Chapter 2

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Shadow awoke suddenly to the sound of a loud engine. He looks around, slightly hazy from his nap, and finally spotted the blue and yellow plane a few yards away from him. A familiar blue hedgehog and yellow fox hopped out. He groans slightly and didn't have enough time to see his reflection as Sonic was soon standing beside him.

"So this is where you're at." Sonic had a cocky smile on his face. This irritated Shadow greatly but he controlled his temper as he stood up.

"Why were you looking for me?" Shadow asked.

"Rouge was worried," Tails interrupted. Shadow sighs and mentally smiles to himself. The white bat has been more of a mother to Shadow then an actual partner in crime.

"Fine. Let's go." Shadow walks over to the Tornado and jumps onto the back of it, sitting behind the passenger seat. Tails and Sonic soon followed and they were off back to civilization. Shadow felt uneasy the entire way there. He didn't want to return home. He wanted to be by himself so that he could deal with the problem at hand. But how could he explain to them his sudden disappearances? As the Tornado landed, Shadow stumbled off of it, nearly falling face first into the pavement. Sonic and Tails shared a glance, a sneaking suspicion creeping into their minds. Something was off.

"Shadow, is everything alright?" Tails asked. Shadow's ears twitched as he nervously looks back at them.

"Yeah. Just... distracted is all." The two narrow their eyes but stop their assault as Shadow quickly dashed to his house. His mind reeled with doubts and possible outcomes until a sudden pain in his back made him slow to a halt. He grits his teeth as he felt his tail slightly twitch involuntarily. He looks over his shoulder to see his skin quivering and his tail growing ever so slightly. Panic started to rise and he instead quickly chaos controlled home. A bright flash erupted in the living room, revealing Shadow as he tumbled onto all fours. He arched his back as his tail soon turned into a slick, whip-like appendage.

'No! I must fight it!' Shadow grinds his teeth together, beads of sweat forming. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fight off the call.


The large camp laid in the dark jungle. Not a single soul stirred except for the group of guards protecting each flank of the camp's walls. One of the guards was a familiar ally while the other just came in, though she was no child. The two stared off at the ravine below them, the two occasionally seeing a small scavenger fleeting in the darkness.

"When did you join?" The snake eyes asked. The Heterochromia hedgie simply shrugged, her figure relaxed.

"About two weeks ago. I've heard that you're practically a veteran for this ragged group." Snake eyes nodded, his sharp green eyes darting from one side to the other.

"Though, I wouldn't exactly call us ragged." Snake eyes bared his teeth as he looked over his shoulder. The Heterochromia released a short bark of laughter as she turned around.

"Look at them, Mephiles! They're animals and they can barely contain themselves. How the fuck is this not a ragged group?" Mephiles growled, his eyes flashing momentarily.

"You better learn your place, Bug, or you might get hurt." The Heterochromia bares her teeth as she takes a threatening step towards Mephiles.

"And for the last time, I told you to call me Alannah!" Footsteps interrupted the two and made them look out at the undergrowth. A small, alien-like figure ran through and stopped as he looked up at them. His face slightly resembled that of a jackal except for the structure of his body. His hands were clawed along with his feet which resembled dog legs faintly. His tail was curved upwards and slightly drooped. He didn't have any ears and instead was replaced with fern-shaped ears that vibrated slightly. Smaller 'ears' traveled down the side of his face. His skin was a dark blue with pink spotted hands. He has yellow rings along his wrists, ankles, 'ears' and several at the tip of his tail. Another alien soon followed it, his piercing yellow eyes following the pup's gaze. He smiles up at the figures and they immediately lowered the bridge. Eclipse makes his way across, greeting Mephiles and Alannah under the arch of the wall.

"I hope everything is well." Alannah forms a fist and places it against her chest, bowing slightly before rising again.

"Yes, as you said in your instructions." Eclipse nods, the pup soon running past him and scurrying up onto Mephiles' shoulder. He scratches the pup's chin, earning a gutter purr.

"Did you get what was needed?" Mephiles asked, slightly distracted by the pup. Eclipse narrowed his eyes and growled, pushing past the two. They follow, knowing the expression all too well. They reach Eclipse's quarters which was a hole in the ground, leading to a wide cavern with all necessary decorations. They go inside and turn to the right, entering Eclipse's office. Also known as the planning room or war room.

"I can't find the damn thing anywhere. It's either that someone hid it with an extremely powerful spell or..." Eclipse stops as a picture against the wall nearly took his breath away. He was so small and innocent in the picture, standing next to a tall, dark robed figure. His three fiery red eyes stared with no emotion towards Eclipse but it wasn't that that made him catch his breath. It was the black and red hedgehog sitting on his shoulders. Those red eyes resembling those of the yellow eyes in the picture. Both innocent. Both harmless. Both brothers. Mephiles and Alannah glance at each other before paying attention to Eclipse who began talking again.

"I wish that he was still with us. He's like a bloodhound with those tracking skills of him." Eclipse chuckles slightly.

"I remember how he'll always win at hide and seek on the Black Comet. It always frustrated me. Now..." Now he was gone. To them. There's no way to reach him. No way to get his help. Unless...

"Alannah, you used to be a spy for GUN before you joined us, weren't you?" She nods.

"Why do you ask?" The sweet small smile twisted into a sadistic grin.

"I need you to help me drag my brother to a secluded area. I... have a few ideas in mind."

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