Chapter Two

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The Turtles were hanging out on a rooftop, relaxing after a small run-in with some Foot Soldiers. Michelangelo was acting rather full of himself, boasting like he had done the entire thing by himself without any help.

"Mikey, we were there, we know what happened." Leonardo had said, rolling his eyes and inspecting his one of his katanas. He held it steadily in his lap, being as cautious with it as if it were a child.

"Well Leo, I just think that I did a good job, and no one else was gonna say it!" Michelangelo said. Leonardo rolled his eyes.

"We all did a good job, Mikey."

"Yeah, we never get complimented either." Donatello butted in as he came to stand next to Michelangelo after inspecting the pigeon coop on the rooftop. He put a hand on Michelangelo's shoulder, who just pouted. Donatello smiled a bit.

"Well we should!" Michelangelo said, crossing his arms and shifting more weight to one foot, making his stance rather sassy.

"If only the people knew about what we did," Raphael finally joined in on the conversation, getting up from where he was leaning on the buildings water tower.

"If they did, all of New York would be chaos. No doubt the military would be involved!" Donatello said.

"Yeah but wouldn't that cool?! Military jeeps and soldiers everywhere!" Michelangelo said, thinking back to a comic he read once. The Military looked pretty cool in the drawing.

"This isn't a comic book Mikey." Raphael came up and smacked the smaller turtle upside the head. Michelangelo rubbed his head and glared at his red-masked brother, who only glared back.

"We wouldn't be able to come to the surface." Leonardo said, sheathing his katana.

"Not to mention we'd probably never see April." Donatello said, just imagining it made his heart break a little.

"Never see April?!" Michelangelo exclaimed, he threw his arms up and went up to Donatello and gripped his shoulders, pulling him close. "She brings us pizza!"

Donatello, followed by Leonardo and Raphael all rolled their eyes.

"Yes Mikey, that would be the only set back if we never saw April again." Raphael said, sarcasm lacing his words. Michelangelo was about to continue, when all four brothers froze. The sound of someone lightly padding their way up the fire escape filled their ears.

"Hide!" Leonardo said, quickly running round to find a hiding a spot. The other three nodded and hid themselves. They all watched from their hiding spots, hands wavering over their weapons, itching to know whether or not to defend themselves from who or what was coming up to the roof.

But to their surprise it was just a teenager, who looked to just be curious. The teen looked around the roof, and found nothing to spark their interest. They blew a raspberry, and Michelangelo giggled. All the brothers glared at him. He smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

"Who's there?" The teen asked, reaching into their pants pocket and pulling out a pencil. Raphael stifled a snort, finding it amusing how they thought they could defend themselves with a pencil. The teen waited for a second, then looked down at their pencil. Donatello, who was completely enthralled with the newcomer, shuffled a little closer to them to get a better look, making them snap up and look around the roof. They have sharp hearing, I could barely hear Donnie move, Leonardo thought.

"Who's there?" They asked again, a little louder. They didn't even stay a second later to hear an answer and left down the fire escape. Michelangelo was the first one to come out of hiding, and to peek over the roof.

"They're gone." He said, standing back up. Donatello picked up something from the ground. It was the teen's weapon, their pencil.

"They dropped their pencil." He said. Donatello held the pencil in their hand with fascination.

"Well, that's too bad." Raphael grunted.

"I'm gonna give it back." Leonardo stared at his tallest brother like he had two heads.

"What? No! You can't do that! You'll be seen!" Leonardo didn't get to continue, because Donatello was already making his way down the building to the teen. Everyone stared in silence before Raphael broke it, throwing his arms in the air as he spoke;

"He's crazy."

"Do we have another April situation goin' on here?" Michelangelo asked, making the blue and red masked turtles stare at each other with wide eyes.

"God, I hope not."

Donatello watched from a distance as the teen sat at their desk, looking like they were looking for something.

"Well great." They grumbled and got up from their desk and out of their room. Donatello saw his chance and went to the teen's window, going in and setting the pencil on their desk, next to their homework. He quickly glanced at the papers.

"Ooh, math and science!" He whispered. He frowned when he saw that the teen had done an equation wrong, and not being able to control himself, he fixed it. He looked at the top, looking for a name. Donatello grinned when he saw their name.

"Nice name." He wasn't able to continue snooping when he heard someone coming towards the door. Donatello launched out of the window and went back up the fire escape, he wasn't able to look back.

"Well, he's alive." Michelangelo said once his purple masked brother his way on the rooftop.

"What were you thinking?!" Leonardo said.

"I just wanted to return their pencil." Donatello defended.

"Ya could've been seen, ya dope!" Raphael said.

"Raphael, please." Leonardo scolded at his brother, then turning back to Donatello, "You could've been seen, you dope!"

"Hey! I was just doing a good gesture! I wasn't seen or anything!" Donatello said.

"What would Splinter say if he found out?" Leonardo questioned.

"Well, he's not going to find out."

"Oh yeah, and that worked out so well last time." Raphael said. Donatello glared at his brother. Their argument didn't continue because the sound of someone coming up the fire escape came once again. The four turtles hurriedly hid themselves from sight. It was the same teen from earlier, this time in all black instead of their pajamas.

"They're back!" Michelangelo whispered. Leonardo threw ninja star, hitting the pigeon coop, making the pigeons coo and ruffle their feathers in surprise, to try and cover Michelangelo's whispering.

"I know someone's up here!" The teen called out. They began moving towards Raphael's hiding spot, who when given the chance, ran to somewhere else, keeping to the shadows. Michelangelo moved a bit to avoid being seen, making his nunchuck's chain jingle with him. The teen looked around, worry and paranoia evident on their face. Leonardo whispered to his brothers to keep silent. It was quiet. The turtles watched the human, the human searching for something they couldn't figure out. They started to relax. A few moments passed and they blew another raspberry, Raphael slapping a hand over Michelangelo's mouth to keep him from giggling. The teen looked disappointed and made their way back to their fire escape, they took one more longing look at the roof then went down the fire escape, disappearing from view.

Donatello was the first one out of his hiding place this time and leaned over the side to watch the teen make their way back to their room.

"They're gone." He said, sounding rather disappointed.

"We're going back to the lair. We've almost been caught three times, counting Donnie's little stunt." Leonardo said, moving to the edge of the rooftop towards their lair. "C'mon guys." He set off, Raphael following.

"You okay, dude?" Michelangelo asked, walking with Donatello.

"Yeah, just- I don't know." He said, looking at the fire escape.

"Hey, your secrets safe with me bro." Michelangelo said, standing on the roof's edge. Donatello looked over at him with confusion.

"What secret?"

"That you kinda like them like you like April!" Michelangelo grinned and laughed as he started running across the other rooftops, following Leonardo and Raphael. Donatello chased after him, yelling with a blush on his face;

"I do not!"

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