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A week passed, and Fred gathered his friends and told them everything. Of course, it was hard for Fred's friends to believe him. Fred took his friends to Alesia's home, where Jedrek showed his alien self. Everyone, including Fred, was shocked at his form.

No one could deny what he was. Fred and his soldier friends agreed to help Jedrek against all those in the facility. It was decided that the participants would return by the end of the week for proper training.

As for Leo, he kept his distance and decided not to fight. However, since he knew much about technology, he would be their eyes, which everyone agreed with.

Alesia and Jedrek were outside the house, waiting for everyone. The two sat outside the home bench, waiting for the arrivals. "What time do you think they will arrive?" asked Jedrek.

"Soon, don't worry, they will come."

Alesia noticed how thoughtful Jedrek became and put a hand over his. "Don't worry. Everyone agreed to help you out. You know that those who want to help you hate the government and what it has become. They once believed in them, but after fighting for them, they learned that their leaders never cared."

"The ones running the facility are dangerous and trained by the best. They also have weapons as well as technology that is too advanced."

"You have observed them for so many years. You know their strengths and their weakness. You know the way in and out."

Jedrek sighed. "You always find a positive side to everything."

Alesia smiled.

He then put his other hand over hers. "I don't want you in this fight." Alesia was about to speak out, but she was stopped. "You have no experience in fighting, and the soldiers can easily kill you. I want you to leave this place."

The young woman was shocked. "I'm not going to do that! Are you insane? I told you that I want to help you no matter what!"

"No buts. I am going to tell Leo to take you elsewhere."

Alesia stood up. Anger was apparent on her face. "You will not tell me what I can and can't do, Jedrek! Is it because I am a woman!? You think I'm weak!?"

Jedrek sighed. "No, it's not like that."

"Then what, then!? Why can't I fight!?"

Jedrek stood up and got a hold of her shoulders. "It's because I don't want to lose you! I don't want you to get hurt or get killed! The mere thought of that will destroy me!"

Alesia's eyes were wide open, and without any warning, Jedrek got a hold of the back of her head and pulled her to his face. His lips were on hers. Jedrek's other arm was around her waist, making her body closer to his. She was in shock and could not move. His lips were warm, and his kiss was passionate. Slowly, her hands were on his back.

Alesia kissed back.

However, they did not know that something was watching their every move from afar.

Alesia and Jedrek broke away from the kiss; their eyes were on one another. She cleared her throat. "I um...well....I...."

"You feel the same way I do."

She blushed as she looked away but felt his fingers under her chin, making her look at him. "Don't look away. I know it was very soon, but what I did just now is my truth. You don't have to answer immediately, but I hoped you could consider it. No matter what you answer, I will respect it. However, my feelings for you will never change."

Alesia couldn't help but blush. As she was about to speak, noises of vehicles were coming their way. They saw cars and some trucks. Fred was the first one out as the vehicles were parked, and other men and women came out with their weapons.

"Hey, you guys, we made it. We brought weapons just in case we needed them and also to get your input about the weapons the soldiers in the facility have."

Jedrek nodded. Alesia walked forward. "Please come inside; we have a lot to talk about."


In the facility, Dr. Antony and Dr. Logan looked at the footage from one of the many drones they had sent to find their specimen.

"Who would have thought that our experiment has found himself a female? I wonder if he mated with her yet," said Logan as he drank a cup of coffee.

"I doubt it. If they barely kissed, they haven't gone through that stage yet. He also seems to be gathering allies." Antony was looking at the footage, especially one man in particular.

Logan noticed. "It seems that your son is getting involved. What a small world this is. When was the last time that you saw your son?"

"Long ago, when I divorced his mother. I once brought him here when he was a child. I was hoping he would follow in my footsteps, but I realized he was soft and would never follow me in my place. That is why I left."

"You were always cold-blooded, but your son served in the military, from what I hear. A bit of an accomplishment."

Antony chuckled. "That boy does not know how to accomplish things, and now he is putting his nose where it doesn't belong."

Logan ate a piece of a doughnut. "What happens if he tries to fight us?"

"Then, he dies, as well as the other soldiers. We must keep this facility a secret. However." Antony looked at the image of Alesia. "We need to keep the girl alive."

"I see, so that is your plan, but when should we strike?" 

Antony smirked as he stood up from his seat. "When they are at their most vulnerable. She is the key to getting back our little half-breed."

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