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The sun rose, and Jedrek felt the sunshine hitting his face inside the house. He slowly opened his eyes. He saw Alesia's sleeping form; a smile came across his face. He couldn't deny that yesterday's event was the best thing that ever happened to him. Jedrek felt emotions and sensations that he felt were never possible. It was the first time he had sex. He was taught that sex was nothing more than breeding. Last night, he learned that sex could be intimate. For him, sex was not just a pleasurable activity but a way for two individuals to express their love for one another. Jedrek felt happy that he was given the opportunity. His thoughts were interrupted when he saw Alesia awaking from her slumber. She smiled at him.

"Good morning."

"Good morning to you too. You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you up."

Alesia stretched and then held onto his body, feeling his warmth with her body. "Today is the first day of training."

Jedrek held onto her. "I know; I am not going easy on them. The people we will go against have trained for years and have skills that not even the military has. It's going to be tough."

Alesia sat up from the floor, and Jedrek did the same. "I can't believe that our government can be so cruel. Our leaders have lost the meaning of caring for their people."

"I hate to tell you this, but there are times when greed and distrust are the powerful attributes of human nature. They consume not many, but it can be rare." He then put his arms around Alesia and motioned her face to his.

They kissed. When they separated, both showered together and made out even more. Their hands and arms were on one another when they finished showering and ate breakfast.

They got to Alesia's car and drove off in the direction of the place that they were given. Both were a little nervous but knew what had to be done. About thirty-five minutes later, they arrived and saw many cars parked outside the building. The two got out of the car and went inside. When the doors were opened, Fred was with the other soldiers as they were all warming up.

All eyes were on the couple.

"Glad you both made it. I thought you were going to change your mind."

Jedrek chuckled. "Hardly; well, let's get started with training."


It has been five days; Jedrek has been training the soldiers while Alesia watched. Jedrek was such a good fighter, as were the other soldiers. However, she was also working with Leo as well. He was considered their eyes since he knew how to use technology. During that time, he created phones and cameras and used drones just in case.

Also, during that time, Jedrek and Alesia spent more time together. Alesia would take him to different places. For Jedrek, he was having the best moments of his life. He would never have imagined that he would feel so much happiness.

It made him realize that no matter what race beings are, love binds many together. At the moment, Jedrek was taking a break with the others and sat next to Fred. The two were drinking and talking. "Hey, Jedrek."


"Did you know?"

Jedrek raised an eyebrow.

"Since you said your scent is powerful, you can recognize scents. When we first met, you became angry. You knew who my father is."

Jedrek let out a sigh. "I was shocked that Dr. Antony even had a child."

"I know it is hard to believe, but I remember that he was good once, but his demeanor changed when he began working for the government. He was no longer the man I once knew."

The two young men were silent for a bit. "I asked Leo if Alesia could stay with him for a moment, I don't know why, but I feel that our time is coming. I don't want her to get hurt or killed."

"Good idea; if you want, they can stay at my place when the time comes."

Jedrek's eyes became wide. "You would do that?"

Fred nodded. "Of course, it's the least I can do. My old man made your life a living hell."

"Thank you. Well, we should get on training."


Meanwhile, Alesia was at Leo's house, and the two were working on the phones to see if they worked. "You did great work on these, Leo."

"Thanks; my hobby can work out for certain things." Leo eyed Alesia. "Why are you hell-bent on helping that alien? You could have let him leave."

Alesia sighed. "I didn't want to leave him alone for the last time. How could he survive on his own? He has never seen the outside world. Either way, people could have found out about his identity." She shook her head. "I'm sorry I couldn't return your feelings."

Leo cleared his throat. "I sensed you would see me as a friend, but I had to tell you how I felt about you. However, it made me stronger. I am glad that we are still friends."

The young woman smiled. At the same time, she was testing out the phones. She was beginning to feel the need to vomit.

"Hey, are you alright? You don't look so good."

"It's no biggie. I have been feeling nauseated for a while."

Leo raised an eyebrow, and as he was about to speak, there was a knock on the door. He stood and went to open the door. Once he did, many men dressed in combat uniforms entered by force.

Leo and Alesia were in shock. "Alesia, run!" Then one of the soldiers hit Leo with the butt of his gun, making Leo hit him on the wall and land on the floor. He lost consciousness. Alesia screamed and tried to run to another exit of the house. However, she was caught, and The intruders covered her face with a bag.

"Hurry and take her in! We have to make sure that she is not hurt!"

Alesia screamed for help as she was taken into an SUV and driven away. 


Jedrek felt a painful pang in his heart and touched his chest. He was in the front seat of Fred's jeep, and the soldier took notice. "Hey, are you alright?"

Jedrek didn't answer as he then felt a gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of his stomach. "I-I feel that something's wrong. Is it possible that you can drive a little faster?" Fred raised an eyebrow but drove faster on the highway. To his luck, there were hardly any drivers on the road. Then, Fred went to the road to the woods, Alesia and Leo's home. The two knew Alesia was at Leo's house to help with the technology.

As they got closer to Leo's house, Jedrek couldn't help but notice something. There were faint tire tracks. He didn't wait for Fred to park the jeep. Jedrek ran to Leo's house, and when he got to the front porch, he saw that someone had forcibly broken the front door. He ran inside and saw the interior in disarray.

Fred then ran inside and saw the outcome. Then, the young man saw Leo lying on the floor with blood on his head. "Leo!" He knelt beside his unconscious friend. "Hey, wake up! Leo!"

Jedrek ran throughout the house, calling for Alesia, but she did not answer. He then ran to her place, hoping she would be home. The door was unlocked; Jedrek thought it was strange since Alesia always tended to lock the doors. He entered; it was silent, but everything was in place. Jedrek looked around the house, and Alesia was nowhere to be seen.

As he was about to leave the house, he saw a flash drive on the table. He got a hold of it and went back to Leo's house. Leo was put on the couch but was still unconscious. Fred eyed Jedrek. "Can't find her?"

"N-No. I found this on the table in Alesia's house." He handed it to Fred and noticed that Leo's laptop was still on and had slight cracks, but it still worked. He connected the flash drive to the computer. Then a video popped up.

"Hello, my little half-breed. It has been a while since you have escaped." It was Dr. Antony sitting on a comfortable chair.

Jedrek growled in rage. Fred was filled with shock to see his father.

"You have caused us so much trouble, and I miss your presence. We have lost resources, and the government is going a little berserk. However, I am not too worried. I am sure you enjoyed the freedom I allowed you to have. Especially with that woman that took you in."

Jedrek growled; his breathing was becoming rapid.

"However, freedom comes at a price. Now I must ask you to come back. Yet, I knew you would not return lightly since you have been training others and my son." Antony laughed.

Fred shook his head. "He knows about us."

"We took your little mate, and she will be in the facility. If you want her back, you know what you must do." Antony sighed. "As for you, Fred. If you interfere, I will not be afraid to harm you. This is your first and only warning. Half-breed, you have three days to think about it, or the woman will get it. Enjoy your last bits of freedom." He laughed. "Yet, I know you will return to me. I look forward to seeing you again." The video turned off.

Jedrek punched a hole in the wall. "He has her! Alesia was taken!" He had never felt so hopeless.

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