banner falls and Daniel's grandfather appears onstage.

Malcolm: *gravely* The vampire legend is true.

Play this while you read.

Later, a storm appears above the Pacific Ocean, as a cruise ship rolls above the waves. A flock of bats fly out from one of the ship's windows, we see Scooby as he gulped in fear and ran away from a seaweed monster next we see you and the entire gang walking through the ship as a secret door opened as we see a shark man came out and followed you all, next we see Daphne as she was near a vent pipe and walked away as a hand came from the pipe and tried to grab her as we see fred as he was reading some scrolls as a door opened nest we see you and the whole group as you see a ghost captain as he flew to you all as you all ran as the monsters chased you as the rest ran to the right you, shaggy, and scooby ran to the left as Shaggy stepped on a bucket as he slipped as you and scooby were taken with him as you slid to the pool as you were on a sea serpent as Scooby popped it as it was an inflatable monster as you, shaggy and scooby were sent flying around as the others were cornered by the monsters only to turn around and see you , Shaggy, and Scooby coming at them as you crashed into them as the others came and removed the masks as the others smiled as you, Shaggy, and Scooby did a high five. At the day we see the ship sailing smoothly as Fred, Max, and Velma are shuffleboarding.

Velma: This is the life.

Fred: Yeah, it sure is. And now that we've solved the mystery of the Sea Serpent Smugglers, our vacation should be smooth sailing.

Max: And i have a feeling we'll be heading to Australia soon.

Later at the pool, Daphne is on top of the diving board and does a flip and splashes in the water, soaking Fred, Max, and Velma.

Velma: Great formed, Daphne.

Fred: Yeah, I'll say.

Max: Yeah great form.

Daphne laughed at what she did. At the buffet restaurant, we see Shaggy holding a giant sandwich and we see Scooby was about to eat a pizza, but sees the sandwich.

Shaggy: This should be our appetizers.

Then Scooby took a bite from his pizza and threw it like a boomerang as it snagged Shaggy's sandwich as it came back to Scooby as he ate it. Then we see You and Velma as you looked outside.

Velma: Hey, everybody come take a look. Sydney harbor!

Then the rest of the gang came as they saw the. Sydney harbor as they knew they were now in Australia.

Fred: Wow, we're finally in Australia.

Daphne: This is going to be the best vacation ever!

Babs: yeah!

Now we go to the dock as many people and the gang walking downstairs getting off the cruise ship.

Fred: And no vacation will be complete without the mystery machine!

Max: And the Rustbucket.

We see a crane gently lowering the mystery machine and Rustbucket to the ground, as we see you and the others driving to the Sydney harbor.

Velma: This guidebook says Sydney has the best restaurants... in the entire southern hemisphere.

Shaggy: Like, that's great, Velma, but Scoob and I have got the food situation covered.

Scooby: Uh-huh. Doggie bags.

Shaggy: That's right, Scoob. Doggie bags.

Then Shaggy and Scooby started to eat as Velma pulled out as camera.

Velma: Better eat now, guys. We've got sightseeing to do... and pictures to take. Say "Vegemite..

Shaggy and Scooby: Vegemite.

then Velma took their picture then we se you with the others at the Sydney harbor.

Velma: What an incredible view.

Shaggy: You can see the whole continent up here.

Velma: The Sydney Harbour Bridge is the world's largest free-standing bridge.

Shaggy and scooby began to look down.

Shaggy:  Like, that's a long way down, huh, Scoob? 

Scooby began to look scared as he held on to a pole. then shaggy saw a building.

Shaggy: What's with the groovy ceiling on that place?

Velma: That's the Sydney Opera House. It's the city's most famous landmark.

Shaggy: It looks like an old-fashioned sailing ship.

Velma: That's the idea, Shaggy.

Daphne was looking through binoculars and saw a place she liked.

Daphne: Oh, wow!

Fred: What is it?

K.O: What do you see?

Daphne: I finally found what I've been looking for. Bondi Beach.

Zee: The beach sounds like a good place to go to.

(Y/N): Fine by me.

Then you and the others headed to the beach unaware that two creatures were watching you.

What other surprises await? Find out on the next chapter and I'll see you all next time. as Annoying Orange would say, Later Hot Potators!

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