Chapter Eight

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"They're chewable," Donatello said as he sat down next to you, watching you quickly put the antacids in your mouth and relax against the back of the couch.

"Donatello." Everyone looked up to see Leonardo standing outside of the dojo door.

"Sensei would like to talk to all four of us." He said. Donnie nodded, saying he'll be there in a moment. Leo nodded back and went back into the dojo.

"I'll be back in few minutes, holler if the pain gets worse." Donatello said, getting up and going to the room the rest of his family resided. When Donatello closed the door, the giant anthropologic rat, that was Master Splinter, eyed his tallest son as he made his way to kneel beside his brothers.

"Sorry sensei," The purple masked turtle said, bowing his head a little, "I was aiding one of them."

"Leonardo, I thought you said no one was hurt." Splinter looked to the leader of the four, whose eyes went wide.

"No one was hurt, sensei-"

"They had a stomach ache, I was giving them antacids." Donatello interrupted. Master Splinter relaxed a bit, glad to hear that no one was injured.

"I see. Are they alright now?"

"They should be."

The sensei hummed, stroking his beard.

"Donatello," Master Splinter looked at his son.

"Yes, sensei?"

"Leonardo tells me that you were the one to see the Kraang. Explain to me what had happened."

"Hai, sensei. We were doing our usual patrol," Donnie started.

All four turtles hung out on a rooftop, Leonardo looking out on the streets below, Raphael leaning on a tool shed, watching Leo for any sign that there was something happening. Michelangelo leaned on Donatello, trying not to fall asleep as his older brother surveyed the city.

"Mikey, did you stay up late?" Donnie asked as he pushed his brother off of himself. Mikey stumbled a bit, then got his footing.

"Crognard was getting so good bro." Mikey said, laying overtop the edge of the roof. Donnie rolled his eyes, but gave a little half-smile, and looked back down at the streets. There hasn't been any activity so far, nothing significant that required their help. Donatello became bored of the lack of activity, and his mind began to wander. At first it was of his inventions, and what he plans to continue working on when he got home, then it went to the inevitable, April. As his usual thoughts of April danced in his head, they started to be replaced by the human he's recently seen. The one from the rooftop. It's been couple days since he's seen them, but ever since then he's been secretly wanting to see them again. Mikey looked up in time to see his purple banded brother zoned out into space.

"Hey, Don, you okay?"  Mikey's concerned tone then turned to a teasing one. "Are thinking about that girl we saw the other day?" Mikey stood up straight and elbowed his brother's arm. Donnie snapped out of it and glared at Mikey.

"What- No! I was thinking about the, uh, stuff I have to do in the lab, later." Donatello half-lied. Mikey grinned.

"Uh-huh sure- and I stayed up last night!"

"Mikey, that's not how that goes." Donnie sighed and looked back over the roof-top. When he did, he saw something happening at the park. He pulled out his telescope to get a closer look, he let out a gasp in surprise when he saw who and what was happening.

"Well- ya know-!" Mikey started but Donnie jumped onto the roof's ledge, cutting his brother off.

"Guys! We need to go!" Donnie said, putting his telescope away.

"What, why?" Leonardo asked.

"The Kraang is surrounding some, uh, people in the park, we gotta move!" Donatello leapt off the roof onto the next building, making a beeline for the park. The brothers followed, not further questioning the situation.

'What're the chances that they'd be in the park when Kraang showed up? And we happened to be on patrol?' Donnie thought as he stopped at a rooftop that was close to where the Kraang were.

You and a girl were surrounded by the alien robots, looking to be talking. The girl next to you took her backpack off, said something and started glowing, a white light blinding both you and the Kraang. The rest of the turtles finally had caught up and were watching what was happening as well, taking in their situation. The purple masked turtle squinted his eyes to try and make out what exactly was happening, but by the time he could make something out, the white light diminished abruptly. All four of the terrapins gasped when they saw in the girl's place, a large, anthropomorphic wolf.

"Whoa." Mikey breathed out, baby blue eyes wide with astonishment. One of the Kraang said something, making them all open fire. The wolf pounced onto a robot and tore its head off with its mouth, tossing the head to the concrete and moving onto the next Kraang soldier, yelling something at you. You were about to run away, but were caught by the wrist by a metal hand. You screamed, launching Donatello into action. The turtle jumped down from the rooftop, and went to you knocking the Kraang bot so hard in the head that it went flying a few yards away. You got your wrist free, rubbing it gingerly, you looked up, and stopped.

"Get somewhere safe, this will all be explained later!" Donnie said taking your arm and pushing towards an alley-way. You went to the alley-way as told, he was watching you as you crouched into the dark space, but snapped out of it though when a Kraang started shooting at him, making him let out a small scream in surprise and flail to reciprocate the attack. He swung his bo staff into the side of the Kraang responsible for shooting at him, making it lose his gun. Donnie took the chance he had and jabbed his staff right through the robot's chest, shaking the limp body off. The turtle continued to fight, once and a while looking to you in the alleyway to make sure you were alright.

Out of breath, Leonardo sheathed his katanas, announcing, "I think that's all of them,"

"And then we all talked about what to do, and we brought them here." Donatello finished the story. Master Splinter, still stroking his beard, nodded and began to pace in front of his kneeling students. He spoke to Leonardo about details of the whole thing, and usually Donnie would be paying attention, but he had overheard a little snippet of your conversation outside the dojo with Missy.

"Is it weird that I kinda want to meet them?" He heard you ask.

"Wait, you better not be telling me that you have a thing for the person who left you the note." Missy said.

"III, don't know." You dragged out the 'I', your voice cracking in the process. Donatello couldn't believe his ear holes. He stared down his lap, feeling the heat rise in his face, he couldn't chance his brothers and Master Splinter seeing him get all flustered over nothing, as they know at least. Splinter had dismissed the four, and had left the dojo, Raphael and Leonardo following to introduce the new guests. Michelangelo broke Donnie out of his thoughts.

"Hey, Don, you okay?" Donnie looked up at his youngest brother, watching him with concern.

"Yeah, sorry must've zoned out there." He laughed nervously and stood, trailing behind Raph to the living area. Mikey grinned when his older brother was out of eyesight, because Mikey could hear what you and Missy said too.

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