Chapter 1

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Aera's P.O.V

He'd been sitting there for longer than an hour. That was something I was absolutely sure about. Mostly because I'd been sitting there for longer than hour as well. I'd never seen him before,  or not that I remembered, but he was oddly familiar. But not so much that I was frustrated about not being able to place my finger on where I'd seen him before. Although, that was how I usually was.

After he had showed up at the small park and taken a seat on the bench on the other side of the playground, I couldn't pay attention to my drawing. It was strange. The park was the perfect place for me to go whenever I couldn't focus. But today, I could barely keep my eyes on the page. And I was never distracted because of a boy. Ever.

So I'd given up on my drawing, and had proceeded to watch him carefully, at the same time trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Though, it seemed I didn't really need to be, since he had been staring intently at an elderly woman sitting at a wooden table on the edge of the park. He hadn't even given me a glance. I wondered what interested him so much about the little old lady reading a week old copy of the newspaper. Maybe he's a people-watcher like me? Was the first thought that came to mind.

My dad thought I was incredibly creepy for being an avid people-watcher myself. But it's not that weird. It was actually very enjoyable. I'd given up on trying to educate him about how interesting it could be. Whenever we were in a public place together and I leaned in to tell him my guess at the backstory of the random person in front of us, he would turn to interrupt me with a frown and a shake of his head. But I continued doing it, no matter where we went together.

And now, from what I could see, the guy sitting on the bench was probably around my age, maybe older. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. His dark hair was wavy and unkempt. But in that trendy sort of way. I wondered if he was still in high school like myself. Or if he'd already started University. I was starting next year.

I blinked, my train of thought broken from the shouts of new coming children. With a small shake of my head, I forced my eyes back to the drawing. But as I placed my charcoal pencil back on the paper, I involuntarily stole one more glance at the strange boy. My eyes flitted towards the bench he sat at, and I jumped a little when I noticed he was staring at me now. We locked eyes, and I sat completely frozen, like a deer in headlights.

Our gaze was broken when he suddenly turned towards the direction of the old woman again. I glanced over at her as well, and noticed she was packing up her things. As she started down the path towards the road, the boy got up too. I frowned. Now what's he doing? Was he planning on following her? Suddenly I realized something. Oh my gosh! He's going to rob her! Without any hesitation, I hopped up and threw the drawing pad into my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder.

I didn't really know what my plan was. Follow the thief, then help her after he's actually stolen something? Or shout out to him and risk the embarrassment of being completely wrong? I knew I should at least keep an eye on the woman. Maybe if I went up and talked to her, he would back off. I decided it was the best plan, though I didn't really want to have start a conversation with the woman. It seemed the elderly always dragged out conversations.

I walked in a quick pace up to her, slowing down as I neared, just to seem more natural.

"Good afternoon, Grandmother," I greeted.

She turned to me in surprise.

"Oh, good afternoon, dear," she replied sweetly. "Can I help you?"

I had been hoping for her to start chattering away after I'd greeted her. But, of course, she was quieter. I chewed my lips, trying to come up with a clever response. I stole another glance at him, frowning when I saw he was still following us and watching intently. I turned back the woman.

"Do you need any help?" I finally asked.

"That's alright...well, I am feeling a bit faint." She held out her bags. "If you don't mind?"

I gently took them from her hand and continued walking down the path with her.

"Are you taking these to your home?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I am. Do you live around here?"

"Only a few blocks away," I said, looking behind us again.

I was trying to be more natural about it, but he was staring straight at us. Just leave! I wanted to yell. If I was any less of a pushover, I would've given her bags back and than walked away. It was true that he might be just a normal person, but I just didn't want to take the chance. The woman and I got into a steadier conversation as we walked, but as we neared the street, she quieted down.

"Can...can we just rest a minute?" She asked breathlessly.

"Oh, uh, yeah," I replied slowly.

No. Now we're just sitting ducks. But she looked really weak all of the sudden, so I decided to deal with it. I watched him near us, still keeping his eyes directed towards us, of course. But, infuriatingly enough, instead of walking by, or even grabbing the bags and running, he went up to an old tree on the other side of the path, and leaned against it. I wanted to glare at him, give him a stare deadly enough to make him run away, but I kept my eyes on the woman instead, trying not to freak out.

We all rested in complete silence, not that I expected him to say anything. I didn't dare try to relax. I was ready to grab the woman and run if needed. I was still wondering whether or not I was making a huge deal about nothing. That happened a lot. I was just a very paranoid person. With a sigh, I turned to the old lady, hoping she was ready to go. But she was complete still, and her eyes were closed. Her skin looked almost gray.

"Oh--wait...Grandmother? Grandmother!" I started to panic then.

I shook her hard, hoping to wake her up, but she didn't even stir. I grabbed her wrist, gasping in relief as I noticed a pulse. But it was weak.

"Oh my goodness....ambulance!" I grabbed my bag and pulled out my phone in record time.

"119, what is your emergency?"

"Um, this old woman was walking with me, and she-she wanted to rest. Now she won't wake up! An-and her pulse is really weak!" I told the operator shakily.

I told her the park location and we hung up. I turned to see what in the world the guy was doing now, but was surprised and angry to see he was gone. Thanks for all of your help.

The ambulance came minutes later, and I waved them towards us. They hurried over with a stretcher and gently lifted up the woman's limp body onto it. It was all so surreal. Like I was watching a drama. Like I wasn't even there, but at the same time I was. One of them talked to me, asking if I was related or knew her name, age, anything about her. But I didn't. So I felt useless as the ambulance drive away. As the wailing sirens grew softer. Until I was sitting there all alone in a daze.

"Well. That was unexpected," I said to myself.

Okay, so here's my next fanfic! I really hope u guys all enjoy it as much as Point of View! This one is going to be starring Jimin. Like in my last one, I'm going to be changing their personalities a bit to fit with the story. Especially since this one will probably be more serious than POV. Anyway, enjoy!

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